Chapter Seventeen

Lucy had been on her way home when the downpour started. "This is just great! Wonderful!" She pushed her plaster hair off her forehead and continued walking.

I'm absolutely useless next to everyone else. I guess I could help with the defense…

Lost in her thoughts, Lucy failed to notice that a teen girl carrying an umbrella walked past. "Drip, drip, drip…" She paused and looked back at Lucy as she continued her internal rant. Before the women could move forward, Natsu appeared in her way. Lucy walked on until she was lost in the downpour.

"Juvia was suppose to kidnap that girl." She said looking at Natsu.

Natsu stared at her silently. Neither moved for a while as rain continued to fall. Then Natsu nodded and disappeared once again.

Juvia stood there for a moment before turning back and walking the opposite way. "Drip, drip, drip… Master will not be happy… Drip, drip, drip…"

Makarvo was waiting for Natsu in the basement when he appeared. "So, what did you find out?"

"They are after Lucy." Natsu stayed standing. Makarvo offered him a sly smile.


Natsu sighed. He had the urge to slam his head into the wall a few times. Or maybe the meddling old Master's. "Yes. I'm guessing it's because of her father. She is heir to the Heartfilia."

Makarvo stared at him for a second. "And how did you come across this information?"

Natsu signed. "Did you really think that I would have checked the backgrounds of "Team Natsu"?"

Makarvo sighed. He really was hoping that Natsu was making progress trusting people. Apparently, he was wrong. "Natsu… Nevermind. So what are your plans now? You can't just go in there by yourself. Erza was right about what she said."

Natsu stared at him for a second. "Well, one plan would be to continue with what is already planned an keep her at the Guild. Another would be to let them come an get her then attack. The rain women already told me that they want her."

Makarvo nodded slowly. "We'll continue with the plan. I'll keep her here and your team will infiltrate Phantom Lord."

Natsu nodded, satisfied then disappeared in a orange flash.

"So much for you becoming more social. Well, at least you didn't let Phantom Lord steal Lucy… Nevermind, you would have let them if it didn't mean you had to be part of the rescue crew… " Makarvo sighed and poured himself a beer. His brats were giving him an headache.