A/N: Here we go. Two stories updated at once. Hope you guys like both. Please read and review.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything from How to train your dragon

Chapter 5: The Date

The next morning, Astrid went to the school courtyard looking for someone. As soon as she set her eyes on a raven-haired girl, she immediately went towards her.

"What is going on?" She demanded.

Raeda simply looked up and stared at Astrid. "Hello to you too, Astrid. I'm fine, how have you been?" She asked innocently.

"Are you and Hiccup dating?" Astrid pressed.

"Are Hiccup and I dating?" Raeda repeated. "You seem really bothered by that thought, why? I mean it's not like Hiccup is cheating on you or anything since he is not even your boyfriend."

"I know that." Astrid said, clenching her jaws. 'Though I really want him to be.'

"Are you jealous, Astrid?" Raeda smirked.

"I'm not jealous!" Astrid hissed.

Just then Hicca walked towards the two girls, seemingly oblivious to the exchange.

"Hey, guys!" She greeted before turning to Raeda. "Rae, I'm not going to be there for dinner tonight, because I am going to go to the library to finish up my science project due tomorrow."

"Oh, that's okay. I can just have dinner with Hiccup." Raeda said, while looking at Astrid who was starting to listen in. "It will just be me and him having dinner together and maybe we can watch a movie afterwards. I'm kind of in the mood for a romance movie."

That was all Astrid heard before she stormed off into the school, missing the fist-bump exchange between the two girls she left behind.

She immediately went to look for Hiccup and found him by his locker. "Hiccup, I need to talk to you." She said.

"Can it wait? Class is going to start in a few minutes and I don't want to be late." He said as he closed his locker.

Instead of responding, Astrid just pulled him into an empty classroom, ignoring his protests, and locked the door.

"Astrid, what is it with you?" Hiccup asked, taken by surprise.

"What is it with me?" Astrid asked incredulously. Her patience has completely run out. "What is with you? You hold hands with Raeda! She strokes your hair and winks at you and you blush in return! You slow-danced with her!"

"How did you know about-?"

"Are you dating Raeda? Do you want to date her? Does she want to date you? Just answer the questions!" Astrid demanded.

"Astrid, calm down." Hiccup said, wondering what's going on with her. "You are starting to sound jealous."

"Of course, I'm jealous you idiot! I'm jealous of her!" Astrid blurted in anger.

That got Hiccup surprised and confused. "W-what?"

Astrid took a deep breath and calmed down before speaking up. "I like you Hiccup. I have for awhile. I like your adorable smile, your witty, humorous sarcasm, I like everything about you. I got jealous when I saw you with Raeda. I don't want to think of you dating her and I do not want to think of you as just a friend. So yes, I am jealous of Raeda."

Hiccup just stared at Astrid as he let the words sink in. He took a deep breath before saying. "Y-you like me?"

Astrid nodded.

"W-wow." Hiccup said. "If I had known that, I would have asked you out a long time ago."

"R-really?" Astrid asked, it was her turn to be surprised.

Hiccup nodded. "Astrid, Raeda is just my childhood friend. She is more like an older sister to me and Hicca. And even if she wasn't, I would like her in that sense because I already like you. You're beautiful, smart, and fierce. I've been having a crush on you since I first met you. I-I didn't think you would like me back."



"So what are you doing tonight?" Astrid asked coyly.

Hiccup caught on. "Going on a movie date with you." He answered.

Astrid smiled. "Pick me up at eight." She said before they walked to the door. When they reached the door, Hiccup gave Astrid a kiss to the cheek. "It's a date." He said before he unlocked the door and left. Astrid just stood there, dazed at what happened before she left the classroom with a big smile on her face.

Hiccup saw his sister and Raeda talking and walked up to them. "Hey, sis, Rae. I am not going to be home for dinner. Astrid and I are going to the movies."

"Let me guess." Hicca said, leaning against the locker. "Another 'just friends' hang out."

"Actually, this one is a date." Hiccup said sheepishly.

"Really?" Raeda asked. Hiccup nodded. "Well about time. What made you two realise that?"

"Well, apparently Astrid thought you were flirting with me."

"She did?" Raeda asked, raising her eyebrows. "Hmm, I wonder what gave her that impression." She and Hicca exchange knowing looks which went unnoticed by Hiccup.

"Well, I have to go to class. See you two later." As soon as he left, Raeda and Hicca exchanged a high-five.

"Finally. I thought they were never going to go out." Hicca said smiling as they walked to class.

"I know, I thought I would have to imply to Astrid that I went on a date with Hiccup before she went to him." Raeda said.

"We're definitely going to order pizza to celebrate the victory of Operation: Hiccstrid, tonight." Hicca said happily and Raeda nodded in agreement. They stopped when they saw their friend, Fishlegs Ingerman, nervously approached their other friend, Ruffnut Thorston who was talking to her twin, Tuffnut.

"H-hey Ruffnut." Fishlegs said nervously.

Ruffnut shoved her twin aside and turned to face Fishlegs. "Hey, Fish. What's up?" She asked with a hint of hope in her expression.

Fishlegs became more nervous that he started stammering. "W-well, you s-see. I was wondering I-if well m-m-maybe if you weren't busy t-then-" He was then cut off by the sound of the bell. "Oh, there goes the bell. I have to go. Don't want to be late. Bye!" Before Ruffnut could say anything, he scurried off red in the face. He missed the disappointed look in Ruffnuts' face before the blonde girl went to join her brother.

Having seen and heard the entire thing, Hicca and Raeda turned to each other. Both had the same thought in mind.

"Operation: Rufflegs?"

"Operation: Rufflegs."

A/N: And here we are. Operation: Hiccstrid was a complete success. Hicca and Raeda seemed to have found a new job as match-makers :). I am thinking of doing something different. Remember in the previous chapter it was mentioned that Hicca and Raeda pulled an April Fools prank in 2009? Well I was thinking about it and I decided to put that as a prompt for anyone who is interested in writing a side story for that. You can title it whatever you want and you can use my OC characters. But keep in mind, you can only use my OC characters in 'the April Fools prank' storyline and not anything else. If you want to write a story on this prompt, PM me and let me know I would love to read it. Those who do will get a special shout-out in my 'Riders of Berk' series.