I don't own Legend of Zelda. Enjoy! :)

WARNING! Rape is mentioned in this chapter.

Chapter Nine

Two Years

Images were blurring together. Friends. Family. Enemies. All mingling into one blob of memories. The worst were those of Tierian torturing Link; every scream was etched into his mind; every wound was burned on his heart. Then the villainous Human, laughing with delight, forced himself upon the Hylian, Link screaming

Eyes popped open and lungs were ragged with breathing. The images were too real—always too real. His body was drenched from sweat as his heart and blood pumped fast. The laughter. The screaming. Sheik hung his head as tears flowed down his face. Two years… Fucking two years! And the painful memories won't stop haunting him.

The cool of the air brushed against his skin, causing him to shiver. The rays of the sun lightly poured through the window, Sheik guessing it was around midmorning. Stretching his tired body, the Sheikah stood up and began his day.

He started a small fire and fetched water from the nearby stream as birds trilled. The scenery he stayed in was a beautiful sight—the sun shining through the trees, animals came and went calmly; the breeze of the air, warm against his skin. But he felt hallow. Nothing could fill the void; no happiness could beat back the darkness that was becoming him. Not even Link.

The Hylian was back in his village. After Kafei rescued him and the others, Link invited them to stay with him and his village. They were suspicious at first, but they agreed as they had nowhere else to go. The trek back was long and uncomfortable. Days were filled with dampen souls and little will to move as the nights were filled were nightmares and screams. The worst were of Sheik and Link, both reliving the torture they've endure.

They were welcomed with open arms as they arrived at the small village, battered and worn for wear. Each were given a bath and their wounds were dressed. The village folk were friendly and courteous to the Sheikah, claiming any were welcomed in the village. Lithe expressed his concern for them, risking their lives to hide them, but the leader, Mayor Bo, was not worried. They were on the outskirts of the Kingdom and no one visited them, besides the few traveling traders and the tax collector. And if they were to be inspected randomly, the Sheikah can hide in the Lost Woods—it's too big for any search party to go through.

The days passed and Sheik spent most of his time inside, lying in a cot in Link's room. The Hylian offered his bed to him, but Sheik denied, wanting distance from him. There was tension between them and Sheik avoided the Hylian whenever he could. Link still thought killing Tierian was the wrong choice, despite being raped by him. Sheik disagreed, that he was justified for the death of the prince.

Sheik was consumed by the hatred he had for the Foerin royal family as for the king of Hyrule. In his isolation, he thought up plans to take down the king and he voiced them to his kin—they put those thoughts down. Kafei wanted to return to Termina where his wife is and Reven wanted to travel with him and leave Hyrule forever, while Lithe decided to find any remaining Sheikah that might be in hiding. Sheik believed them to be cowards. How could they turn their backs on the many innocent Sheikah who were murdered in cold blood? But they made their choices—and he'll make his.

He finally left Link's room and started to explore the village. Sheik often wandered into the woods, hearing the music it gave off. It was there he started to work on the new powers he had. He learned that his emotions had a huge part of the raw energy inside and he used his pain and anger to summon it. It was hard to control and often he was spent after a few minutes. But he kept pushing himself, waking before the sun and falling asleep when the moon was high. Link once questioned what he was doing, the Hylian trying to mend the gap that was wedge between them—Sheik brushed him off, ignoring as he headed into the forest. He wasn't questioned again by him.

It was two months after the Foerin Kingdom event that Sheik's world changed again.

First it was his kin. He knew they would be leaving, but not so soon. The sun was barely peeking when the small group set out. The village said their goodbyes as Sheik watched from the gate. After shaking hands with the Mayor, Lithe strode over to the young Sheikah. Sheik kept his eyes averted.

"I won't tell you what to do; I know you won't heed my words. But I hope you find solace in this path you've chosen—and you won't permanently burn the relationship you had made." And with that, Lithe, Reven, and Kafei left the village.

A few weeks passed and winter had laid a thick sheet of snow and Sheik continued to train in the forest, slowly controlling his power. He now could be powered-up for roughly thirty minutes, firing off six energy-balls before feeling tired. Sheik figured that with another month, he could have enough power to take down the enemy. But, one day, Link intervened.

Shiek powered-up and took out his Tantō, pouring some of the energy into the weapon, the blade surrounding by a dark-purple flame. He struck a few stumps, the wood instantly disintegrating. Sheik smiled, relishing in the power that Zelda gave him, though it does come with some minor inconveniences.

Sheik… You shouldn't keep using this power…

"Shut up, Zelda. You're not real—just a voice in my head." He struck down a small tree, the bark shriveling in rot.

You're going to hurt someone… And you're going to regret it. Please, stop this Sheik…

"I won't. Now go away!" He threw his weapon to the side, hearing the blade sink into its random target; a small gasp was heard. Sheik whipped his head, seeing his Tantō embedded in Link. Wide, blue eyes stared at him, the Hylain's breath was haggard as he fell to his knees. Sheik rushed to his side and wrapped his arms around him. His blade had sunk deep into Link's side and he removed it, though the deed was done. The wound area was turning black, the flesh rotting.

"No! Nononono! No! Link—I'm sor—oh Goddesses—Link, you'll be alright! Zelda! Zelda, Goddesses, Shikei, help me!" He yelled to the sky, hot tears streaming down his face.

Sheik… Hold your hand over the wound and imagine it closing, healing…

Sheik did what he was told as he hovered his glowing hand over the black injury, the flesh stitching back together. Link's breathing was evening out as the wound closed, leaving a dark and jagged scar. Sheik sighed, relief flowing through him, though guilt quickly moved in. He looked down into Link's dazed blue eyes—blue like the sapphire.

"Link—I'm… I'm sorry—I didn't—I couldn't—this all my fault…" Link lightly touched his face.

"It's… It's alright… I forgive you… Sheik… I… forgive…" The Hylian's eyes shut and he went limp. Sheik panicked, hoping Link wasn't dead. But the shallow movement of his chest gave Sheik the sign of life. The moon had risen since then and Sheik quietly carried Link back to the village. His family and friends crowded Sheik, the father taking Link into his arms and brining him to the house. With the commotion of Link being unconscious, Sheik was able to slip into the shadows and waited 'til the uproar died down. Some of the villagers went looking for him, believing he was the culprit. Sheik avoided them easily and snuck into Link's room once the village stop seeking him out for the night. Seeing Link sleeping brought Sheik relief; the Hylian would live. He packed one bag and left a note and left in the night.

Sheik traveled through the south of Hyrule, keeping to the wilderness. The searched for any Sheikah was still at large and the risk to ventured into any was too great, though it was improbable to avoid danger all together. A few times Sheik run into patrols and easily brought them down, but only with his blade. He never touched the magic again, not what happen with Link. There was a darkness that festered in him and it relished in the power he had and Sheik was afraid of what would become of him if he continued using it. After six months passed, Sheik found an abandon cabin in a hidden valley—a perfect place it hide.

Pouring himself some bland tea, Sheik reflected on his life. Sometimes he felt this was his fate, to spend the rest of his life alone—other times he felt the Goddesses themselves were having laughs at him. If only Zelda was still alive give him some comforting advice.

I'm here with you, you know…

"Yeah, I know, I know. But it's still weird talking to a voice in my head." He learned to accept the crazy voice that lived in his mind.

The chirping birds suddenly scattered and Sheik drew his weapon; he knew trouble would find him eventually. He leaned against a tree, waiting for the newcomer to join him—a Hylian solider or one of the Human lackeys. Red eyes widen as he saw a familiar face brush through the bushes, the sunlight gleaming off the blond hair. Sheik felt his limbs go numb as Link spotted him, walking towards him with a smile.

"You didn't make it easy to find you."

"Wha… How…" Sheik's mouth flapped as he tried to speak. Link's smile grew.

"I'm not too bad at tracking—it's easier with game though. Tracking a Sheikah proved to be a challenge; took me roughly six or seven months. I see you cut your hair." Sheik's hand touched his short, shaggy hair; he cut it some months ago as he was travelling and found it easier to maintain.

"Yeah, I did. I like it better. Also, I'm not as recognizable—hard to look for a someone who doesn't have long hair anyone."

"It was hard," Link agreed, "But I found you."

"That you did." The Sheikah laid down his weapon and kneeled in front of Link. "And I know why you came. I'll accept my punishment—just get it over with." Link looked at him bewildered.

"What… You think I came to kill you? Why wou—"

"Because I almost killed you. And I understand wanting revenge and the need to kill that person who wrong you. Hell. I did it that prince a couple years ago. So, please, I ask you make it quick." Sheik lowered his head and waited with baited breath. He heard Link move closer to him and he shut eyes, preparing to feel the coolness of Link's blade.

I'll see you soon, Impa…


Sheik hit the ground hard, his face stinging. He looked up at Link, waiting for the final blow, but instead the Hylian kneeled next, picking him up and hugged him, squeezing him tight. Sheik could only confusion at Link's action.

"Why didn't you kill me…?" The Sheikah asked.

"Because I won't. No matter how much I am mad, I won't bring myself to kill you—I can't!" Link pulled back and gazed into his eyes with softness. "I still harbor feelings for you and this time, I won't let you go." Tears gathered in Sheik's eyes and he cling to Link as he let all his emotions; the Hylian giving comfort.

Minutes passed and Sheik released himself from Link and they sat side by side, looking out in the valley.

"Thank you, Link. Though why did you look for me? It couldn't be our budding attraction—it was barely blooming when I left." Link gave him a sad smile.

"That's most of the reason; I had to get you back no matter what. But as I was travelling, I heard some disturbing news and knew that you need to know. The Foerin Royalty is here in Hyrule and they had found Princess Zelda alive."

Arline walked with the King of Hyrule headed towards the Princess' room after visiting Zelda.

"I'm glad to hear my daughter is recovering swiftly. I know the doctors said it'll take time for her memory, but I wonder how much longer?"

"In due time, Your Highness. She has been through a lot; it was miracle we came upon her in the woods—no doubt the Sheikah stolen her away in attempt to dethrone you." The King growled.

"May they burn like the devils they are. I can't thank you enough for bringing her back to me. Are you sure there isn't reward you want?" Arline shook her head.

"No, Your Highness. Seeing the true Princess Zelda return is reward enough; though if my brother were here, he would no doubt have her hand." She looked away forlorn.

"Prince Tierian… I am sorry for your loss, Princess Arline."

"Thank you for words, Your Highness. Don't worry too much for your daughter; she is recovering and becoming more like herself each day. Soon, she'll be the daughter you remembered. Good Night, King Stephen." Arline curtsy and went into her room and performed her nightly routine. After taking a bath and dressing in a gown, a knock echoed from the door.

"Come in." Arline answered and the door revealed Zelda, her eyes nervously wondering around the room. Arline smiled.

"There's no need to be shy, Princess. It's just me; the King is already retired for the night." Zelda breathed relief and dropped the façade. Her eyes now look hard and she had scowl on her face.

"I hate you, you know." The Hylian Princess growled. Arline laughed.

"I know, but that's what you get for dying again, dear brother. Besides, this way we have the King in our palm as you play the faithful daughter."

Zelda snarled and strutted towards a chair and unladylike plopped into. "Why do I have to take lessons? I already learned how to act like a princess from you and little sis."

"Because you have to act like Zelda. Having you pretend to be an amnesia Zelda will help you learn her ways from the servants and King. It should be over soon, I think; we can start the process if you wish." Zelda grinned.

"Yes—the sooner the better." Arline stood in front of her, her hands hovering on both sides of the Hylian's face.

"This will hurt. Resurrecting memories from the body isn't easy and not all memories will be there all at once—"

"I know all this already; get it done!' Zelda barked. The Foerin Princess laughed.

"Very well, brother." And she began her task.