Hey everyone,
Yes, I chose Plan #3 to be the first that I turn into an official story and after some working and twerking, did I manage a way to come true to my statement regarding Sly's method of returning to Carmelita before the baby's born – though it did go a little quicker than I had planned, but I still very much like it.
This story will be divided into three chapters with the first being mostly what you have read in the Story Plan plus some extra, the second taking place a few more months into Carmelita's pregnancy and how she and Sly get back together and the last will be in the Point of View of their child, eight years after the return of Sly to Paris.
Okay, enjoy,


Carmelita's POV

I just can't believe what is happening here. Last night my life was at stake and I was almost send on an endless journey through time and now my boss – the overconfident brown and white furred badger that was my mentor before I became an official Inspector for Interpol – is taking credit of my capture of Cyrille Le Paradox.
The sad thing is that I am used to it and so I lamely congratulate the smoking badger, take some insults thrown at my back from my fellow inspectors – what else is new? – and leave for my office. I sigh upon arrival, wondering why I'm still here and open my office door, only to get shocked at seeing who's already there.

One caramel colored female fox with orange-brown fur going from her face, down her neck to her hips and one dark brown male fox with beige-brown fur growing over the same parts of his skin. My parents are standing next to my desk, my mother holding a cake box and my father holding a scrapbook and I ask:
"Mum, dad? What – what are you doing here?" And dad laughs, his warm tone actually making me feel loved instead of made fun off, and he says: "What are we doing here? Celebrating that you caught your 400th criminal, of course? I even have a scrapbook here with newspaper articles of all your arrests. All 400 of them!"
This makes me smile and blush, finally again feeling as if my work as Interpol Inspector is being appreciated – even if it's done by people who no longer work for Interpol – when a rich voice with strong high-class accent sounds from behind me, shocking me as the person asks: "I'm sorry. Did you just say four-hundred arrests?"

And looking behind me I see that I left the door open and see a black poodle with white suit on standing in my doorway. Recognizing the man as one of Chief Barkley's superiors, I hear dad say: "Yes, my fine sir. Yes, I did. My little girl Carmelita here has officially caught 400 criminals in less than 4 ½ years."
The poodle seems shocked and asks: "You mean she has more targets than Sly Cooper?" And while I feel terrible and underworked yet again by my own superior, does my mother angrily answer: "Of course she does! What do you think she's doing in the months that Cooper plans his next heist? Picking her nose?"
I smile at my mum, happy with how she can stand up for me better than I can and the Poodle turns red, as he say: "Good point." My smile widens as I realize that the lies Barkley told his superiors are now laid bare thanks to my parents and the man asks: "Am I right to assume that you were involved in the capture of Cyrille Le Paradox?"

I nod and dad opens the scrapbook at the final page as he says: "Capture number four-hundred!" And I see a black-and-white picture of myself leading a drenched, hand-cuffed skunk into a police-car. Amazed at how quickly my dad has been able obtain that article, paste it into the scrapbook and come here, I hear the Poodle asking:
"And where was officer Barkley?" And I angrily answer: "In bed, scheming about how he can take credit out of my arrests." The Poodle's fur bristles – just like mine did the first ten captures I tried bringing in – and then the gruff voice of Officer Barkley is heard – shock clearly evident in the tone – as he asks:
"Superior Ruffiose, what are you doing here?" And the Poodle answers: "Learning about your disrespectful behavior to your fellow Inspectors, apparently." Shocking the Badger. I personally look from my boss to my parents and send them an apologizing glance before turning back to the Badger and with determination, I say:
"Didn't see this coming, did you? When you started taking credits for my arrests." The Badger's shock seems to wear off and get replaced by anger, but before he can start his usual tirade and before I can lose the determination and self-confidence I usually only have when chasing Sly Cooper, do I continue and say:

"I came to work for Interpol to arrest criminals, not to do your dirty work and get threatened with suspension every three weeks. You might have promoted me to catch Sly Cooper, but that gives you no reason to take credit for all my other hard work. And your behavior isn't even the biggest of my problems here!"
At this the badger sends a very concerned at his superior, while my parents also look at each other in great worry, something I have been trying to prevent them from feeling for the longest time, but that I feel is not the issue I should be solving right now as I let each and every humiliating memory surface up inside me as I say:

"Ever since I came to work here have you been allowing for other officers, some of them ranked higher than me some of them actual newby rookies, to commit all kinds of humiliating and degrading acts, just to break my spirit and make me one of your – and don't think I don't know the term – bottom left playgirls."
The badger turns white under his fur at hearing these words and I snarl: "Yes, I know all about it. One of the only good things of you constantly ordering me to chase Cooper is that he actually inspired me to do something you – if you had the chance – would have forbidden me from doing, namely to develop new skills."

At this, while it pains me as I still have no idea where the handsome raccoon can be, do I bring up every memory of my time chasing Cooper and say: "Cooper may be a criminal, but he's also the cause that we got to put the Fiendish five, members of the Claw Gang, Octavio, General Tsao and Le Paradox and his henchmen behind bars.
He helped us capture more criminals in the last several years than Interpol ever did in the three decades before that and yes, I checked. And to make matters even worse is he supposed to be the criminal, but does he – at the same time – treat me with more respect, more care and more loyalty than even you ever did!
And you were my bloody mentor!" I shout at the end, my fury at the badger and pain at losing the Ringtail mixing and with that fueling both emotions to a point where I can barely breath and while trying to keep most of my temper in check, do I glare at the badger one last time and hiss in a furious rage: "I quit."

At this the badger, that had been glancing at his superior in rising fear the longer I ranted, actually falls back in shock and while I know that this shocked his superior, do I only huff at the weak-willed creature and walk past him, keeping my nose in the air and proving to all those who see me that I am done taking their crap.
Then one of the men in the last stall to the elevator tries to break that by slapping me on the rear end, but before he can even draw back his hand, have I drawn my shock-pistol and aimed it at him, glaring as if he were Cooper minutes after I found out he had gone behind my back as I hiss: "Care to try that again, Jaggerby?"
The Otter looks at me with shocked fear and then a rough voice speaks and says: "He better not if he doesn't want to get a lawsuit on his ass." And when I look beside me, do I see my daddy actually glaring at the water mammal, his glare alone proving that he too saw the action taken by my now ex-coworker.

At this I lower my shock-pistol and ask: "Can I keep this, daddy?" The man nods and asks: "Do you have plans for it, little gem?" At this I look again at the weapon, the only thing I am really seeing in it being all the times I have used it in the weeks Sly and I were traveling through time in order to save his ancestors and I say:
"Yes, big ones even.""Then it is yours to keep." A male voice that sounds both angry and sophisticated speaks and behind my parents, do I see Superior Ruffiose standing there, the anger in his eyes very clear though he tries his best to hide it from his stance as he says: "But I would like to have your badge though, Mss. Fox."
I nod and take the damned thing off my choker, already feeling ready to replace it with a Cooper Symbol badge and feeling determined to make one myself were Bentley or Murray not to have one on hand and I say: "I know I'm handing in my badge, but I assure you, Superior Ruffiose, this isn't the last you will see of me."

And while leaving a shocked and confused group of Interpol officers, a humored poodle and a set of proud parents in my wake, do I know exactly where I will be heading next as I leave the Interpol Headquarters building, turn the corner and press the button on my ear-communicator as I ask: "Bentley, are you there?"
"Carmelita? What's wrong? Did you find Sly?" But while the question pains me, do I shake my head and whisper: "No, I didn't. I – I quit my job.""You WHAT?" The turtle yells and I cringe at hearing this, hoping no one else heard it as I whisper: "Can you tell me the address of your hideout so I can come over and explain?"

And to my relief does the Turtle agree, telling me the address very quietly before I whisper back at him that I will be on my way. I then head for my car, only to find my parents heading for theirs. Knowing I must have worried them with the hints I gave off, do I run for them and ask: "Is it wrong if I invite myself for dinner?"
Making the two laugh and nod at me, my mum hugging me tightly and my dad hitting me softly on my shoulder with great pride before they both get into their car and I get into mine, only to be stopped by a brown, spotless cougar with beige patches over his sea-blue eyes, who runs out of the building shouting my name.
Looking up in confusion at the young man that was my best friend in college, but that I was kept apart from for most of my time as an Interpol Inspector, do I ask: "Jason, what's wrong?""Why are you resigning? I just heard the news and – and I didn't want to believe it, but – but then I saw Superior Ruffiose with your badge and –."
At this I sigh and say: "Look Jay, I need to explain the situation to two other forces first and – even with all that we did at College – are they just more important to me. That and I don't want to spend another minute in there or near it, if I can, so please be patient and I promise to contact you with the explanation soon, okay?"

The cougar nods, his eyes sad and hurt and I give him a little salute, making the sad face gain a happy smile before I get into my car and drive over to where Bentley told me the address was – finally allowing myself to lie one of my hands on my belly that has – shockingly enough – yet to be showing any signs of my growing child.
Yes, I, Carmelita Montoya Fox, am pregnant and not just pregnant, but pregnant of a man that is currently so far out of my life I don't even know how to try and find him. Sly Cooper and I, after some sweet advances at each other over the months he faked amnesia, ended up between the covers – and that had consequences.
Not just did it make me pregnant of child, it also made me take another look at all the time I had spend alongside Cooper, whether as his catcher or as his partner and that had been the first time I had realized that Sly might not have amnesia at all and that, if he did, it didn't do anything to lessen his thieving needs and urges.

It had been a painful realization and the first of many that followed during the period of the last few months, yet it had been the fact that Sly didn't even trust me enough to be honest about his obvious needs with me that had kept my anger up – simply because it made me fear what kind of father the man would be.
It had also kept me from telling him, not that Bentley gave us much time as the turtle was obviously adamant to get to the bottom the whole mess and to get the canes where they belonged, yet now that my ringtail is stuck in a time period without me knowing where, do I wish more than before that I had taken any and every chance I had gotten.
Because even without Bentley's persistence and his constant motivation of us having to do things quick, get things done and see to it that we got the canes back and took out the bad guys, had we still had some hours of time between missions where I could have easily taken the Raccoon apart and told him the news.

Thinking back on this makes me remember the many nights during our trip – especially the ones in Medieval England and Ancient Arabia – where I had wanted to cuddle up with the father of my unborn child, but where my need to get back to Paris and talk things out had made me decide not to even show Sly how I wanted this.
Now, as I ride in my car onto the one place I have been wanting to find for the longest of times, ever since I first met Sly and realized he was a criminal with a gang, do I feel absolutely awful as my desire to have him open the door for me is crushed by the knowledge that he could be swirling through an endless time vortex.
The trip itself barely even takes that long, only part of me feeling surprised and slightly offended at the fact that Sly's hideout is only three streets away from Interpol Headquarters, yet the thought process I had throughout my trip has worked sufficiently to take away all of my previous anger and replace it with heartfelt pain.

I park my car, making sure not to park it too close to where the Hideout actually is as I don't want to give anyone recognizing me any suspicions as to where I could be going and then, while making sure that the street is deserted, do I sneak over to the hideout's front door, my time with Cooper having improved my sneaking skills.
I knock in a way to make sure Bentley is assured that it's me, the turtle being quick with letting me in before he rounds on me and asks: "What do you mean, you quit? Why quit? Why now?" And while his angry shocked tone hurts, do I try to keep my strength as I ask: "Could you at least allow me to sit before you interrogate me?"
The turtle cringes, realizing his mistake and Murray wraps a worried arm around my shoulder as he leads me over to a blue couch, where he sits beside me as he asks: "Why quit, Carmelita? We could have used your links at Interpol to find Sly." And while I know that the Hippo is right, do I shake my head and say:
"I'm sorry, guys, Bentley, Murray, but – but I couldn't stay there a moment longer. Sly – his presence at Interpol for the last few months actually made it bearable there for the first time since my promotion on the first day we met and – and to know that he was gone and – and that the chief had gone back to his old ways –."

At this I stop, feeling all of the anger I had felt at the office be completely out of my grasp and feeling only the despair over what will happen to my unborn child now that Sly is actually unable to ever care for it with me again, while Bentley and Murray share a shocked and confused look before the turtle asks: "What old ways?"
And Murray, his childish, deep tone sounding like that of an older brother, asks me: "Carmelita, what happened at Interpol? What have you been through?" I look from Bentley, who looks sincerely frightened for me, to Murray, who looks as if he just wants to hug all of my worries and problems away and sigh as I say:

"Ever since Coo – Sly helped me catch Pierre, has Barkley shown me his true colors. Yes, he was my mentor and yes, he taught me everything I knew until that point, having raised me with the belief that there were only citizens, criminals and Interpol, but he never really wanted to give me the promotion he boasted about that day.
It was just that he boasted about to Mss. Tuskinany and that she was there when Pierre was caught, making him look like a fool and a liar if he didn't promote me, but ever since then – has Barkley done everything possible by him, his kind and his men – to break me." I whisper in the end, my head down and my hands clasped together.
I know this makes Bentley and Murray share a worried look and then Murray asks: "Carmelita, is – is that why you were always so driven to catch Sly? Because Barkley was driving you up the wall and you wanted to prove him wrong?" But I shake my head, having realized a while ago that this was not the reason and say:

"No, I – I – part of me actually – well – it, it reveled in the fact that I never caught the Ringtail. It – reveled in the idea that there would be another day where Sly would catch my interest and where his schemes and tricks would push me to my limits, make me develop new techniques and allow me what Interpol tried to stop me from doing."
Another worried glance is shared over my downtrodden head and I mutter, more to myself than to anyone else: "Develop myself. Interpol, Barkley and his men have been trying to prevent me from any and every angle possible to develop myself. Barkley always took credit for my arrests and the others – the, the other agents –."

By now Murray has actually pulled Bentley out of his mechanic wheelchair and helped the crippled turtle sit next to me, making said turtle lie a worried hand on my knee as memories of everything the other agents, especially the male ones, have been doing to make me into what Barkley saw me as roll through my mind.
I take a deep breath and ask: "Have either of you ever heard of the term bottom left girl is fun girl?" The two shake their heads and I sigh as I say: "I – I didn't think you would. It's a term we use during the annual Photo Day where they divide the male from female officers and judge the males on their captures and the females –."
At this I halt my explanation and Murray asks me worriedly: "On their looks?" I nod and whisper: "In the worst ways." Both are now holding me tightly, wanting to offer me comfort, while they are obviously confused and worried and while feeling that – if they can care, so can my parents – do I continue and say:

"The term refers to the girl that is chosen to stand on the bottom left row of the picture day. This girl is then considered the least interesting and – well – the last person any male officers would ever wish to have a relationship with. And I've been the target of that kind of behavior for the last four years I have been working there."
At this, while my voice had lowered more and more the longer I took to finish the last sentence, does Murray almost hug the oxygen out of me and while giving him a hug back to thank him for his support, does Bentley tentatively ask: "Does this – behavior, as you call it – come with any consequences, Carmelita?"
I nod and say: "Just three weeks before Sly stole the map from my office, did I discover something, something I attempted to put an end to through the mercenary apes as I had hoped to gain their trust and respect and have them go against this part of the system. When I realized they just feared me, did I decide to change things up."
"How?" Murray asks me, his confusion clear on his big face and while feeling terrible as I have no doubt the two beside me will now consider me a hypocrite after hearing this, do I whisper: "I lied – to Sly." The two look at each other, their shock proven in both their eyes and the way they tensed when they heard me and I say:

"I – I know it was wrong and – and I know I shouldn't have stayed mad at Sly for as long as I had and – and that I should have taken the first chance we had in the Wild West to talk things out, but – but on the day that Sly went for that museum heist – on the day your journey started – did I discover something beyond worrisome."
The two look shocked, worried and confused and I whisper: "I'm pregnant." The words barely loud enough I can hear them, but apparently still loud enough for the Hippo and Turtle to hear them as their eyes turn wider than ever before as they look at me, Bentley's glasses even falling sideways off his face due to his shock.
I nod at the two and say: "On the day of the museum heist, did I suddenly realize I was three days past my period and by that time had I already started seeing signs that Sly was either faking the amnesia or just getting back to his old tricks regardless of his ailment and that scared me, because it made me wonder about his abilities as a father.

To then see him go behind my back to do something he knows I couldn't stand at that time –." At this I shake my head and Bentley seems to understand as he says: "It just looked like the confirmations of your worst fears, didn't it?" And while grateful for the understanding of the turtle, do I nod at him with tearful eyes.
Murray sees this and hugs me tightly whispering: "You're always welcome here, Carmelita. And we'll make sure Sly gets here before the baby's born, you can bet on that. The Murray will absolutely make sure of that. Justice and a good life will come to this here little baby Cooper." And just that nickname makes me smile.

Sometime later

It's been about a month since my retirement and while it had taken me a whole lot of time to explain everything that happened in the last few years to my parents, from the first day I met Sly to my fight with Le Paradox and my feelings for the Ringtail, had both my parents offered their services to Bentley and Murray right after that.
The turtle and Hippo had been shocked that the two hadn't been against their law-abiding daughter quitting her job to join a pack of criminals, but daddy had told them that, because they had taken better care of me in 3 months than all of Interpol in over 5 years, he didn't care if they were a bunch of lunatic murderers or something.

I had definitely been relieved, happy and embarrassed at that point and daddy had hugged me as he added: "I know you will take good care of my little girl and the only thing I really want is to see a wedding band around her finger before that little baby Cooper-Fox gets born into this world. Is that too much to ask?"
Which made Bentley work even harder to find Sly and made me go even rougher on any and every criminal I could get my hands on, regardless of the fact that I was no longer an Inspector. Cause while it may have been Bentley that got all of Penelope's postcards, did I know the little mouse was out there as well as he did.
Having no doubt that the little rat was planning something to keep us from finding Sly had made me all the more determined to find anyone who could give me a proper lead to the rat's nest, yet none of the petty thieves and criminals I have been able to capture in the time since have been able to give me what I desire.

By now, I know I have to stop hunting as harshly as I am as I am not just gaining the attention of Barkley and his men – making sure to leave my own little Cooper Trademark with every criminal I catch and leave behind for Interpol to arrest – I am also finally starting to show that I am indeed now four months pregnant.
The showing had definitely been a shock to me as I had woken up to a sore stomach one morning about two weeks ago and looking down, had I realized that I couldn't have gained weight as I had only felt like eating a salad the night before and that had still made me go to the ladies room a good hour later.
The sight that there was actually a bum where my baby was growing had shocked me and brought it home to me yet again that I was expecting the next Heir to the Cooper Line and in my shocked daze had I done the only thing I could do, I had grabbed my camera, made sure I was somewhere I could see myself and had taken a picture.

Bentley, Murray and my parents had noticed it on that same day as I had visited all three of them after taking the picture and waking from my daze and the first two had actually thrown a party for me, my parents and their whole gang to celebrate how there really was a new Cooper on the way, everyone crowding around my pregnant belly.
It had been a magical and amazing day and while it still brings tears to my eyes as I had constantly wished that Sly had been there to celebrate with us, had the party and the evidence of my pregnancy done the impossible; it had spurred Bentley on even more in his attempts to find Sly and to work on any small hint he could find.

By now, I am back in the hideout, watching the turtle work and hating how I haven't taken any actions outside to help either him or Murray for the last three days before I decide to quench some of my curiosity and ask: "Bentley, does Sly have a training room somewhere around here?" The turtle hums and says:
"Build him a Hazard Room to prepare for the Cooper Vault Job. Should still be there, regardless of how she and I changed the place after the Job ended. Probably down on the left in the basement, just make sure you don't stress yourself." And while he keeps checking this latest hint he found somewhere, do I nod and leave.
Heading for said Hazard Room am I amazed and slightly confused when I find a heavily metal-based room with several switches turned up against the left wall and a large room that is obviously meant as an observation deck build into the higher front part of the left room, which is actually stationed right above the entrance door.

Then Murray enters the room and asks: "Carm, what are you doing here?" And while I wish that it was Sly giving me that nickname, do I answer regardless and say: "I can't go out catching criminals anymore and I can't go anywhere Interpol will see me now that I am growing my baby bum, but I want to keep in shape."
The Hippo nods and says: "I'll put the room on one of Sly's less dangerous trainings then." And he activates one of the first switches that has a raccoon face painted onto it, making a whole set of wooden boxes, metal pins and strings and beams of laser light all come down from the ceiling above, shocking me as I see this.
I take a look at the training room that has suddenly changed before my eyes and think: "Time to start." Focusing on the moves that always calmed me down – and that I have been using to catch bad guys more and more this month – do I focus and take a jump, protecting my belly with my arms and legs as I do so.
Making several more moves like that, can I almost feel the child inside me respond in happiness and when I have reached the top of the tower that Murray brought out for me, do I lean my legs over the side and turn my face up, knowing there is only a metal ceiling above me, yet feeling warmed by the lamp lights nonetheless.

I stay like that for several minutes, one of my hands instinctively going up to be placed over my growing belly, if only to softly pet that which I cannot yet touch and this motion – like so many times this month – calms the rest of my anxious nerves, making me feel focused and back in control of my own form and body yet again.
I smile at this feeling, but then suddenly – as my hand goes over the child within me yet again – do I see something in my mind's eye, something fleeting and barely visible, but still sharp enough it makes me draw in a sharp breath of shock and makes me need to stabilize myself with my arms before my shock throws me off the tower.
Amazed by what I saw through my mind's eye, do I take a few deep breaths to calm down my shocked nerve system and then slowly move down to where Murray is waiting, his worried eyes proving he saw my shock occurring and his voice timid as he asks: "Are you okay? What happened up there?"

But I shake my head and say: "Let's find Bentley first. I – I'm not even sure what I saw really happened." The Hippo nods and with a worried arm around my shoulders, does he lead me back upstairs, to where Bentley is still behind his computer, one screen showing his search for Sly, another his search for Penelope.
The turtle looks at the screen intently as he types away on his dashboard, but he seems easily distracted as he notices it at once that we have reentered the room and says: "That was quick." To which Murray motions him away from his computer and over to the couch, sitting me beside him as he does so.
Bentley rolls his wheelchair over and Murray says: "The Murray installed one of Sly's less dangerous challenges for Carmelita and she was doing great, jumping, climbing, running, everything and constantly using her arms and legs to protect little baby Cooper." The pet name again makes me smile as Bentley nods and Murray says:
"The Murray, of course, watched over her, but she reached the top of the tower no problem and then, just when I was sure she would be safe up there, seeing the look I saw on her face, did she seem shocked by something and she instantly came back down." At this the Turtle and Hippo look at me worriedly and I whisper: "

"I saw him."

Those three words saying everything and making the two creatures next to me tense in shock as I again lie the same hand over my baby bump and say: "I – I don't know how or – or why, but – but when I was up there, feeling safe and warm and assured of myself and – and with my hand over my little one, did – did I see a vision."
The turtle now uses his own mechanical installed arms to pull himself out of the wheelchair and sits down next to me as he asks: "Did you see anything but Sly? Anything – specific?" But I shake my head and say: "It was just a second-long vision, Bentley. All I saw was Sly and – and something I have never seen before."
The turtle sighs and nods as he asks: "Did you see anything particular about the landscape he was in?" At this I put my other hand – the one not holding my child – onto my forehead and close my eyes, trying with all that I can to recall the vision, but feeling as if the harder I try the further away the vision buries itself in my mind.

I groan at this and shake my head as I say: "I can't recall a thing, Bentley. It's – it's as if the vision is tormenting me. The harder I try to remember the further the vision slips from my mind." The Turtle nods and I close my eyes a second time, lying my head back and using the hand no longer on my head to rub my belly.
Then suddenly, with a jolt of shock, do I see the same thing happen again before my closed eyes and instantly I jump up and shout: "EGYPT!" Scaring the turtle and hippo into screaming alongside me before I shout: "Egypt! Sly's in Egypt! He's in – in ancient Egypt, but – but I – I have never seen a town like that before!"
Bentley and Murray look at each other in shock before they look back at me and while his glasses are made of very thick glass, do I still see Bentley's eyes widen behind them as he says: "The baby." Making me look down and realize with wide eyes that, while I jumped up, I had kept my hand on top of my pregnant belly.

"The baby is connected to Sly. The baby is creating a mental bond between Sly and Carmelita. The baby is responding to their bond and allowing Carmelita to see where Sly is. THE BABY IS HELPING US FIND HIM!" Bentley shouts in the end and Murray shouts back: "THAT'S IT, BABY COOPER! FIND YOUR PAPA!"
And then, as if my little one can actually hear the words and recognize them as an order, do I again feel my mind's eye activate within me, showing me a sight I have never seen before and making me feel as I am not looking through my own eyes, but through those of the one I never thought to be able to see again.
Seeing through Sly's eyes as he walks through the ancient mud and straw made village – that amazingly enough has a bit of gold stuck to at least one part of every house and stall – do I feel amazed at seeing blue, white and black sparkles glitter all over certain parts of the village, such as wooden poles and stocked spears.

The raccoon through whose eyes I gaze seems not fazed with these weird sights whatsoever and actually seems to gather confidence from seeing them, making me wonder if those sparkles are some kind of part of his skills as a Master Thief, if those sparkles are by any chance an indicator for him as to where he can perform his stunts.
Yet the raccoon seems not to care for the gold in the town, how friendly the villagers greet him and tease him about things they have hidden or how even some of the guards that are walking through the village seem to be friendly with him as he walks past all of them with a purposeful step, making me wonder where he could be headed.
Hoping to stay in contact with him long enough to see a point of place I can recognize, do I suddenly feel a large shadow pass over us as I see what looks like a Sphinx, but then with the face of a Raccoon, standing before me, the front paws standing beside me and actually holding a wooden made giant cane between them.
Then, as if the presence of this stone build beast strengthens the bond between me and Sly do I feel his resolve steel up like never before, do I feel his eyebrows frown down in focused determination and do I hear his voice ring through my mind as the Raccoon that is the father of my child whispers: "Carmelita, here I come."

And with that do I shockingly enough lose the focus I had over our bond, do my legs wobble as I land back on the couch and does my hand finally release its hold over my growing child, my eyes wide as I am both amazed by what I saw and hating myself for not finding what I so desperately wanted to see, a recognition point.
I see Bentley and Murray look at me curiously, but I shake my head and say: "I saw a village, one where the Coopers were apparently loved and accepted as Sly was able to walk the streets without anyone fearing him. The guards there even greeted him friendly, but he seemed not to care for this fact at all.
He was walking somewhere, a – a Sphinx, but – but it had the face of a Raccoon and even had a giant wooden made cane held in its front paws. I didn't see anything I could recognize from my leads or the history lessons I had as a kid, but – but I –." And only then do the words my beloved spoke settle within me as I whisper:
"But I know we're not the only ones trying to bring him back." Bentley and Murray share a shocked and confused look, making me shake my head as I say: "I don't know what the Ringtail is trying, but – but I'm sure he has a plan to get back to us. That giant Raccoon was build in Cooper honor and I'm sure it's his way back here."
At this the two animals beside me smile widely and I lie myself back against the couch, all my nerves and worries finally at ease and my hand proudly running circles over my pregnant belly as I whisper: "All thanks to you, little one. Thanks to you, we know now that your daddy will be home with us as soon as possible."

And that's it!
Part #01 of my latest story. Next will be about Sly, what he did in the month his friends were searching for him and what I believe is a good way for Sly to get back to his own time. Part of this was inspired to me by a story called Sly Cooper: Lost In Time, written by M2the2ndpower and I really recommend you read that too.

Enjoy next chapter,
