I've read many variations of a story where Harry Potter, abused and neglected by the Dursleys, ends up in another fictional realm. But I've noticed that a series ripe for such a crossover premise, the Final Fantasy games, isn't used as much, except perhaps in the slashfics, which I don't read.

One such crossover has Harry involved in the events of Final Fantasy VII, and then, as I intend it to happen, for the FFVII characters to crossover into the Potterverse. I originally had Harry being adopted, so to speak, by Aerith and her mother, but decided to have him arrive at a key point in the story, one that will change the story of Final Fantasy VII. Whether it turns out well is another matter entirely.

Some disclaimers. Firstly, this is not a slashfic. It may have some unusual pairings, but no slash. Also, there will be little to no bashing of the Harry Potter characters.

Secondly, there will be annotations up the wazoo. You have been warned.

Thirdly, this is my first published fanfic. It's not the best writing compared to my usual writing, but I hope that the story proper (rather than the writing style) is enjoyable. It starts with a deus ex machina, but frankly, don't a lot of crossovers?

Fourthly, I've decided to release the story in 'episodes' of about five chapters. When I release chapters will be based partly on how long it takes me to complete the episodes, and partly when I feel like it.

Finally, the following is a fan-based work. Final Fantasy VII and Harry Potter are the properties of their respective owners. Please support the official release.