Chapter 1

"Yasuo, you are just the guy I am looking for!" Ez, short for Ezreal, ran up to me with eyes sparkling with excitement, oh brother. I was just about to get a drink, when the little kid stopped me dead in my tracks. "Yasuo I want to ask you something, would you like to join me and some of my other friends on an expedition across Valoran?" He asked. I sighed.

"Look I really…" Ezreal cut me off before I could answer.

"What we are traveling for is a crystal that will give the user one free wish! Ezreal stated. I rubbed my chin before shoving the little kid out of my way.

"What a load of bullshit." Ezreal frowned upon my answer, but smiled.

"Don't you want Yone back?" he asked. I froze at his answer.

"My brother is dead, he is never coming back." I said with coldness in my voice. I turned around to open the bar but I heard loud clicking of heels approach me.

"Yasuo, Ez, is not lying; we discovered a crystal hidden deep in the Shurima dessert. I would like for you, Ez and his crew he handpicked to scout the area and bring back the crystal at once. In the meantime while you are away, the institute will send all of the champions on vacation. You have one week to return with or without the crystal. Do I make myself clear Yasuo?" she explained. I rolled my eyes at Mrs. Kolminyke.

"And if I say no?" I answered.

"I will make sure Ahri "charms" you again and you have nightmares about anal-"

"FINE! What time are we leaving?" I asked, sounding very irritated.

"Tomorrow at two o'clock. Our first stop is Piltover. It should take us about eight hours to get there by train. Make sure you pack your necessities, Yasuo." I groaned and started to walk back to my room before Mrs. Kolminyke called my name.

"And Yasuo?" she called. I turned around to look at her.

"Riven cannot go, she will be on vacation with Irelia and Yi in Ionia." I nodded and walked faster to my room. When I made it to my room, I found a note on my bed. It read:

Hello Yasuo,

This is Ahri, and guess what! I am going on the trip with you! It's going to be so damn fun! Wukong isn't coming with me so it's just going to be me,you and Ez.


A trip where am I stuck with a horny fox, a kid, and wait! Maybe I can ask Anthony to come along. I dropped my poorly packed suitcase and ran to the park with my legs running in circles like a cartoon. When I reached the park, Jinx was running in circles with her arms out like an airplane. Anthony was sitting on the bench behind her, laughing at the way she was moving.

"Anthony please tell me you are going to that trip thing!" I yelled.

"Nope, Jinx is taking me on a trip through Piltover." I pinched my forehead and sighed.

"Damn it." I sighed and walked back to my room in disappointment. While I was walking I felt a hand pat my back.

"Sup Yas!" it was Vi, and she was grinning hard.

"Hello Vi." I said.

"Guess what bro! Ez picked me to go on that crystal bullshit! So you're lucky as hell." I arched my eyebrows, making a confused look on my face.

"How does that make me lucky?" I asked.

"Easy man, you will have somebody that you haven't killed yet in your head to tag along with you."

"Well I guess that does make it a little better," I said. I made a small smile on my face. Vi ran off to go hug Caitlyn while I walked back to my room. Well at least Vi can ease my nerves a bit, and who knows, maybe I can learn more about Ahri. I opened my room door and packed the rest of my clothes.

"Yasuo, where are you going?" it was Riven, and she had a concern look on her face. Riven appeared in my room so quietly that I didn't even hear her.

"While all of the champions are away, I was forc- asked to go on a trip to recover some bullshit crystal." I took a seat on my bed and looked into Riven's still concerned face.

"Please don't get yourself killed…" She said, the sound of her voice was shaky. I smiled and stood up, giving Riven a tight hug.

"I won't die Riven, and when I get back we are going somewhere special! Understand?" I asked. Riven smiled and hugged me tighter.

"Okay." She answered. "Take my sword." She said.

"But Riven I-" She put a finger to mouth to silence me.

"I don't want to hear it Yasuo, take it. It's something to remember me by."

"Thank you Riven, I will be safe." I said, giving her a kiss. Riven slowly trailed her fingers on my chest before leaving my room. I sighed and packed the rest of my belongings. Two days until I leave, watch how they go by so fast.

Two days later

See how fast those days went? I was standing outside of the institute, waiting for the next train ride to Piltover. I was standing beside Vi, a flirty fox, Ezreal, and Katarina. I don't know why Ezreal picked Katarina out of all people considering she has a bad temper and will rip anyone to shreds in the matter of seconds. Everyone had seemed like they packed there whole room inside of their bags, while I only brought with me the essentials: Riven's sword, my sword, and stuff to for making sure my hygiene is in order. Being too into my thoughts, I didn't noticed that someone was tapping on my shoulder to get my attention.

"Yas, is this crystal thing real?" Katarina asked. Katarina was dressed in her usual attire, the tightest black suit on earth.

"I doubt it, but then again my Wind Wall can deflect Blitzcrank's one thousand pound robot fist. So anything is possible." Katarina snickered at my response.

"Well you are the only human in the league that has super powers." She said back, making me have a blank expression on my face.

"Twisted Fate can teleport, Tryndamere can't die, etc." I answered.

"You are the only human who didn't go through a freak accident to have super powers." Katarina explained, folding her arms.

"I don't have super powers, second you actually wanted to go on this trip?" I asked, trying to change the subject of me having super powers.

"No I didn't, but when I heard that this crystal can really grant wishes, then I might as well see if it's true or not. Also Garen had business with Demacian troops and what not." I nodded my head.

"I was forced to go on this trip." I admitted. The train finally arrived. The train was silver on the front, and had yellow seats inside. I stood up, but was stopped by Katarina.

"This isn't the Champions train Yas." She said to me.

"We have our own train?" I asked. Katarina nodded her head yes. "Why?" I asked.

"Yes we do, just in case a fight breaks out, no civilians get hurt." She explained.

"Makes sense." I said back. Another train came along, and the train looked almost identical to the previous train.

"All aboard guys!" Ezreal yelled. We all boarded the train, with me going last. When I walked through, the inside of the train was completely different then what I saw from the windows on the outside. The train was the same size on the outside, but the inside was a fucking mansion on wheels. The train didn't have an upstairs surprisingly, but every part of the train had a different room on it. A kitchen, a dining room, and every Champion had a room of their liking. What sparked my interest was the bar. Then a sudden thought came to my head.

"Who is operating the train?" I asked out loud. Everyone looked at me and laughed.

"Yas you really need to get out more! These trains are automatic, they have a robot driver." I raised any eyebrow at Vi, but accepted my fate just in case this "robot" fucks up and kills me.

"Well where's my room?" I asked. Ezreal spoke up first.

"Well that's the bad news Yasuo, the train isn't big enough to hold four rooms. You will be sharing a room with Katarina. I hope you guys don't hate each other." He explained.

"You are telling me this big fucking train can 't magically make four rooms?" I asked, getting laughter from everyone. Ezreal waved his hands in defense.

"Sorry man! I don't make trains!" he said. I sighed and sat down on the very soft couch by the bar.

"I need a drink…" I said.

"Me too..." said Katarina.

"Shit make that three!" Vi joined in.

"I'll pass." Ahri said. I raised an eyebrow at the Nine Tail Fox.

"You don't drink?" I asked. Ahri giggled at my question. I, on the other hand, didn't fine shit funny with what I just said.

"I don't handle alcohol very well my friend." She admitted. I nodded and got up to pour myself some sake.

"Old school, huh Yas?" said Vi. Her choice of drink was beer.

"Sake is old school?" I asked, taking a seat on the red bar stool.

"Yeah, been around for fuckin' ages. Taste like shit." She said bluntly.

"And so does beer." I said back, getting a laugh from The Enforcer. I never tasted beer, the awful smell and it reminded me of piss. Katarina sat beside me, with a glass filled with red wine.

"Cheers." She said, with a very sweet smile.

"Hell yeah!" Vi yelled, a nasty burp in between. I smiled and clanked glasses with them.

Three Hours Later

Katarina passed out after her second glass of wine. Vi went to her shared room with Ahri. Ezreal apparently had a "captains" room so he went to the front of the train. I sighed, then looked at Katarina. Her eyes was closed, as she rested her head on the bar. She looked so peaceful laying there, so peaceful that I didn't want to disturb her. I went against my thinking and picked Katarina up, her hair stretching to my waist. I walked slowly, because if I drop this red head assassin I will be visiting my brother sooner than I thought. I made it to our room, and kicked the door open. I felt the walls looking for a switch to turn on the lights, but I accidentally heard a bump.

"fffffffuuuuccckkkk" I heard under me. I accidentally bumped Katarina's head on the wall beside me. "Where am I?" she asked. I finally found the light switch, flipped it on and her green eyes gave me an evil stare. "Why the fuck are you carrying me?" she asked.

"You fell asleep on the bar, so I thought maybe-" Katarina cut me off.

"Why didn't you just wake me up?" she said. I rolled my eyes and sat her down on her bed. Our room was very simple, a tall brown drawer in the middle of two beds. A closet with hangers on the left side of the room.

"Katarina, you are very hot headed, so why I would wake you? Just take the nice gesture I did for you." I said, with a smirk. Katarina gave me the same smirk back, only she looked so damn sexy.

"Like something you see Yas?" she asked, making me scratch my head nervously.

"I think it's time for bed." I said, taking off my blue shirt. Katarina eyes widened as she looked over my naked chest.

"You have a bird chest haha!" she said. I rolled my eyes and looked in the closet for clothes. The closet was actually bigger than I thought, and there was two whole sides for me and Katarina to share.

"Whats wrong with my chest?" I asked.

"It's so small. You are more skinny then muscular. Where does most of your strength come from?" she asked.

"Are you calling me weak?" I said, closing the closet doors.

"Well you did beat me, so you aren't weak. It's just most men I know are muscular and that usually shows how strong they are. You are just a skinny Ionian with no muscles, but can kill people in a instant." She explained. I walked over to my bed and gave Katarina a stare.

"I feel like you are trying to diss me." I said. Katarina gave me a smirk.

"Eh, I can't diss you if it's already true Yas." She said, licking her lips.

I raised an eyebrow at the assassin. She is playing games with me, and the way this is going I already know how this is going to end. "How about to you show me some of your strength Yas?" she asked, standing up in front of me.

"How can I show you?" I asked. This is going to end in two ways. Either we are going to have sex, or I ask Ahri to switch with me.

"Stand in front of me." she said. I stood up in front of her. Katarina was shorter than me, her head reaching my neck.

"Pick me up, and put me against the wall." She said.

"O…k…" I said slowly. I moved my hands and picked Katarina up by her hips. I walked over to the front of our small room and placed her on the wall. Our bodies was touching in all the right places, making me have an uncomfortable hard on.

"Now let's see how long you can hold me up." She said. Katarina leaned her head onto my neck, and bit my neck softly. She tugged my skin a little with her teeth, then let it go. She licked the side of my neck, then moved her head back to my face. "Did you like that?" she asked.

"Are you drunk Katarina?" I asked back.

"Maybe…" she said. I picked Katarina off of the wall, and laid her on her bed.

"Go to sleep." I said.

"I like a man who gives me orders." She said, licking her lips.

"You are drunk Katarina, You aren't yourself." I explained. I shut off the lights in our room, and got into my bed. I got under my covers and sleep took over me. I all could hear was the train riding on the tracks, and Katarina's snoring.

Some Hours Later

"mmmm" I heard. I awoke, but I couldn't move my arms or legs. My eyes adjusted to the dark room I was in, and the sound that was coming outside of my window. We were still riding to Piltover, but there was another sound I heard, and it was closer than before. I moved my head downwards to see Katarina sucking my manhood, with that same unforgettable smirk.

Riven is going to kick my ass.

Hello Readers! This is my new story I am going on for a while. This is the sequel to The Mis-Adventures of The Unforgiven. If you have not read that, please read it first. If you don't feel like reading it, then try your best to follow along. I will update this story every Wednesday, so expect a update. I might update twice in one week if I have time. Thank you all for reading the first chapter of this story. This story will contain Lemons, bad jokes, love, everything you can expect.
