"Really, Haru? I can't even take a bath without you being in here with me?"

You received no response. Only him sinking further in the tub, sporting his favorite pair of swimming trunks.

Exhaling through your nose, you repositioned yourself, making yourself more comfortable and relaxed, enjoying the silence that followed.

"The water's going to like you."

Raising an eyebrow, you gave him a perplexed look.

"Huh? W-what are you talking about?"

Haru set his hand on top of your swollen belly and leaned forward.

Ah! Now you understood what he meant.

"Don't you think the water already likes her?" you giggled. "I have been taking baths with her everyday for the past nine months."

He hasn't changed, not one bit. Even after all these years together, he is still the water obsessed like he was in high school.

Haru gave you a solemn look.

"What?" you countered back. "You know I'm right. It was your idea. You wanted me to start taking baths as a way to the baby and the water to get to know each other."

"Do you think she will be able to swim?" he asked nonchalantly.

"What!? No! Why would you even think that? Haru, a newborn baby won't be able to talk, much less swim."


Abruptly, you felt a popping sensation between your lags, and then a gush. It was like nothing you had ever felt before. Like someone turned on a hose at full blast. It was the grossest feeling ever.

You scrunched up your nose in disgust as you realized what happened.

"Haru, we have to get out," you panicked, frantically looking around for the nearest towel.

"We can stay in here a little longer."

"But Haru..."


"My water broke."