Robin's existence has always been kept a secret. He wants to meet the League and the sidekicks, maybe even make friends. But before he has the chance, the entire Justice League just disappears. With no Batman and no one he can trust, he takes it upon himself to find the League using impossible clues left by the Bat. But he can do it. After all, he's Robin the Boy Wonder!
p style="text-align: center;"HELLO everyone! This is simply to let you know that a new story has been posted by your's truly, the great youwishyouwerethiscool! Go and read right away! It's called Robin: Boy Wonder 2 and it is going to be just as fantastic as the first! Be sure to REVIEW. /p p style="text-align: center;"Thank you and enjoy!/p p style="text-align: center;"youwishyouwerethiscool/p
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