Hi guys! I'm back! And with a new story! Hope you enjoy it!

On the Run for Some Trouble

Chapter 1

It all started when he stumbled upon him. The moment he laid his purple eyes on the little boy, Cole shriveled back.

"I – I didn't see, I'm sorry… I –"

The man under the hood glared down at Cole.

"You should really watch where you're going;" he began, "what if I was carrying something other than fruits? How about, sharp tools?"

Cole looked back at his eyes, they were purple. Cole took a step back. "I shouldn't be talking to you," he said, wanting to turn around.

The sorcerer raised a brow and raised a fist. "Where are you going? You need to be taught a lesson, little one. What's your name?"

Cole's legs began to shake. He felt like he was being pulled forward. "C – C – C – Cole…" Suddenly, Cole was pulled down in front. "Let go of me! I'm just a kid! Please!"

The man didn't listen; instead, he pulled Cole closer, consuming him in the darkness.


"I can't get it right!" Cole began to complain. He looked over his shoulder to find his teacher sitting in a tall chair, back at the 10 year old. Cole groaned and fumbled with his fingers. "Just, one, more, try!"

A bright flash exploded in front of him and he was sent back to the back of the chair. "Oof!" He slid down and looked up. The chair swiveled around.

He sat there, staring down at the raven haired boy, with blood shot purple eyes; a smirk worn on his face.

"Working any better?" He grimaced. Cole shook his head.

Cole lifted himself off the ground and stood eye level to Dust. "How do you do it? Every time I try, they always backfire!"

Dust began to laugh, sending a chill up Cole's back. The sorcerer flicked Cole's chin, "Now, now, practice makes perfect, doesn't it?" Cole nodded. "Good, now go fetch me a snack." Cole nodded again and ran out of the room to the kitchen.

He reached up for the cupboards and dug for something, anything! Suddenly, an idea came into mind. He stepped back and lifted his hand. With a quick snap of his fingers, the box of crackers appeared in his hands.

"Yes! Yes!" Cole cried, "I did it!"

"Where's my snack?" Dust yelled from afar, interfering in Cole's victory.

"Coming!" Cole yelled back, smiling as he walked out of the kitchen with the box of crackers held close to his chest.

"I'm telling yourself, Jay, this, will be the biggest hit in the village!" He cheered as he added the last part to his project. Pressing against a small ice blue button, he stepped back as his project opened his eyes. "Yes! Now, say 'hi'."

The silver droid opened his mouth, "Hello." Jay beamed.

"Yes! Now, Zane, you are going to help me with costumers. If I ever have any," Jay began but then ended with a heavy sigh.

"Whatever do you mean?"

"My parents said I'm too young to open a booth in the village and sell my inventions. But, look at you, you worked! Maybe some people will come and visit, and who knows?" It was true, Jay was just 8, but he still felt the courage inside; he knew he was capable of something.

Back in the junkyard, he would wander around playing with all the spare parts. Eventually, he would build something, but most of the times, they weren't useful at all.

Zane looked up. "What – what is it?" Jay asked him.

"Our first customer, make that customers," Zane answered in a monotone voice, although it was meant to sound joyful. Jay jumped and ran to the front of the booth.

Another young boy with messy auburn hair stood on the other side next to a beautiful young girl with a black bob. Her eyes were a soft brown color, but just so hard for Jay to get out of his head.

"H – Hi," he stuttered, trying to direct his gaze on the boy. Zane fixed his hand on the side of Jay's head and turned it to face the boy. "What –"

"My sister and I saw you come down here and whip up a pretty neat booth in just a few minutes. Wanted to come by and greet a new neighbor," the boy grinned and looked over Jay's shoulder to the inside of the stall. "Name's Kai and you are?"

"What's your sister's name?" Jay said without thinking.

"Okay, what's your sister's name? Who's the tin man?"

Jay shook his head. "JAY! I'm Jay, and this, is Zane," he said, motioning to the droid.

"Well, Jay, this is Nya," Kai told Jay. "Don't tell me you're interested in her!" Jay bit the inside of his cheek. The brunette saw the confused look on Zane; he stretched out a hand, "Friends?"

Lloyd sighed at the boy staring back at him. He was never going to grow up to become as great as his dad; he was never going to be his village's mighty protector.

"Don't you fret, son," his father said, resting a hand on Lloyd's shoulder. "You will be the finest… truth be told, probably the most memorable! Just remember why you are par – taking this role."

The young boy's eyes replied with a yes. "For the good of the people," he recited, his father repeating Lloyd's words silently.


Lloyd nodded.

"Excellent, now go," he pushed the boy forward, "my brother is waiting."

As Lloyd approached the deck, he swung his sword in front, a green band wrapped around the top part of his head. "Uncle!" he cried when he saw his uncle standing just in front. Lloyd ran towards him and wrapped his arms tight around Wu's body.

"Lloyd! It's been a while since I last saw you, are you ready to train?" he asked. Lloyd nodded excitingly.

"He sure is going to be the finest, Garmy," Misako whispered in his ear. Garmadon gave a small tip of the head.

"I'm just glad my brother is back, the last we saw him was at least two months ago."

Misako cleared her throat, "Yes, I know, but we have other things to worry about too. Especially about Lloyd's future; someone in the village told me that he was training someone younger, I –"

Garmadon stopped her there, "Such foolish rumors. Let us just hope that this 'next in line' won't be as horrible as him." Misako couldn't do anything else but agree.

So, just a little background information you'll either need to know, or I want to share:

This is a sort of AU story.
Cole came upon Dust and is now training under him; learning very powerful magic. (sorta a request from ZaneTheNinjaOfIce)
The reason why I chose Dust and Cole to go together is because of my other two story sequels, I feel like they have a history and... well, you get it, right?
Jay built Zane - who is in Titanium form- ... which means no Dr. Julien and blah.
Jay, Zane, Kai, and Nya all work in a small village... while Lloyd stands as the protector - this protector thing will be soon, in the next chapter.
Dust and Cole don't live in the village.
Most people refer to Dust as he or him - you'll see it italicized
This chapter is just like a beginning, how everything was when they were younger
No elemental powers, sadly, but there will be things related to that

Hoped you enjoyed the first chapter of my new story and please remember to rate and review!
I would love feedback and anything else, that would make my day!