Flight 745 to Italy will begin boarding in 10 minute.

Felicity takes a sip of her coffee and reloads her emails and checks her messages again. She knows it's stupid, after all when she had told Oliver that Ray had asked her to move to Italy with him and that she was actually considering going with him, he kind of just nodded. She would be leaving to live with Ray Palmer in Italy for the next two years and he didn't so much as make a facial expression. Even if it wasn't as a man who loved her, he should have at least showed some emotion as a close friend.

Felicity knew Oliver wasn't one to show his feelings but all he told her to do what she wanted, whatever made her happy. Which she had heard him say before but this time it was different because this time that meant not seeing each other for two years. She wanted to tell him the truth that staying in Starling City with him would make her happy but she didn't think that would change anything. It would only make things harder.

A tap on her shoulder gets her out of her trance. She turns her face to look at Ray who is getting out of his seat. "I'm going to go use the restroom real quick. Be right back."

"What? We have ten minutes Ray! I told you not to drink that huge cup of coffee this morning before leaving," She says. She remembers what happened next, "And then instead of listening to me you just got another one on the way here."

"I'm nerves, that's all." He says.

"What do you possibly have to be nerves about? Or is it the plane ride because I mean you own a helicopter so why are you scared of a plane? It is actually the safest form of transportation you know."

Ray smiles down at her, "I know Felicity, you're always right!" he rolls his eyes and chuckles before beginning to walk away.

"Hurry up!" She tells him but by then he is already too far away to hear her. She keeps staring at him as he walks and notices that he keeps looking around as if trying to find someone else. He takes out his phone but before Felicity can see what happens next he turns into a corner. She turns back in her seat and takes another sip of her coffee. She decides to put her tablet away for good inside her purse. It's too late Smoak.

She takes her phone out and decides to play a round of Trivia Crack. She taps the wheel and it begins to spin. Felicity is disappointed when it lands on sports. She exhales deeply as the question appears.

Who were the 2009 Super Bowl Champions?

Felicity goes through the choices but doesn't know the right one. She never grew up around people who watched sports.

"The Steelers."

Felicity was so busy looking at her phone that she didn't realize someone had sat down in the seat next to her.

She clicks on the answer she is told and it is correct. She puts her phone away with a smile and turns to him. "That really was quick. Did you run or something? I didn't know you were into-"

Before she can finish her sentence she realizes that it isn't Ray sitting next to her but Oliver. She is so shocked that she spills her coffee and it falls all over her lap.

"Frack." Is all that manages to escape her lips.

Everyone stares but Oliver doesn't seem to notice and something that resembles a smile appears on his face. As she quickly gets up out of her seat she looks down at him. "What are you doing here? I thought you were Ray. You scared me! I mean, I know you're good at being sneaky and being silent but you shouldn.t just creep up on people like that! Good, non-villain people!"

"I actually don't know much about sports, at least not since the island. Tommy told me that when I first got back." He gets up and stands in front of her.

"Oliver, seriously what are you doing here? Did I forget something?" Suddenly a sense of panic begins to form inside of her chest. "Did something happen?"

Oliver seems to notice her panic and puts his hand on her shoulder, something that always seems to make the worry a little less.

"Felicity," he says her name, putting an emphasis on each and every syllable. "Everything is fine. Nothing bad happened."

"Good." She finally stops freaking out and looks at him. "Why are you here than?"

He takes his hand off of her shoulder and awkwardly places it behind his neck. "Because…I came here to ask you not to leave."

"What?" She manages to say. Her heart is beginning to race fast again.

"I love you, Felicity. I know you would be happier with Ray because you two are literally the same person. I even think you could be related but-"

"Ray!" She had forgotten. He should be back any minute. "Oliver, you need to leave." She tries to ignore the pain forming in her chest as the words leave her mouth. She had already made her choice. Ray loves her. He wants to form a life with her even if he is a hero.

"Felicity I-" before he can get another word in she decides that she can't do it. She can't risk him changing her mind. It was hard enough as it was. She didn't need him making it harder.

"No, Oliver. Don't say anything! We already said our goodbyes and you told me to do what makes me happy, remember? This is what will make me happy. Ray…he wants a life with me."

"I want a life with you Felicity! I've always wanted a life with you. I just...before I didn't think I could be The Arrow and be Oliver Queen at the same time. Now I know I can be."

She doesn't know what to say, she can't even think right now. A part of her wishes Ray was here just so he could force Oliver to leave but that would be wrong.

"You have the absolute worst timing in the universe," She says, tears forming in her eyes. "Always late, Mr. Queen."

Oliver is about to open his mouth when suddenly Ray appears behind Felicity. She can sense his presence behind her and she quickly wipes her wet eyes before a tear can fall and she turns around to face him.

Ray's facial reaction become concerned once he notices the way Felicity looks.

"Are you okay? This wasn't the reaction I was expecting," he says.

"What?" She asks. What was he expecting?

"Frankly I was hoping you wouldn't be here when I got back…makes things easier…" he adds quietly, as if speaking more to himself than with Felicity, completely ignoring her question.

"What do you mean "'wasn't the reaction I was expecting?'" Did you know he was coming?" Felicity takes a step closer. She can hear Oliver say her name but that doesn't stop her.

"Of course I did. I am the one who called him after all."

Felicity freezes. Is that why he kept looking around, like he was trying to find someone? He was looking for Oliver? And when he took his phone out of his pocket it was to call Oliver?

"Ray, why would you do that?"

"Actually, whether I called him or not wouldn't have mattered," he says looking past her to Oliver, "He was already on his way here when I called him. I figured I could at least call him and say I tried to change his mind."

"What's going on? What are you doing?" Felicity asked, already knowing something not so good was about to happen.

He took a step closer to her to that their bodies were only inches away. He grabbed both her hands and tangled their fingers together, forgetting that Oliver was standing right behind them.

"After Anna, I never thought I would find someone I could fall in love with again but then I met you. I love you, which is exactly why I need to let you go."

"Ray…" She begins to interrupt but no words come out. She wipes away the tears in her eyes.

"I knew but I didn't want to think about it so I pushed it to the back of my head because I didn't want to lose you. I knew you were in love with Oliver and I realized that I couldn't really lose you because I never really had you to begin with. I knew you were going with me because you wanted to take the easy way out."

"That's not true," she protests although it is, but not completely. "I'm going with you because I love you and want to have a life with you."

He places his hand on her cheek and slowly wipes away the tear. "I know you do…but not in the way you love him."

Ray looks away for a few seconds trying to compose himself, thinking. He turns to her and smiles but it is a sad smile. "Felicity Smoak, you are a wonderful woman, smart, and gorgeous, someone who deserves more than anything to be happy. I am more than willing to let you go if it means you'll be happy, even if it isn't by my side."

Flight 745 will begin boarding at this moment.

Ray smiles and cups Felicity's cheeks. "I'm going now. I can't force you to do something you don't want to. So, if you want to go with me great. If you want to stay here with Oliver than that is fine too. No matter what, I wish you a lifetime of happiness Felicity." And like that he kisses her forehead, nods his head at Oliver, and begins boarding the plane.

Felicity can feel Oliver right behind her but she waits until she can no longer see Ray before turning around to face him. He seems tired and anxious.

She stares at him and laughs but it doesn't come out right, it comes out too soft and broken. She exhales deeply, "I have wanted to be with you for a really long time, but ever since our date, you've been doing nothing but pushing me away. You practically pushed me into another man's arms, a man who does want a life with me, who wants to be happy, who is waiting for me. I deserve someone who wants to be happy Oliver…do you want to be happy?"

She stares at him waiting but he only stares back. She exhales loudly and begins to gather her items and begins to walk away.

"For the longest time, I didn't think I deserved to be happy."

She turns around, "What?"

He walks over to her, his eyes looking broken and defeated. "Not since the island, not after everything I had to do to survive. Tommy once told me that if I'm alone I would never be happy but I was never bothered by it until I realized that instead of being alone I could be with you. Even now I'm not sure I deserve to be happy but I am sure of one thing. I love you and I want to be with you. I want to be happy…with you."

She never thought this would happen, not in a life time. This morning she woke up sure of what she was going to do, sure that she would get on a plane to Italy with another man. Now she knew nothing except for one thing. Whatever happens, where ever she goes, she knows she wants it to be with him by her side. She grabs her carry on and he stands still, a worried expression resting on his face, uncertain of her choice. She looks up at him and smiles, a real smile. This is what she has been waiting for.

"Let's go home," she finally says.

Before Felicity can even register what is going on, her feet are off the floor and she is secured tightly around Oliver's arms, in a bear hug. "I love you Mrs. Smoak," he whispers. She can feel a smile form on his face.

Suddenly the place around them is filled with clapping and people whistling. Felicity can't help but smile even harder than she already was, she also can't help but blush. They are the center of attention.

"I love you too Mr. Queen," she whispers in his ear before planting a soft kiss on his cheek. She knew this was only the beginning of their long road ahead together but that only made her even happier.