Hero DxD BorN

Chapter 14: Knock Knock Knocking on Heaven's Doors

"No... you have to!" Serafall said as she tried to pry the device from Illya.

Ruby, laid immobile as she had used her active time to protect and fight alongside Illya, who was struggling against Serafall for Ruby.

"Come on... let me be a 'real' magical girl! Don't be stingy!" Serafall said.

"I couldn't even if I want to... she is locked only to me and... one other" Illya said as she looked sad.

"Besides... you are a maou! You are powerful entity that heroes go to defeat in order to get fame and renown! WHY would you want to be a magical girl who actively fight against... well... your kind?" Illya said feeling both confused and frustrated.

"I already tried to use that logic with her... is not gonna work... and you... YOU just made it worst with your... your thing... and the star" Sona said as she was twitching, obviously not at all happy with this development.

Shirou sighed.

"We have bigger things to do... both Michael and Metatron are sealed in heaven and we have no way to enter that place, only a seraph could get in" Azazel said.

"Ah... yes, you where a seraph before your fall, weren't you?" Sirzechs said.

"Yeah.. but contacting the angels faction will be hard, not to mention they will not allow anyone to set foot in heaven who isn't..." Azazel stopped as he looked at the two siblings.

"I think I may have stumbled into the little solution" Azazel said with a smirk.

Moments later

"What do you mean 'if you want to go to heaven'? This sounds like a bad idea, even if we are humans, we are still devil sympathizers, not to mention that since we are both magus, we are pagans" I said.

"Hahahaha, don't be like that Shirou-kun, look at it this way, you will be saving not 1 but 2 high profile people from their kidnapped situation, obviously you have the tools needed to enter the place, since you are a human Swiss-army knife, so to speak, so I wish to use your talent to free them both" Azazel said.

"But why my sister too?" Shirou asked asked, not feeling happy his little sister is being involved, regardless of how good at combat she was.

"Well, she is our secret weapon" Azazel said.

"What do you mean?" Shirou asked.

"Angels love cute and pure things, she would serve as a good distraction" He said with a smirk.

Shirou punched him in the face so hard, people could swear that Shirou broke Azazel's nose.

"I was joking... but seriously, she has the same skills as you, eerily similar I might add" Azazel said.

"Ano... I won't be able to fight like that again... not for a long time" Illya said.

"Why is that?" Azazel asked curious.

"Is because Ruby is a bit broken, and she has to recharge and fix herself before I am able to fight like that, let alone use those skills" Illya said.

"I see... may I have a look at Ruby please? I may be able to help" Azazel said as he puffed his chest "I am, after all Azazel, adviser of the Special Technology department... I will study Ruby's design and find a way to patch her up and recharge her" Azazel said with a smirk.

Illya was a bit hesitant but complied, she wanted Ruby back, not only for the combat, but because she was her friend... sorta... kinda.

Well... she had her moments.

Azazel inspected Ruby as best he could on the spot.

"Yaah... this is gonna be a tough one, this is gonna be fun!" he said with glee.

"Just prepare yourself to go to heaven... we will be doing our best from our side" he said.

"When you say it like that... I can't help but to worry" Illya said.

And so... Azazel left with Ruby and was not seeing until 2 weeks later.

He was frowning.

"Yaaah... whoever build this device? was really a bastard of the highest order" Azazel said

"What do you mean?" Illya

"He is a cunning bastard I'll give him that, the making of the exterior are simple but nigh indestructible, what I don't understand is the magic used to power this device, I learned a few things and managed to restore some of the inside as well, it had a few fried parts, but other than that I cannot even begin to fathom the amount of magical energy used to power this device" Azazel said as an eyebrow begun to twitch.

"What do you mean?" Sirzechs asked

"This thing, it's power is still being calculated by my super computers... and they run out of working memory" Azazel said with a chuckle.

Sirzechs blinked.

"What does it mean?" He asked.

"It's beyond what you, me, Serafall, Michael, Gabriel, Metatron and all of the pantheons combined" Azazel said as his eye twitched.

"T... that's impossible!" Sirzechs said in shock.

"It should be... but it's not, it has no calculated value, or rather it's value is infinite... like Uroboros" Azazel.

"What kind of monster would be able to put as much power as Uroboros or the Great Red" Sirzechs said.

"All I know is that this device will charge itself with some sort of magical energy that is free-floating in the world" Azazel said, "But what really confuses me is the gem in it, it is flawless... literally, and I can tell is not man made, I still don't understand the purpose of the gem, it refracts light... working like a kaleidoscope, but I see no application of it? I left it as it is, just in case" Azazel said grumbling at the infuriating device, it has been the one single thing he was not able to comprehend, he understood the basic mechanics of it, but couldn't understand the power used to power the device.

"I got to say, it pisses me off, not being able to understand it after two weeks... my honor as a adviser for the Grigori is at risk here!" Azazel said.

"Well my imotou did warn you" Sirzechs said with a smirk.

"What are you getting all smug for, you bastard... wanna start a fight?" Azazel said glaring at him.

"A... anyways, Ruby's external and internal components are fine?" Illya asked.

"Yeah, she should recover, it will take a while so it looks like you won't be able to partake of the trip." Azazel said.

"Anyways, how are we even getting there? I don't think you have a device for that" Shirou said.

"No, I do... it's just... most of the test subjects ended up being vaporized by the barrier on heaven" Azazel said with a chuckle.

"We could ask some of the angels... but they are pretty much stuck ups" Azazel said.

"Still...regardless of that, we must, since I am the most neutral party I will do so myself"Shirou said.

Shirou was then send to the Vatican in order to procure a direct access communication with heaven.

In other words, he would be going into enemy territory.

Shirou received a round-trip to the Vatican city... courtesy of Sirzechs.

And so, Shirou was now on the Leonardo da Vinci International Airport.

Shirou sighed, he never EVER believed he would step foot in this place.

"listen up... I will tell you this, in order to get to heaven you need to go to Saint Peter's Basilica and enter the underground chamber, that would lead you under Saint Peter's tomb, in there you will find a link to heaven used only by the highest ranking archbishops, you need to get there, and try not to make a huge ruckus, cause you don't want to be attacked in the enemy home front... also you will need o wear this" Azazel said as he smirked giving Shirou a purple smock and a golden cross...

"You are gonna go there under the name Kotomine Shirou, a priest from Hokaido... so try to pull this off ok?" Azazel said with a smirk.

Shirou sighed as he got out of the airport.

Why... or HOW did he found out of that name... and WHY did he use it on him?

Shirou was annoyed, using the surname of that... asshole bastard.

Nothing he could do about that.

He had managed to get by the security gate, it was a very good one, not only was there one to detect magical energies but demonic ones as well.

So... this was a great defensive form.. however this was a moot point since his magic signature was foreign and thus would be undetected.

He passed over the first identification ward, the cross he had apparently was keyed into it.

He was greeted by many other priests and nuns on the way.

Shirou was looking at his map and tried to look for the Saint Peter's Basilica.

"Ehi, papà , sei perso?" (Hello father, are you lost?) A young priest in training said as he found me looking around.

"Ah... yes, sorry my Italian isn't very good, do you know where I can find the Saint Peter's Basilica?" I asked.

"Ah...Basilica di San Pietro? Yes... just go 10 blocks that way and then turn left and head for 3 more blocks, you won't be able to miss it" the young priest in training said with a smile.

"Grazie" I said as I left toward the location.

The place was basically smack in the middle of the Vatican... Thanks to Azazel's info I was able to find the secret location of the burial tomb.

I made my way down to the deepest catacombs of the Basilica... however when I got there... there was someone there already.

"My... I never thought you where looking for this place, how did you find out of it... most people are not privy of this place, not even those in the Vatican, who are you... and who send you? I cannot see any magic in you, nor can I sense any holy energy nor demonic energy... please don't tell me you came all the way here due to that silly book "Angels & Demons" are you?" the young priest in training said.

"Wait..." Shirou said narrowing "How did you get here before me, and how did you know about this place?" Shirou said as he glared at the young priest"

The young priest in training sighed, "Man... who would have thought that you where looking for the way to heaven... I cannot allow you to do that" he said as the young priest as he tore his outfit.

He was an cherub... a high order of angel that wields a flaming sword.

I sighed.

"I need to get to heaven, I have an urgent message to the Seraph's" Shirou said.

"You mean about Michael and Metatron? No... I don't think so, I will not allow you to ruin the plan for heaven's to restore it's former glory" The Seraph said with a grin.

"You... but you... an angel... why would you do this?" Shirou asked.

"Because, sometime one must do evil for good reasons... a treaty with devils and fallen? Are they insane?! I shall not allow that... that desecration of the will of our Lord God... I shan't allow such sacrilege, even if heaven will turn against me" he said as his wings sprouted from his back.

"I shall not let you ruin the plans we have prepared" he said as he rushed towards Shirou

"Trace on" I said as I traced Kanshou and Bakuya.

Shirou's peerless white blade countered the hit of the holy flaming sword.

"What?!" the cherub was shocked at both, the weapon appearing out of thin air and it repelling his own blade.

With the other black blade coming from inside the shadows.

The cherub managed to dodge the attack.

The cherub poured more power into his sword, the blade was bright white, the heat of it was insane.

Kanshou and Byakuya however resisted the heat incredibly.

Shirou was sweating, the heat, while it did not affect his swords, it affected him, it's making Shirou sweat buckets, and it was playing merry hell with his vision as well... he had to stop this, he was beginning to burn up too. The room was now becoming a sauna.

"You are going to die here mortal, I will not allow Heaven to kneel before the unwanted masses" the Cherub said "I shall wait for you to tire yourself out and die of dehydration due to the heat of my sword"

The Seraph smirked.

"Trace... over-edge" I said as both my blades twisted themselves, becoming longer, wider... like the wings of a fallen and of an angel.

"You... you still disrespect us... you fancy yourself a nephelin now? I will Make you pay with your life!" he said.

The heat was too much... I was beginning to have blurry vision.

Then I remembered, there was a sword that could deal with this... and it was Kiba who showed it to him

"trace on..." Shirou said as he concentrated on the weapon.

On his hand there was a golden hilt and front it ice erupted from it.

"Flame... delete!" I said as I slammed my sword against his.

His sword froze and shattered.

"N... no... impossible! … sacred gear? Sword Birth?" the Cherub said, shock plastered in his face at the impossible visage.

Then with no theatrics I slid Byakuya in his midsection.

"I... impossible... how is it... that a dirty human... could kill... one such as I?" the Cherub said as he gasped, blood poured out of his midsection.

"Wh... why... why can't you see... that what you are doing is wrong?" He said as he expired.

"Now...time to get this over with" Shirou said as he stepped near the tomb of Saint Peter.

A bright white light hit me... it blinded me and then I felt the scent of power.

The scent was 'pure'... holy you could say... and once I opened my eyes.. I was taken by the beauty of it all.

It was... beautiful, it was like a city sitting in the sky, white a pure white sealing, the path was of pure white stone and the buildings where made of stone, which... where floating.

"This... is so cliche" I said to myself and I entered.

This place was like what heaven would be like to a child.

I managed to sneak around undetected for the most part, Azazel being a former angel had known all the ways to go to where both Archangels where sealed, the Seventh Heaven.

"So... this is the door" I said as I saw a beautiful white and golden door, it had the most security and was the most embellished one.

It was rather ostentatious.

"Ah... hello there young one, what might you be doing here?"

I flinched.

I turned around and saw what could be called the MOST beautiful creature to ever exist, she had curly blonde hair and a rather... enticing figure.

I was confused for a second, I thought I was being confronted by a succubus of some sort.

It was the scent of her power... it was so holy I felt like I needed to kneel and give praise.

Thankfully having prana made flushing that notion quick.

"Hello there, young human, it is rather shocking to see your kind whole like this in here, most of your kind who passed on are on the third heaven... yet somehow you made it all the way to these doors, may I ask the purpose of you being here?" she asked.

Shirou decided to not lie, as it would be worthless, there was a geas on the place that allowed no sin of any sort, a way to protect the angels and the like in here from falling.

"I am here, in regard of Michael and Metatron" Shiruo said.

She cocked her head to the side "Metatron-nii and Michael?"

"Both of them... have been sealed in here" I said.

"I see... that explains the banging on the other side" she answered.

"And you have not tried to open it?" I asked incredulously.

"We would, but even getting this close is enough to warn us to not step further, should we do that we would be transported elsewhere... rather far and tedious to return" she said.

"By the way, who might you be... I can sense you have immense power, but I apologize but I know who you are" Shirou said.

"Ah... yes sorry... allow me to apologize, I am Gabriel a seraph and you? Who might you be?" she asked with a kind smile

"My name is Emiya Shirou... I was send here to break both your brothers out" Shirou said.

"But how will you do it.. should you try to get close you will get teleported away" Gabriel said.

"I may have a solution" I said as I traced a weapon

Gae Dearg... on my left and Rule Breaker on my right.

Shirou could feel the magic of the place forcing a displacement of his 'self', however thanks to both weapons he was able to pass trough them. The force of the magical displacement was strong, but thanks to both weapons, one managed to make the spell fluctuate and weaken, while the other outright broke trough it.

It helped that one of the weapons was divine weapon specifically made to destroy anything magical.

"Oh... you made it?" Gabriel said in awe.

Seriously that woman... she acted too cute for that form she has.

"I need your help... only a seraph can open this... and since I messed with the field around the door you will not be send away... come on... I need your help" Shirou pleaded.

She nodded.

"Yes I will help, after all... my two long lost brothers are here aren't they? I heard from one of the two holy sword wielders that returned, but no other heavenly host has access to this place"She said solemnly

She put her hands and pulled with all her might while Shirou did the same.

Little by little the door opened.

And then from the inside hands sprouted out to open the doors.

"PULL BROTHERS!" Gabriel shouted as she used all her might along with her weakened brothers.




All 3 Seraphs and Shirou pulled the doors... and finally


The door finally opened

The two exited, they looked feeble, due to the lack of nourishment... that many years inside it would kill any mortal man, thankfully they managed to take them to a healing station where they where to be nourished back to their old self.

"That... was a rather opportune timing in your part you know... a few days longer and me and Metatron would have passed away" Michael said.

"I am just glad I managed to get there in time, I was delayed due to an cherub who went rogue" Shirou said.

"I see... was he a fallen one?" Michael asked.

"No... his wings... they were white" I said.

Michael frowned "That... should be impossible... but... if what you say it's true then... I see... yes... that would explain THAT too" Michael said weakly.

"What do you mean?" Shirou asked.

"Since you reached here that means someone was backing you, correct? Was it the fallen? The devils?" Michael asked.

"Both... well, you where supposed to be in the meeting, but you where supplanted by Loki, who is currently with his daughter as punishment" Shirou said.

Yes, Hel, Loki's daughter, was rather cross with him... there is a lot of family issues in that god family.

"So... they actually made it to the conference... they wanted peace, I hope... nothing happened to destabilize the treaty" He said looking rather sad.

"It was decided that the meeting should be postponed until the REAL Michael came back, that way they could all talk in a table of peace" Shirou said.

Michael smiled "Who would have thought that the savior of heaven would be a young man"

"Indeed... even if God our Father is no longer with us... take this as his own word... you have done a great service to Heaven, as the voice of God, I thank you..." Metatron said as the angel nurses where taking his armor off, a difficult process due to it being silver and covering his body, akin to a mech.

Even his face was hidden behind a silver mask.

Still the trip to heaven was largly uneventful... save for the cats... apparently heaven had LOTS of them.

Yes... apparently felines where the favorite of many angels... the female angels loved them and the male ones doted on them.

It was mostly due to the VERY low procreation of angels... sex is a sin... and thus angels can't be born, just created, however the Creator is dead... so they found a new way to deal with the shortage of angels.

Also Michael was feeling a LOT of pain after hearing about the reason's Kokabiel attacked.

Yes... even before his sealing in the room with Metatron, he had done just as Kokabiel said... nothing... and that made Kokabiel fall... his anger and rage at our position.

"I understand him... I understand Kokabiel so much it hurts me so... to think this was due to my inaction... this makes it even more grievous wound on my soul" Michael said.

"Don't worry my brother, I will stay on the system God left for us... as I am the strongest of all heavenly hosts I will be able to do just as well as a replacement as God... I was the one called "the small god" after all" Metatron said with a smile.

"yeah... but neither of you are in any condition to do so... rest and fix up what you need to do... but before I leave... I would like to ask for a small favor on behalf of someone" Shirou said.

"Speak, if it's within my ability I will make it so" Michael said.

I pulled a small orb that projected an image of someone.

"That... she is" Michael said with no small amount of sadness

"Yes, Asia Argento, and Xenovia Quarteta... the first a holy maiden the latter a Holy Sword user... they both became devils due to one thing and another... however while happy at their second chance at life, there is something they can't just let go... they wish to be able to pray to God again... even if he is gone... they want to feel his love and mercy... would you please make it so that they cold do so... I pains me to see them in pain when they wish to pray to God... even if he is gone... even if no one will hear their please... Please... do this small thing for them" Shirou asked.

"And they... even in their fallen state... still wish to praise God... even if he is no longer alive?" He asked.

Shirou nodded. "Even if god is dead... I can still feel his love" is what Asia said.

Michael and Gabriel where crying "To think... such a pure soul was lost because of such absurdity of the church" Michael said.

"It's because their arrogance... and our own... that allowed this to happen... a thousand live would still not be enough to repent for that atrocious slight we had done unto the holy maiden... but to see her as a devil, yet remain as pure as she is... it brings tears to my eyes" Metatron said.

"It will take time, as we have to redesign certain parts... but... having two devils pray and not be damaged... I don't think is much to ask... it shall be done" Michael said with a kind smile.

"Is that a promise from a Seraph?" Shirou asked.

"Yes... by the 12 wings that I posses I shall do as I was asked" Michael said.

"That is all I can ask... thanks" Shirou said.

"Before you leave, how about I send you to the airport, it will take less time should someone in here transports you" Gabriel said with a smile.

It was a rather interesting trip back to 'earth' the had a transport system so the angels could pass as humans.

Still it did nothing to hide the ethereal beauty of them.

Also... it was getting me a bit more attention than I would normally like, she was acting as an onee-san.

"Goodbye Shirou-kun do visit us again" she said with a wave of her hand and a tender smile.

Shirou blushed a bit, she kinda reminded him of a better endowed, more polite Luviagetta.

The flight back was unusually calm.

He reached the airport the next night... it was a long flight.

I reached Tokyo at night... it was a rather wonderful thing to see.

When I arrived... the ones waiting for me... they had a bit over the top welcoming...

Red carpet... limousine... the works... even my little sister was a bit overwhelmed by all of this, while was was used to Luvia's lavish expenditure, it was nowhere NEAR this level... not to mention the homecoming party at the mansion.

Illya jumped and hugged me as Rias looked at the scene with a smile. Akeno made a few lewd innuendos that went over my sister's head (thank the dead God for small mercies)

It was a party everyone was happy... Even Sirzechs was there and we learned something about Grayfia apparently is a mischievous drunk... and it doesn't take much to get her intoxicated... even something as light as the drink they served was enough.

Akeno and drunken Grayfia where about to do a strip tease and Sirzechs and I where doing all in our power to stop them... barring mystical weapons of mass destruction and destruction magic.

The party got rowdy when some fallen and some devils begun to have a small gaming sessions and they got pissed at the results.

Is not that it would be solved in just a few days.

On Inaba prefecture

"Uh? What's this?" a man dressed in ancient Chinese armor and light hair.

He picked a small card from the floor.

"C... Cas... Caster? What kinda playing card is this? Uh? What's this? It has a strange power in here... shinto magic? Then why is the dude a western magician?! Meh... whatever, this might be interesting" the man said.

He put it on his armor as someone called him

"Monkey... hurry up... we are leaving" a female voice called out.

"Damn woman, can't you be a bit nicer to me?" he said.

Kuroka, Bikou... stop it... we have been called... apparently Metatron and Michael had been freed... there will be a conference... we are to go there now... Arthur" Vali said looking at the young blond gentleman-looking person.

With a swing of his sword he cut a gap trough the dimensions.

Shirou's state

Ruby laid on the table... resting... her jewel begun to shine.

"Kaleido energy detected... commencing absorption... 40% and counting... outer shell condition are perfect, no imperfections detected, detection of intrusion of inner workings... oh my... I been violated!" Ruby said as she blushed.

"Charge at 80%... dimensional gap closed, so kaleido energy gathering is again at minimal... total charge is at 49%... returning to sleep mode till 100% is reached in order to enable perpetual energy gathering"

"Again... so close to be perpetually powered... ah well... I suppose it will do... uh? What's this? This energy signature?! It can't be... a card!?" Ruby said in shock

Chapter end

Author notes:

Sorry for the short chapter but I been feeling unwell lately again... please forgive me, also please forgive my previous chapter, it was a bit crack-fic-ish... also I got a favor to ask of you all... can someone PLEASE make a Love Live xover with Gundam Build Fighter Try? I think Fumino would look adorable as a gunpla school idol fighter XD

just saying... or High school DxD X Love Live... I see a LOT of potential there.

AND PLEASE Read my Fiendish Awakening... is pretty good, I am just REAL sad that my other story isn't getting the reviews I believe it deserves...