Welcome to my new story! It is a Matt/Oc and will be updated every weekend. I do not own any rights to Daredevil sadly.

My name is Cora Conan. I am 22 years old. I live in the lower Eastside of Hell's Kitchen in a crappy three room apartment. As in kitchen/living room/dining room, bedroom, and bathroom, that's about it. The place is falling apart, the bathroom fixtures are covered in mildew, the kitchen is most definitely a fire hazard with a stove that my great grandmother would be at home with, and the water stains everywhere that are eating away the drywall are in some serious need of repair, everything in this filth hole needs to be replaced. But hey, it's all I can afford for now. I also get a pretty cheep rent bill cause no one else wants this place, with it being right next to the railroad station and all. Apparently it's pretty loud most of the night, doesn't bother me a bit.
I work for a sleazy scumbag attorney who takes from the rich and gives to himself. I am almost hundred percent sure Mr. Johnson only hired me to sit and look pretty. But I try not to complain too much, because who wants to hire a deaf secretary? Even if I went to an esteemed college, graduated top of my class, and am very capable of doing so much more than a desk job. Just because I can't hear doesn't mean I'm incapable of performing every day tasks. In fact, I'm probably the most capable person in the entire building, no joke. All the other airhead secretaries are just there to be eye candy for Mr. Johnson and his partners in law goons. I'm not really sure if they know how to pick up a ringing phone, or file paper work, the biggest of the bimbos still needs assistance turning on her computer every morning.
I know that they would always talk about me. Apparently I worked to hard and made the rest of them look bad, even with my so called "disability".That "weird deaf girl" was what I was referred to as behind my back. Well jokes on them, because even if I can't hear them I have a way of knowing what they say thanks to the gifts the accident gave to me when it took the sense.

My "special abilities "started to happen shortly after the accident that took my hearing. The accident started as any other normal day would've. I was in the third grade, and it was take your child to work day. I was so excited because I was finally old enough to go to work with my dad in the old nuclear building near the lower part of Hell's Kitchen. My dad packed me into our old Silver and wooden paneled station wagon and we were off. We arrived at the nuclear power plant at about 8:45, A little bit early because my dad claimed "I wanted to be here early, so I can get my morning coffee, be back in a bit sweet pea". He deposited me into his office and went down to the workroom to get his coffee. It was then the alarms started, it was perhaps the loudest thing I had ever heard, it sounded like someone shoving in airhorn down the ducks throat. There were lights flashing, mostly red, casting a ghastly shadow on everything it touched,and the siren blaring on never ceasing it's endless wailing. Being only nine years old, I was petrified. I was frozen to my spot not having any clue what was going on, shaking and trembling from the top of my chestnut brown locks to the bottom of my dress up shoes.

I remember vividly my father rushing into the room dropping his coffee on his desk spilling the stinking liquid all over his papers staining them permanently, grabbing me harshly by the upper arm that was shaking with fear, capturing me into a spine crushing hug and screaming into my back, " Run Cora! Go as fast as you can, and don't stop running till you hear the boom. When that happens drop to the ground cover your ears and neck and wait. Now go! " he shoved me in the hall harshly, and I started to run. I ran as fast as I could in my cute bronze buckle flat shoes. I was just about 100 feet from the main door when I felt it more than heard it.
The ear shattering, earth quaking, stomach wrenching explosion from only a small distance behind me. I was thrown to the ground like a ragdoll in a hurricane. Glass and debris from the building ripped through me. My head was ringing and my vision was topsy-turvy at best. I could feel everything hurting and pounding, the cuts from the explosion slowly dropping blood, the heat from the Inferno catching in the debris of the building. I could see the destruction, the absolute devastation from the building exploding, The cloud of ash and smoke rising from the pile of dilapidated building. But, I couldn't hear anything. The world around me was in absolute chaos, and yet it didn't make a sound. But I wasn't worried about that yet, all I cared about was my dad, still inside the rubble.
It took me all of about 20 seconds to run back to the remaining building. I dashed through the fallen pillars, flaming walls, and growing clouds of smoke to get back to my dads office. There wasn't much left, 2 and a half walls left standing, and the sturdy wooden desk in the middle of the room. I ran through the cinderblock piles that was the door wall in an attempt to find him. Let me tell you, finding something in near blackness with no sense of hearing is near impossible, but somehow I managed it.

My father was hidden under his desk. He was curled up in a fetal position hidden underneath the empty part where his feet would usually go. The desk itself was covered in parts from the ceiling and the walls. It took me longer than it should have to scrape away some of the refuse in order to pull my dad from his safety spot. To a bystander it would have been almost comical to see a tiny nine-year-old girl attempt to pull a larger unresponsive man out from under a pile of debris. I don't know how, but eventually I was able to wiggle him out and lay him on the most untouched piece of floor I could find. In that moment, he looked so peaceful, almost like he was sleeping. I remember thinking, if I just close my eyes I could sleep with him. It's not loud, in fact I can't hear anything, if I just close my eyes I could sleep. Later the doctors told me it was a good idea but I didn't sleep, because of the blood loss, concussion, and other things.
Just as I was about to lay on the ground and sleep with my dad he started stirring. I rushed up next to him and cradled his head in my lap. He looked up and met my eyes with his, and his mouth started moving. His mouth was moving but no sound was coming out, at least none that I can hear. His mouth was moving rapidly and his jaw was quivering, and his eyes started leaking. He forced on a smile and said the three words that I could understand without them being heard, "I love you ".
His eyes started to slip shut, his breathing was becoming more labored, and even I knew that this was the end. I clutched onto his head and sobbed. They racked through my body hurting my ribs, my head, and my back. I was so distraught with the demise of my father I failed to notice the ceiling cracking and crumbling and preparing to fall down and bury me. The only sign that I got, was feeling through the floor of the walls preparing to buckle. The ceiling started sprinkling dust and drywall from above and I knew it was time to go. I gently laid my father down give him one last kiss and ran for my life.
It may have been from my emotional distress, the state of the building, or the fact that I was by now losing a lot of blood very quickly but making it down the maze of hallways was a lot harder the second time around. I ended up getting lost, I did not find my way out of the building. I ended up in some sort of lab. This part of the building looked almost relatively untouched. I mean it still looked like a bomb went off, but most of the walls remained standing. I knew this was the end for me, I could barely stand on my own feet and the walls were swaying like an ocean wave. I was going to try to make it to one of the benches in the back of the room so we could lay down and sleep like my dad. The way back to the benches was awful. I was knocking chemicals off of shelves, splattering them onto my outfit and shoes. I knew I wasn't going to make it back to the benches when I was halfway through the room, I was relying so heavily on the tables and shelves to help me stand. So I figured I would just lay down on the lab tables. I brushed as much of the debris off the table as I could breaking glass and spilling the liquids in the test tubes on the table. Then I climbed up on the dust covered lab table rubbed my eyes with my wet chemical covered hands curled up in a ball in the puddle of spilled solutions and went to sleep.

When I woke up in the hospital three days later I was in a state of absolute shock. Not only was I live, but I couldn't hear. There were doctors and nurses all shouting at me asking me multitudes of questions that I couldn't hear. I was shouting, screaming at them "I can't hear you! Why can I not hear you!" But they took no notice. It was my second day awake before someone actually came to me and tried to help. At first we communicated using paper and pencil to write down everything so we could talk. She was a special doctor, who helped kids like me who can't hear, she said it would take a while to get used to but in time everything would be just fine. I was released from the hospital five days after I had been awake. They said I was lucky to be alive, I lost a lot of blood and suffered my don't chemical burns from my stay in the lab.

Since my dad was dead, I was to live in a foster home, because my mom had died giving birth to me. It wasn't the worst foster home, it had plenty of nice people, ok food, and a bed they were willing to let me stay in. It was there that I started to notice things that I hadn't noticed before. My hearing was gone, but my vision and all my other senses were enhanced. And not with in the normal scale of enhancement, I could see things that normal people can't see. The only way I can describe it, is seeing sound, kind of like echo location. When things move they make waves in the air, and I can see them. Not only could I now see vibrations in the air, I could do other things that normal people just couldn't do. I could smell things from way too far away, like a piece of candy in someone's pocket from across a crowded room, I could taste things in the air that someone else couldn't tell were there, like the salty tang of sweat from a jogger 2 blocks away. I could feel things no one else felt, like an excited heart beat pounding against someone's ribs from a different room. I had all of this and yet my ears remained inoperative. That's how I grew up, learning things about these strange abilities, living in a foster home, and trying to get high enough grades so I could go to a good college for free. And that's exactly what happened. I got excepted to Brown University on a full scholarship, I graduated top of my class with a masters in business. After all that I end up working as a secretary for douche bag boss.
But that's actually where this story starts, with me being fed up with Mr. Johnson's sexist attitude...

"Miss. Conan may I ask what you're wearing today? ", Said Mr. Johnson as he stared down at my conservative sweater dress. "I specifically remember telling you to lighten up, and show little bit more skin "he said gesturing to my chest.
I really had the urge to punch him in the mouth as I read his lips, but instead I responded with "And I specifically remember telling you, not going to happen."
He frowned and huffed, his breath smelling of last nights brandy and cigar. "Miss. Conan, do you like your job here? Because following orders is part of your job and if you're not prepared to follow my directions as I give them to you I'm afraid we're going to have to let you go. " he flashed me a poor excuse for a smile with his single gold tooth flashing. "Now doll, come back tomorrow and something more appropriate and I'll let this slide", he said gesturing to my chest on the word appropriate.

I gritted my teeth, and then shook my head. It's the only source of income I had and if you wanted me to show something off I guess I would have to. I looked at the clock, 9:04, thanking God that I could go, as I stood up to walk past Mr. Johnson's desk on the way to the door he slapped my ass and said "Now you run along and I'll see you back here tomorrow ".

As soon as his hand made contact with me I was seeing red. I wheeled around punched him square in the nose felt the satisfying crunch of his nose breaking picked up my stuff and left. I don't need this I can find somewhere else that will treat me better and pay me better than this crap hole. I ran down the stairs of the building, caught up in my own thoughts, and didn't notice the person in front of me until I smacked straight into them.

I was on my butt staring at the city sky embarrassed beyond belief. I scrambled up in haste to make an apology to the person I had run into. I stood up dusted myself off and looked into the face of the person I had run into. 'Oh my gosh, I just ran into a blind person, way to go Cora'
I had to think of something quick, most likely an apology, but I couldn't sign anything because he couldn't see my hands. So I guess I was going to have to speak. He beat me to it.

"I'm sorry I ran into you, I can't really see where I'm going," he gave me an easy smile laced with sarcasm as he gestured to his dark glasses and continued "I'm Mathew Murdock" he said offering me his hand not holding his cain to shake.

I took a deep breath and said "Hello, I'm Cora Conan and I'm sorry for bumping into you" hoping my voice didn't sound to funny, and by the surprised look on his face I would have to say it did, damn.

How did you like it? Is it worth continuing? Please leave me a comment with your ideas or suggestions, and don't forget to follow and favorite!
- HannahAlpha