Hello my lovelies!

I am so sorry for not updating. I know that I say that a lot but school is starting up soon and I still haven't gotten a new laptop so updating has seriously been a challenge. Also, finding a good plot has been challenging as well. but I think I might have solved that problem this chapter.

Disclaimer: I don't own BMW or GMW or Fitzsimmons (the inspiration)

All the young adults were hanging out in the living room working on the newest movie project, a romance movie as specifically requested by the manager of the company that they were currently being hired for.

"What do you guys think about about a city/suburban setting for the movie?" Maya suggested.

Riley shrugged, still not completely happy that she was forced to write a script about something she had no hope in. "I think it would work."

Everyone else agreed nodding, but Missy spoke up before Maya started to make plans to start scouting. "Isn't there only city and suburbs?"

"Well, there's both," Lucas supplied, half focusing on the conversation and half focusing on finding an appropriate soundtrack.

Riley nodded. "You can have one with apartment buildings and small houses but with shops and stuff like-"

"If you have a downtown and an uptown, but with more trees and less skyscrapers," Lucas finished.

"Were you guys finishing each others sentences?" Farkle asked the two geniuses slowly.

"I think they were," Maya winked.

Before anyone else could add in their two cents, Riley put in hers. "I think that the city/suburban setting would be really cool actually. It could show the dynamics between the two characters."

"I think Massachusetts would be a cool setting, winter stuff, rivers, forests, hills, and there's little towns that would be perfect for filming," Farkle included.

"How do you know so much about Massachusetts?"

"I lived there. It's a really nice place once you get passed the horrible drivers."

Riley laughed, a mirth in her eyes that hadn't been there for the past week while she had been writing the movie.

"But wait, we live in LA, how are you gonna scout it for the movie?" Missy asked.

Maya paused, thinking it through, and then her smile slowly turned into a smirk of mischief. "I might have an idea."


"Absolutely not."

"Cory," Topanga pleaded. "Hear them out. They've been in this house for weeks on end, working tirelessly. Let them at least present their case."

He grunted but let Maya continue.

"Riley already has a couple scripts done, ones that aren't romance but we could use to sell to other companies. And this trip could be used to see other possible spots. This isn't just for one movie, we could take a lot of pictures and make this usable for many movies in the future."

"Yeah, and I'd love to see how people interact besides New York and LA. It'd be really awesome to live and experience something instead of research it for scripts," Riley added.

Lucas nodded along, determined to help them out."There's also a couple of summer music festivals coming up that I can check out for new music. It would give our movies a more versatile soundtrack instead of hiring composers, we could even pay small musicians and have them write for us, give them business."

Cory looked at Topanga, silently asking whether or not she supported this idea. She smiled, at the kids, proud and happiness shining in her eyes.

"What about you guys?" Cory asked Farkle and Missy. "How can you benefit?"

Farkle sighed happy that he could finally present his word. "I've contacted some of my friends who also handle money and are spread out through the country and they're willing to take me to some conventions and meetings at their workplace."

"And I was going to head out to the closest malls when we stop so that I can jot down new ideas for outfits. It's a win-win-win-win-win sir," Missy said.

"Let me get this straight," Topanga interrupted. "You're all gonna be working this whole trip.

"Yeah," Farkle agreed.

"That's what you guys wanted," Maya shrugged.

"I guess," Missy said, rolling her eyes.

"If it means we can go," Lucas added.

"Definitely," Riley smiled, getting looks from her fellow co-workers.

Topanga looked at her husband, seeing the hesitancy on his face. "I think it's a wonderful idea."

All of the kids smiled brightly. Riley immediately went to hug Lucas who was just a person away, and he hugged back with the same enthusiasm that she emoted. Maya and Missy high fived while Farkle and Maya hip bumped, something that Maya had forced Farkle to do but he secretly loved it.

Suddenly, they all realized that Cory hadn't given his permission. They all froze, mid hip bump and with two arms wrapped tensely around Lucas's waist.

He pursed his lips to one side, examining the kids. "Fine, you guys can go," Cory agreed which immediately created a wave of cheers from his peers.

Riley ran up to him, wrapping both arms around his neck and hugging him tight. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you."

"I can't believe we're letting you go on a road trip."

"Believe it, son," Maya blurted, immediately after shrinking back and apologizing.

Before they could get all too excited Topanga stopped them. "We need to lay down some ground rules though because no way are we just gonna let you guys go around the country managing to just end up in Massachusetts."

"Oh yeah, definitely," Cory agreed.

The five workers looked at each other skeptically but conceded, sitting down on the couch.

"First rule," Topanga started. "You guys are going to always sleeping motels. We are not risking you guys sleeping in a Walmart parking lot. Okay?"

"Deal," Maya smiled.

"Okay second rule," Cory proposed. "You guys call us every night, not a long phone call but just a 'hey we're alive'."

"Also, third rule, we're gonna give you guys a bank account to buy stuff with. We've made quite a bit of money with the movies we've been presenting. We're tracking your purchases so only buy stuff you really need."

"And, we're giving you guys the van to use, so the majority of that money in that account is for gas. Are we clear?"

"Crystal," the group chorused.

"When do you guys want to leave? And when are you guys planning to be back?"

Riley pulled out her phone, flipping through the calendar. "Well, it's the seventh of May now. When's our next big corporate meeting that we have to attend?"

"Nothing booked until the start of August, but we would like you guys back a couple weeks in advance so you guys can prepare for presentations," Topanga informed.

"Well, what if we leave next Wednesday and then we come back the twenty-sixth of July or sometime around then. That gives us a week to plan and pack and then two to three months to just travel," Lucas suggested.

The group nodded, happy with any time to themselves.

"We can deal with that. It'll give us more time to scope out more companies and contact more newspapers to get the word out about our company," Cory smiled.

"Is that a deal, sir?" Farkle asked, hope laced through his voice.

"Deal. Topanga?"



They were leaving tomorrow morning and Riley still had to pack and the group still had to fill the gas tank and do a bulk shopping trip at Target. She had, like always, waited until the last minute to actually pack for herself, always worried about taking care of others, especially since she had come to work at the Lennox House.

Currently, half her clothes were strewn throughout her bedroom in piles of what she was bringing and the rest of her closet. She let out a groan of annoyance.

Lucas who was on the way to her room to check up on her was amused to find her face down on her bed covered by a couple of articles of clothing here and there.

"Stressed?" he asked, stepping over the majority of her closet to reach her spinning desk chair.

She picked up her head to check who it was and then slammed it back down on the cushiony surface. "You have no idea."

"Take a break, you've been practically planning this whole trip. Maya even suggested to pick up the slack so you can focus on you."

"We still have to go to target and pick up road trip snacks and movies and toys and blankets and pillows and-"

"So we'll wing it."

"No, we need a list, a practical, well thought out list."

Lucas, rolling his eyes, stood up from the chair walking over to Riley's bed and lifting her shoulders so that she was forced to sit up. Easily, he rubbed her arms, a tactic he knew would calm her down. "Breathe, Ri, it's okay. Stop expecting things to go exactly as planned and just let them happen. Go with the flow." He laid a quick, friendly kiss on her temple. "Now, pack."

"Shut it," she muttered, throwing a pillow at him as he left the room.

"Be down in thirty though, we're leaving for Target!"


"So where's your list, party planner?" Lucas smirked, nudging Riley as she threw another grey hoodie in the basket along with a soft blanket and a bag of flamin' hot cheetos.

"There is no list," she shrugged, pulling the cart along behind her.

Lucas gasped, "No list? How dare you." He watched her as she rolled her eyes and stuck a tongue out at him. "Where are you taking my cart?"

"I need some tea, come on, we need to stock up. Oh! um we need to get a portable tea kettle, and bottles of water, lots of them."

And then suddenly she was gone as quickly as she had come, with his-now their- cart.

"Huckleberry," Maya greeted with Farkle and Missy arguing behind her over who would get to push the cart. "Where's the princess?"

"She ran off with my cart to get her items."

"Well what else do you need to finish up your shopping?"

He paused, "Nothing,"he mumbled.


Riley had finished packing that morning after Lucas's visit. It was only eight at night so there wasn't too much to do. Instead she walked downstairs to go see Lucas.

"Hey, you finished yet?" she smiled, leaning her head against the doorframe.

There was this pause. This moment when Lucas turned his head to see his best friend in the world and even more. She had changed into her pajamas which consisted of her donut shorts and sweatshirt that she had gotten from Washington D.C. and instead of wearing her normal contacts, she had changed out of them into her glasses. Her hair tucked into a messy bun. She looked so, beautiful.

"You have?" he asked back, exasperated. It took everything he had to just tear his eyes away from her and focus on finding some more shorts and jeans.

"All I had to do was add some more journals and pens to my backpack and I was good. Need help?"

"Yeah can you grab a shirt from that pile?"

She nodded, stepping into his room and searching through the pile of shirts that resided on his desk, smirking when she came across a batman shirt.

"I pick this one," she laughed, holding it up to her torso to check the size. It was just a little bigger than her, which means the shirt was most definitely from his middle school days.

Lucas instantly got up and grabbed it from her. "Ha. Ha. Hilarious, thanks for your help, you can go." She was laughing too much though.

"No no no, okay, I'm sorry. Here," she said, taking the shirt from his hands and folding it before throwing it in his closet. "Look, it's gone." She looked up at him, their distance was only a few inches away. Awkwardly, she coughed and plastered on a smile. "I'm gonna go check up on Maya and Farkle. I'll see you tomorrow."

He cleared his throat as well and stepped back. "See you."

Riley skipped out of his room and down the hall. "Don't forget to leave your bag in the foyer so we can load them in and leave!"

Smiling, he threw another random t-shirt in his suitcase and yelled at her back, "Wouldn't dream of it!"


The next morning after they were all packed and ready to go, Cory and Topanga were checking if they had everything.

"Riley, you're in charge of the credit card. You guys can switch off driving but Riley is the one that pays for gas."

"Or anything for that matter," Cory added.

"Hey," the other four chorused.

"Unfair, much?" Missy mumbled.

Riley waved a hand at Missy, dismissing her. "Thanks, Mr. Matthews."

"Now go, have fun. Call, be careful," Topanga smiled.

The five hugged their bosses and started to pile into the car.

"I call driving!" Farkle announced.

"Shotgun!" Missy called, making Farkle force Maya into driving instead.

"We'll take the middle seats then," Lucas said, motioning to Riley and himself since Farkle had decided to take the one seat in the back.

"Everyone buckled?" Maya yelled. The group yelled different variations of yes and Maya continued. "Let's get this show on the road!"

Thank you guys so much for reading! I hope you guys liked this chapter because although it took quite literally all day to write it, it was really fun to do so.

Please review!

Love, ChevronStars