Chapter 10

The following weeks up to the wedding kept them all busy with wedding preparations, but now they had time for it. After the duel all rude remarks had stopped, as nobody wanted to risk a duel with one of the de la Vegas. To see the former alcalde brooding all day long in the mission garden with only one arm discouraged even the boldest drunk. De Soto had survived, but he had lost not only his arm but also his honor and his post as alcalde of Los Angeles. All that was left for him was to wait for the next ship to Spain.

After the governor in Monterey had heard of the duel and the circumstances, he had relieved de Soto of his duties, suggesting that a long sea voyage to Spain would be good for his recovery.

Due to the war in Spain, the King wasn't able to send a replacement for the alcalde and the governor ordered a general election to be held in Los Angeles in four weeks to elect a new alcalde among the citizens in the area.

De Soto had already departed when Diego and Victoria were finally married in the crowded church of Los Angeles, followed by the biggest party Los Angeles had ever seen with plenty of food and drinks. There was much talking among the citizens that Alejandro would make a good alcalde with his experience as a soldier and the successful management of his hacienda. It would be the right time to hand over the responsibility of the hacienda to Diego, now that he had settled down and taken a wife.

Some time earlier, Diego and Victoria had retreated to their room, and Alejandro and Felipe were the only ones still up after all the guests had left.

Alejandro was inebriated from drinking too much wine and held Felipe back when he wanted to leave.

"Felipe, I know Diego never wanted to tell what he had drawn on the paper that he needed to create the scandal, but I know you have seen it. So, tell me what was on it!"

Felipe hesitated a bit, but the wine had "loosened his tongue". With gestures he explained the drawing and fetched a paper to write down the poetry.

"It showed Victoria in the windmill, naked, but partly covered with a blanket? She was looking seductive?" Felipe nodded, blushing again.

"Only your sweet lips can pure my burning desire was written on top of it?" Felipe nodded again, embarrassed.

"Do you think it really happened in the windmill, or did Diego make it up?" Felipe shrugged in reply.

"Well, it doesn't matter anymore, does it?" Alejandro winked in the direction of Diego's room. "I guess they are busy working on the next generation of de la Vegas."

Felipe fled the room before Alejandro could continue that topic. Alejandro rose from his seat and raised his glass to his future grandchildren, emptying it in one swallow. Then he went to bed.

The End

A/N: I want to thank KathyZfan for taking the time to beta the story and correct my English while she is busy writing her own stories. A beta always helps to polish a story and improves it in content too, so I'm grateful to have a good one.