Because She Makes Me Smile

Chapter 1

"Octavia," Clarke took a deep breath in; focusing her energy on forming any kind of excuse that could get her out of this. "I'm really sorry but I just can't... ever since I broke my ankle last summer it plays up whenever I do sport... I would really love to help you out but it's just not worth the pain I'll be in after."

Octavia narrowed her eyes at the girl, she had known Clarke since high school and she could easily tell when her friend was talking crap. "Bullshit Griffin!" Clarke moved her gaze to the ground finding it hard to keep focus on her friends angry glare. "You go jogging like EVERY morning that damn food vans here just so you can stuff your face while watching netflix all evening. How stupid do you think I am? You're coming. End of."

The brunette turned to leave the room but was dragged back by her friends firm grasp on her sleeve. "Octaviaaaaaa!" Clarke pleaded; she was not normally one to beg but the prospect of filling in for Octavia's rugby teammate for a 'fun' practice game against one another made her feel physically ill. The idea of sport in general made her want to puke. "That's totally different and you know it. If there was food rewards in rugby I would consider it... but there's not. And I've seen how aggressive your team mates get. For God's sake you're down a quarter of your team because you numb nuts got into a stupid bar fight over that college guys attempt to pick you up."

Octavia raised a palm to Clarke's face. "He had it coming and you totally agree. Anyone that thinks they can buy me a drink then tell a girl that," Octavia put on her best broody college guy impression. "I hope you like dragons, because I'll be dragon my balls across your face tonight."

Clarke snorted, nodding; the guy had totally deserved it. "Fine, he may have had it coming to him... BUT, I'm still not filling in. You know better than anyone that my hand eye coordination is limited to my lifting and pointing of the TV remote."

Octavia widened her eyes; resorting to her classic puppy dog face she knew made her friend weak. "Clarke, pleeaaaaaasee."

Clarke shook her head and closed her eyes tightly. "If I can't see that stupid face it's not going to work."

Octavia put on her best baby voice. "Clarkeyyy why don't you love me anymore..."

Clarke threw herself into their couch and huffed. "Fine. One game though... and Raven better be volunteering for a place as well... I'm not gonna be the only one looking like a dummy out there."

The brunette grinned and slumped down next to her friend; throwing her arm around her neck. "I knew I could count on you besty."

Clarke chuckled. "I still cant believe that moron actually thought that was an appropriate thing to say to someone."

"I know right, and it's totally ruined the new season of Game of Thrones for me. Like any of the hot Daenerys scenes I'm just gonna watch thinking of that guys balls as her poor pets." Octavia crumpled her face in disgust at the thought, then burst out into laughter when the image of a winged pair of testicles flying over the towns, terrorizing them with their fire breathing ability popped into her mind.

"Were leaving mid afternoon to head to the game, and there's spare kits ready for you and Raven." She hugged the moody looking girl before running out of the door.

"Ugh." Clarke raised the remote to the TV, putting on an episode of Orphan Black before moving to try on the kit. She looked in the mirror and curled her nose up at her reflection, disapproving of the blue and yellow team colors against her pale skin. She immediately took them off; changing into some black skinny jeans and a gray tank top.

Clarke spent the rest of the morning perched by her window; drawing strangers that sat on the bench some distance away as part of her people observations project for class. Clarke's mother hadn't been one to approve of her major- Abigail had always wished Clarke would be a doctor or at the very least something involving medicine- so Clarke worked hard at her art course; she would prove her mother wrong and show her she could be one of the few to make it in the world of art even if it killed her.

The blonde slammed her sketchbook shut and went to pack it- along with some charcoal- into her bag. She had grown tired of the same old surroundings and wanted a change, so she threw her backpack over her shoulder and quickly made her way down to the nearest coffee shop.

Clarke ordered her usual latte then hooked her art supplies out of her bag before throwing it underneath a table in the corner of the room. She relaxed into the metal chair; one hand wrapped possessively around her coffee as she let her eyes scour the cafe for a subject to sketch. Clarke felt her breath hitch as she saw a girl talking to her friends. The girl was beautifully tanned with a tattoo peering through the back of her black tank top; it was tribal like and a work of utter beauty. Though Clarke could not see her face, she would be her subject, she would simply draw her from behind.

Clarke sipped on her caffeinated beverage and let the charcoal work it's way across the page as she eagerly drew the girls back, slowly moving on to her tattoos, then onto her sexy brown curls that lay across her skin.

"You know that's kind of creepy Clarke."

Clarke swung round in fear then punched Octavia in the shoulder. "You scared the shit out of me asshole!"

Raven and Octavia dropped into the seats either side of Clarke; placing their drinks on the table. "So," Octavia waggled her eyebrows. "whose the hot girl you're drawing?"

Clarke blushed and quickly closed her book. "It's uh, n, nothing. Just a stupid project Kane set us."

Octavia grinned; noting her friends embarrassment. "Someones got a crushhh." She pushed Clarke and continued moving her eyebrows; this time throwing in a wink for good measure.

"Oh my God shut up! She's gonna hear you! And no I do not!" Clarke replied in a forceful whisper, moving to slap her friend around the back of the head.

"Chill Griffin, it's cool, don't get so pent up... Not like you're into girls anyway." Raven patted the blond gently on the back.

Clarke froze in her seat. It was only for a split second but it was long enough to make Octavia's eyes widen in realization- Clarke had a thing for girls.

Clarke quickly brought her cup to her mouth focusing on it instead of meeting Octavia's gaze. She couldn't know Clarke was bisexual. Clarke was only just figuring it out herself... how the hell did Octavia catch on so quickly. Octavia kicked the blonde under the table, then Clarke, frustrated, moved to kick her back; accidentally catching Raven's shin in the crossfire. "Whats your damage Clarke!" Raven stood from the table, her exclamation much louder than she had intended. She looked around; seeing the entire cafe's eyes on her and quickly retreated back into the comfort of her seat.

Clarke met Octavia's questioning gaze and simply shook her head at her; she was sure Octavia would ask her about it later though.

The girls finished their coffee and Clarke opened her sketchbook to remove the charcoal she'd left between the pages. "You know I charge for that kind of service?"

Clarke looked up, her breath caught in her throat as the beautiful girl she was drawing stood before her; staring down at her work. "I, I, uh-" Her words would not come out, her brain shutting down all senses but sight as she simply stared into the girls massive green eyes, her mouth ajar as her eyes traced along the girls strong jawline.

Octavia stared at Clarke biting her tongue as she winced at the horrific scene that was taking place before her. "Lexa?" She intervened, not wanting to watch Clarke goof out any longer.

Lexa turned to Octavia; a smile growing across her face in recognition of the brunette. "Octavia! We figured you guys would be on the field running drills before you get your asses handed to you in a bit?" Three girls stood behind Lexa, laughing at the comment.

"Hey!" Octavia gasped sarcastically- they were down half their team- this was a fair prediction. "You'll be the ones wanting to practice, my friends Raven and Clarke over there," She gestured to the blonde who was now staring down at her coffee; cheeks pink as she realized what a mumbling idiot she must had looked earlier. "are joining us and we've got the best subs, so you'll wanna watch your back."

Lexa unconsciously chewed her bottom lip as she looked the blonde up and down. "I guess it shall be an interesting game then." She added before walking out of the cafe; her eyes lingering on Clarke as she did.

Octavia waited until they were out of earshot. "She was totally checking you out Clarke! Even after you went full on blabbering weirdo!"

Clarke's cheeks turned from pink to a deep shade of red as she put her stuff in her bag. "Shut up Octavia!" Clarke said coldly before grabbing her bag to leave. This was just what she needed; for the sexy girl- who makes her stomach flip- to see her playing rugby in the sickly kit colors, sweaty and with her hair a complete mess. Perfect.

Clarke walked quickly; knowing her friends would catch up with her sooner or later. "Clarke, wait, I'm sorry!" Octavia grabbed Clarke's wrist to stop her from walking then looked to her apologetically. "Look, I was only joking back there... but... you know if there was anything you ever needed to tell me I will always care for you," Octavia swallowed as she watched Clarke's eyes glaze over with tears. "even if it was that you thought my bum is starting to lose its glory." She added, hoping to prompt a smile from the girl.

Clarke gulped; Octavia knew. She grabbed her arm and pulled her to sit down on a secluded bench; her head pounding as she processed what she was going to say. Why was this so hard? Octavia had been her best friend for years and she clearly already knew what was coming. Clarke's heart raced and her palms began to sweat. "Where um, wheres Raven?"

Octavia took Clarke's hands into her own; trying not to show her worry when she felt how moist they were. "Raven's getting some drinks for the team... She'll be a while."

Clarke took a deep breath in and quickly shook her head. She could do this. Hopefully. "Octavia," She moved her eyes from her friend to the ground; not wanting to see her reaction. "I, um, for a while I've been having... feelings... for girls... You know, the attraction kind..." Clarke paused, searching for the words she had rehearsed so many times in her head before this moment. "I'm bisexual Octavia." Clarke released a breath she didn't realize she'd been holding as she looked up to Octavia.

Octavia simply brought Clarke in for a hug, and whispered into her ear. "I know." Then squished her tightly.

Clarke quickly pushed her friend away so she could see her face. "What do you mean I know?" Of all the responses Clarke had played through her head; this wasn't one of them.

Octavia chuckled. "Well to be fair I thought you were going to tell me you were gay." Clarke furrowed her brow at this, not knowing what she meant. "Okay... So you know when I nicked your phone to text Jasper a few days back? Well... I kind of opened up the internet browser to search for this really funny picture of a-" Octavia noticed Clarke growing impatient. "Never mind. So anyway you left up a YouTube video called 'my coming out story'... I wasn't sure and thought maybe you were just watching the video for the hell of it, but then back in the cafe I saw the way you acted around Lexa, and your face after Raven said what she said... I just knew."

Clarke brought her knees up toward her chest; resting her chin on them. "Oh."

Octavia rubbed her hands up and down Clarke's shins; attempting to calm her. "You know you really should tell Raven, if anyone could help you out it'd be her."

"Tell Raven what?" Raven jumped on top of Octavia's lap and looked at Clarke excitedly. The pair simply stared at each other. "Oh come on. Spit it out Gryffindor!"

Clarke felt Octavia's hands against her legs and relaxed slightly. If she was telling one friend toda; why not all of them? "I'm bisexual." Clarke declared, this time with more confidence in her voice.

"YESS!" Raven screamed, putting her cups on the bench before pulling Clarke towards her and jumping up and down with her arms wrapped tightly around her neck. "Finallyyyyyyyy! Come to the dark side Clarke, we have boobs!"

Octavia laughed. "Hey, does this mean I'm on a team on my own?"

Raven sat down; pulling Clarke on top of her. "I dunno, were both bi so we both like guys which makes you on half our team I guess." She twitched her knees up and down as excitement filled her. "Oh my God can we go to gay bars together now?"

Clarke got off her knees; moving to sit between her two friends. "You always drag us to them anyhow?"

Raven grinned slyly. "Yes, but now I have some friendly competition."

Clarke groaned at the thought. "I don't think I'm ready for that yet."

Octavia drew Clarke back in for another hug. "Clarke has her eye on someone anyway." She began to wiggle her brows.

"Octavia!" Clarke trod on her foot forcefully.

"Ow, what! You totally have a thing for sexy Lexa." Octavia's brows continued to move.

"I so do not!" Clarke couldn't help but grin as she said this; her mind wandering to thought of Lexa's eyes.

"Oh my god you do!" Raven gasped; shocked that she hadn't figured this out earlier when Clarke became a incoherent mess at the sheer sight of the girl.

Clarke groaned and stood up. "Don't we have a game to get to?"

Octavia looked to her watch and jumped up. "Shit. Come on guys, we need to go so Clarke has time to eye up the competition."

Clarke picked up her bag; swinging it so it hit Octavia before threading her arm through the strap. "There is to be no mention of this to anyone. ANY OF IT."

Raven giggled as Octavia mimicked her friend. "ANY OF IT." She repeated, ducking to miss Clarke's bag making its second go for her face.

Note from author: Hey so this is the AU fic I will be writing alongside my other story. I'm still enjoying writing the other one so I shall continue with it along side this. Let me know your thoughts on this one; I'm hoping to make it pretty lengthy if you guys like it.

As always you can find me on Tumblr under the user maybeeyoullsaveme. I'm still taking writing prompts and inspiration on there :)