Disclaimer: Oda Sensei, I borrow your One Piece's Character cause it's not mine.


Finally, the last chapter! Hope you enjoy every chapter. Anyway, check this out!

Bold Italic = Eliminator's words

Bold = Zoro's words while speaking with Eliminator

Italic = Nami's words

'Light Saver was the special sword that cut everything couldn't cut by ordinary swords like Fire, Water, Thunder, Wind even Soul. The first person had chosen was a swordsman who had had no sword. It had happened while he was meditating. He could feel the sword's presence at the end of his meditation. The sword appeared on his lap. He thought it was an useless sword and someone had dropped it. As he touched it for the first time, his thoughtbefore had faded away. He could feel a strong energy inside. Inspecting the sword intensedly, he heard the sword's 'voice'.

The voicesaid that the sword had in his hand was Light Saver. It had chosen him as the first swordman who would given Eliminator strength. He would be the one who could stand against the Avatar power. Since he had been handling the Eliminator strength, Avatar wouldn't able hurt him. Eliminator would created when the Dark Avatar had appeared then few days after Avatar had been completed their full strength, the Light Saver would showed up and usually would dissapeared together after destroyed the Dark Avatar or the person was dead.

The Eliminator presence couldn't detected. No one even Avatar but Dark Avatar. It could detect Eliminator and reacted to make the gaps as far as possible. Eliminator's touches would be able vanishing the Dark Avatar's strength but still couldn't enough detroying all of it. So the sword would be make the Eliminator strength complete.

First of all, the heirs' of Light Saver should discovering the sword by nonstop meditated in two weeks. During the meditation, the Eliminator would sent the energy inside them and they wouldn't allowed to stood close with The Avatar more than four meters. He should finishing the meditation before faced the Avatar. If Eliminator and Avatar stayed in close distance for three days after The Light Saver presence, the bodies of Eliminator would gone along with the sword. If it had happened, the next Eliminator wouldn't appeared anymore and The Dark Avatar would lived peacefully, no one could beaten it.'

Robin closed the book which only filled by blank pages before, eyeing her nakama especially Nami. The navigator dropped her gaze on her lap, fisting her skirt tightly. They had sitting together on grass at palace garden except Zoro, Shanks and Sagara. The three were sitting as far as possible from Nami and she didn't allowed to come any closer.

Nami lifted her head, "So that was the reason." then smiling, "I understand."

"It's only two weeks, Nami-dear." Yuna encouraged her. Luffy and the other nodded in agreement. Nami nodded before glanced to Zoro's direction.

~~~~~Two Weeks Later~~~~~

Zoro opened his one good eye, facing the ceiling. The last thing he remembered that he still meditating together with Shanks and Sagara. He had no idea why he end up here. Glanced to the side, there was Nami sitting on the chair. She had fallen asleep with arms folded on the bedside, her head rested on got up but dropped again as felt his vision blur and his head spinning. He touched his forehead, panting.

Nami felt the bed shaken. She blinked a bit before lifted her head. Rubbed her eyes, she looked at Zoro who had placed a hand on his forehead. 'He must be feeling dizzy,' she thought. Two weeks without foods and sleep should've lost his energies. Took the pain killer Chopper had prepared on the nightstand in case Zoro got headache when he woke up.

Nami got up and sat beside him. He sat up with Nami's help, resting his back against the head of bed. Wrapping an arm around his shoulder to keep him steady, Nami placed the pills into his mouth carefully then handed him a glass of water. She kept putting her hand on the glass in case he would drop it. He gulped it, exhaled heavily.

"Feeling better?" Zoro nodded, rested his forehead on her shoulder. Nami brushed her palm against his hair then stopped at cheek before placing a light kiss on his head.

Zoro smiled, straightening his body and faced her. He pecked her nose, "Why am I here?" he asked her.

"You collapsed after meditation," She told as trailing her eyes from his hair down to his chin, then back to his eye.

Zoro sighed then dropped his gaze to her stomach. He noticed the shape had got round and bigger then usual. Her pregnancy still in 8 weeks but how it grew that fast. He placed a hand on her covered stomach curiously. "What had happen to your belly?" he stared Nami with anxious face. Nami looked away. He turned her head back by his hand. "Tell me.." he said softly.

Before she could answer, a door of the room opened by Kaya. "So you had woken up, Zoro-san," she left the door without closed it back. She moved to Zoro's other side, checking his pulse. Zoro's hand had left Nami's cheek after the door opened. "You've got better now," she smiled. Got up, walking toward the door.

"Kaya..." Zoro called out her, she turned her body fully to him. She moved closer and sat at the edge of the bed, beside Zoro's toe. "Can you explain this?" he pointed at Nami's round belly. Nami still dropping her eyes down, wrapping her arms around her belly and bit her lips.

Kaya's eyes grew bigger and dropped her jaws, standing up. She ran to the door, "Chopper-san!" she shouted, holding onto the side of the door.

"What's wrong?" Zoro muttered then glanced to Nami concernedly. "Nami, please..." she just nodded down.

Luffy, the crew and the guests were chatting on the main room, near their restroom. Chopper, sat on Yuna's lap, heard Kaya's call and so did little reindeer looked up to Yuna, she nodded as stood up. She brought him in her arms, walked towards Kaya in second. Luffy and the rest looked each other before walking after the two. Kaya left the door, turned her heels towards the sitting Nami.

Chopper hopped down from Yuna's arm, "What happen, Kaya?" he ran and hopped onto Zoro's bed, standing infront of Nami. His eyes widened, "Nami...?" touched her arms. Yuna had on Kaya's behind, narrowing her eyes. Luffy and the rest stood by the door then filling the empty space. Nami lifted her head, eyeing Yuna with pleading eyes. Yuna smiled a bit then nodded.

"I think I can explain this to you," Yuna took a seat on the chair. Mihawk and Shanks stood behind her while Sagara sat down crossing leg next to the chair. Kaya and Chopper still at Nami's side, sat down on the bed. Luffy and the crew also did.

"The Dark Avatar had taken control the growth of her foetus. So as what have you seen now, it had quicken the time inside her womb. Her pregnancy still in few weeks but the baby had grown fast like almost 9 months. And probably..." she paused as sighing heavily, "She will bear tomorrow."

Their breath held in their throat, except Sagara and Yuna's guards. The ladies except Nami covered their mouth, widening their eyes. "Actually, it longing for Robin-dear's womb but Nami-dear held it, ended up staying inside hers." Yuna smiled. Robin gave thankfull and guilty face to Nami. The navigator just smiled. She felt a hand squeezing her hand tightly. She looked at Zoro who had stared her with his dark eye, still smiling.

"Like I said before, the Dark Avatar would do something crazy. It definitely used the full strength to test your power but actually it was just fear of you. You probably will be the last Eliminator who could make it dissapear forever. The Eliminators before you, only could locked it up in short time."

"Hmph, sounds good. I will do it now."

"Do what?"

"Stop Roronoa!" Sagara shouted and moving in flash beside him as he saw Zoro's hand was reaching his sword, grabbed his hand to stopped Zoro. "What do you think you are doing?"

"I just have to kill that bastard now, so she will be back. What else?" he tried to releasing his hand from Sagara's strong grip but that vampire kept hold him tightly. They glared each other eyes.

"Are you crazy, Vegetable?! That won't work!"

"What's that mean? You said I should stab Nami's stomach and heart before. Why you hold me back now?!"

"Not now, you fool! Even if you stab her, her belly will never back normally."

"Not that easier, Roronoa-dear..." Zoro stared Yuna, "If you stab her body, it will move inside your baby. We must do something else," Yuna folded her arms.

"'s about time, smart. You ought to be more patience."

"Till when?!"

"I still counting. Just wait!"


"Don't worry, I had been promising you, I will lend my full power. I have sick of that damn dark soul, just wait!"


"You have suggestion then?" Luffy spoke up.

Yuna shrugged, "it's to dangerous to let Nami-dear bear the baby. Her body isn't ready yet and probably she will facing the death. So my suggestion is..." Yuna eyed Nami concernedly, "Abortion," Zoro want about to answered her statement but had interrupted by Nami quickly.

"NO!" Nami screamed suddenly, "YOU DARE TO SAY THAT AGAIN AND I WILL KILL YOU!" Nami's hand had released from Zoro's grip, standing up. Kaya and Chopper held Nami's body as she started approaching Yuna. "This is my baby, not yours! I am the one who will decide, not you! I don't care if I will sacrifice my life for my baby!" Nami spoke uncontrollably.

Vivi stood infront of Nami, "Calm down, Nami-san. I'm sure we will find another way," touching her watery cheeks. Nami relaxed her muscles. Vivi was wrapping her arms around Nami's shoulders.

"I'm sorry, Nami-dear. I just don't want you take the same tragic my mother have suffered." Yuna got up, walking towards Nami. She couldn't looked Nami in the eye.

"But it's miracle to me," Yuna smiled at Nami's words, nodding. After that words, her body start to trembling, Zoro noticed it.

Zoro got up quickly, passing between Kaya and Chopper then Vivi. Encircling an arm around Nami's shoulder. She collapsed against Zoro's chest. Vivi and Yuna gasped worriedly. Spun around her body, he was carrying her onto the bed. He gave Kaya and Chopper space to treated her. Yuna felt guilty, blaming herself. Vivi, who stood beside her, reassured that it wasn't her fault.

"She just exhausted, her belly had absorbed most of her energy." Chopper informed to the rest.

"She will be fine," Kaya added.

"Take the sword now, Man."

"For what?"

"Take that shitty soul out from your woman's body."


"We can do it now without touching her body,"

"Really? Fine."

Zoro was walking around the bed before took his sword. This time, Sagara nor Yuna stop him. The swordsman got corious stare from his captain and the rest.

"What will you do, Zoro-san?" Brook opened his mouth. Zoro just smirked before walking back to his position before. Brook turned to look Luffy and the other, "Perhaps, he want to show off Nami's panties," he though, shrugging off.

"Please move you two," Zoro demanded Kaya and Chopper. They did it, moving to the edge of bed. He unsheathed the sword, dropped the sheath on the floor.

"pointed to her toes first." Zoro stood beside her lying body, using his right hand to pointed the sword between her toes.

"Good! Move straight to her knees slowly as you felt that Dark Avatar. It won't hid anymore from you." He began moving the sword towards between her legs, stopped at her knees. Closing his one good eye, examining the Dark Avatar.

"It almost touch her womb but stop while the sword moving closer,"

"You get it! Good! Use both of your hands now. Head the sword to her womb, pause and force it to come out from her mouth."

Zoro clutched the sword's handle with both of his hand. Opening his eye then glared her womb as moving the sword toward it. He could feel the Dark Avatar changed the position and heading straight to her mouth. Smirking, he swang the sword slowly forward to its' destination. Suddenly, Nami's mouth hanged open. He stopped the sword right at her chin.

Kaya and Chopper who still by the bedside, walking backward along with Vivi, joined with Luffy and the rest. Sagara and Yuna stood protectedly in front of them. Shanks and Mihawk was preparing theirselves, their body bent forward and fist their palms as saw shadow coming out from Nami's mouth little by little. As the shadow pushed out fully, Mihawk and Shanks jumped and catching it. Luffy and the crew widened their eyes.

The shadow, which only shape like black clothes, was struggling from their grasp. Luffy streched his arm, pinching the shadow. His eyes sparkling in amazement, asked the other to joining him. Chopper wore a wide smile, joining the Childish Pirate King. Robin and Vivi giggled. Sanji and Usopp sweat drop, smacked their forehead with their palm. Kaya shocked, covering her opened mouth with her hands. Franky gave his signature pose while Brook just took a sip of his tea.

Zoro pulled the sword to his side. He faced the shadow, "Welcome to the world and hell." Wore a devilish smirk.

"How did you do it, Roronoa-dear?" Yuna asked.

"Don't answer her, Green! It's between you and me!"

"Instict, maybe," Zoro shrugged without turned his sight. "Take that shit out," asked him to Shanks and Mihawk. They nodded. Zoro looked over his shoulder, "I'll leave Nami to you and the other, Captain."

"Yosh! Kick that bastard!" Luffy wore a wide grin. Zoro smirked in return, sheathed the sword then placed at his waist before following Shanks and Mihawk.

Zoro had step out, landing hard on the grass. Wrapping the bandana around his head, "Let it go!" he said as spinning the body to Yuna's guards who still holding the shadow.

Mihawk and Shanks nodded, releasing their grip. They took few steps backward. The shadow frozen there as Zoro was pointing the sword infront of it with his right hand. Lifting the sword to the air, slashed vertically, horizontally, first diagonal then second diagonal. Closing his one good eye.

"You ready for the final attack, My Master?"


Zoro pulled the sword as level as the waist, still pointing to the frozen shadow. Opened his legs as wide as his shoulders.

"Ittoryuu Hiryuu Kaen*!"

A blue flame appeared from the shadow's middle side. Little by little burning up all of the shadow and soon dissapeared from his sight along with air. Zoro let out a long sigh, sheathing the sword. 'I've finished it but this sword hasn't change. Hmm...later...maybe,' he thought.

"You've done it well, Master!"

"Thanks to you too,"

"It's my duty, Master."

Zoro smirked satisfiedly, nodding his head to the grinning guards who had watching him all the time. Luffy and the rest just eyeing them from the window, except for Kaya and Chopper who still treating the unconscious Nami. They broke into joy as the shadow burning up then gone that fast.

Zoro and Yuna's guards climbed up over window, going back into the room. Luffy stood infront of his firstmate, forming his wide grin. Zoro tossed his fist against Luffy's. Sagara wore cocky smirk, crossing his arms. The other also smiled wide and proudly. He turned his body towards his lover who still lying on the bed unconsciously.

"How is she?" Zoro asked to Chopper and Kaya in particular.

"She's fine, Zoro-san. Just sleeping," Kaya assured with stunning smile.

Zoro nodded, brushing his palm on her cheek. "Her foetus?"

"We couldn't inspecting her womb, like something had covering it. But as we had known, obviously she will bear the baby tomorrow morning or day." Chopper spoke up, frowned as sitting beside Nami's head. Zoro eyed Chopper then back to Nami, knitting his eyebrows.

"What's on your mind, Master?"

"You still here?"

"Of course, Master! Look at your sword." Zoro glanced to his waist.

"You said my swords will be back after I finished that shitty soul." He glared Yuna then Sagara darkly, showing his sword. They tensed.

"Yes, but..." Yuna muttered nervously.

"Then how do you explain this?" Zoro snarled.

"We really don't know, Roronoa," Sagara covered Yuna.

"Please relax, Master!"

"Relax?! You want me to relax after lost all of my swords?!"

"I know they were your treasure but let me explain, Master?"


"We still have one job left,"

"What job?"

"Wait 'till tomorrow. I promise your swords will come back after you've done."

"Fine, I put my trust on you."

"Thanks, My Master."

"Forget it," Zoro's voice became softer, looking away. Sagara and Yuna tensed down, composuring their body. Zoro still wondering what kind of job he would done. He sighed heavily, just waiting.


Nami was sitting on edge of the bed, crossed her arms boredly while her nakama still enjoying their own business after breakfast. Just Shanks and Mihawk with her, Kaya nor Chopper didn't allowed her to left the bed all day because her body didn't strong enough to hold her own weight. 'Am I looking too fat?!' she muttered annoyingly, 'I can still standing firmly. I'll show it.' She want about to got up but stopped, looking up.

"Do you wanna go somewhere, Nami-sama?" Shanks asked politely as stood beside her sitting body.

"Let us help you," Mihawk offered softly, extending his arms.

"No, thanks. I can do it myself," Nami grunted, waving her hands.

"But Nami-sama..." Mihawk kept offering.

"Please!" she cut off. "Do you think I can't stand by myself?!"

"Yes, you can. But you still in your unusual condition now. Think about your baby, Nami-sama," Shanks spoke patiently.

Nami huffed a bit, "Fine," sighing defeatly, Shanks and Mihawk smiled. She sat between Shanks and Mihawk who had held out their hand. Nami grabbed their elbows as trying to stand up. Zoro opened the door while Nami had been stood up by holding Yuna's guards. He walked towards, shaking his head amusedly. 'This woman couldn't wait a little longer,' he whispered to himself as heading to the three.

"What are you doing, woman?" he stood right in front of her, smirked cockily and crossing his arms.

She glared disgruntedly, "What took you so long?" pouting like a child. Before Zoro could answer, Nami wrapped her arms around her belly, grinding her teeth. Her body couldn't stand it anymore as she start to falling down. Zoro's eye widened. Mihawk reacted quickly, placing a palm at the side of her head. His hand touched the floor, holding Nami's head as he followed her falling body with loud thud. Directly he got up and carried her body with Shanks' help onto the bed as Zoro ran towards the door.

"CHOPPER! KAYA! IT'S URGENT!" he cried out by the door before rushed back to Nami. She hissed in pain and her body covered by sweat. Her legs were rubbing together as she held back the pain.

"Hold on, Nami. They still on the way." he whispered reassuringly, holding her left hand. Kaya and Chopper were running, stopped by Nami's side. Chopper prepared their medical tools while Kaya examined Nami concernedly. Yuna and Sagara were there too, Luffy and the rest followed behind.

"We must take operation now! The baby force to come out!" she informed Chopper. The reindeer nodded, asking Zoro and the other to wait outside. Zoro got up then stopped, looking down at Nami. She tightened her grip on Zoro's.

"Please, let him here..." Nami pleaded weakly. Kaya and Chopper looked each other then nodded to her. Zoro sighed before kneeling down beside her, brushing her hair.

"Guys, help me preparing some clean towels, clothes and water! Hurry!" Chopper requested. They nodded, before rushing off. Luffy, Franky and Usopp had brought a few basin of water, Robin and Vivi collected the clothes and clean towels along with Brook. Sanji had asked by Zoro to stay at Nami's other side.

Cobra, Kohza and Igaram came into the room confusedly. "What's happening here, Vivi?" Kohza decided to speak up. Vivi pushed the three out of there and tell them that everything was alright. The three just shrugged off.

Yuna eyed her guards seriously, "take Sagara out," they raised an eyebrow questioningly. "Just do it!" she hissed impatiently, they nodded then grabbed the confusing Sagara, dragging him away. Yuna moved, kneeled down beside Sanji.

Kaya had gave tranquillize injection to Nami. They should be waiting until the drugs spread through her body. Kaya nodded to Chopper, told him that it was the time. Chopper nodded back, placing a knife on her lower belly.

"Aaaaaaaaggghhhhh..." Nami screamed suddenly as the knife scratching her skin, Chopper stopped and jerked the knife away. The injection didn't work to her, but they should continued the operation no matter what. Zoro brushed her hair from her forehead then kissed it. Sanji tightened his grip, grinding his teeth.

"TAKE THE BABY OUT! NOW!" Nami yelled as she looked the frozen Kaya and Chopper.

"What are you doing?! Do it!" Sanji snapped.

"But... but..." Chopper's voice trembled.

"Just do it, please!" she said weakly, tears start to rolling down from her eyes.

"Zoro-san, distract her," Kaya said softly. Zoro nodded without looking at her. He asked Nami to keep her eyes on him and she did it. Zoro's right hand was holding Nami's while the other on her cheek, brushing his thumb on her watery cheek. Zoro locked his mouth with Nami's, swallowing her scream.

"Could you try another way, pervert marimo?" Sanji mumbled as looking at the scene. Zoro just ignored him. The two doctor and Yuna giggled. But it wasn't taken in long time as Nami felt her lungs out of air, she broke the kiss.

She cried out again, screaming louder and louder as the knife was digging her skin deeper. Her head thrown back, saliva dripping down from her mouth as she hold back the extreme pain. Her sweaty hair spreaded on the pillow, arching her back. Sanji couldn't take his eyes from her stomach, but keep strong for Nami. Yuna helped the two doctor by holding Nami's shaken body. Zoro was whispering some comforting words into her ears.

Luffy and the other had on the room, watching from distance worriedly. Robin and Vivi held each other hand anxiously. Their anxiety faded away as hearing the baby's cry. Robin and Vivi exhaled lightly, sharing their own smile. Luffy and Usopp were dancing together for their new nakama. Franky was crying out loud while Brook sounded his 'yohohoho'.

Kaya carried Nami and Zoro's newborn baby, "Congratulation, Nami-san, Zoro-san! The baby is a girl!" Zoro eyes widened and smiling. He couldn't hold back his tears of joy. Leaned down to Nami, kissing her sweaty face in few times. Sanji's grip loosened then grinned happily, squeezing her hand. Nami still controlling her breath, eyed closed.

Nami opened her eyelids a bit, smiled faintly as looking to their newborn daugther. "Kuina..." Zoro heard her whispering a name. He couldn't believe that Nami named their daughter by her childhood friend.

"Yes, she's Kuina," he whispered back softly.

"Nice name, Nami-san," Sanji added amusedly. Nami grinned weakly in return.

Kaya brought the newborn baby, cleaning her with Robin and Vivi's help. Luffy and the other joined them except for Chopper who was patching her belly after Yuna cleaned the blood from Nami's. They a bit surprise Nami didn't make any sound, it seemed the drugs had just work.

As the baby cleaned, Robin was bundling her before carrying her to her mother, taking her first mother's milk. "Here's your daughter, Zoro," she handed over Kuina to her father, letting him placed her beside Nami. He was holding Kuina carefully, couldn't help to kissed her face.

Chopper washed his hooves as done patching Nami's wound. Yuna had called her guards and Sagara to went back inside. Luffy and the rest watched the happy couple and their new child excitedly.

"Look, Nami. She's our Kuina.." He showed the baby to his lover then froze as saw Nami's eyes went blank, her smile had change by unreadable look. Sanji noticed it too, he was calling out Nami while Zoro handed Kuina back to Robin. She accepted then back away.

Sanji mentioned her name repeatly, tapping her face. She wasn't responding a bit. Sanji shifted let Chopper examined her, the reindeer was placing an ear against her chest.

"She's stop breathing!" he said shockingly.

"WHAT!" all shouted suprisingly. Kaya placed a mask on Nami's mouth and nose for helping her breathing, asking Zoro to moved away.

"Let them treat her, Zoro!" Luffy dragged him from there as the swordsman didn't want to leave her side.

"She will be alright, Zoro!" Usopp helped, calming him down. Brook did the same to Sanji who still frozen. Franky wrapped his large arms around Robin. Vivi kneeled down beside Nami's bed, praying. The four vampire just froze, they couldn't do anything except watching. Chopper was pumping her chest repeatedly as Kaya prepared the heartbeat-shocking tools.

"She still not responding! Your turn, Kaya!" Chopper moved to Kaya side, looking at the monitor. Kaya position the tools on Nami's chest, making her body jolted up. She repeated the action once more, Nami's heartbeat still weak and weaker.

"Add the pressure, Chopper-san!" Kaya pleaded, Chopper nodded. Kaya placed the tools again, still didn't get the good result. Chopper glanced to the monitor, then frozing suddenly so did Kaya, dropping the tools on the ground. "We lost her," She whispered more than to herself but was loud enough. Luffy and the rest silenced, wondering the words inside their brains.

"Nonsense!" Zoro released from Luffy's and Usopp grasp, unsheating the sword. Without thinking, he thrusted the sword through Nami's heart. 'Please, Nami. You must be alive. Please...please!' he pleaded in his mind. 'God or whoever you are, please let Nami alive,' he prayed for the first time. Nami wouldn't leave him and their daughter so fast. He gained his full strength, sending by the Light Saver. The crew even didn't have time to react, just hoping that he did the right thing.

"If Avatar and Eliminator combine the power, you'll be alive, My Lady. But you will lost your Avatar and some memories. If you don't mind, we will do it."

"At least, my daughter had saved. I don't care anymore to Avatar or anything about it."

"So it's mean, you accepted the risk."


"Fine. Tell you what, You are the last Avatar and Roronoa Zoro are the last Eliminator. Avatar inside you and Yuna will be vanishing along with Nature so do Mihawk and Shanks, they can't use the element bending anymore. And Eliminator will be staying inside Wado Ichimoji."

Zoro was listening their conversation concernedly. He had known what would lost from her memories. He stole a look to Yuna, Sagara, Shanks then Mihawk. They nodded. He heard a voice from the heartbeat-machine had changed. Kaya and Chopper also heard, glancing their head to it then they smiled brightly. "She's breathing again!" Chopper exclaimed.

Luffy and the crew still frozen then jumped excitedly after hearing Chopper's words. They were rushing to Nami as Zoro pulling out the sword. As the sword left her body, it divided into three directly.

"Mission complete, Master. Your swords has back. It was fun to be with you in this short time."

"Same with me,"

A moment later, Nami's eyelids were opening slowly. Her eyes landed first at Robin's arms, her daughter. She smiled after her awaken, "Kuina.." she mentioned her first daughter, extending her arms. Zoro looked over his shoulder to Robin, she nodded with smile. Handing Kuina to her father as Nami was sitting up with Chopper's help. Zoro placed Kuina in her arms. She brushed her tiny head, placing a few kiss on her face. He covered Nami's chest with clothes while she feeding their daughter.

"Huuuaaaaaaa! Glad you're alive, Nami-sis! I thought we had lost you!" Franky's cried broke the atmosphere. All of them looked at him amusedly.

"You make me worry, Nami~~," Chopper was sitting beside Nami's waist as rubbed his watery eyes, sobbing a bit.

"Yeah, Nami! Why you dead?!" Luffy cried at her other side. They sweatdrop.

"Mmm...Luffy. Nami wasn't dead. She still alive!" Usopp grimaced beside him.

"Oh really? So Nami isn't dead?" Luffy asked innocently.

"Of course not, Dumbass!" Ussop and Sanji yelled at his face while the other just chuckling.

"Shishishishishi!" Luffy wore his typical grin. Nami flicked his forehead, returning his grin.

"Where are they?" Brook asked as searching the four vampire around the room.

"Who?" Luffy tilted his head.

"Yuna-san and the rest,"his eyes still wondering.

"You're right, Skeleton-san." Robin followed Brook, glancing around the room."They're not here. I wonder where,"

"Perhaps, they just went off somewhere," Sanji shrugged, shoving his hands inside his pocket.

"I asked them to go away," Zoro spoke up as sitting beside Nami.

"Why, Zoro-bro?" Franky had stopped crying.

Nami made confusing stare to her nakama, "Who are you talking about? Who is Yuna?" eyeing her nakama.

"She and her friend just Vivi's visitor," Zoro answered her curiousity. Luffy and the rest stared him weirdly. Why was he lying? And why Nami couldn't remember them? If she got amnesia, she would probably forget them too. But she still have them inside her brains even her newborn child. What the hell?

"Oh.." she satisfied with the answer, occupied herself back to her daughter.

Vivi noticed the strange atmosphere around them, "Let's leave Nami-san and her baby take a rest." she took their attention, making a sign to make a talk outside.

Luffy followed by the other except Nami and Kaya, walked off the room heading to the garden. As they arrived there, Zoro start to explaining the mess. He told them the conversation between Nami and Eliminator. Their eyes widened as he finished.

"So please, don't mention their name anymore." Zoro begged unceremonially. Luffy was the first nodding his head with toothy grin followed by the other.

One month later...

"Nojiko-chwwaaaaaaaannn!" Sanji jumped off of the ship toward Nami's and Nojiko's house. He was sprinting like if tomorrow never come. Luffy had decided to make a trip to Cocoyashi three weeks ago. He had been promised to Nami beside he wanted to meet the pinwheel oldman. Nojiko pooped her head out from one of tree, smiling brightly. She walked off from her grove, throwing herself into Sanji's body. He twirled their body, sharing their welcome kiss.

"I wonder why Sanji look so energetic than usual," Usopp mumbled.

"We'll find out then," Robin wore a knowing smile.

Luffy and the other including Vivi and Kaya (they officially became Strawhat's because of their husband) just reached the place then frozen as looked at the scene except Nami who still busy playing with Kuina and Robin who chuckling. The pair pulled off, staring them.

"What?" Sanji turned to face them, wrapping an arm around Nojiko's waist.

"I think, we get the answer. Right Longnose-kun?" Robin's voice was breaking down their icy body. They stared the elder woman then Nami, needing sighed as handed Kuina to Robinwho happily accepted it.

"Don't you get it, guys?" Nami put a hand on her hip. They shook the head. She snorted, "They were couple. Nojiko is Sanji's fi'ancee,"

"Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" they screamed as loud as possible, so that people around the island could hear them. Nami just shrugged and ran forward Nojiko.

Nojiko opened her arms widely, letting Nami fall into her body. Embracing each other tightly, they couldn't hold the tears of happiness. Sanji smiled to them. Nojiko pulled off first, "Is that my nephew?" Nojiko asked as nodded her head to the baby Robin was holding. Nami nodded excitedly. Robin walked closer to them, leaving the still frozen crew. "She's beautiful!" Nojiko brushed her finger at Kuina face. "I wonder what the colors of your hair. Your mother's orange and your father's green."

"We will know when she has grown up," Robin joined.

Nami faced Luffy and the rest, "Will you just stand there, guys?" she called them out loud. They shook their head, before joining the three and said hello to Nojiko.

"That was unexpect Sanji! Why you keep it secretly?" (U)

"Maybe Sanji-san want to see Nojiko-san panties alone," (B)

"Eehhh, really?" (C)

"Don't trust our Grandfather, Chopper." (Z)

"SUPER Cook-bro finally got his woman!" (F)

"Sanji, MEAAAATT!" (L)

They silenced a moment, then broke into laughter. They still discussing of Sanji's and allof Luffy's mind just meat, but that was their captain, the childish pirate king. Sanji start cooking for lunch while the other preparing their dining tools outside. Nami saw a house a few meter from hers as she still applying tableclothes.

"Nojiko," Nami called her sister who still placing some plates on table. Nojiko glanced to her, "Whose is house there?" Nami asked, pointing to the house. Nojiko followed her finger.

"Oh! I forgot telling you. They are our new neighbour. They moved here about three years ago. They were a married couple, the woman's name Yuna and the man's Sagara. But now they still travelling." Nojiko explained as occupying with her job. They could hear Nojiko's voice clearly, stopped their activities as waiting Nami's odd respon.

Nami knitted her eyebrow, "I guess..." tapping her chin, "I had listen the names before but when?" She muttered almost to herself. "Whatever," that was her final answer.

Luffy and the crew exhaled lightly then back to their own business except for Zoro. He approached Nami then stopping behind her. When Nami turned her body around, she a bit jumped then relaxed as seeing the smirking Zoro. Still controlling her breath as put her hand against her pounding heartbeat.

"Do you want to kill me?!" Nami snarled.

"Not so loud, Woman! You will wake Kuina up." Zoro groaned.

"What do you want?" her voice still ful of annoyance.

"That's how you talk to your child's father, Witch?" Zoro made a fake frowning face.

Not wanting to argue back, Nami sighed defeatly, "Can I help you, Darling?" she said in sarcastic sound. Zoro didn't answer but pulled her arms, dragging her away from there into the mikan grove. They stopped between the trees. Zoro moved his head around, making sure nobody was there except them. He shoved a hand, pulling out something.

"Marry me?" Zoro said as kneeling down. He took her left hand, kissing it before placed the box he had prepared.

Nami's eyes became large as listening Zoro's proposal. Opening the box, there was a diamond ring with orange and green color mixing together. It was beautiful! Nami couldn't help but smiled, tears dropping from the corner of her eyes. Zoro got up and frowning, used his thumb to wiping the tears away. Nami leaned at his rough palm then looking up.

"Nami, I..." she put her fingers against his lips, shaking her head.

"I'm alright, Moron." she assured at his nonsense guilt. She saw him nodding his head. "Thank you," her finger spreaded to his cheek, he closed his one good eye as her thumb brushing his scar. "But.."

"But what?" directly opening his eye to looked straight into her eyes. He could hear doubtfull from her voice. Would she rejected him?

"What if I don't want to marry you?" She heard him held his breath, "I mean, I don't want a real wedding,"


"I want a simple wedding, just the two of us, the trees, sky and sea are our witness." She said softly, growing her smile wider.

"Are you sure?" Zoro leaned his forehead against hers. Nami closed her eyes and muttering 'yes'. Her warm breath brushed softly against his lips.

Zoro wore wide smile, trailed his palm, which still at her cheek, down to her jaw, neck, shoulder, arm and stopped at her wrist. Pulling off his forehead from hers as lifting her left hand by his right hand, rested between them. She opened her eyelids as he took the ring from the box then putting it into her finger and gave final kiss at the back of her hand.

Nami threw her arms around his neck unawaredly and smashing her lips to his. He had known she would do it, catching her body and held her tight. They spent their time to savouring each other lips, slow and tenderly. Everything was fine now.

~~The End~~

Please share your mind for this whole story. Say if you like or dislike it. Please check my other story 'Their Plan' and 'The Picture Book'. See you next time.

Author's Note:

Ittoryuu Hiryuu Kaen: the technique Zoro had used to take Zombie Ryuuma down at Thriller Bark