This is it, there is the final chapter for My Weird Roommate. It surprised me to see that the story reached over 200 followers and that some of you really enjoyed it. I got a blank for a moment, thinking about how I would write the ending, but the inspiration finally showed up. I hope that you will enjoy this final chapter. There is a lot of fluff – and even a bit of drama in it. I was a little bit mad, just because I wanted to make Raven show up, but nothing came up with her so… no Raven in this chapter too (I'm sorry)!
Please, I would appreciate if you guys leave a comment, mostly because I would like to know how you liked the final chapter and the story in general. Thank you for reading and for the warming reviews, this means a lot for me because, again, English is not my first language and I still struggle a lot with grammar and stuff. Thank you *heart eyes*
It didn't took long before Clarke and Lexa realized that a week was a short time to be together. Abby wanted them to sleep in separate rooms, so they couldn't sleep in each other's arms and they often had to hang out with Octavia and Bellamy. It was summer time and the temperature was really great, so the siblings wanted to enjoy every moments of it. Of course, the younger Blake couldn't do anything without her best friend, so Lexa had to follow them here and there, not that she was complaining; she was with Clarke and could totally handle spending time with the other brunette.
The second day of Lexa at the Griffin's, Octavia stormed in Clarke's bedroom and woke the blonde by jumping in her bed. "Morning grumpy cat!" She said with a high-pitched voice. Clarke groaned and covered her head with blankets, trying to hide from her best friend.
"Staaaaahp O." She grunted, trying to get back to sleep.
Meanwhile, Lexa, who was awake since a few hours already, slid under the blankets to wrap her girlfriend into her arms. "Hey."
"Hey you." Clarke removed the blankets from her head and looked at the brunette with a small smile. Octavia also got under the blankets, snuggling against her best friend, taking her in sandwich with Lexa's help. "What time is it?" She managed to say, covering her mouth after yawning.
"Time to wake up, Clarkey!" Octavia smiled and the blonde pouted.
Lexa, who was still smiling at the scene, was the one to give her the answer. "It's barely 10 o'clock."
"Why are you here, O.?"
"I live here, remember?"
"I mean… in my bed? With Lexa and me?"
"Wouldn't miss the chance to do a lesbian threesome, duh." Her answer made Clarke huff.
"Get out of my room, you idiot."
"Okaaaaaay. But breakfast is made, your mom sent me to wake you up. Don't make her wait too long." Her best friend informed her, getting out of the bed and leaving the room, closing the door behind her.
Clarke was about to fall asleep again when her girlfriend started to slowly kiss her neck, trying to get her out of her sleepy mood. It worked well, because she got on her back to grab Lexa's head, pulling her closer to grab her lips seductively. The brunette moaned into the kiss, getting on top of Clarke without any effort.
"We don't have much time." Lexa said teasing Clarke's thighs with her hand, her lips moving to her neck again.
"Use it wisely." Clarke croaked, feeling the hand moving up to her center. She closed her eyes and bit her lip.
Lexa smirked and answered. "Oh, I will."
The hand slipped between her girlfriend's skin and pyjama, finally touching the warm and wet skin. Clarke's heart was racing in her chest, as she was pleasured by Lexa's finger, slowly thrusting her experienced fingers in and out of her. Lexa knew how to drive her crazy and it was working well.
"Lexa, for fuck's sake, don't stop." She opened her legs wider to let Lexa have more room to move inside her. She heard the girl chuckle a little, as she started to moan louder. She sucked on Lexa's lower lip and gently bite it.
"You mother expects us to be downstairs…" Lexa teased her girlfriend, letting her fingers run on her girlfriend's clit.
"Hmm… I don't care."
"Well, I do." She started nipping and licking Clarke's neck, removing her hand from her underwear and pyjama. It resulted by Clarke looking at her with a very, very frustrated look. "I intend to not get killed by your mother, by the end of the week."
"Are you afraid of her?"
"No, I just wanted to tease you…" Lexa winked at the girl, getting quickly out of bed and outside Clarke's room.
"You jerk!"
It took a moment for Clarke to get downstairs, but mostly because of her usual morning routine. It was 10:20 when she entered the kitchen. Octavia was sitting on the counter, her mouth filled with pancakes, while Lexa was pouring orange juice in a glass. She briefly looked at the blonde, a smirk on her lips, but got back to what she was doing.
"Good morning, sweetheart." Abby kissed her daughter's forehead and looked at her. "How are you?"
"Just a little bit tired." The younger Griffin answered.
"Good, I made some pancakes for you and there is leftovers in the fridge. I have to leave, they need me at the hospital for an emergency surgery." She sighed and gave Clarke some money. "I don't know if I'll be there for dinner, so don't wait for me. Go to the market and show how your girlfriend how the Griffins can cook."
"Or we could order pizza." Octavia proposed with a large grin.
"You can't always eat pizza, darling." The older woman said.
"Yes I can." The brunette answered, as Abby left the house.
"Pizza isn't healthy, O." Lexa told the girl. "You'll get fat before you get thirty."
"Look at this amazing body." The girl teased, moving her hand up and down her body. "I will eat whatever I want, whenever I want. If I get fat, one day, that'll be because I can no longer work out."
While Lexa and Octavia were continuing their conversation, Clarke (who was still very frustrated at Lexa for not getting her off like she wanted) sat on the counter, besides her best friend. She started eating with the plate on her lap.
"What's up with you, Clarke?" Octavia asked her, getting her out of her thoughts about how she could inflict the same treatment to Lexa.
"Me? Oh, just tired."
"Bu you just look very frustrated…" Her best friend explained.
"Maybe that's because I am frustrated." Clarke got her eyes on Lexa, staring at the girl who just choked on her orange juice. "Right, Lexa?"
"Oh." The younger brunette understood without needing Clarke to explain her why she was frustrated.
Lexa was there since a few days and she really enjoyed being around her girlfriend's family and friends. She knew it was still hard for Clarke to be home without her dad, but Abby told her many times that her daughter looked happier than ever – Lexa was aware that she might have been one of the many reasons that made Clarke happy.
Octavia, after insisting a lot so Lexa could play at her friendly soccer game, was a bit sad to hear her refusing the offer, wanting to stay with Clarke on the bleachers. They were currently in the high school's soccer field, Clarke sitting between Lexa's legs, the brunette's chin on her shoulder. They both really enjoyed sitting together like that.
Clarke's best friend was running in the field, stopping here and there to stretch a bit. There were only girls playing and Clarke could recognize some of them from her high school years. Some smiled at her and she smiled back, knowing that they recognized her too.
The game started and they enjoyed watching Octavia running around – she was really good and Lexa even admitted that she was surprized to see that the young brunette was totally in shape (even if she could eat a whole pizza without effort).
Bellamy joined the happy couple fifteen minutes after the game started, cheering for his little sister. He had always been there for her and Clarke was sometimes a bit jealous that she didn't get to have an awesome brother or sister like her best friend and Bellamy. Sure, they lived together after their parent's car accident, but they were not blood-related. And she knew Bellamy once had a thing for her.
Octavia scored and her team cheered along with Bellamy and a few other spectators in the bleachers. "You go Octavia!" Screamed her brother, waving his hands at her. She saw him and smiled. It was a friendly game, but some people were there to enjoy the game, just like Clarke, Lexa and Bellamy.
"Hey O!" Clarke screamed at her to get the younger Blake sibling's attention. "You're a wanker number nine!"
The two best friend laughed before the game continued. Lexa chuckled and gently patted the blonde's thigh. "Did you just quote 'Imagine Me and You?' Clarke?"
Bellamy nodded. "Yup, it's, like, their favourite movie ever…" He smiled at Clarke and Lexa. "I'm surprised that she haven't told you that."
"What?" She caressed Lexa's hand on her thigh. "I have a thing for brunettes."
"Ain't one of the actress playing in Game of Thrones too?" Asked Bellamy.
"Yup, I think she plays Cersei." Lexa answered, giving a soft kiss on the blonde's cheek.
They started talking about Game of Thrones and how Bellamy was a huge fan of Jon Snow. They didn't paid much more attention to the game, but they all cheered when Octavia goaled.
The friendly soccer game finally ended and Octavia joined them. Everyone was getting home, but Clarke noticed three young man and she recognized them from high school. They were total bullies back then, always annoying Clarke without any mercy.
"Hey Blake!" Said one guy, walking towards them. "I'd still bang your little sister anytime, damn she's hot in those shorts."
Murphy had always been Bellamy's enemy. "What did you say about my sister?"
"Bell, let it go." His sister said, grabbing his arm to pull him away. "I'd never touch those fuckboys, even if we were the last one alive on Earth. Go fuck yourself, Murphy."
"Let's go, guys." Clarke said, starting to walk away.
"Isn't it Miss Clarke Griffin! Hey, do you still cry at the mention of your daddy, Princess?"
Clarke stopped at the mention of her dad and Lexa looked at Murphy, bringing her hands into fists. She resisted the need to punch that guy, just because engaging a fight with him would resolve nothing. She tried to talk to him instead, with a cold ass tone and a very serious face. No one should ever talk to Clarke like this, yet bring up her dad's death. "Would you, please, leave us alone?"
She saw Clarke's eyes about to shed some tears. She was looking at the grass and Lexa knew, even before seeing her in that state, that it was a really touchy subject to talk of. Murphy looked pleased by how he made the blonde feel and Lexa's throat was sore.
"And you are..?" Another one of the young men spoke, getting a little bit closer to them again.
"Not enjoying that you are bothering my friends."
"Aww, that's cute, how chivalrous of you. But really, mind your own business, darling."
Lexa walked towards him and looked at Murphy in the eyes. "Want to keep that tongue of yours?" She grabbed his collar, not scared of the two other young men. "Perhaps I should shove it down your throat."
The two other started laughing and Clarke knew things would escalate quickly if she doesn't do anything. "Lexa, he's not worth it, believe me." She was controlling herself, because she didn't wanted to allow Murphy and his buddies to see her cry again, letting them know that they still somehow had power over her, just like when they were in high school.
Lexa slowly released Murphy's collard and sighed loudly when he said that 'she was like Clarke's guard dog'. They soon lost interest in bothering Clarke and her friends, because they didn't paid enough attention to them.
When they were finally far enough from the three bullies, Lexa grabbed Clarke's hand. "This guy is a dick."
"He always was." Bellamy answered, giving a concerned look to the girls around him.
After the really unpleasant encounter with Murphy and his probably two only friends, they went straight home to watch the latest Game of Thrones episodes on Netflix. Clarke was not feeling very well, so she wanted to stay home and just be in Lexa's arms. They were all sitting on the couch, watching TV and they all fell asleep around 2 o'clock in the morning.
Abby entered the house after her long shift at the hospital; she needed to do an emergency surgery from a car accident's victim, but couldn't save the severely injured teenager – she knew when she saw him that she couldn't do much for him, but she tried to save him anyway. The three first hours of her shift had been both horrible and exhausting.
She opened the front door and found the four young adults sleeping on the couch. She saw Clarke sleeping with her girlfriend, all cuddled up together, and enjoyed the smile on her daughter's lips. Abby understood how Lexa was important for Clarke and she was happy that she found love.
"Hey mom." The younger Griffin woke up and looked at the time. "How was work?"
"Like the usual. You should wake your friends, sleeping on the couch is not very comfortable."
Clarke nodded and shook slightly Lexa, who opened her eyes and smiled at the blonde. Abby thought that they were really cute together. Octavia yawned and groaned something not understandable and Bellamy helped his sister to get to her own room.
"Okay, I'm going to sleep. I have tomorrow off, perhaps we should make something together." The older Griffin smiled and kissed her daughter goodnight.
"Yeah we should."
Lexa went to her room, but was soon joined by Clarke, who mostly just wanted to cuddle with her girlfriend and sleep. The brunette was almost already sleeping and found comfort with Clarke's chest against her back. She was also too tired to protest about sharing the same bed, because it was warm and she missed that so much before she could join Clarke in her hometown.
"Sweet dreams, Clarke."
"You too. I love you." The blonde kissed her shoulder and Lexa sighed at the brief contact of her lips on her skin.
"Me too."
The next few days at Clarke's house went pretty well for Lexa and her girlfriend; they totally forgot what happened with Murphy and his douchebags, after Octavia's friendly soccer game. They went shopping together, they made cookies, listened at movies and TV shows, played cardboard games and even got drunk one night, when Abby was occupied at the hospital. Things were pretty good and they even shared their bed one more time, mostly because there were nobody to tell them not to or supervise their every moves.
They always had been a very sexually active couple, but they were more lately because they haven't seen each other in weeks and they wanted to catch up the time. Clarke's best friend even walked on them a few times – not that she didn't look for it, not knocking and announcing herself.
Day six was the last full day they would spend together before Lexa had to take the train to go home. She had so much fun with Clarke and wanted to stay, but her parents wouldn't afford it. Lexa had to work and get through the summer without even seeing her girlfriend – and that would be incredibly hard. Skyping was not the same than being physically with someone and the brunette sure knew that long distance relationship were really hard for a couple.
Lexa and Clarke enjoyed going at the restaurant and it was a quite romantic evening. They were both wearing really cute dresses – and Lexa, of course, had to borrow one because she wasn't the type of girl to own dresses.
The blonde drove back home and they sat on the porch, not willing to go inside and face the fact that, in only a few hours, Lexa would be on the train, after kissing Clarke goodbye, on her way to her home. The blonde was deep in her thoughts when her girlfriend threw her arm around her shoulders, dragging their bodies closer. Clarke opened her mouth and closed it, seeking for her words, apparently.
"Lexa." She said softly, only to get her attention – even if she already had it. "I love you. Like, really."
"I love you too, Clarke. Like, 'really'." The brunette winked at her and kissed her cheek. "What's on your mind? You seem tense, all of a sudden."
"I'm afraid to lose you. We won't spend that much time together this summer and it scares me, because I don't want us to be different when I'll get back to you."
"You don't have to be, Clarke… you know how I am around people, I don't especially fit well." Lexa answered while caressing the blonde's arm. "We'll still Skype and text each other, I know it sucks and I would really love to be with you all summer too, but… we can, at least, talk to each other."
"You know, you're right. I should not be scared, sorry."
"To be honest, I was too. It's not like I… I really talk about how I feel about things, you know that." Lexa took a deep breath. "I will miss you and I somehow know that it will only fuels my love for you."
"You always say that speeches and telling your feelings are not your thing, but I don't see why." Clarke smiled and leaned her head on Lexa's shoulder. "You can really get to me when you want it."
"Thank you, it means a lot for me. I understand that talking about future can be a very serious thing, you know, and scary… but I need you in my life. Thinking that only a second could change everything… I don't know what I'll do without you, Clarke."
"Yeah, that's kind of why I want to be with you whenever I can." Clarke waited just a second before she keeps going. "When my father died… I pushed people away because I never wanted to get hurt again like that. I miss him so much, Lexa. I wish you could have met him…" She hold back her tears. "He would have liked you for sure, because you are so genuine and beautiful. If only he knew how much I care about you…" Nope, she couldn't hold the tears back anyway.
"Abby said that you have his generosity and compassion, she is right. I would have like to meet him, too, sweetheart." Lexa saw Clarke's tears and lifted her hands to wipe them and cup her face. "I can't promise you anything, Clarke, because life is always full of surprises. But I know one thing; you will not get rid of me so soon, you can be sure that I'll stick with you as long as I can." She kissed her girlfriend's forehead, brushing her hair softly.
"You've seen me in my worse state and even helped me pulling down my pants, so I could use the bathroom, so I don't think I will ever get rid of you, darling." Clarke scoffed and she smiled, closing her eyes. She was happy and that was all that mattered to Lexa.
"Way to romanticize things." Lexa slowly kissed the blonde, pulling her closer against her chest, just because she felt the need to have her tightly wrapped into her arms. "I love you, Clarke Griffin."
"And I love you too, Lexa Woods."