Chapter 6: suspicions part 1

Author's note: Sorry if I haven't updated in some time. I wanted to update all 3 stories at the same time. Read and review.

(Bold and brackets) = author's note

Bold = animatronic speaking

Disclaimer: I do not own Five nights at Freddy's. It belongs to its rightful owner.

Daniel's POV

We were once again performing for the kids. The policemen are investigating again. Something about "fingerprints" on the murderer's body. Huh. Seems like they're having a bit of trouble finding who it is. Now they probably think that the manager is the murderer, cause the camera footage is immediately wiped once it rings 6am.

I kind of feel bad for him. He has to do that to save the restaurant, while we're the ones that cause it. If only the murderer could actually STAY dead, then we would stop. I'm also worried for the restaurant itself. What will happen if it shuts down? Will we have to remain like this for the next 30 years or something?

In any case, I could hear the kids complaining a bit from here. They're saying that they want a new song. I kind of wish that we could sing them "the show must go on," but that would put the police on suspicions, not mention I seriously doubt that they would like a loud rock song.

Will's POV

We just finished the song. Now the kids are complaining, wanting a different song. To be honest, I want a different song too. It gets really old and really annoying singing the same songs for 10 years. I remember when we weren't dead, that we loved these songs.

Now, I see how the animatronics see it if they were sentient. Forced to sing the same, crappy songs over and over and over. Every. Single. Day. Not to mention that they never bother washing us. My servos and circuits are almost unmovable because of the amount of filth covering them. I doubt the animatronics would be able to move without us controlling them.

I'm actually envying Daniel a bit. His animatronic body is brand new, without anything limiting movement.

One of the staff comes over to us, and opens up the control panel in our heads. I could feel him searching around for something. What, I don't know. He draws his hands out.

"Look at all this filth. No wonder these robots move erratically. They're filled head to paw with dirt and stuff.

Damn right. I'd like a bath once in a while, you know. It gets tiresome to feel like you're carrying 10 extra pounds everywhere you go. Good thing that Foxy's and Wolfy's slim bodies allow them to stop too much filth accumulating in them, allowing them to run, where we can't. Otherwise, we'll never catch the murderer.

At least we move much easier when we're in control. Otherwise we'd be too slow to catch before he slams the doors above us. But it helps at least if we lose control and force the animatronics to stay still, then they think that the filth has stopped everything. We may move like humans in daytime, but that doesn't mean we don't move erratically either.

I understand why they don't clean us, but why can't they just remove our suit and let all the filth out, not actually cleaning it? If only they had had this problem when we were first murdered. Then they wouldn't be able to remove our bodies, and the policemen would be helping us get revenge, if unknowingly.

The employee hooks something onto the control panel, probably leading to a computer. I've got to remember never to move if they put the free roam back on. How I miss those days, where we could move how we wished after performing.

After the…incident where something went wrong and I ended up almost crushing a child to death with a hug, we couldn't have free roam anymore. The hand prints are still there on my face to this day. Sarah, Leon and Ashely don't blame me, neither does Marion. He said that it was sort of expected to happen, with all the erratic movement, even if it was lessened by me being in control.

"What's this song doing here? I thought they didn't have this song in memory."

What song?

"What song?" asked the kids

"There is the song "the show must go on" here."

WHAT! OH (The author has decided to censor this extremely long sentence of swear words, but feel free to imagine them yourselves.)

"Yeah, the song by queens, made five years ago, in 1990."

"Play it. Play it. Play it. Play it. Play it." Chanted the children.

Another one of the staff came along and whispered in his ear, although it was close enough for me to hear him.

"Play it, it's just a song, nothing more. The parents might like it too. Not like we have a choice."

"All right." Said the employee with the computer, pressing a button, then repeating the same with Sarah and Ashely.

Instantly, my body stiffens up, and I look in the direction of pirate cove.

Daniel's POV

I was minding my own business in pirate cove. Leon and I were chatting a bit on how our lives were before the murders. Leon was apparently a tall redhead. That explains the colour of his fur. The murderer asked them what was their favourite animatronic, before murdering them and stuffing them into their favourite animatronic. Ironic, yet sad, in a way. Killed by your… technical "heroes."

Leon and I scramble to our spots as we hear some light footsteps approaching. Must be one of the employees here to check on us.

He opens the control panel on our heads, having to use the nearby stool to reach them, and hooks us his computer to them.

"I don't know why we there has to be all five animatronics for that song. It's never happened before."

What song?

Another employee walks in.

"Have you finished yet?"

"Nearly done."

"Well, hurry up, the kids are getting impatient."

"I'm going as fast as I can."

Then he pressed a button on the computer.

My body stiffened, and Leon and I started to walk towards the show stage, both in complete confusion.

When we reach the show stage, everyone turns to look at us, most in curiosity.

I finally understand what's going on when they pull out the electric keyboard that I used during practice. We were playing "the show must go on!" But how? Will would have never agreed to do this. It raises suspicion.

When we were backstage, Will was with me, getting Leon's drums.

"Will…What hap…ppened?"

"The song must…somehow…have been written…in the programming."

"We have to stop!"

"We can't…too much suspicion."

We came out, and finished setting up for the song. I can't believe this. At least, there won't be too much suspicion with this song. We didn't include anything about souls in the machines. Although it will pretty much scream out "We murder the "night guard" thinking him an endoskeleton by stuffing him in a suit in the backstage every night."

Then the song started. All the adults eyes widen.





The children looked mildly interested, while the adults and staff looked a bit in horror.

"There was a full moon in the sky, we met a brand new robot friend."

"At first, he seemed a little shy, he would not play pretend."

The police officers that remained here since this morning looked very suspicious…dang it.

"He sang just fine and played in time, but did not look the part."

"So we lovingly decided to give him a brand new start."

"No matter what we say or do it's never up to me or you."

"We smile now and sing a cheeeer."

"The show must go on. The show must go on."

"Never fear. The show will go on."

"Hahaha oh hahaha. We're gonna have so much fun together. It's gonna be a real party."

"We removed his squishy casing to keep his circuits safe and sound."

Now the policemen and adults look intrigued. I guess they didn't really understand what we meant. Unfortunately, it doesn't take a genius to know what we're singing about.

"And ended up replacing it with scraps that we had found."

"But what a shame, a crying shame."

"Our friend was in a world of pain."

Now, slowly, ever so slowly, realisation crawled on the policemen's faces. Their comrade must have been in a "world of pain" when he was killed.

"Oh, we tried to fix him up, but it was all in vain."

Now the employees were looking in horror. This pretty much confirmed that we thought that the murderer was an endoskeleton. Then they looked at the manager, who had come out of his office. The policemen were looking at him too, in what I could understand as a mixture of anger and horror. The manager looked like he was about to pee his pants.

"No matter what we say or do it's never up to me or you."

"We smile now and sing a cheeeer."

"The show must go on. The show must go on."

"Never fear. The show will go on."

"We just don't know what went wrong."

"We tried to get along."

"But our new robot friend's power faded."

"We did our best to fix out guest."

"We hated to see him so distressed."

"We said farewell and had him ter-min-a-ted."

As Bonnie did her guitar solo. One of the policemen went over to the manager and started speaking to him. I could see them talk out of my peripheral vision, but I couldn't hear what they other policemen were looking at us in horror.

"Every toy eventually breaks."

"Every battery fades and drains."

"Even the tiniest little mistakes."

"Can leave behind the messiest stains."

"We know that we'll be all right."

"Although he didn't survive the night."

"Through the pain and through the tears,"

"The show goes on for years and years."

"No matter what we say or do it's never up to me or you."

"We smile now and sing a cheeeer."

"The show must go on. The show must go on."

"Never fear. The show will go on."

Then we stopped abruptly. The song had finally ended.

"YAAAAY." Shouted the children.

Then the policemen started clearing the way in the crowd, trying to reach us. They opened the control panel behind Will's head and hooked up a computer on it. Then they started trifling through the programming, likely searching for something.

"Well, we can't find anything that suggests that they killed our comrade."

"Come ON. They just sung pretty much a confession."

"Yeah, but we have no actual proof. We need to get proof, otherwise we'll all be laughed at. I mean, come on, homicidal animatronics? Who's gonna believe that one?"

"Hmpf. We're gonna have to investigate much more. But now we have new suspects."

Who? Did they suspect us or someone else?

"We're gonna station here more than one policeman, and we'll set up extra cameras. We're so close to cracking the case."

Damn. This night won't be easy. They're putting in the murderer and one of his accomplices. Well, they're gonna get stuffed too.

"Let's go and interrogate the manager. He might know something."

Nobody's POV

As the policemen walked away, none saw the eyes of the animatronic's flash instantaneously. From normal eye colour to pinprick white dots in a sea of black. The souls in the machines were angry, and they wanted revenge.

Daniel's POV.

Come 12am, we felt our joints loosen. The murderer's accomplice was scouting around the restaurant. I'm gonna have particular fun killing this murderer and his accomplice. He kept shining his flashlight in my eyes and doing annoying things in front of me.

"Hey Leon, how are they doing?"

"The murderer is in the office, and his accomplice is walking around the dining area." Said Leon, poking his head out of the cove.

Suddenly, the camera turns on, and Leon freezes. We can hear a shriek form the security office. Then the accomplice moves towards us, speaking into a small black box with buttons and a stick coming out of the top left.

"So, you do move during the night."

Then the camera switched off.

And Leon pounced.


The accomplice tried to get away, but was unable to due to Leon's speed. He was tackled and Leon lifted him in the air.

Suddenly, the camera turned on again. Leon froze again.

The murderer struggled again. Leon didn't move, neither did I. Apparently, since the murderer thought that murdering us was "fun" then we would treat catching him like a ridiculously hard game of cat and mouse. To make it fair, when the cameras switched on, we had to freeze. Of course, we didn't HAVE to, but it was fun nonetheless.

The murderer struggled in Leon's immobile grip. He eventually ripped his uniform, which allowed him to escape, and ran down towards the office.

The camera switched off. I got out, and ran.

Nobody's POV.

As the police officer ran into the office, he kept shouting "SHUT THE DOOR, SHUT THE DOOR."

The other officer ran and pressed the door button, right as a heavy BOOM shook the office.

"Come on out now, little endoskeletons. It's against the rules to be out of uniform."

When Daniel left, the policemen started talking to each other.

"Did you get the pictures."

"Yeah. I took a photo of every room, but I couldn't get a good picture of the animatronics."

"Why not?"

"Every time I tried, the camera would glitch out into static. I only took one from far away, and even then, it was a bit glitchy."

"Okay. Any ideas on how to survive this place?"

"Apart from not leaving this room? No."

Daniel's POV

The murderer and his accomplice are really getting on my non-existent nerves. First his accomplice annoys me. Then they keep on trying to take pictures of me, which I immediately make the camera short-circuit, then they try to shoot me.


The bullet passed right through my costume, but luckily it didn't hit my endoskeleton. I just kept running at him. He leaped into the office and slammed the door a second before I could get in.

I glared at him through the window. He stared back at me.

"Come out now. It's rude to slam the door."

"It's also rude to commit murder."

I kept up with the "thinking he's an endoskeleton" gag, so he doesn't warn his buddies. Who knows how many accomplices he has, and maybe he tells the policemen that we're the bad guys.

"Nonsense. We didn't kill anybody. We just put the other endos in their uniform. We just can't understand, when we're about to get a new band member, they short circuit. Why do they make endos with so much gunk in them, nowadays? The moment they're fully in uniform, a wave of red liquid comes out."

They looked at me in horror. Good. Let's see how THEY feel, being murdered.

I went back to the dining area, snickering all the way to their faces.

I wondered around for a bit. Then I went into the kitchen. I wanted to talk to Marion.

He saw me as I was entering the kitchen. He was exiting it himself.

"Hey Marion."

"Hey Daniel."

"How's it going with the murderer and his accomplice?"

"Not bad. I think their low on power, since they're too horrified to put down the tablet."

Nobody's POV

The policemen were indeed running low on power, on about 15%.

"We can't hold on much longer, and I don't want to know what happens when it does run out."

"What powers the building anyway? A couple of AAA batteries?"

"No. They have to have much more energy for that. They must be getting the power somewhere on premises though."

"I'll have to risk going out again."

The policeman at the cameras checked the corners and the hallways. Then signalled the other policeman to go ahead.

Daniel's POV

I finished talking to Marion and I was wandering randomly, then I saw the accomplice going down the hallway, but I saw him thanks to night vision.

He was walking around like a drunk person. My guess is that he can't see properly. Sarah was approaching him from behind. I did a shushing gesture, then pointed at myself, then at the accomplice.

Sarah rolled her eyes, but then her eyes got a mischievous glint in them, and she nodded. She started moving towards the backstage, probably readying a costume.

I approached him from behind, my eyes glowing green. Then I tapped him on the shoulder.

"Hey, lad. Ready for an adventure?"

Policeman's POV

I couldn't see anything in this darkness. I shambled around, looking for the generator. It just be in the backstage or the kitchen. I had to get around by touch.

The, someone tapped me on the shoulder. What I heard next made my blood freeze.

"Hey, lad. Ready for an adventure?"

Daniel's POV

I dragged the struggling accomplice to the backstage, where Sarah was getting a Chica suit ready. But this one had an orange colour, rather than Ashely's yellow. He's struggling starts to annoy me. A lot. I shriek in his face, blasting him with the most powerful sound from my voice box. Now he shuts up.

"Come on, let's get the endo in a suit."

"I'm not an endoskeleton."

"That's what they all say. And the last time we let one do what é wished, five children were murdered."

"What! Oh no, please stop, please stop. NOOOOO…"


Well, that's one of them dead. Now we have to wait for the other. Hopefully his power runs out soon. As I step away from the suit, which is now leaking blood after the initial wave of it, The camera switches on. Sarah and I freeze.

There is a shriek heard from the office. We turn away and start heading towards the East hall, just as there is the shooooom of the power running out.

As I walk through the East hall, where Ashely is looking into the office, I can hear some music playing from the West hall.

"What's going on?" I whisper to Ashely

"Will's playing his Toreador march song. He always does this when the power runs out."

The song started to pull to an end. When it ended, Will shut of the lights on his eyes. With a SCREEEEEE, he jumps on the murderer and makes him faint from fright.

When we had finished stuffing him into a suit, we had an hour and a half to mess around.

We spent most of it playing games, reminiscing the times when we were alive. It was just lucky the policemen hadn't install the extra security cameras…yet.

Author's note: I don't describe the policemen or Daniel's mother because I want you guys to imagine them yourselves, with whatever preference you want on their looks. Wolfy's eyes are a bright green, and that's the way they glow in the "sea of blackness," as well as the pinprick white dots the animatronics have. Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Read and review.