A/N: I'm so sorry to everyone still interested in this story. You guys have had to wait over a year for this update! Sorry life gets in the way sometimes but I promised I wouldn't give up on this piece of work and I like to keep my promises J

Oliver and Laurel walk inside to the kitchen to find Mia sitting on Felicity's lap. Ted was nowhere to be seen.

"Where's my husband?" Laurel asks, a smile forming on her face as she emphasis the last word. She was basking in the joy of being about to call Ted 'husband'.

"Connor wanted to show him some of the new toys we bought him last night so he took him upstairs," Felicity informs them.

Laurel walks over to Felicity. "May I?" She asks looking at Felicity and then at Mia.

"You may," Felicity smiles.

"He looks just like you did when you were his age, Oliver," Laurel says, looking at him, as she takes Mia from Felicity's lap.

"Really?" Oliver says, sounding a little proud.

Laurel sits down across the table from Felicity. Mia was too distracted by Laurel's necklaces to pay attention to anything else.

"Yes. Really."

Oliver takes a seat in the chair on the long side between them. The room falls silent. There were still so many questions.

"What happened to them?" Laurel finally asks, filling the silence.

Oliver clears his throat. "Car crash," he says almost a whisper as if still not quite believing it.

"But Charlotte thinks it wasn't an accident," Felicity adds.

"Charlotte?" Laurel looks confused.

"Long story," Felicity says with a flip of the wrist and Laurel nods.

"Well, why does this Charlotte person think it really wasn't an accident?"

"Someone was after Adam, Sandra's husband but no one knows why yet," Oliver tells her.

Laurel nods and then turns her attention toward Mia and makes a funny face at her, deciding that it was best to stop talking about the topic. "So this is the famous Mia Dearden?"

"The one and only," Felicity smiles.

"When were you two able to finally bring her home?"

"Two days ago." Oliver tells her. "A day before Connor arrived."

Laurel has a look of surprise. "Wow...that's...that's a lot to take in just two days."

"It was," Oliver says. "It is."

"I think we can handle it. I know we can," Felicity tells them. She smiles at Oliver. A part of her felt that he still needed reassurance she wouldn't leave him.

Before Laurel can say anything laughter is filling the kitchen as Ted and Connor walk in. Connor jumps off from Teds back, having enjoyed the piggy back ride down.

"There you are," Laurel says looking towards Ted. After making sure Connor was safely on the floor, he makes his way to her and gives her a quick kiss on the lips. He looks down at Mia and smiles, pinching one of her cheeks softly in the process. He stands behind her chair and rest his hands on either of her shoulders.

"I guess I didn't really have the chance to say hello back there," he says. He awkwardly rubs the back of his neck, clearly still trying to read the atmosphere.

"We're good now." Laurel looks up at him. He instantly relaxes his muscles.

Connor quickly makes his way toward Laurel before Ted can say anything. He looks up at her with his big blue eyes that have the ability to instantly make anyone's heart melt.

"Can you teach me how to do that thing now?" He asks excitedly.

Laurel glances up at Oliver and Felicity who were silently watching, hiding a smile, seeing how she would handle the situation. She leans her head a little toward him so it's softly resting on Mia's who was also staring at Connor.

"When I said I might teach you it later I meant when you were older. You're still too young to need to know how to do that. I shouldn't have done it in the first place. It was very wrong of me and I already even apologized to your dad about it," Laurel says nicely leaving no room for question.

She realizes what she says and glances at Oliver. Was it okay to refer to him as that? Was it too soon? Connor stares at him too.

Connor turns back to laurel and shrugs. "Okay," he says simply. "My mom used to tell me that too."

For a few seconds a sad expression appears on his face but as quickly as it had appeared it had disappear.

"What else did your mom tell you?" Oliver asks, wanting to get to know more about how Sandra was as a mother.

Connor sits down in the empty chair across from Oliver. He thinks for a while. "She always told me how much she loved me, how much my dad loved me, how important I was to them," he tells them. "She told me a lot of things. Some were true and some weren't."

"What do you mean some weren't true?" Felicity asks confused. "What wasn't true?"

Connor turns to her and it almost looks like he's about to cry and it almost looks like he's about to scream. "Like when she promised she'd come back for me, that I was only supposed to stay with Aunt Charlotte for a few days," he says becoming more angry in each passing second. "Now I'm not even with Aunt Charlotte! I'm here!"

Connor practically runs out of the kitchen, leaving everyone in it shocked. The room falls silent, and heavy, the only noise coming from Mia.

"I better go talk to him," Oliver says getting up.

Felicity puts her hand up to stop him. "Let me talk to him." She begins to get up.

Oliver gives her a confused and worried look.

"Trust me," she smiles.

He nods and sits back down at the table. They all watch her as she leaves the kitchen.

"Hey," Felicity says softly as she slowly peaks her head into his room. He was sitting on the ground next to his bed, his knees up to his chest and his hands laying on them.

"I want to be alone," he says quietly.

Felicity, ignoring his request, walks into the room, and shuts the door behind her. She sits down next to him in the same position. "I know you want to be alone but I'm not going to let you. Do you want to know why?" She asks.

He doesn't answer.

"Because I know the last thing you really want to be is alone. You're just too scared to say it."

He doesn't say anything and she can't even tell if he had been crying or not. His eyes looked red but she didn't think he had. He hasn't cried since he'd gotten here. He was obviously hurt and felt betrayed and abandoned by his parents and no one understood that feeling better than her.

"Are you mad?" She finally asks him.

"Yes and no," he says.

"What does that mean?"

"I'm mad because they left me alone. I'm never going to see them again but I know it wasn't their fault. It was an accident, right?"

Felicity winces at the word 'accident'. She hasn't had time to do some research over Adam but she knew she had to and soon. She pushed that thought aide for now. She looks at him and she can't help but think what an awful thing it must be to lose not one, but two people. "Of course it was. Your parents would never leave you on purpose. They meant it when they said they were coming back. It's just that sometimes terrible things happen, unexplainable things. But you're not alone Connor, not even a little bit. You have your aunt Charlotte and Uncle Henry. You also have me and so many people you haven't even met yet who will love you so much."

"Really?" That gets a curious look on his face.

"Really." Felicity smiles. "We have a big family but most of all you have Oliver who is trying really hard. He's trying to get used to this too."

"When I first got here I thought he looked really mean and mad all the time but then I remembered what my mom told me about not judging people on their appearance. I think that deep down he's actually a really good person." He looks up at her. "Right?"

She can't help but smile. He was slowly but surely going to get to know and understand Oliver as she once had. "That is absolutely right. He's a hard shell to crack but once you do it's worth it."

"I'm glad."

She nudges him. "So what do you say? Want to go back downstairs and finish your sandwich with the rest of us?"

He nods and she gets up. She extends her hand to him so he can get up. He takes it.

"Thank you," he says as they walk out of the door.

"For what?"

"For being so nice."

Felicity smiles at him. She knew next to nothing about Sandra let alone Adam but she didn't have to know them to know they did their best job raising their son. He was smart and strong. He was going to grow up to do great things. She already knew it.

I know this chapter was actually probably boring or not worth the wait but I did my best given that I haven't written in awhile! Once I get back in the swing of this it'll get better. As always reviews are appreciated. Thank you for reading!