DarkPriestess66: I don't own anything, but this is a re-write of Harry Potter and the Lost Mer-Prince.

Harry's first year of Hogwarts was just great, but he didn't want to return to life at the Dursley Home, where he was slave, he often had dreams of a grand castle with mermaids swimming around, which he thought was just his way of escaping his dismal life of servitude. But now he wasn't sure, the dreams, he was having started coming back only with a sense of something was missing, like a piece of himself. He had down by the Black Lake the day before it was time to return home. He heard someone singing.

"Up from the sea we rise, Up to the world of skies, There's never been, not ever before, A child born of sea and shore, Up from the sea we rise, Up to the world of skies, Forever to be together as one, Under the sea and under the sun." was the singer's melody.

Harry moved closer to the water's edge. 'Who's that singing at the lake everyone should be at the hall right now.' he thought to himself.

On the dock, singing, with fingers gently brushing through tangled locks of red hair, sat a young girl.

Harry moved closer trying to stay hidden as he didn't want to bother her.

The young girl looked up at the clouds, "Such beautiful fluffy objects." she held up her hand as a small bird landed on her fingers, and she looked behind her suddenly frighten.

Harry quickly hid once more not wanting to be seen.

"You can come out, my little feathered friend has told me someone from the castle is down here." the girl states softly.

"Who are you and what feathered friend, no one saw me leave the castle." Harry asked from behind the box.

"The birds are my friends, silly. He told me" the girl responds as she let the bird fly off back toward its nest. "As for who I am, my name is Merliah."

Harry leans out to look at the girl "I'm Harry, nice to meet you but why are you here by yourself? The docks aren't safe the squid might get you."

"I'm not worried the squid, he's fun to play with." Merliah giggled

"Fun to play with? how can you even play with him? he lives near the bottom of the lake." Harry replies

Merliah turned around, her upper body was human but her lower body was a greenish blue fish tail. "Because I can swim to the bottom of the lake."

Harry's jaw hit the dock. "What are you? I never saw anyone like you before."

"I'm a mermaid." Merliah replies, "There are a lot of merfolk down in the lake, but I don't live in the lake, I live in the ocean."

"How did you get here? i thought this was a fresh water lake."

"Swam, duh. This lake flows into the ocean, which its a mix of salt and fresh." Merliah answers, "My adopted mother is down there with the chief, she understands that the humans here won't harm merfolk, so she allows me to come up to the surface, I've been watching the students, I find you quite fascinating."

"Me? But I'm no one special just plain Harry Potter." He stared at her "You're the interesting one ."

"I didn't mean you, I meant humans in general." Merliah grinned she sat up, folding her fin toward her chest, "Humans are really fascinating."

"Well i guess so but not all of us humans are nice." Harry said while looking forlorn.

Merliah stared at the boy, when her attention was taken by the rippling of water, signaling the arrival of another merperson. Harry quickly hid once more not wanting to get in trouble.

A boy a few years older then Merliah surfaced, "Merliah, Mother sent me to collect you."

"Very well, I'll be down in a minute. " She looked back to Harry and saw he was gone.

Merliah was confused, "Harry, are you still here?"

"Who was that? Your brother?" Harry questions

"Adoptive, but yes." Merliah asks "I'm the youngest in the brood."

"He seems nice wish my.. sorry i know you have to go see you again i hope" he then turned and ran off.

Merliah scooted to the end of the dock, and slid back down into the water, before flipping and diving into the depths.