"Bucky! We gotta go!" Steve shouted over the barrage of gunfire.

"No! I want them all dead!" The shaggy brown-haired soldier yelled back. A bullet just grazed over his kevlar vest. "I'm going to kill them all!" He grabbed a grenade and tossed it over the concrete barrier he was using for cover. A few seconds passed until it exploded, sending dirt and blood flying into the air.

"Bucky! We got what we needed! We have to get to the extraction point!" Steve rolled between cover and grabbed Bucky's shoulder.

"Steve! I want them dead/i!" Bucky insisted, firing his semi-automatic wildly over the barrier.

"There will be time for that later! It's too dangerous for just the two of us!" Steve insisted, using his shield to smack away a grenade. He tackled Bucky to the ground, holding him down until he heard the explosion. Clumps of dirt rained down on them, and Steve pulled Bucky to his feet. "We're leaving, now!" He grabbed a hold of Bucky's vest, and practically dragged him along as they ran towards the extraction point.

"What the hell, Bucky?!" Steve exclaimed once they were both in the helicarrier.

"What do you want from me, Steve?" Bucky hissed back, throwing his hands up in the air.

"We had what we needed! What were you doing?" The blond haired soldier took a few steps towards his friend. "You could have gotten yourself killed!" Steve ran his hands through his hair.

"You don't know, Steve!" Bucky exclaimed, pointing a finger at Steve. "You don't know what it was like! You don't know!" His voice was filled with anger and pain. "Those people? They need to pay! And I'm not gonna stop until every one of them are dead!" Bucky fumed, inches away from Steve's face. His blue eyes held an intense fire behind them. "Even if I have to do it myself." His voice was low and deadly.

"And you don't know what it was like, Bucky!" Steve vented back at him. "Seeing you fall from that train!" His hands closed into fists at his sides. "I wanted to fall with you! You were always there for me, and I couldn't be there when you needed me!" Steve took a deep breath as tears stung his eyes. "After my parents died, you were the only one to support me! You were the only one who didn't see me as that weak little Rogers boy..." His voice cracked, and Bucky took a staggering step backwards as if he had just been punched in the chest.

"Steve..." Bucky breathed out quietly.

"Everyone I knew back then is dead..." Steve sat down and hung his head. "And then you came back into my life, and everything just feels familiar again." He rested his head in his hands. "I don't want to feel so lost again. I don't want to lose my best friend again." Steve slowly brought his head up, and stared at Bucky. His mouth was hanging open, and he was just staring back at Steve.

"I'm..." Bucky struggled for the right words to say, but nothing came to mind. So he just said what he originally wanted to. "I'm sorry, Steve." He shook his head. "I'm still getting used to emotions." He let out a long, drawn out breath. "I'm still letting my feelings overwhelm me." Bucky sat down next to Steve.

"Buck, I just don't want you to be so reckless." Steve turned to face him. "I feel like I can't let you out of my sight for a second, cause you'll go and do something stupid before I get back." He laughed softly and smiled.

"Shut up, you little punk." Bucky couldn't help but laugh. "That's my line." The mood turned a bit lighthearted now that their frustrations were off their chests.

"Jerk." Steve playfully punched him in the arm. They smiled and Bucky shook his head.

"What's the status of Echo?" The tall dark haired man asked. His voice rough and commanding as he stood behind the chair of the scientist.

"Echo is in the final stages of preparation. Expect to be fully operational by tomorrow evening." The blonde woman replied, her eyes never leaving the computer monitor in front of her. "The data is exceptional. There hasn't been a test subject with this much promise and potential since - "

"I know." The dark haired man interrupted, a triumphant smile spreading across his lips. "Pierce had no idea what he was denying us. If only we still had the Asset. The two of them together would be unstoppable." He shook his head. "But Pierce was a fool, and he was power hungry. That blinded him and led to his death." He stepped forward, looking through the one-way mirror at the body strapped to the table.

"Sir?" The blonde scientist looked up from her computer. "One of our facilities was just attacked." The dark haired man snapped his head towards her.

"What was taken?" He asked, taking a few steps towards her. She turned her attention back to her computer.

"They don't know yet. But it was done by two SHIELD agents." She replied. The man crossed his arms and his expression darkened.

"Rush Echo. I want it at one hundred percent functionality before morning." He ordered. "We need to make our move before they get any closer."

"Understood, sir." The woman left the room, leaving the dark-haired man to turn his attention back to the body on the table. He watched as it slowly began to stir, showing signs of life. His new killing machine, which he had complete control over.