A/N: As promised - here is the third and last installment. I know that for a lot of you reading this, this story didn't pan out the way you thought it might lead. I wanted to write something that fell in with the themes of SOA. There was drama and there was violence. Regardless, I still hope you enjoyed the addition to this story.

R&R please! I love hearing from you :)

Playlist: Home - Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros

Disclaimer: Sutter owns SOA

They searched and god dammit if they didn't scour all of California looking. They picked up a trail, locating her car by the license plate near a state line town. When they arrived it was all for naught. The car was abandoned, donated to the local auction. IN the beginning he was pissed. He'd given up his life for her. Helping her. He was there with her every step of the way. How could she up and run? Did he mean nothing to her?


One year passed and they still hadn't tracked her down. They put out calls to other clubs, giving them her description. They called up bounty hunters, asking for favours if they spotted her. Nothing came from their efforts. She wouldn't be able to hide forever. Someone was bound to notice her. SAMCRO had friends in low places.


Two years went by and everyone else but him were beginning to forget about her existence. It was like she never crashed into their lives, brightening their days and then thrust into the darkest moments of their lives. It was frustrating. Chibs remained sure that he'd find her. He moved into her house, waiting day and night for her return. It never came.


Three years crept upon them and the boys were locked up. Ope was finding new love and he was stuck still dreaming of her smile and plagued with her tribulations. He threw himself into his work, pushing off unwanted advances. He wasn't prepared to take up any of the crows yet. He was still sure she'd come back, or that someone would find her or that bear of a pet she had. Her dog wasn't something easily missed.


Four years went by and he was caught up in the cartel movement. Jackson had a new vision – go straight. SAMCRO was on the up. They were working their way through the drugs and guns. Once they had enough, everything would change. Little did he know that his life was going to change regardless of any income. He received the crushing blow, hidden in a brown manila envelope. He was in disbelief, the only indication he had of her in four years was this. He read the documents umpteenth times, trying to process exactly that they said. Olivia Jade Morrison was no longer the homeowner. The house no belonged to a Filip Telford. He spent that night piled high in crows.


Tired of sitting around, sleeping in the spare room, he finally decided it was time to let go. Five years had come and gone and she still hadn't come back. He drank himself into a stupor, missing her laugh and that blasted bear of a dog. When he awoke the next morning, he promptly put the house up for sale.


The only sure way to get her laugh out of his mind was to chase tail. He bedded a new woman every night. Their sounds overpowering hers. By the time six years hit, he was successful. The curse of her smile, the memory of her laugh were drowned from his conscience mind. He was free.


He wasn't sure when it happened, or how it happened but seven years later and he was sitting at the head of the table. Fingering the President patch, he wept. It was time, time to let it all out. Fiona, Kerianne, Olivia, Kozik, Opie, Clay, Tara, Gemma, and finally Jackson. They were gone. It was time to make Jackson's vision for the club come true. Stay straight.


I was lounging on the couch, my knees tucked underneath me while Virgil's snout rested in my lap. With one hand I absentmindedly ran my fingers through his thick fur, scratching behind his ears. With my other hand I flicked through the channels, barely registering the shows I browsed through. Unable to find anything compelling I stopped flipping through and left the evening news on. Mind as well be in the know about what was going on in Seattle. I focused my energy on giving Virgil some extra love, murmuring silly baby talk at him.

"Breaking news from Northern California…" The regular announcer was interrupted.

Both Virgil and I perked up, staring at the screen to see the high speed chase in pursuit. I grabbed the remote and held down the volume button, turning it up loud. I stared at the screen, flabbergasted by the sheer amount of police following after what appeared to be a single man on a motorcycle.

"Coming in live from Stockton, we have word that the man being pursued is none other than the President of the notorious motorcycle gang; The Sons of Anarchy."

I dropped the remote, my vision tunneling. I crawled off the couch, moving towards the TV screen. I examined the footage closer and there was no doubt in my mind who's blond hair that belonged too. Jackson Teller was on the run. Virgil hopped off the couch to sit next to me while we watched with bated breath on how this was going to turn out. I was so caught up with trying to get a head count of how many police were following that I failed to see the semi that had appeared in the other direction. By the time the reporter noticed it, it was too late. No one had been able to predict what was going to happen. I gasped in horror, covering my mouth with both hands. Virgil jumped up, ready to attack. The cameras were quick divert but the damage was already done. Half the population had seen what transpired on the side of the road. There was a minor blackout and then a reporter from Seattle came back on, concentrating on reporting the events without being too graphic.

"Chibs." I whispered.

I gulped, that was not a name I thought of in years. A name that I had been convinced I'd forgotten. After seeing Jackson's fate on the evening news, I needed to know what had become of my minder. I left Charming without a second glance back, and now here I was worried for someone who probably hadn't given me a second thought.

"Come on bud." I stood with Virgil trotting after me, "We're going on a little road trip."

I pushed the door to my bedroom open and bent down in front of my closet. I rummaged around, tossing the items in my way behind me. Near the back I found my trusty duffel bag, the same one that got me into trouble with the Sons of Anarchy in the first place. I pulled the zipper open and started shoving pants, shirts, sweaters, underwear and socks into it. I stopped off in the bathroom, grabbing my everyday toiletries and then to the front hall closet and dumped a few pairs of shoes in there. I kneeled above the bag, using my legs to squeeze it together and tug the zipper closed. I found my purse by the door and dropped in Virgil's lead and treats. I laced up my all black Chuck's and systematically went through every room turning off all the lights. I grabbed my favourite wool bomber and slid my arms through, zipping it up. I grabbed my keys and cell phone off the stand and opened the door, letting Virgil bound into the hall. I looped the duffel's strap over my shoulder and let my purse hand from that same shoulder. I grabbed the cane that I had leaning against the wall before locking the door behind me. Both Virgil and I took off down the stairs, bounding out into the parking lot.

Virgil settled on the passenger side, sitting at attention, while I dumped my bags into the back seat. I slipped into the driver's seat and turned on the ignition. I took a deep breath, pat Virgil's head and then reversed out of our spot. I had no idea what I would find, or where to go to find it, but there was one place I could start with…. Teller-Morrow Automotive.


I drove straight through the night, a woman on a mission and in no need to stop for frivolous sleep. I did however, stop to let Virgil get some exercise and relieve himself. Fourteen and a half hours later it was early afternoon and I found myself coasting through the unchanged streets of Charming, California. I navigated through the side streets on autopilot, knowing exactly where everything was.

I pulled up to TM, turned off the ignition and stared at the sign for a long minute before making any decision. I took a deep breath in before opening my door. I climbed out, letting Virgil follow after me and shut the door. I pulled my jacket in around me covering my torso from neck to hips. I pulled it in not from being cold but from being nervous. Virgil gazed up at me, his tail wagging. He must have recognized where we were. With my hands shoved into my pockets, the two of us walked through the gate towards the office. I glanced over to where the clubhouse should have been and noticed that it looked like nothing more than a garage. I furrowed my eyebrows together, uncertain I would find what I was looking for. I reached the garage door and knocked.

I was greeted by a middle aged man, "Can I help you?"

"Umm, yeah… Do you know where I can find any of the Teller-Morrow's?" I shrugged.

The man raised an eyebrow and then let out a harsh laugh, "Are you joking?"

I peered at him, confused by his tone. He shook his head, "Sorry lady, but you're a little late. They've all passed on."

My eyebrows rose into my hairline, "Oh… I… Hmm." I stood in the doorway awkwardly, unable to figure out where to go from here. I sighed remembering I had one last lead, "Do you know where I can find the Sons of Anarchy."

The man narrowed his eyes at me and stood up, walking me out the door, "Last I heard they owned the ice cream shop on Main Street but it was blown up a few weeks ago. Now leave."

I stumbled onto the compound, startled by the less than warm welcome. Last time I was in Charming, the Sons were kings. Nonetheless, I nodded and thanked the man before being on my way. Virgil snuffed in an unfriendly tone at the man but I grabbed his collar and guided him forward with me. We got back to the car and I decided a drive through town was my next stop.

I rolled down Main Street, reading all the store signs, until I found the one that was undoubtedly the Sons of Anarchy's ice cream shop. The windows were glassless and yellow caution tape covering up the entrance. I parked in front of the shop and leaned out of the door, one foot on the asphalt. Virgil poked his head out the other side of the window and yipped at me.

I shrugged, "I guess this is the end of the line. I doubt anyone around here would appreciate nosy outsiders prying into their business."

I laid both feet onto the ground and hip checked my door closed. I walked over the median from the parking spots and onto the still broken glass on the ground. The sound of glass crunched beneath my feet as I peered through the open windows, into what seemed to be a quaint little shop. I turned back around, kicking at the shards absently while Virgil stared me down. I stepped up onto one of the stone markers, next to our car and bounced onto my tiptoes, stretching out the kink in my left leg. I wasn't used to being still that long. Virgil let out an excited howl and I smiled at him.

"I don't know where else to look bud." I sighed, reaching over to pet him, "I think this is the end of the road for us."

All for nothing. I drove hours upon hours to lose the scent of what I was searching for in mere moments. In all honesty I couldn't even tell you what I was searching for. Chibs had been nothing more than a babysitter to me, making sure I made a full recovery. We'd never made our true feeligns for one another known. If he felt the same as I did, I didn't know. I cut before we had a chance to make anything of our strained relationship. It was easier the way I left it. I was his charge, he was my minder.

"Well maybe it's time we go back home. What do you say?" I asked Virgil.

We could find a motel for the night, give my joints a rest. If I stayed still too long I'd become stiff and the limp would become more pronounced. As I rounded the car, Virgil's ears perked up into the air and his head turned to face the other direction. He narrowed his eyes and let out a few quick, high pitched yaps. I stared in the same direction and lo and behold, a loud Harley came barreling down the corner. I jumped into the car, put it into drive and skid out of the parking spot. I followed after the biker, noting that he was the right one by the Reaper logo on his leather. He didn't seem familiar to me, with long hair and a black beanie. Virgil let his head hang out the window, the wind mussing up his fur as I followed after the new Son through to the outskirts of town and then to the docks. Instead of following him through all the shipping containers, and risking being spotted, I parked in the docks parking and let Virgil out of the car. I paused, contemplating if I should grab the cane or not, and figured I was up for a long walk and pulled it out. Better to have the help when it's unneeded than to leave it behind and suffer. Virgil joined me at my side and the two of us made our way gradually through the containers searching for our destination.

It didn't take long for us to find what we were searching for. Sitting in front of a line of warehouses was the familiar mark of Harley's. My heart began to pound in my chest, thudding against my ribcage. A little ways past where the motorcycles were parked, there was a group of men milling around, smoking cigarettes. I couldn't be sure, until he turned around, but from the graying strands near his temples, I assumed I'd found him. Virgil coming to the same conclusion as mine hopped up barking and took off in a straight run towards the man.

"Virgil!" I growled, trying to call him back to me.

Virgil bounded up to the man, startling the others around him. He turned, and squatted down to my dog's eye level.

"Ey boy-o!" He greeted.

Virgil barked, licking him on the face. At the sight of him reuniting with my puppy, tears sprang to my eyes, and I sniffled. Here I stood a complete mess. I was wearing old, worn and torn black jeans, all black Chucks, an army green bomber jacket and a plain white t-shirt underneath it. My hair was surely sticking in a multitude of different directions. I was in need of a shower, and I hated to admit it but my teeth needed brushing as well. None of the men had noticed me standing there, their attention taken by the 'lost' dog at their feet. Chibs continued to pat down Virgil, when he finally acknowledged his collar. He tugged on the pieces of metal, reading the name tag. Realization hit Chibs and he grabbed either side of Virgil's face, examining him.

"Shite." I heard him exclaim.

I took a few steps forward, nervous about what his reaction to me coming back would be. He stood, Virgil wagging his tail and turning back to me. Chibs followed Virgil's gaze and met mine. I stopped advancing and stood frozen, clenching my teeth together. The two of us stared at one another, completely in silence. The men around him murmured to one another, trying to discern who I was. It seemed like neither of us was ready for this kind of confrontation, and I was the one who went and put us in this position. I closed my eyes, taking in a deep breath and then opened them, staring at Chibs. I offered him a small smile.

"Chibs…" I spoke aloud.

"Olivia." He said.

I moved forward, my limp now becoming distinct, in the presence of someone who knew the cause of it. I no longer had to hide the effects of my accident for fear of someone asking. I stumbled in my excitement to get closer to him, dropping the cane.

"Chibs." I said again, tears falling freely.

He registered as I wilted and surged forward, Virgil running with him. He caught up to me catching me with his hand on my elbow to keep me balanced. With his other hand, he reached out and wiped away the tears on my cheek. His hand griped tight on my face and he tugged me forward, our lips meeting in a tender caress. I poured myself into the kiss, apologizing for every minute I was gone. I ran my hands along his arms, up his neck and then stopping to toy with the long strands of hair. We broke apart but Chibs pecked me three more times in succession. I giggled at his enthusiasm.

He murmured, his accent thick in his quiet tone, "I should have done that before you left."

I shook my head, "I wouldn't have mattered. I was too broken."

He breathed in and I ran my fingers through his long hair. I gazed at him, hit with the sudden severity of longing I had for this man

"I heard about Jackson." I murmured, explaining why I came back.

The thick skinned man I'd known was no longer, his eyes filled with sorrow and I saw the beginnings of tears in there. He gave a brief nod, acknowledging my subliminal apology.

He leaned in and kissed me again, "Promise not to disappear on me again?"

He pressed his forehead against mine and I peered up into his eyes. I missed him dearly. He'd been nothing but a man who cared for a woman. We could try again. This time without the constant violence looming over our lives. This was our second chance. Not many people were given this kind of opportunity. I wasn't going to let this one go by being a coward.

"Never." I promised.