Hello my lovelies!

So this is my new story! I hope you guys like it!

If you want to read some of my works, go to my profile and check them out!

So Riley's real parents aren't going to be Topanga and Cory but instead two people who neglect their daughter so Topanga and Cory act like her stand-in parents.

I don't own BMW or GMW or any of the characters also I just really love FitzSimmons which is the inspiration.


She's sixteen and too talented for her own good when Riley enrolls in college. Her sophisticated yet realistic writing got her an early acceptance to one of the best drama colleges in the country. But she's sixteen, at least two years younger than all the other students, and she's terrified for her life. It isn't easy leaving her family in New York while she pursues her dream, and it's even harder being the youngest in the school and still managing to hold the highest grades. No one really likes her that much after she beats out one of the best senior writers in a screenplay contest.

She's always been an outcast though. Living in New York City gave her multiple opportunities to stand out, but she never had the guts to even try. She was either too quiet or too loud. Always too shy or too outgoing. She never seemed to be able to find a balance.

Her mom, a successful and famous lawyer, was never really around. And growing up with only her dad left her to her own devices. She had never learned from teachers but instead from her local library that was conveniently only a block away from her apartment. She had no constant influences.

Her style didn't help with fitting in. While most kids her age would wear t-shirts from concerts and low-cut dresses, she always was clad in button-downs, capris, and blazers. Her hair always braided and kept away from her face, only because when it constantly fell into her face bothering her during writing times. She always carried around a messenger bag with at least five different notebooks, each containing a new play or idea. So she was different, Riley didn't mind.


Lucas isn't quite sure how he managed to pull it off. As one of the youngest of six children, his parents already passed all their expectations and hopes onto the elders. Half of them were already in college, community college that is, and the other half were in varying stages of middle and high school. He never got in trouble, and maybe that's why they never noticed him.

Nonetheless, when he was fifteen he submitted an album of music to a drama college to be evaluated on a whim. He'd always wanted to score movies so he thought why not try it to see how good he was. He didn't expect that they would ask him to go practice and enhance his talents at their school. So by the time he was sixteen, he was leaving home. And if he was fortunate, it would be for good.

A good-looking, talented sixteen year-old caught the students' eyes when he arrived. Within a week of attending, he had been invited to six parties and been asked on dates by two girls. The popularity startled him but he had quickly adjusted and thrived in it. It was a matter of time before he had managed to rub a senior the wrong way and was sent to the bottom of the social standings.

In his third month, after the drop in social standings, Lucas was called to the principal's office. It didn't take long for him to work himself up into a mild panic. That panic stops when he notices he's called with another person. She's shy and he can't even get a good look at her face but he knows that she's better than most people at the school. He's not really listening to what the principal is saying but he catches the main points: she's sixteen too, an outcast (like him now) and he thinks that maybe them living together off campus would benefit both of them.

It's awkward to say the least. She refuses to talk and he's not really trained in leading conversations on his own. But she's not bad on the eyes, albeit a little disheveled, probably from lack of sleep.

When they arrive at the apartment, she soon leaves. He doesn't realize why until she comes back with two boxes of stuff. They're large and definitely taller than her when stacked on top of each other, but she manages to carry the boxes with ease, impressing both him and herself.

"Bedroom?" she gasps, after finally setting the boxes down.

"Excuse me?" Lucas gapes, taking the wrong idea.

She turns around and starts unpacking her boxes without response, but her sigh tells him that he went the wrong route with what she said.

"You mean what bedroom do you want," he amends, awkwardly. From afar he can see her nod her head and he continues on for her sake and his. "Well, you can take the master bedroom I'll take the guest room."

Again there's no response but she carries one of the boxes to the master bedroom.

"Thank you," she whispers, he can barely hear it but he smiles anyway.

Picking up her other box he follows her, setting it down and sitting on it.

"You know, I don't think we ever fully introduced ourselves. I'm Lucas Friar, you can call me Lucas. I like music more than most things in life, I'm sixteen and I really like your t-shirt."

She smiles at the gesture, and it makes him feel warm.

"Riley Matthews but please call me Ri." There's silence for a moment or two but after a couple moments of him watching her unpack she gets to her collection of tea and mugs. "Do you happen to like tea?"

She leaves the room without his response and heads over to the complimentary tea kettle the principal sent her. He still hasn't answered by the time she pours in the water and starts the stove to heat it up.

"What do you have?"

She lets out a snort. It's cute, if not awkward. "Anything you can think of, I probably have."

"Oh cool what about-"

"I lied. I don't have chamomile. God, I hate chamomile."

He laughs at that and suddenly she whips around and finally looks straight at him. It takes him back a bit, how really beautiful she is. But they've been given the rule of no fraternizing so he forgets about that thought as quickly as it comes.

"What," he shrugs. "I laugh."

"Like a donkey," she smiles.

He's offended but only for a minute because son enough they've moved on to better and more interesting topics. She's closed-off but he manages to get her to open up slightly. And soon enough they're friends.


At the end of their first year, Lucas and Riley both end up making the decision to stay in the apartment instead of going back home. They also know the other better than they know themselves.

Lucas knows that Riley gets up at nine in the morning but doesn't leave her room until ten. She's writing and she doesn't like to be bothered. So he brings her tea, specifically raspberry, and leaves it on her desk before she gets up since he gets up around seven.

Riley knows that Lucas ends up sleeping from two in the afternoon until around three-thirty. In that time she cleans up because if it's not clean he gets kind of cranky.

They know each other so well that even though they fight constantly and about the weirdest things (Riley started a fight the other day about how the spines of her notebooks were shifted and that Lucas touched them) they couldn't live without the other.

By their third year, both of them graduate with insane reputations. Riley is well-known throughout the college, everyone wanting to be the ones who preform her plays. Her fame gets her early graduation and attention from large corporations. Lucas's scoring is also wanted. By his fourth work done, people had realized that his music made their movies better.

They're allowed to stay in the apartment as long as they are still involved with the school and at twenty years old, it sounds like a pretty fair request. When they're twenty-two they get called by a large movie corporation. It's a request to work with a team of experts to help produce and make movie ideas. Lucas is hesitant, not wanting to leave from the comfort of what he's known. But Riley jumps at the chance, causing a rift between the two.

"I'll do it," she threatens, tears starting to form. "I'll go without you. I'm good Lucas, I can go on my own and be fine."

"I never said you wouldn't. But I'm not ready!"

"Then I'll go! I'll advance my career and leave you here stuck in the same hole that you arrived here in."


"Lucas, I can do this without you, but it'd be so much easier with you next to me. I know what you can do. So do the people hiring us, you'll thrive."

"Thanks for the support but, God, Ri, I can't just leave for a corporation that I've never even heard of."

Riley sank down to the floor, defeated.

"I'm leaving, with or without you."

And if he's completely honest, he'll go anywhere that Riley goes. So he leaves with her and they go to corporation.


The group they're working for is called the Lennox House. It's a small group about five or six people. They write for larger companies and sell whole movie ideas that need no work to complete, just a payout.

When they arrive they're immediately given the name The Geniuses. There's also Maya, who draws up the storyboards and surveys where the movie could be filmed, Farkle, who deals with the negotiation of payment and Missy who does costumes. Lucas is told he'll do the music, obviously Riley says, and Riley will be the writer. She has the most extensive job but they'll mostly be collaborating together, either he gives her music to base the story off of or she'll give him a story. Everyone else works off of them.

It's a decent sized house that they live in now. Riley claims the attic, she likes the idea that it's all hers and that she'll have to re-do it. The rest get their own rooms, with the owners of the group getting the master bedroom.

Riley and Lucas meet the owners the next day.

"Cory Matthews and my wife, Topanga Matthews," he introduces. Riley and Lucas both wave and before Lucas can say anything, Riley beats him to it.

"My last name is Matthews too," she says, it's quiet but no one else is talking so everyone can hear.

"Well, Riley," Topanga says sitting down next to her, "You're definitely one of us."

They don't start working until the next week but everyone's already clicking. Riley notices that Maya, while rebellious, is loyal and they bond fast. Farkle is quirky but smart and funny and Riley takes a liking to him as well. Missy's a little different. She's gorgeous and peppy but Riley is a little wary of how much attention Lucas is paying to her. It's not like they're dating, she's never thought about dating Lucas, but it irks her just a little that it's not just her in his life anymore.

Nonetheless, Riley adjusts. She focuses on her room. The attic gets reinforced to make sure nothing happens and she decorates just as quick as she writes.

It's clear that by the end of the week, that Riley and Lucas had found their new home.

So tell me what you think. I promise that this corporation isn't sketchy at all. I don't know if this actually happens IRL but I like how it sounds.

So a little blurb on Riley's parents. I'm making her and her parents very distant from each other. She's gonna look up to Cory and Topanga and kinda subconsciously make them her new parents.

Please review!

Love, ChevronStars