Max loves watching Victoria sleep.

It became a habit right after the two started sharing each other's room. Some nights, they cuddle under the safety of Max's covers. Other nights, they whisper each other's names intimately on Victoria's bed as if their life depended on it. There are really no definite schedules, they would just barge in each other's room and lock themselves in to do who knows what.

Like now, they are currently in Max's bed. Victoria falling asleep after reaching the covers. It was a tiring day, deadlines and all. Max turned to face Victoria, it's that time again.

Watching Victoria makes Max feel at peace. For her it is addicting. She is enamored with the way Victoria would scrunch her eyebrows as if she was having a bad dream but the moment Max pokes her forehead, Victoria would relax. Max finds the thought of Victoria calming down because of Max's presence endearing. Like she was the cure to the Queen Bee's problem and apparently Victoria herself, confirmed this after months of being together.

Other times, Max would trace Victoria's lips like it was the most natural thing to do and sometimes, Victoria would sigh after the contact and fuckin Max Caulfield falls in love again.

Most of the time, Max's hand will plant itself on the hollow of Victoria's neck, right above the pulse point. Max tears up to the thought that she is so freakin lucky that she gets to hear Victoria's heartbeat along with the mellow rhythm of her breathing. For Max, it is the most wonderful music that she ever heard. Victoria Chase is the best thing that ever happened to her and she wouldn't exchange it to any power present in the entire universe. To hell to being Super Max.

Sometimes, Victoria would wake up to find Max staring at her with tears streaming down her face and she worries. She fuckin worries.

"Max?" Her hand will wipe the tears on Max's face. She would stop breathing for a moment, her eyes filled with worry along with the infamous scrunching of eyebrows. Max just laughs because she got caught again.

"I love you," Max whispers and Victoria would smile in return.

Victoria Chase is just so fucking worth it.