"Jarvis, do you have any kids?"

"Yes, Master Tony, I do. I have a daughter."

"What's her name?"


"Oh. Can I play with her?"

"I'm afraid that is not possible."

"How come?"

"Well you see, Master Tony, Sophie had to leave us when she was very young."

"Where'd she go?"

"To Heaven, lad. She went to Heaven."


Knowing the child before him as well as he did, Jarvis counted out the second as waited for the next inevitable question. He had barely reached the count of three when his charge asked, "Jarvis, where's Heaven?"

Smiling wistfully, the older man gathered up the little boy in his arms, and moved closer to the window most nigh to them. He pushed back the drapes, and pointed towards the dark velvet sky. "That, Master Tony, is where Heaven is."

"Heaven is in the stars?"

"Aye, it is."

"That's a long way from here!"

"indeed, it is."

"Jarvis, are you sad?"

He had always tried to be honest with his young charge, and he found he could be no less now when he answered softly, "Yes, I am indeed sad."


When he felt tiny arms encircle his neck, the butler couldn't help but silently curse at how very perceptive this child was, since this subject was becoming more difficult for him the longer they dwelled upon it. "It is because I miss Sophie." At the puzzled look on the boy's face he gently explained, "It's because when the people go to Heaven you can't see them any longer."

"Why not?"

"Because no one returns from Heaven once they've gone there."


"They just don't, lad," he replied before setting the child down on his feet.

"But why?"

"That will do. I think you've asked enough questions for one evening, Master Tony." Grasping a small hand in his own, the butler started walking them towards the former's bedroom. "Besides, it is nearly your bedtime."

"Awwww, Jarvis!"