I was broken, broken by love, ever since I moved here to Boston everything has been hell. I haven't seen my twin brother Kaoru, Haruhi, and the rest of my friends for months. The reason why is because I joined a gang, or more like forced into a gang. They're called the Angles of Massachusetts, but don't let the name fool you you, we're more like devils. They drink, smoke, have sex, even rape (Which I don't do thank God), and worse of all hurt and kill people, which I was forced to do. We wear black jackets with wings on the back, black combat boots, jeans and devil masks. The mask only covers our eyes but people still can't really see our face really well. I'll tell you how I got thrown into this awful gang.

-Flash Back-

I was walking home from the store after Kaoru said we need chips for the barbecue Haruhi and Tamaki were throwing. I hated it, seeing those two as a couple. I know I should be over those two being a couple, I've even said I was, but I can't, I love Haruhi too much. Everytime I see them together I get angry and jealous that I have to leave. I stare at the plastic bag in my hand and sigh.

"Why is he forcing me to go to this freakin barbecue? I don't want to be tortured anymore."

The next thing I know someone touches my shoulder. I turn around to see who it was. When I turned around I saw a guy dressed in all black and had a devil mask on just covering his eyes. I just stood there confused looking at the guy.

"Um, do you need something?" I asked confused.

He just stares at me, then a smirk appears on his face. The next thing I know he grabs me.

"Hey! Let me go!" I shouted.

"Now, now be a good boy and nobody gets hurt." The masked man said strangely calm.

As I tried to get out of his grip I saw the back of his jacket. I heard of these people, they're called The Angles of Massachusetts; they're the most dangerous gang in Boston, and maybe all of America. After realizing the person who was grabbing me was part of that gang I started panicking. They're not afraid to hurt people, or kill.

The guy noticed me panicking. "Don't worry Hikaru I'm not going to hurt you." The masked man said.

Wait how did he know my name?

"H….How do you know my name?" I asked my voice shaking.

He smirks. "I know everything about you and your friends. I can even name them. There's Tamaki Souh, Kyouya Ootori, Mitsukuni Haninozuka or honey for short, Takashi Morinozuka or Mori for short, your twin brother Kaoru Hitachiin, and the girl you love and can never let go Haruhi Fujioka."

I panicked, has he been spying on me, and why? What does he want from me if he's not going to hurt me?!

"How do you know all this?" I asked frightened.

The man chuckled darkly. "Other angles and I have been keeping a close eye on you ever since you've moved here to Boston, and we like what we see, so we're putting you in our gang."

"I would never join your gang." I growled.

The man chuckled again. "Oh that's funny, you think you have a choice." Then the smirk appeared on his face once more. "If you don't join our gang, I promise you, your family, friends, and the girl you love oh so dearly well be badly hurt, or even better killed."

When I heard the tone in his voice I knew he wasn't joking.

"If I join your gang, my family and friends well be safe?"

"Yes, but you will not be to talk to them, or let them know see you. You'll be living with the rest of the angles at our base from now on."

I looked at him sadly. "Not even Kaoru?"

The man nodded. "Not even your twin."

I didn't know what to do; I just looked at the ground. If I say no Kaoru, Haruhi and everybody else will be in danger, even Mori and Honey. The angles can take down the Swat Team with ease, and Haruhi…..I couldn't let them hurt her. I looked at the man. "I will join the Angles of Massachusetts."

-End of Flashback-