Chapter 1 of the Rewrite! Sorry this took so long. Some family business came up and I couldn't miss it. Anyway, here you go! I own nothing!

Chapter 1: The Revival of a Legend Part 1

It was dark. The black abyss surrounding Yusei was all he could see. The darkness was cold, suffocating and the seemingly complete and utter silence unnerved him. Whatever this place was, it was wrong. He tried to move, to get away from this void, only to find that he couldn't. Panic began to grip him as he struggled against the force holding him still. He tried to call out for his friends, for anyone out in the dark, but he couldn't make a sound. Just as he was about to lose it, he saw something. Far in front of him was a light. He almost didn't care who it was, only that there was something else here. As the light drew closer, he could see a figure in it. He wasn't sure what it was, but it definitely wasn't human. It was so far away still, but it might be a dragon. Before Yusei could make certain of this, the world around him faded into the light.


Yusei Fudo shot up in his bed, gasping for breath. His dark blue eyes darted around his dimly lit room before he finally calmed down. He glanced at his clock and sighed, it was too early to go back to sleep. He slowly stood and went into the hall, carefully not making noise; Crow and Jack still needed to sleep. He walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. He ran a hand through his black and gold spikes, messing them up further. As he prepared for the day, his mind kept wandering back to the strange dream and the figure he saw. Just what was that anyway, he thought.

Shaking it from his mind for the moment, he headed downstairs to start on breakfast. He wasn't the best cook, by any means, but he could make food that tasted well enough to eat. While making pancakes, his mind drifted back to his dream and what it could possible mean. He he made himself a plate and silently ate, still wondering about his dream. He was so caught up in his thoughts he didn't notice Crow enter and make himself a plate, until he sat next to him.

"Morning Yusei."

The blackette jumped slightly at voice of his long time friend and looked over at him, "Oh, morning."

Crow watched him for a minute before turning back to his food, giving Yusei a quick thanks amidst his chewing. He smiled at his friend and returned to his own meal. Jack walked in not long after. Before Crow could even say a word, Jack held up a hand for silence and walked to the coffee machine. Yusei couldn't help but smile; somethings never changed. After making himself a cup of coffee and a plate of food, Jack sat at the table and mumbled, "Morning."

Crow chuckled, "Still can't function without a cup of coffee, huh?"

And thus, the two launched into their usual friendly bickering. Yusei listened at first, but his thoughts steadily drifted back to his dream. He couldn't seem to be able to keep it out of his mind for long. He only snapped out of his thoughts when Crow shook his shoulder.


He blinked and turned to Crow, "Huh? What is it?"

Crow watched him closely, eyebrows bunched in concern, "Hey, you okay? You've been acting weird all morning."

Yusei glanced at Jack and saw concern etching his features as well. He simply shook his head and stood, taking his plate to the sink.

"I'm fine."

He could almost hear Jack rolling his eyes, "Yeah. Sure you are. Are you going to tell us the truth or not?"

"Hate to admit it, but Jacks right. Something's bugging you. What is it?"

Yusei sighed and turned back to them, "Look, it's nothing serious. Just a weird dream I had, that's all."

Crow raised a suspicious eyebrow, "You sure."

"Yep. Now hurry up. We promised that we would meet Aki and the twins the the Deul Academy today. Remember?"

The three of them promised to watch Leo and Luna's last tournament of the year before the winter break.

Crow quickly stood, remembering the promise, "Oh, shoot! You're right!"

He rapidly finished his food and ran up to his room to get ready. Jack did the same, albeit slower than Crow did. He glanced back at Yusei before he left the room that gave him the impression that the two of them would be talking about his dream later. He sighed and walked to his Duel Runner. He smiled softly at it, remembering all the work he's but into it over the years. He took the few minutes his two friends took to get ready to do a quick inspection of the bike. There were still multiple things that could be improved upon it, it was still a source of pride for him.

Jack and Crow didn't take very long to get ready and were set to go in a matter of minutes. Jack continued to give Yusei side glances through the entire drive, especially when Yusei got lost in thought and almost crashed into the barrier. They made it to the Duel Academy without any other issues, but Yusei knew that both Crow and Jack were keeping an eye on him. He did appreciate the concern, but he could handle a dream that he may not even have ever again.

Akiza, Luna and Leo were waiting outside the front gate for them to arrive. Leo was the first one to get to them when they stopped, of course.

"Yusei! Jack! Crow! You guys made it!"

Yusei couldn't help but chuckle at the young boy's excited nature. It was naturally infectious. Leo grabbed his sleeve, excitedly babbling about the tournament, his newest friend, his rival; an upper classmate whose name he could never catch, and how excited he was to have the three of them here. As he started to drag him inside, he noticed that Crow and Jack were whispering to Luna and Akiza, the four of them all looking concerned. Yusei sighed and turned back to Leo. He half expected Jack and Crow to tell them, given how distracted he'd been all day.

Leo lead him to a large room, completely decked out for a duel tournament, including a state of the art dueling stage that made him feel like giving it a try. Leo looked up at him excitedly and pulled him towards what could only be a VIP box.

"You, Jack and Crow will be sitting here with the teachers and stuff like that. Check it out! It's all decked out and stuff!"

Sure enough, the VIP box was furnished very well. Whoever made must have heard about the presence of himself and Jack. He sat in one of the multiple seats and it felt beyond comfortable. Leo happily sat next to him, bouncing in his seat.

"See? Super nice, right? I think they decided to go all out, considering all the people that are going to be here. I'm so excited!"

Yusei smiled and ruffled the boy's hair, "I'm excited too. I can't wait to see how you've improved your skills. I know you'll do great out there."

Leo beamed and let from his seat, "Yeah! I'm way better now than ever! Just you wait and see!"

"Then you better go and get ready, right?"

"Huh? Oh yeah! You're right! See you after I win Yusei!"

And, with that, Leo ran off to wherever he was supposed to go. Yusei shook his head and chuckled at Leo's antics. He turned back to the dueling stage, where several people were starting to file in to set everything up and others were getting into their seats. Some noticed Yusei and whispered amongst themselves. He still wasn't quite used to people he didn't know recognizing him, so he mostly ignored the looks he was given.

As he waited for the tournament to start, he felt something nag at the back of his mind. He ignored it at first, but the feeling just wouldn't let up. More people walked in as he realized what it was. He felt, oddly enough, tired. It was rare for him to feel this tired, given how his sleep schedule was. He tried to push past it, but the urge to lay back in his chair and rest wouldn't leave him. He almost didn't notice the start of the tournament, if it wasn't so loud and right in front of him, he might not have. He was close to falling asleep completely, when someone grabbed his arm and shook him. He jumped and turned to see Crow, looking at him worriedly.

"Hey man. You alright?"

Yusei shook his head, "... Yeah. Fine."

Crow looked completely unconvinced.

Before he could question him more, he stood, "I'll be back in minute."

Yusei left before Crow could say anything and briskly walked down a random hall. He felt a yawn crawl it's way through his throat as he walked into a room. He briefly looked around at what could only be a waiting room, though an expensive one. It vaguely reminded him of the one he waited in during his first dueling tournament. He yawned again and spotted a very inviting chair. He sat down in it without a second thought and sleep quickly captured him.


It was the same black abyss as before. Yusei wasn't afraid this time since he had a general idea as to what he would expect. In the distance, he saw the same light and figure from his first dream. As it drew closer he could clearly make out that it was definitely a dragon. It wasn't one he'd ever seen before, that was for certain. Even from as far aways as he was, he could make out the dragon's deep red scales, it's glowing yellow eyes and an odd blue light on it's forehead. A massive jewel, maybe?

As it drew closer, it let out a massive roar that shook the very air around Yusei. The sheer power of it made him shudder. He did not want to be on that things bad side. It was much closer now and he could make out its details. Its crimson scales matched perfectly with its black under belly. It did, in fact have a massive, glowing blue jewel on its forehead. However, what really caught his attention, was the fact that it had two mouths; one on top of the other. A dragon with one mouth was worrisome; two was terrifying. Coupled with the massive silver claws on its fore legs and this thing was set to kill. It made Yusei worry about being directly in its path. Before it could get any closer, he was pulled back into the light.


Being shaken violently was not how Yusei wanted to wake up. He pushed the one shaking him back and ran a hand over his face. He groaned and shook his head, trying to remember what he was doing before the dream. He opened his eyes and saw a custodian looking down at him, clearly annoyed.

"Hey. Bud. This placed closed an hour ago. What are you doing here, sleeping like the dead?"

It took a minute for Yusei to register what the man said and when it did, he knew he was in for it when he got home. No doubt the others were waiting for an explanation.

He slowly stood, "Sorry sir. Just... really tired. That's all. I'll be leaving."

The custodian nodded briskly and walked him out the front gate, locking it behind him. With a quick look around, he realized that it was night and his Duel Runner was gone. He figured that Crow and Jack must have taken it when they left. He sighed and started walking in the direction of their house. The house he stayed in wasn't far from the Duel Academy, as long as he had a car or a Duel Runner. Without on, he'd have to walk through the center of the city, which took almost twice as long. He sighed and began the long walk back, he had to admit he partially deserved it.

He was about half way home before he stopped. He wasn't tired or anything, its just that its hard to continue forward when you're surrounded by black, suspicious looking cars. He had an idea as to who the cars belonged to, but he hoped to be proved wrong this one time. The side door of the car directly in front of him opened and a man stepped out. The man quickly approached him, stopping several feet away. Even in the dark Yusei could tell exactly who it was.


Rex Goodwin smiled calmly, "Yusei Fudo. It's been some time, hasn't it?"

"Not long enough. What do you want?"

"And what leads you to believe that I want something?"

Yusei glared at the white haired man, "I know you well enough by now. Now tell me why you're here."

Goodwin sighed, "Very well then. I need you to come with me."

"No way in Hell."

Goodwin raised an eyebrow and before Yusei could say anymore, a gunshot rang though the air. A small amount of debris skipped up dangerously close to where his was. He quickly moved to the side, only to see the line of gunman that were behind him out of the corner of his eye. Okay, that was new. He'd, unfortunately, known Goodwin for a while, but he'd never seen him threaten to shoot someone. He turned back to Goodwin, whom had a malicious smirk on his face. He stepped aside and motioned towards his car. Seeing no smart way out, he followed. Goodwin smiled at him as he passed by, stirring his temper further. Yusei was rightfully proud of his calm and leveled demeanor, but Rex Goodwin had a natural talent for pissing him off.

Yusei sat in the car and quickly looked over the interior. The leather seats, mini fridge and built in TV screamed "rich and privileged" like only Goodwin could. The man himself entered after him, keeping a distance between them. One of the gunman entered behind him, holding a very large and imposing gun, of course. He nodded to the driver, whom started to drive away from the site of Yusei's kidnapping. After glancing out the window to look for familiar landmarks, he turned and glared at Goodwin, ignoring the gunman as best he could. The white haired man was pouring two drinks; wine, if Yusei felt like guessing. He set one glass im front of Yusei and took a sip of his own. He eyed the cup warily, he didn't trust Goodwin as far as he could through him. Seeing his refusal to have the drink, Goodwin apparently decided to get to the point. He set his glass down, closed his eyes and sighed.

"I suppose you're wondering why you're here."

"I don't care."

"Oh, I believe you'll care in a moment."

Goodwin held up a remote and pressed a button. The TV flashed to life and started showing what Yusei guessed was a slide show. It showed dark, but detailed, pictures of a spot in the Satellite. He knew that's what it was due to growing up there. You never really forget your roots, no matter how far away from them you are. The next picture was of the same area, but a strange red light began to shine along the ground. He wasn't completely sure why, but he felt that the light was familiar to him, somehow. The third picture was of the red light swirling into a large mass. The final picture made him gasped beside himself. He couldn't help it, given what he was seeing. Despite being a simple outline, it was unmistakable. The red color, the yellow eyes and the blue jewel all matched. It was the same dragon from his dream. Goodwin pressed the button again and the TV flashed off.

"Do I have your attention now?"

Yusei's fists clenched at Goodwin's condescending tone, but he nodded. The elder man smirked and went silent. The car drove toward the newly constructed bridge between New Domino and the Satellite. Yusei knew that he was being taken to the spot were the dragon formed, but he had no clue as to why. He hadn't told anyone about his dream and he felt bad enough about that.

As the arrived at the bridge, Yusei's phone went off. He slowly took it out of his pocket. It was almost midnight and Jack was calling him. The phone was suddenly snatched away by Goodwin.

"Hey, what are y-?!"

The sound of a gun clicking made his words stop in their tracks. Goodwin glanced at the caller ID and answered it. Yusei could hear Jack yelling at him on the other end about where he was. He was half tempted to smile.

Goodwin effectively shut Jack up with a simple, "Jack Atlas. It's been quite some time, hasn't it? How are you doing?"

The other end went quiet, something that was never good. Jack started talking again, but he couldn't make out what he was saying for the most part, so he just listened to what Goodwin was saying.

"Oh, come now. Yusei is fine. I don't intend to harm him."

He glanced at the blackette from the corner of his eye, "... Well, as long as he behaves, that is."

He let out a long sigh after Jack spoke, "Such language. Yusei is far pleasanter company."

"Yes, he is alive."

Goodwin sighed yet again and held the phone out to Yusei. Not close enough where he was expected to take it, but he could still talk into it.

He drew a breath, "Jack?"

"... Yusei?"

He chuckled lightly, "Yeah. It's me. I, uh, I might be home late. Don't wait up for me, alright?"

"B-but Yusei! You're with Goodwin! And you're okay with that?!"

Yusei glanced at the gunman, "... Um. I don't think I have a choice. Just... make sure everyone knows tha-"

The gun cocked again, the barrel being aimed directly at Yusei's head. He gulped and heard Jack gasp over the line.

Goodwin quickly pulled the phone away, "As you can clearly hear, Yusei and I are quite busy. I'd love to catch up some more, but we're closing in on our destination. Good bye Jack Atlas."

He hung up the phone, rolled down the window and threw it out. Yusei didn't say anything; the gunman was still aiming at his head. They road across the bridge in silence and, against his better wishes, he fell asleep again.


When Yusei opened his eyes, the dragon was towering over him. It's bright, pupil less yellow eyes were looking directly at him, which was unnerving enough. What really had him on edge was the energy the dragon was giving off. It radiated power and authority. Of what, he didn't know, but he could tell that making this thing angry would be the last thing he ever did. To him, the dragon seemed to be much bigger than any dragon he's ever known, including his own Stardust. The dragon began to curl it's long snake-like body around were Yusei was. He took notice of how the dragon moved so seemlessly, like it could shift the air around it to match it's needs. It rested it's massive head near Yusei, never taking it's piercing eyes off of him. He could see the ancient and hidden wisdom in it's eyes, as if it had watched countless centuries rolled by. He looked over the massive dragon's bright red scales and wondered how'd they feel under his hands. Swallowing a bit of his instinctual fear, he took a step forward, taking a brief moment to relish in being able to move freely again. He glanced up at the dragon's eyes, wanting to make sure what he was doing wouldn't anger the beast; he was awfully close to it's two mouths, after all. I was still watching him, but it hadn't made any move yet. Yusei stopped right infront of it's neck where the red scales of it's back meet the black scales of it's stomache. Glancing once more at the dragon's face, he slowly moved a hand to it's side. Despite what he thought, the scales were warm and smooth to the touch. He could feel a strong thumping underneath that he could only guess was it's heartbeat. A strong, constant beating that drove this great creature through the skies.

The dragon made what Yusei assumed was a pleased growl. He looked back up at it's face and wondered what's name was. Such a beautiful creature had to have a name, right? Just as he thought that, a quick, sharp pain shot through his head. He placed both hands on the dragon, to stabilize himself, but as quickly as it came, it was gone. As he wondered what happened, a single word flittered into his mind. It danced on he end of his tounge and before he could stop himself, he said it.

"... S-slifer..."

The dragon made what could only be taken as as relieved sigh, tension that Yusei hadn't known was there seeping away. He continued to run his hands over the warm scales as he thought over the dragon's full name. Slifer the Sky Dragon. The young duelist felt the name suited the dragon. Though, for some reason, he felt that he'd heard it before, like a fleeting dream that you couldn't remember all the details to. Before he could say anything else, he was pulled into the light yet again.


Wkaing up with a face full of dirt and gravel after being violently thrown from a car was not how he wanted to be woken up. Dispite his tired mind, he was able to register a few things; the gunman were firing at something, he could hear Jack somewhere and something sounded pissed off. He tried to get a look around, only to be pulled to his feet and semi dragged off.

"Honestly Yusei! Why do yo keep getting sucked into these sort of things?! Are you doing this on purpose?!"

"... Jack?"

"Yeah! Where you expecting someo-"

Jack was cut off by a giant roar from behind them. Yusei managed to get a glance back and saw a familiar red outline.

"... Slifer..."

"You know that thing?!"

"Yeah... from my dream."

Jack sighed, "We need to talk about that, but right now, let's get you back home."

The blonde started to move in a direction that Yusei assumed lead to his Runner. It took some effort, but he was able to pull out of his grasp.

"Yusei, what are y-?"

"Slifer lead me here. I can feel it. There's something that I have to do."

Jack looked at him for a minute before sighing, a smile smile touching the corners of his mouth, "Of course. Just so you know, I was told to either come back with you or not at all. I have to come to make sure you don't get yourself killed."

Yusei chuckled, "Alright then let's go."

Jack nodded and the two deulists started for a certain part of the destroyed buildings in the area. Yusei wasn't completely sure if he should trust Slifer, but he was already in too deep; he might as well see it through.

Next time on The Hands of Fate:

"... Yusei. What is this place?"

"I have a bad feeling about this."

"Let's just get what we're here for and go."

"What on earth happened here?"

"I don't think you want to know the answer Jack."

"Yusei! Jack! You're okay!"

"We're not out of the woods yet."

"If you think that you can get away with this, you are very wrong."

"Yusei, who are they?"