Cygnus could not help but be somewhat nervous as he walked down the pathway leading to the entrance of Malfoy Manor.

He had been successful at Lestrange Manor. Cygnus had not truly needed to assure them that Bellatrix was still very much the proper Pureblood woman. Rodolphus had simply said, "I know how loyal Bellatrix is to our cause." And that had been the end of that story. Rodolphus's and Bellatrix's upcoming wedding was still on.

Abraxas Malfoy, however, was a totally different story. He was prouder than the Lestranges, and he did not bend to anything that he did not like.

Cygnus was greeted at the front door by Abraxas's personal house-elf Brenan.

"Master Abraxas is waiting for you in his study," Brenan spoke.

Cygnus just nodded his head as he followed the house-elf.

"Cygnus, this is truly a pleasure," Abraxas greeted warmly as he rose from the sofa where he had been sitting.

"I wish the reason for my visit today was because of something pleasant," Cygnus replied as he shook Abraxas's offered hand.

"You better sit down then," Abraxas responded. "Brenan, get both of us some Superior Red."

"Right away, Master," Brenan returned, bowing low. He then disappeared with a crack.

"What is troubling you, my friend?" Abraxas asked in concern.

Cygnus straightened invisible winkles in his robes. "It has to do with my middle daughter," he finally said.

Abraxas lifted up an eyebrow, but he didn't say anything.

There was the sound of a crack, and Brenan appeared in the room. He handed both Abraxas and Cygnus a glass of red wine.

"Will you require anything else, Master?" Brenan asked Abraxas.

"No, that will be all for now," Abraxas answered, waving the house-elf away.

Brenan bowed low before disappearing with a crack.

Abraxas turned to look at Cygnus. "What is wrong with your middle daughter? I hope she's not ill."

"Oh, she is ill," Cygnus said bitterly. "She is ill with a taint that will never go away."

Cygnus took a sip of wine before saying, "She has married a Mudblood."

Abraxas did not say anything for several moments. Then, he said sympathetically, "Oh, Cygnus, I'm so sorry. I can't even imagine how disappointed and shamed you are. But you cannot blame yourself. Your family tree has many branches. As tragic as it is, it is only natural that there are going to be a few bad branches in an otherwise strong, healthy tree."

"Your words greatly relieve me, Abraxas," Cygnus smiled slightly. "I know how a Blood-Traitor can make an otherwise proper Pureblood family look filthy."

"You and your family are not filthy," Abraxas returned, taking a sip from his glass of wine. "The only filthy one is your middle daughter, and I have never really counted her as being a part of your family. She has always rebelled against everything a proper Pureblood woman should be."

"I don't know where I went wrong with her," Cygnus spoke sadly.

"You cannot blame yourself," Abraxas said gently. "She was just a bad branch, and there is no changing that. Besides, your two other daughters are very pleasing."

"I am glad to hear you say that," Cygnus remarked. "I actually wanted to speak to you about my Narcissa's marriage to your son Lucius."

"It is still on," Abraxas responded. "Your youngest daughter is not a reflection of your middle one."

"What about Lucius?" Cygnus pressed. "Do you think he will still want to marry Narcissa? I will understand, of course, if he doesn't. He deserves only the best."

"Lucius is very fond of your youngest," Abraxas smiled, "and I have no doubt that he is still committed to doing his duty. But he should know about this. I will send for him. Brenan."

There was a crack, and the house-elf appeared in the room.

"Yes, Master."

"Go get Lucius."

"Be at ease, Cygnus," Abraxas spoke soothingly after Brenan had left. "All will be well for you and your family."

Cygnus just nodded his head as he took another sip from his glass of wine.

There was a crack, and Brenan appeared in the room.

Lucius was with him.

"Mr. Black," Lucius greeted politely as he shook Cygnus's hand.

"Lucius, always a pleasure," Cygnus smiled.

"Lucius," Abraxas spoke, "Cygnus has something he needs to tell you. It concerns your future."

"What is it, sir?" Lucius asked as he turned to face Cygnus.

Cygnus took another sip from his glass of wine before saying, "My middle daughter has married a Mudblood."

Lucius did not say anything for several moments. Then, he said, "I am sorry about that. I know that her betrayal must have caused you and the rest of your family great pain."

"Yes, it has," Cygnus replied, "but I really wanted to talk to you about Narcissa. As you already know, she was promised to you not long after she was born."

"I can see where you're going with this, sir," Lucius responded, "and I can assure you that you have nothing to be worried about. Narcissa is not a reflection of her sister. There is nothing that would ever make me feel less than honoured to marry her. Narcissa represents the best of your family, and I know that she will do the Malfoy name proud."

"Excellent," Cygnus smiled. "Both my wife and Narcissa will be happy to hear this."

"Pardon me for asking, sir," Lucius spoke, "but what of Bellatrix?"

"Her and Rodolphus's wedding is still on as well," Cygnus said brightly. "Abraxas, Lucius, thank you both for seeing me on such short notice."

"It was no problem at all," Abraxas insisted. "You are always welcomed here, Cygnus. I will have Brenan show you out. No doubt you want to tell your family the good news as quickly as possible."

"Indeed I do," Cygnus smiled, shaking both Malfoys' hands.

Abraxas then called for Brenan. The house-elf bowed low to Cygnus before leading him out the study.

"I hope you are happy, boy," Abraxas said to Lucius as soon as they were alone. "You got what you wanted."

"Narcissa will do the Malfoy name proud," Lucius spoke. "That was not a lie."

"And what about you?" Abraxas pressed. "Will you do the Malfoy name proud?"

"I have and always will do my duty," Lucius replied. "Haven't we been through this already?"

"I just don't want that Black girl getting in the way," Abraxas responded.

"And like I've already said, she won't," Lucius returned. "Are we done with discussing this now?"

"Yes, we're done," Abraxas hissed.

"Good," Lucius responded as he turned to leave, somehow managing to keep his steps smooth and graceful. He would not do anything undignified while he was in his father's presence.

However, once Lucius was safely out in the hallway (and after he had made sure that Brenan was not around), he leaped with joy several times.

It was official now. He and Narcissa would still be married one day.

And that was all that really mattered to Lucius.

"What did they say?" Druella demanded the moment her husband walked into the manor. "Are Bella's and Cissy's weddings still on?"

Bellatrix just looked at her father with an uninterested expression.

Narcissa, meanwhile, was struggling not to show her happiness. Lucius had already used their charmed rings to send her a message.

All is well.

"Both weddings are still on," Cygnus smiled at his wife.

It wasn't like Cygnus Black to smile at anyone, not even at his wife or daughters.

It also wasn't like Cygnus Black to show any emotion or affection.

It was clear to Narcissa that her father was more relieved than he would ever admit out loud that neither the Lestranges nor the Malfoys had been deterred from their wedding arrangements to the Black daughters because of Andromeda's treachery.

"That is wonderful news," Druella laughed. Yes, she actually laughed.

"Yes, that is very wonderful news," Bellatrix echoed tonelessly.

Both Cygnus and Druella were way too caught up in their relief and happiness to take any note of Bellatrix's lack of enthusiasm.

Narcissa, however, smiled enough for both her and her sister.

It was official now. She and Lucius would still be married one day.

And that was all that really mattered to Narcissa.