The No Sit Treatment

By: Dish-Chan

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the characters I am merely using them to perhaps entertain some readers. Thank you *bow*

I'm in Loooo~oovee Looo~ooove Loo~oove! HAHAAHAAHA This may cause me to make this chapter fluffiful in places. HEHE I'm so happy^_^


Chapter IIIIIIII "Who are you guys?"

Kaede knelt beside the unconscious young man, quietly touching his head and feeling his pulse. Sango bit at her nails, while Shirou kept his arm tightly around her small frame. Meanwhile outside, the sun was getting close to setting and the breeze started blowing cooler, causing it to be a very pleasant eve. Kagome, Inuyasha, and Shippou had been shooed out of the room by a worried Kaede, the three of them now sat in a circle. "Do you guys thing Miroku is gonna die?" Shippou asked unable to hide the slight quiver in his tiny voice. Kagome extended her arms as usual and cuddled the small kitsune "Kaede Says it's just a little bump, he'll be fine." "That's the hundredth time you've asked stupid, can't you understand?" Inuyasha grumbled cuasing him to receive a sharp glare from Kagome, who continued to snuggle the furry headed child.

Miroku's eyes slowly cracked open, his hand going to his head with a slight moan. His eyes almost instantly met Sango's and she subconsciously brought her hand to her lips and flushed. He smiled tenderly before asking in a gentle voice. "Excuse, me fair maiden, but might you tell me exactly where I am?" Thinking he was joking Sango clasped his hand and laughed "You're here in Kaede's hut silly! You got hit on the head, but you better now." Miroku stared at Sango's hand over his own and frowned "Do I know you?" Shirou instantly showed anger, putting his hand firmly on the monk's shoulder he growled "Stop joking, Sango's been through enough you pig!" Miroku narrowed his eyes and slapped Shirou's hand from his shoulder "I'm sorry if your wife or lover or whoever has been through a lot, but I don't know what your talking about! In fact I can't even think of where I was before this!" he stormed, eyes darkening in confusion. Kaede suddenly spoke "I have seen this before, due to a hard blow to his head, he has forgotten all his memories." Miroku stared at Kaede "Look woman, you people are really starting to bug me! I'm fine alright?!" Kaede, calm as ever, simply asked "What is ye name, young monk?" Miroku looked smart as he got ready to say then stopped and looked frightened. "Is there a way to fix it Kaede?" Sango asked lightly, her eyes growing larger than thought possible. Kaede thought for a moment before replying, "It could take years on it's own...but there is a herb I have heard of, deep in the mountains, it is said to give the memory process much speed." "We can go!" A voice suddenly emerged form the corner and Shippou and Kagome were seen peeking into the door way. (You may decide who said it, it has no effect to the over all plot so whatever^_^) Kaede looked unsure but nodded her head slowly "Tis a long trek, may take ye a week at the least." Kagome smiled "Anything for Miroku, besides maybe we'll find some jewel shards." Miroku stared at her and smiled slyly at her skirt "Who is this woman with little kimono?" Kagome laughed and flushed "He hasn't forgotten everything, once a letcher always a letcher!" M9iroku crossed his arms over his chest and closed his eyes "I find that offensive thank you!"

ugh.. This time at tournament, I dazed out and tightened my belt in the middle of my form, NEVER do that kay? And guess what? I'm in Looo~ooovvve^_~ Whoopee..oh whatever-_-...


