Disclaimer: I do not own any of the True Blood characters, plots, etc. this story os written for enjoyment only, no monetary gain. This is not beta'd, so any mistakes are all mine

My name is Anne Boudreaux, and I'm a werewolf. I'm what you'd consider a runt compared to other she-wolves. I'm 5'2", and I weigh around 130lbs. My entire life, I've had the same best friend. I've seen him go through ups and downs, heartbreak and betrayal, success and failure alike. Alcide Herveaux. I've known Alcide since the day I was born, and I'm pretty sure I've loved him since I opened my eyes that same day. I'm fairly certain that he's my Mate. My One. Although he dosent seem to feel the same, if he does, he hides it well. Alcide is my physical opposite. Where I'm small, fair-skinned, with red hair and green eyes, Alcide is big, tanned from the sun, with a head full of thick black hair and dark eyes to match. He's 6'5", and weighs around 240lbs.

Alcide and I were currently driving down an old dirt road, windows down in his big truck. I was sitting with my back against the door, my bare feet in his lap. "Hey Annie?" He asked. "What big guy?" I replied. "Remember when we were pups and you got stuck up in that old willow tree?" He grinned. "On Miss Shcumacker's property? Yeah I remember. I was scared I was gonna fall and break my neck." I giggled remembering that day all to well. Code had convinced me to climb that big old willow tree with him, but once it was time to come down, I was too scared. I nearly had a panic attack. "I promised I wouldnt let anything hurt ya girl, and I caught ya!" He laughed. He had such a good laugh. I sighed and moved so I sat next to him, he slung an arm around me and pulled me closer still. "Yeah you did." While I was crying up in that tree, Alcide was standing on the ground, arms wide open. He told me to close my eyes and jump, that he'd catch me. Even as a child, I had faith in him. So I jumped, and he was waiting with open arms to catch me. He had wiped my tears and grinned as he hugged me. Promising to never let anything ever hurt me.

Coming back to the present I leaned my head on his shoulder as he drove, then jumped when his stomach growled. "Sounds like it's time to feed the beast!" I laughed as I patted his washboard stomach. Alcide ate more than anyone I knew. "How about we head on down to Merlotte's? It's steak night." He asked. I nodded eagerly, and we headed back into town. By the time we parked, Alcide and I were bickering back and forth. "Take that back Little Girl!" Alcide warned playfully. "Or what? What you gonna do you old hound dog?" I giggled, dancing out of his reach when he stepped closer. I turned to run but code was quicker. In one smooth move he had me slung over his shoulder and was striding into Merlotte's. "Alcide! What ya got there?" Sam asked, nodding his head at me. "Red was being sassy again, the usual." He chuckled. I growled at Alcide in warning. He tightened his hold and growled right back at me, the Alpha in his growl making my wolf submit immediately as I went lax on his shoulder. He chuckled smugly. "No fair! You can't pull rank on me Alcide! Just cause you got Alpha in you dosent mean you can just growl and make me obey like a bitch in- Oooh!" I paused mid rant and squeaked as he smacked my behind with a big hand before setting me on my feet. "Darlin that wasn't pulling rank. This..." He smirked and pulled himself up to his full height. Alcide squared his shoulders and made himself as big as possible. He looked down at me and growled. A low rumble from deep in his chest. My wolf bristled at the sound and she whined, ears flat against her head. Even Sam was affected by it. "Submit!" Alcide barked. I whined in protest and bared my neck to him, eyes cast downward. Out of the corner of my eye I saw that Sam had done the same, as well as a few other shifters who were in Merlotte's as well. Alcide walked up to me, he leaned down and scented me. Nuzzling my neck where a wolf would mark its mate. I trembled. "This.. Is pulling rank."he stepped back slowly, and I sucked in a deep breath as I glared at him. "N-no fair." I panted out. Alcide just grinned and pulled me into a hug, kissing the top of my head.