Yay! This is a multi-chap in case you were wondering

The Fab Five walked into college excited to finally be in college.

A lot has changed over the years.

Lindy and Garrett are dating, Delia found a guy named Brandon from drama class and they have been going out together since the end of the school year in sophmore year, and lastly Logan had been dating Aubrey Brookes the most popular girl in school since freshman year started.

Jasmine, nothing has really changed (especially her feelings for Logan).

Lindy and Garrett walked over to find their dorms and try to compete who will have the better dorm, Delia and Brandon left to sign up for Drama Club again, and Aubrey left to show off Logan to her friends since he was now named the hottest guy in school after Brock Thomas got terrible plastic surgery.

Jasmine was left all alone, she was single, she had nobody else.

She tried smiling and thought Don't worry! By the time lunch starts we will all be hanging out and sitting together like we always do

Her classes have been a bore she got all the boring teachers and none of her classes were with her friends.

Finally it was lunch time.

Jasmine sat down in their regular table which was in the middle of the cafeteria.

All of her friends came in and got lunch but they didn't sit next to her.

They sat in the "Couple's Table" Which was in the middle back of the cafeteria. (A/N: I got the couple table idea from Diary of a wimpy kid)

Jasmine got up and went to confront her friends

"Um, why are you guys sitting here? We always sit at the table in the middle" Jasmine said trying to smile and holding back tears.

"Because Jasmine, it's a tradition for students here to sit at the couple table when they are dating" Aubrey said. Aubrey put her arm around Logan and kissed him.

"Can't you guys just break the tradition?" Jasmine said upset

Lindy was about to say something until Aubrey cut in

"Oh poor Jasmine, if we break tradition everybody in the school will hate us and, you wouldn't want that would you?"

Lindy finally got the chance to speak "Um Jasmine, you can sit with us if you want to"

"No she can't!" Aubrey yelled upset

Everybody looked at her confused

"I mean she can't because that will still be breaking tradition and I don't want everybody to hate Jasmine"

Logan being gullible said, "Yeah, that's my girlfriend, always looking out for my best friends"

"Thanks sweetie" Aubrey said putting herself on Logan's lap and feeding him chocolate-covered strawberries

Delia rose an eyebrow at Aubrey, she seemed weird when Lindy suggested Jazz could sit with us Delia thought

Aubrey and Logan just went into full make-out mode

It made Jasmine want to pounce on Aubrey and claw her eyes out.

"It's fine guys, I'll just sit alone" Jasmine said

She walked away and sat at a one person table far in the corner.

Jasmine watched her friends laugh without her.

Mostly she watched Logan kissing Aubrey.

"Bitch" Jasmine whispered