I Don't own Fairy Tail.

Chapter 7: Attack.

It was chaos. Bodies were hitting the ground with dull thuds or bloody splats as they died or fell unconscious. The screams of the enemy's cannon fodder vibrated in his head as more enemies moved to mob the guild mages.

The old Guild Master of Magenta Wool fell as a big muscular brown haired man ran his purple fist right through the elderly woman's chest. A man from the woman's guild cried in anguish as the brunette pushed the woman off his arm with a small shove. She gave a pained gurgle as she died. The man leaped towards the murderer who had brutally killed his master, around him green goo like substance formed ten fists; they shot out, aiming for the dark wizard with a vengeance.

'He's going to die...' Laxus idly realised as his eyes narrowed, the brown haired man moved around to smash the green fists in ten quick moves as his limbs covered themselves in a sickly purple aura. 'And then he's coming after me...'

Stepping back from the fight - as the dark mage rushed forwards, to smash a green shield the legal mage made into pieces - he looked around for the small girl from Static Light. Absentmindedly smashing a random Zeref worshippers head in with a crackling fist, he spotted a flash of orange, followed by the screams of two dark mages. The small girl slid under one of her assailants and sent him flying into the sky, as she swept the feet under another one with a push of air and sent him flying up into the air after the other man. The two attackers smashed together in the air and crumbled on the ground as LeMagson pushed another mage back a few meters when he attacked her with a sword in hand.

Spotting a mage coming towards her from her blind spot with an ice sword, he transformed his body into lighting and zoomed forwards into the girl's enemy, sending the mage flying past the girl with a blow to his gut. LeMagson swept around with a kick aimed for Laxus's stomach in surprise and he grabbed the girl's foot her pushed it back towards herself.

"Laxus!?" She stumbled back a few steps. "What the hell!? Don't sneak up on me like that!"

"I was asked to make sure you would be okay." He explained with an eye roll and threw a bolt of lightning at yet another dark guild member.

She looked past him strangely before snapping her head towards him, smiling. "Okay!" She said cheerfully and pushed her left arm out, resulting in a scream from behind him as she punched back a Zeref follower who made a clank sound as he hit the ground. "But... who said anything about you protecting me?" She smirked cheekily.

Laxus grunted as he electrocuted several Zeref worshippers. "You think you're up to fighting the big guns?" He said as the brown haired mage who killed the Magenta Wool Master stepped on his opponent splashing blood up his leg.

"Why-" She abruptly stopped talking as she saw the blood splattered man walking towards them.

"Is- is running away an option?"



A roar interrupted her as the ground shook slightly.

"What the..."

"Awwww..." She continued to whine playfully, ignoring the loud roar. "I didn't know you cared.

Come on. Let's go plan." LeMagson said as she took his right hand and began dragging him away from the bloody man and around a corner of a damaged building.

"Where are we going?" He asked as she put a flaming hand in her hip bag, humming.

A flaming hand.

Her fingers were on fire, blue fire, what the hell!?

"We're getting out of here." LeMagson replied as she pulled out a Celestial Spirit key. She waved it around in quick circles obscuring his vision in golden sparkles.

"What!?" Laxus sputtered as he came to terms with fact her hand was on fire. "I told you we were going fight!" He hissed and pulled his hand back, only to realise that his hand was stuck to hers.

"Come on. This way." She told him, ignoring his anger and tugged on his hand, leading him through the golden light and into a sparkle free alley.

"Like hell." He hissed in her face and pulled his hand back using his superior strength against her, making the ginger girl stumble into him.

"Wha!" She yelped in surprise.

"I'm fighting." He stated to her and tugged on their hands.

"And I'm not!" She screeched quietly at him. "If-" She paused as a devious smile tugged on her lips. "-If you don't do as I say," she threatened with a smirk as she held up her burning hand, waggling her flaming fingers. "I'll burn your clothes off."

He narrowed his eyes. "You wouldn't."

"Wanna bet?" She grinned.

He stared at the girl as she wiggled her fingers once again, to prove her point she poked him and burned a small round hole in his shirt.

So he let the celestial mage drag him along into the alley and around another corner. She swiped the key around and created more glitter in the alley they came from, concealing their path. Turning around another corner he could see the brown haired killer burst out the other side of LeMagsons glitter cloud, snarling like some demonic beast in confusion.

"This way." She told him and dragged into an abandoned magic shop. "Here." The girl said as she scooped up two colour lacrimas, and changed the colours of her clothes and hair – turning her clothes green and her hair blue. "Take this one." The now blue haired girl threw the other lacrima to him, urging him to change his appearances colours.

"No." He said and threw the Lacrima back, aiming for LeMagson's head.

Her eyes narrowed into slits as she scooped it out of the air. "Fine..." She threw the two Lacrima back onto the shops counter, and her new colours bled away revealing orange hair and red clothes. Grumbling LeMagson dragged him out the shop and along the building's wall.

Looking over Laxus quickly spotted the enemy again as the man fought against the golden glitter surrounding him.

"Hey! Over here!" He shouted to the dark mage, who snapped his head in their detection at the sound of his voice.

"What the hell!?" LeMagson screeched at him, pulling their hand apart and dragged his head down to her level by his collar. "We can't beat that psycho!"

Looking over Laxus saw the man smirk before leaping towards them - he landed in front of the two.

"Look what we have here..." The man rumbled as LeMagson's face paled. "Two small kittens who thinks they're up to snuff." He smirked at the girl's terrified face, but frowned slightly when the boy smirked at him.

The man's brown eyes searched them for a second before rumbling. "Static Light... and where are you from, boy?"

"Fairy Tail." Laxus smirked.

"Fairy Tail?" The man muttered. "My name is Garic, The bloody spear." He smiled as purple dragged up his arms from his fists. "Congratulations Fairy Tail wizard, you're on my list."

"List?" LeMagson asked the man - Garic, taking a position besides Laxus with her left hand outwards.

He smirked. "You're on the Boss's list Static Light mage. Like he," the man pointed to Laxus with a purple hand, "is on mine, together with his old Guild Master."

"Is there a chance, that you'd let us cute kids go?" LeMagson asked the man, making puppy eyes.


"Damn it..." She muttered as Laxus's smirk widened in appreciation of the coming fight, against the man.

Garic jumped forward as Laxus clenched his fist making lighting dance around it and moved ahead to punch the dark mage. The man suddenly stopped as he smashed into an invisible wall, and Laxus faltered for a second. Punching the dazed man with all his might Laxus sent the brunette back, with a crackling fist.

"Laxus!" LeMagson screamed as his eyes caught a purple streak across his vision and the Static Light mage pushed him away from Garic's attack with a push of air.

The man paused as Laxus landed besides her. "Air…" he muttered, "so you're the Arial star's apprentice…" he laughed and readied an attack.

Using Lighting Body Laxus transformed into a bolt of lightning, zipped around another attack of purple and into the man's personal space. Slamming his fist into the man's head, it continued through the head on out the other side. Laxus froze in shock at his kill – the man was very fragile. But screamed as the man turned purple and melted over his arm.

The purple substance swiftly moved to wrap itself around his limb, it burned his arm.

"Gah!" The blonde mage cried as he fell to his knees.

LeMagson's magic spiked, "Air... Push!" and a strong gust of wind slammed into him, pushing him back and jostled the purple thing of his arm. The purple liquid went flying though a house as it ate away at the wall.

The pain was like something he'd never experienced before, it was like it was eating away at his arm like the wall had been consumed.


"Us?" Pagan's voice said.


"Laxus!?" Her voice was to his right and he dazedly looked up to see her blurry face set in worry.

When did she get taller than him?

"We need to get out of here." She pulled him up to his feet, and turned to lead him away.

"Not so fast kitties." Garic's said as he reformed from the purple thing before of them.

"Fuck." LeMagson swore quietly and pushed him behind herself as she took a defensive stance with her left arm forwards. "-xus." She said carefully. "You need to get it together. Like now."

"Laxus?" The man tilted his head. " And Laxus Dreyar! That makes this even better! It's my day isn't it!? The Masters grandson!" His mouth sprang into a giant smile, he laughed a scratchy chuckle and swiped his hands in a x-formation sending a cross of purple liquid towards them. The X splashed into an invisible wall, the liquid spread over the wall and purple sprinkled out from the edge as the liquid was thrown back at the man.

Moving with a speed Laxus couldn't follow, the man appeared to LeMagson's right with a purple fist ready to strike. Her eyes widened for a second before she instantaneously turned towards the man with her left hand outstretched. Garic grunted as he was blocked by yet another wall of air, "this is getting repetitive. Why don't we fix that?" He said and his hand began glowing as it slowly sank further into the barrier.

"Pushing barrier!" LeMagson snarled as she pulled her hand back, leaning forwards she pushed it out, forcing the man back. Her head snapped over to Laxus again as she waved her right hand and ignited the barrier, slightly burning their assaulters hand. "Get up!"

"Wha!?" The man screamed as he withdrew his hand from the fire.

Shakily rising to his feet Laxus moved his right arm with his left and moved his left parallel to the right. Preparing his magic, he fired a quick barrage of Thunder bullets past the barrier of fire - that faded away when the bullets smashed into the man, creating an explosion.

Garic exploded into purple liquid spreading it out over the two legal mages like a waterfall.

Swiping her left hand out, the ginger girl moved the liquid to the right with a well timed shove. She turned to him again, breathing heavily. "We - we really need to get away."

"You're just going to give up!?" Laxus demanded.

"Yes! Some fights aren't worth-" She was cut off as their opponent slammed a magenta fist into her side, sending flying into the magic shops wall with a gasp.

"Your turn." The man chuckled nastily as he kicked Laxus in the stuned teens stomach. Laxus doubled over with a gasp as his stomach burnt painfully.

"Bye, bye kitty." He said as he stood over the blonde, moving his leg to slam his foot through Laxus.

Using Lighting Body Laxus swiftly moved over to LeMagson and pulled her up from the ruble by the front of her shirt. "Fairy Tail wizards never give up!" He gasped, out of breath. "Don't you dare suggest that I should give up!"

Pushing him of her she screeched. "Look at yourself! You can't even stand!" She gestured wildly to his shaking body, panting herself.

The man chuckled at their augment, turning their attention away from each other, to him.

"Fine!" LeMagson growled as the man dislocated his foot from the hole he made in the ground.

"Open! Gate of the Minor Lion! Leonide!" LeMagson shouted and the grey key she took out of her bag, lit up with a golden light.

A boy, a few years older than Laxus flashed into existence besides them. He had dark orange hair, golden eyes, he was wearing casual clothes and his arms were wrapped in a lot of colourful wristbands. "Who are you?" He asked and crossed his arms.

"Poisonous Fang!" Their enemy's gruff voice roared as he reached them.

"I'm Maginus' apprentice he gave me the key. We really need help. Like right now!" LeMagson said quickly in one breath as they dodged his downwards strike. LeMagson and the celestial spirit gave a pained cry as purple liquid - no, poison - swallowed the ground in a circle and their feet got caught in it.

Coming out of his lightning form Laxus sent a wave of lightning towards the man, and LeMagson pushed her spirit and herself out of the way with a gust of wind aimed at themselves.

The brunette dodged under the attack, and turned back to him, moving to attack, but froze as the spirit roared.

"Now! While he's paralyzed!" LeMagson shouted.

Sending a blast of lightning in the direction of the man, Laxus made another blast, and another. Focusing on making more lightning attacks he almost missed LeMagson's shout of rage, before transforming into lightning as a purple fist flew through his head.

Moving over to LeMagson smirked in satisfaction as the man got electrocuted. "Physical attacks don't work." He told her.

"I." She took a deep breath, as she winced, moving slightly. "Noticed."

"Well I'm leaving." The spirit said, "I'm not going to be of help." And disappeared in a golden flash.

"You little shits are actually a challenge." Garic said with something akin to a manic grin on his face.

"Too bad I'm done playing." His voice said behind them.

"Wha-" LeMagson cried.

"You're not on my list-" Garic said as he sent her flying through the air with a swipe of his hand.

"-But you are."

Before Laxus could blink he was on the ground and his back was burning, the dark mages poisonous hand burned his skin as he held him down.

"ARRGH!" Laxus screamed as pain overwhelmed his senses.

His arm suddenly began burning too.

A nasty laugher filled his head a the other arm began burning as well.

The pain.

His leg this time.

The pain.


"AHHG!" The man suddenly screamed as the pain receded and a gentle warmth swept over the blonde, and embraced his burning body.

A bright light burned behind his eyelids, and Laxus peeked out but immediately closed his eyes as a bright blue light blinded him. Blinking Laxus's vision began clearing up. Fire was surrounding him and licking his body like a protective layer.

And Garic's arm was on fire.

A fire not unlike that on LeMagson's hand.

The dark mage continued screaming a blood curling scream as the fire ate away his arm leaving only ashes.

"I- I." The dark mage stumbled and shakily took out a Lacrima from his pocket, it burst into dust as he threw it it to the ground as he muttered, obscuring Laxus's vision. When the dust finally disappeared the man was also

gone, leaving only a small cover of ash.

The blue flames encasing him began slowly disappearing.

"Wha-?" Laxus sputtered as he shakily sat up, looking around wildly his eyes caught her form. LeMagson was standing with her right arm extended away from her and towards Laxus, looking dazed.

Her body was on fire, only her left side was left clear of flames, Laxus noted absently as he began pushing himself up. Pressing a hand on the ground he slowly went up to his feet, the flames on him dripped lazily to the ground.


Did you do that...?

The fire attached to the girl abruptly went out, as Pagan began swaying before falling forwards towards the charred ground. "What did you do?" He asked the unconscious girl as he used Lightning body to catch her before she could land on the ground.

'This must be why Gramps asked me to keep an eye on her...' Laxus thought as he looked at the small girl, who had burned of a man's arm like it was made of paper.

Glancing around Laxus noted a skirmish not long from their location, they would need someplace to hide out in. Working his way into the magic shop where Pagan had tried to get him to disguise himself, Laxus laid the limp girl down down on the floor. Laxus laid himself down besides her with a sigh and glanced over to the girl.

"Fuck!" He suddenly swore throwing his arms in the air. 'I was saved by a girl younger than me!'

And then he passed out.

"-I have no idea what kind of magic it could be..." Makarov said with a sigh as he laid a worn leather book on the table.

"But I did find something similar to what you described. The book is about Magical creatures, there's this one creature." He opened the book tracing the text besides a picture of what looked to be a bird. "A Phoenix is a symbol of rebirth, life, death, immortality and the sun. When a Phoenix nears the end of its life, it's body will burn to ashes and from the ashes the Phoenix will be reborn, a clean slate in some ways." He paused. "It's said that a phoenix can heal itself using its fire, in a way it heals itself like when it comes to life after death."

"You think Pagan might be a Phoenix." Maginus said as he slid the book over to him.

"I honestly don't know what to think." The old man told him with a sigh, and looked over to Pagan and Laxus. Where Pagan was currently trying to make a smirking Laxus call her Pagan and not LeMagson. "but it was the only thing that matched what you told me."

Pulling the book closer Maginus let out a surprised sound. "It says here that Phoenixes sometimes take-"

A hoarse scream interrupted Maginus's question and every person in the hall turned to the source. A hooded man sneered at the guild masters when their attention turned to him, he was wearing a black long hooded coat with dark red highlights. The man was crouched by a pale woman Maginus didn't recognise. She had a dark red katana lounged into her back, her expression was one of horror as she slowly looked up towards the man before going limp.

"Hello." the hooded man said as he straightened up, and pulled out the bloody katana from the woman's back in a graceful arc.

"Now then." He smiled and took out a piece of paper as the walls exploded. "Can anyone tell me were the masters of Heated Fields, Mousetrap, and... Static Light are?"

Everything had become chaos so quickly, after the hall had collapsed panic had spread, as members of dark guilds had come flooding in. There were hundreds of them.

"Maginus." Master said as she put her hand on his shoulder. "We need to move."

"I-I." He choked, "Yeah..." gently putting the dead woman's head down and closing her eyes Maginus shakily stood up, looking around.

"The man was looking for me." Sasha growled and clenched her fist till she drew blood. "So why don't we find him?"

"Right." Maginus nodded as he looked up, jumping up he landed on the air. Running up the sky, Maginus created a mental map of the surrounding area. Buildings were destroyed, legal as well as dark mages lay on the ground either knocked out or dead.

Stopping his ascent Maginus looked around for a mob of orange hair. Flashing his eyes towards speck of orange, he smiled as Pagan knocked out two enemies by smashing their heads together.

'You've really come a long way, Pagan.'


Taking his gaze of Pagan he located to hooded man, who was currently cutting down mages with the sharp blade of his sword.

Letting himself drop, Maginus fell down and landed besides his Master in a crouch.

"This way." He said as he stood up and took off in the direction of the man.

"Did you see Pagan?" Sasha asked as she followed him, creating a whip with her magic.

"She was doing well." Maginus told her with pride filling his voice. "Knocking out every enemy."

"That's good." Sasha said as she rammed the green whip of crystal into several Dark mages.

"There he is." Maginus told her as he stopped by the corner of a red house. Looking past the building Sasha saw the tall hooded man. The man was talking to a blonde girl around 20 years. She was wearing a shorter hooded coat matching the man's just with white and blue colours, she had black leggings down in white knee length boots, her hair was blonde in in a bob cut. Her light blue eyes sparkled with mischief as she laughed, before turning her gaze to Sasha and Maginus's hiding place.

"I know you're there." The black clad man told them.

"Who are you?" The Master asked with narrowed eyes as she walked out past the red wall to stand in front of the two.

"I could say the same." The hooded man said as he pulled back his black hood to reveal short brown hair and deep blue eyes, the girl giggled. "But we I'm sure you recognize me, Master of Static Light."

"How are-"

"Gabriel!" Maginus's exclamation of rage was clear as crystal as he appeared besides the man - no Gabriel, sweeping his leg though the air aiming for the man's head.

"Well, hello to you too, Magi." Gabriel said as he and the girl moved away from Maginus. Maginus spun around as he hit air, standing still he glared daggers at the man.

"What the hell are you doing here!?" Maginus growled at the man.

"Taking care of some business." He replied vaguely with a raised eyebrow.

Gabriel turned to the blonde and whispered something in her ear making her beam, she nodded with a blinding smile and took his hand in hers. The girl continued to melt and was absorbed into Gabriel like a sponge would absorb water. Gabriel turned his glowing eyes to the seething Maginus and smiled at his confused shout.

"Star blades!" Maginus shouted as he rushed forwards with two swords made of pure air, and leaped into a flurry of attacks. The attacks were blocked by Gabriels deep red sword, as the man moved to counter Maginus's attack in an equally fast counter.

"You'll have to do better than that." Gabriel tuted as he parried one of Maginus's air blades, and swung out his leg to kick the redhead in the stomach. He pushed himself away from the redhead, by using the wall of air Maginus made to protect his stomach from Gabriel's kick.

Landing in a crouch with his sword in reverse grip, Gabriel moved his sword to catch Sasha's crystal whip. Quickly moving the sword, he pierced it into the ground, catching the whip with the tip of his sword and securing it to the ground

"Ah. A surprise attack... I'm surprised I honestly thought you were above doing something like that." He gave a disappointed shake of his head, and patted the hilt of his katana.

"Open! Gate of the snarling wolf! Lupus! Open! Gate of the dragon! Draco!" Maginus growled as the two key in his hand glowed, and Lupus and Draco flashed into their plane of existence. Without wasting any time, Sasha moved over to the wolf and a grey crystal moved over the wolf's body, the crystal moved into a elegant and complicated armour as she placed her hand on Lupus's shoulder. Moving over as Lupus leaped forwards together with Maginus, she placed her hand on the orange dragon. Crystal moved out and slipped out over the dragon.

Stretching his body and flaring out his wings, the celestial dragon flew over to the fight and swiped his tail into Gabriel who was locked in a sword against fists fight with Maginus.

Dodging underneath the tail, Gabriel kicked up with a reinforced foot and slammed the tail into Maginus's blades of air. The dragon gave a pained roar as his summoners sword dug into his tail. Maginus exclaimed in surprise, and dispelled his swords as he lost his footing and stumbled backwards, his eyes widened as another foot came flying into his vision. The foot was stopped a few centimetres away from his head by a growling Lupus. The wolf growled as he bit down on Gabriel's ankle, drawing blood, and pulled the man away from Maginus. The black wolf threw Gabriel over to the Master of Static Light and licked blood of his lips as the man flew through the air.

Putting his hands in front of him just as he neared the woman, Gabriel created a wall of solid air. Moving the wall with his own momentum he slammed it into Sasha with a loud thump, knocking her back a good distance.

Rolling over onto the ground, Gabriel moved to his feet and dodged to the left as Draco's empty crystal armor came crashing down where he had been standing a few seconds earlier.

"Where are you?" Gabriel muttered softly, and glanced around, as he moved away from the two Static Light mages and Celestial spirit. They were standing to his left and right, trying to cut him off.

'Ah. There he comes.' Gabriel abruptly froze before sprinting forwards, as a massive shape landed behind him, sending tremors through the ground as he roared. Gabriel jumped over Lupus and smashed the carnie into the road as he planted a kick in his back as he and the two Static Light mages ran to intercept his escape from the massive beast.

"Gah!" He yelped as a gust of air his him too fast and he was slammed into the ground. Rolling around he caught a glint of the enormous spirit as he used the air to move his sword over to him. Quickly catching the katana, Gabriel tuned it and cut into a whip of crystal.

"Air slash!" Gabriel moved the katana in a cutting motion, and a blade of air sprang out. The sharp air blade flew past the mages and headed straight towards the giant orange dragon. Draco hissed as a long cut appeared on his chest. He sent another slash towards The mages, while he backed up. Acting quickly Maginus went up to the blades and dispersed them with a causal wave of his hand.

'This isn't working...' Gabriel thought with a sigh.

"That won't work! I was always the one who was best at air magic!" Maginus shouted as he charged the man, with his air swords.

"Times change!" Gabriel shouted back and pushed the air against the red head, forcing him to stop his advance. As Gabriel pulled more force into the pushing, Maginus lost his footing and was pushed back with the air wall. The wall continued until it slammed into Sasha and the two spirits, holding them away from him. Darting over Gabriel slipped out his sword from the ground as he continued to hold his opponents in place.

Compressing the air he held it against the four, and walked over to the large dragon spirit. Spinning his katana slightly, Gabriel grasped the handle and stabed the blade into the spirit sending it back to the spirit world with a flash of light.

"Didn't I tell you that next time would be different?" He told Maginus with a smirk as disbelief coloured his face. "I've been preparing for this moment, for a very long time..."

"And now." He continued as he reached his left hand out towards the wolf spirit, "There's nothing you can do." Clenching his hand he dove the air barrier against the spirit, and he disappeared in a shower og golden light.

"How... are you... doing this?" Maginus gasped.

"Who knows?" He chuckled and stopped by Sasha, "I have no use for you." And kicked her in the head, knocking her unconscious with a sickening crack.

Waking up to the last of his opponents he sat down in front of Maginus, smiling. "I heard you got a new apprentice, a tiger I believe?"

At Maginus's silence, Gabriel sighed. "You know, I can be interested in what's going on in your life without there being some sinister reason."

"Go to hell, Gabriel." The inmobile mage growled. "You're a murderer."

"Please." Gabriel scoffed. "A few years ago you would have been up for doing this too. Of cause all these poor Zeref worshippers don't really know why we're actually here."

His eyes brightened as a smile spread on his lips. "That reminds me, I heard you took care of Sarkro in Luma! The guy was really desperate, he even went as far as to make a deal with Tartaros!" He laughed.

"Come on say something." Gabriel told him with a frown.

"Maginus's eyes narrowed. "You joined Tartaros?" He finally asked.

"That's what you focus on?" The brown haired man asked with a raised eyebrow.

"...Boss." a deep pained voice suddenly said besides Gabriel, who swung his head to the side.

"Garic!? What happened!?" Gabriel exclaimed as he saw the injured man, his arm was gone leaving only a charred stump. He smirked when Maginus's eyes flashed with recognition, and turned his attention on the wounded man.

"It was- a girl from- Static Light." He panted. "She combusted- into blue fire... Like you predicted."

"I see..." Gabriel stood up. "Call the men back."

"Yes... boss." Garic wheezed and disappeared in a cloud of smoke when Gabriel threw a small ball on him.

"What was that about Pagan!?" Maginus growled.

"Ah Pagan... that's the name she gave you?" Gabriel smirked at the redhead's confused gaze. "Do you really think no one would notice? A mage with an uncontrollable fire that heals the user? My. How naive you've become, it's not like you actually hid it."

"That's why you came!?" Maginus asked shocked. "To test Pagan!?"

"Part of the reason, I wanted to see you too." He turned to walk away, but turned his head slightly, looking at the immobilized mage.

Gabriel smirked and his eyes flashed red for a second, before turning around again, vanishing into the air. "Tartaros has become interested in your little student, dear brother."

Next time: stuff happens.

A/N: This part of the story is nearing the end, just a few more chapters and then! Canon fairy tail! I've been itching to dive into Canon events for a while now...

I've also stuffed a bunch of foreshadowing into this chappie.
