...First Love...

Summary: Ichigo has been in a relationship with Grimmjow over the past three years and thought they had been madly in love and would never break up, that is until he find Grimmjow in their apartment tied up and gagged. Ichigo leaves Grimmjow that same night and ends up at nice little Mexican cafe. Love ensues. ChadIchi Two-shot.

A/N: So this is just a one-shot. I was bored and I was working on some chapters for my stories and decided to throw this out to you guys.

Tia- Aunt. Abuela- Grandma. Abuelo- Grandfather. Tio- Uncle.

Ichigo hopped into his car and quickly put the key in the ignition, he couldn't wait to get home to Grimmjow. They'd been together for a few years now and he was so in love you could practically see the hearts in his eyes with the way he looked at Grimmjow. When they had first met Grimmjow was a hard guy to get along with and Ichigo hated his guts completely, then something changed. Grimmjow had showed up at his parents house with gifts and flowers and had asked him out on a date right in front of his parents who had kicked him out right afterwards to 'enjoy' himself. After that date, they'd been together ever since, so in love.

Ichigo sped out of the parking garage, the rain battering down on his car immediately after.

"Ah. it's raining. I wonder what that means." Ichigo stopped at a red light and peered up through his windshield as the rain pelted against it, while the windshield wipers wiped it away. The light turned green and he was off again, trying not to rest his foot on the gas too heavily in the rain.

Thirty minutes later his and Grimmjow's expensive looking apartment came into view and Ichigo's foot pulled off the gas as he made a sharp turn then pulled into the underground parking. He searched for a spot closest to the elevator and slid into it when he found one. He hopped out, grabbed his sketch book, stencils and pencils along with his coat before he locked his car and headed towards the elevator. He pressed 'P' for the penthouse, sliding his key card into the elevator and couldn't stop the bubbling laughter that dared to come up his throat.

When the elevator opened up into their penthouse Ichigo immediately sat his stuff down on their little coffee table that was to his immediately left and crept around the dark apartment. He looked to his left and of course Grimmjow wasn't in the big, open kitchen and he looked around the big spacious living room, he wasn't there either, and the TV was off.

'THWACK' followed by a muffled scream had Ichigo rushing off to their bedroom, opening the door quickly, heart hammering in his chest. He rushed in and frowned, eyebrows furrowed in a confused look. No one was in the room but he was sure he heard that noise just a second ago.

'THWACK' another muffled scream and Ichigo stumbled out into the hall, his face scrunched up in slight fear. He walked slowly down the hall, keeping himself close to the wall until he came upon the spare bedroom in their Penthouse. He peeked through the crack between the door and the wall, his eyes widening. A hand covered his mouth but of course not keeping in the gasp, tears springing to his eyes. He wanted to back away from the door and rush out but he'd be damned if he ran out of HIS apartment. Of course Grimmjow paid his share but this was a gift from his parents therefor it was under their names so he had no right to put up a fight over it.

When another 'thwack' rang out as the whip lashed at Grimmjow's skin Ichigo's devastation turned into anger as he slammed the door to the room open and stormed inside. The man who was holding the whip, wearing nothing but a pair of leather hot pants, leather boots and black leather straps across his chest whipped around lashing out with the whip in his fright.

Ichigo gripped the whip when it came at his face, his anger, turning into outright rage that someone would dare try to strike his face, accident or not. He yanked on the whip and the twink like boy with the shaggy blonde hair and the pretty green eyes from what Ichigo could see in the dimly lit room, stumbled forward, right into Ichigo's fist. He fell to the floor holding his face, eyes wide in fear.

"ICHIGO" Ichigo whipped around to find Grimmjow struggling against his bonds on the bed, the gag out of his mouth. The man was gazing at him with anger and shock, not a good combination when messing with an angry Ichigo. He ignored him and turned back to the male on the floor and picked him up by his hair, dragging him across the floor.

"I suggest you get your shit and get the fuck out, leave my key card at the door. And if you want him, he'll be right out." Ichigo tossed the frightened boy out of the door an slammed it in his face. Ichigo turned and walked back to Grimmjow, his pretty face twisted into a deep scowl.

"So it's this what you've been doing when I spend late nights at the studio? Is that why you don't have sex with me anymore? Bastard." Ichigo spat the last word out like it burned his tongue. He'd had been set off and now he wanted nothing more than to beat the shit out of the man he thought loved him just like he did.

"Ichigo you don't understand. I was just doing this for sexual release. All in good fun." Grimmjow said in that snarky voice Ichigo, used, to love so much. Now he wanted nothing more than to snatch his tongue out of his mouth and force it back in. Instead he lifted the back of his shirt and reached back behind him, watching in smugness, as Grimmjow's eyes widened at the movement. He started struggling when Ichigo prowled over to him, his knife in hand, out of the holster. The black blade gleamed prettily under the candle glow.

"ICHIGO DON'T!" Grimmjow yelled before he was yelling out.. because Ichigo slashed the bindings on his wrist.

"Fucking dumb ass. Get out of my apartment. And don't think you're taking shit. Leave your cards and the car keys, I paid for that. I hope you enjoy that whore you fucker. Ichigo's hair was in his face so he pushed it behind his ears, quick to wipe his eyes. Grimmjow reached out to him, a pleading look in his eyes, only to find his hand being sliced open by the same knife that had freed him. He screamed, closing his bleeding hand into a tight fist.

"I said. Get. Out." He snarled and Grimmjow hopped up from the bed, in nothing but a pair of jeans, quickly rushing from the room, looking back once more. Ichigo could hear keys rattle from his spot on the bed, then the low thump of a wallet being dropped before the ding of the elevator reached his ears. When he was sure no one was here anymore he dragged himself out of the disgusting room and into the living room, completely bypassing the room they'd once shared.

He flopped onto the cushy leather couch and curled up, one of the plush pillows in between his arms and legs, and the let the tears come. They flowed out of him like a river that would never end. Grimmjow was the only guy he'd been with, since he had graduated from university. Before that there was Chad who was his first love and best friend indefinitely, but he had to move away. They had kept in touch and tried to make the relationship work, but long distance didn't work for them and they eventually drifted apart much to Ichigo's chagrin, they didn't even have a real break up.

When Ichigo's tears ran dry he peeled himself off the couch and went into the spare bathroom in the hall way, still not ready to face reality. He threw cold water on his face and put ice under his eyes to calm the puffiness. When his face wasn't as red anymore he located their hallway closet and pulled out some garments. Just a long sleeved, over sized, red, black and gray plaid button down that Chad had given him before he left. It was tattered and was missing buttons but he still loved it, he ripped off his shirt and pulled the button down over his shoulders, only buttoning the three middle buttons. He pulled on a pair of old tattered and holey jeans that were also a gift from Chad that Ichigo out into this closet since Grimmjow hadn't wanted him wearing anything that was from Chad. He pulled a belt on, keeping the jeans low on his hips and grabbed the black and gold Letterman out of the closet, this one from Chad's Junior year in high school. He slipped it on and grabbed up his sketch pad and some pencils, colored and black, and left the apartment.


Tears welled up when the strong cinnamon smell hit his nostrils. Grimmjow had said he liked the smell of cinnamon on him because it reminded him of how feisty the orange haired male was. Ichigo stamped the feelings down, gripped his sketchpad and pencil case to his chest and his umbrella in his hand as he walked deeper into the cafe. It was big and cozy, the lights were off but there was a small fire in the fireplace, tea lights on every table and one giant crystal chandelier hanging over in an area that looked like a poetry lounge. The colors were all deep browns and dark blues which gave Ichigo a nostalgic feeling, remembering those as some of Chad's favorite colors.

Ichigo looked over to the poetry lounge part and walked over, dropping his umbrella in the little container by the door. No one was on this side, preferably wanting to stay by the heat since of the cold rain. He spotted a window seat snuggled right neck to the book shelves on the farthest wall and quickly walked towards it. He snuggled down into the window seat and opened his pencil case, pulling out a few pencils before he started doodling in his pad, watching the rain as it still pelted down outside.

"Ichigo?" Ichigo jumped, the deep, baritone voice scaring him out of his thoughts and drop his pencils everywhere. He quickly dropped to the floor to pick up his pencils, noticing his fingers were colored in black markings from all the smearing he'd done with his fingers. Warm, brown hands landed on his as he tried to grab all his pencils up and he looked up startled. Right there in front of him, was the first man he'd ever loved. His hair had grown longer, from what Ichigo could see. He had it up in a messy bun, curly strands flowing out in the back and a few over his forehead, framing his deep brown eyes. His straight nose and full lips caught Ichigo's eyes next, the way they used to fit against his flaring up in his system like a cancer. His body heated up and he snapped to attention, standing up quickly.

"C-Chad?" Ichigo stammered out, gripping his pencils in tight fists. He'd just broken up with Grimmjow tonight but right now, unbelievable as it was, his first love stood in front of him in all his glory. He'd grown even more handsome since the last time Ichigo saw him. His body was fit as ever, Ichigo could tell even though it was covered by an.. apron?

"It is you. How have you been?"

"You work here?"

They had spoken at the same time, Ichigo blushing to the tips of his ears when Chad chuckled.

"Yes and no. My tia and tio own this place,even though I had inherited it from abuelo and abuela when they passed. I come here sometimes to help out and make new renovations. I'm an architect now." Ichigo was melting, he'd always loved it when Chad spoke Spanish even if it was just a few words, it turned him on like nothing else.

"O-oh. When did they pass? I didn't even get to say goodbye.. They were always so sweet too me and made me the tastiest pastries. But your uncles cinnamon hot chocolate was better than anything ass long as your aunt made snickerdoodles to go with it." Ichigo found himself smiling at the memories that floated through his head as he sat back down on the window seat, sitting his pad and pencils next to him. Chad sat next him, Ichigo scooting over to make room for the bigger male so he could draw his legs up.

"A few years ago. Both overnight in their sleep. We found them in the bed the next morning." Chad said quietly staring out at the rain.

"Were they buried here or.. you know." Ichigo couldn't bring himself to say 'or where you moved to when you left me here.. all alone'. It's like he was pining for Chad all over again and this was dangerous behavior for someone who just got out of a relationship.

"We brought them back and buried them in a family cemetery." Chad stated simply, as if he hadn't heard Ichigo's pause, which he probably didn't, he'd always been dense.

"That's good. I hope they are in a better place." Chad nodded at that, Ichigo picked up his pad again and started to draw again, a picture this time.


"Sado." Someone shook the big male's shoulder but he didn't wake.

"Chad!" They tickled his ear and he snorted, swatting at the feather that had been used to tickle his ear as he slowly roused from his dream state. He looked to his left, there stood his aunt and his uncle, they swam in his vision blearily until he blinked a couple of more times.

"What?" He asked in his gruff, sleep voice. He moved, making himself aware of the light weight on his chest and legs. Ichigo was snuggled in between his legs, his head on his chest, snuggled into the crook of his arm that was wrapped around him.

"You should take him home with you. It's been forever since you've guys have seen each other. Go catch up. And here." His Aunt Morela held out a bag and a take-out coffee cup.

"What's that?" He waved to the table closest to their little spot and his aunt sat the things down there.

"Snickerdoodles and cinnamon hot chocolate." His uncle Marco murmured. Chad grunted his answer and sat up, wrapping both of his arms around the orange-head in his arms. Ichigo stirred, his hand going to his eye to rub at it sleepily.

"Grimm? What's going on?" Ichigo was obviously not awake or he would've realized the arms he was curled up in were not that of Grimmjow's but the arms of his first love, while his aunt and uncle watched semi frozen.

"Ichigo, It's me, Chad. You're at the cafe." Chad whispered, wondering just who this Grimm person was. His eyes widened comically when Ichigo started crying out of nowhere, his big brown eyes leaking water like a waterfall. Chad cupped Ichigo's face gently, aware of his aunt and uncle sneaking off, away from the intimate moment.

"Mi Amor, why are you crying?" Chad wiped his thumbs under the smaller male's eyes, kissing the corners of them.

"Grimm, he cheated on me tonight with some dominatrix wannabe and I kicked him out and came straight here, dressed in your clothes that I'd kept all these years and then you appear out of nowhere, still as handsome as ever, and I thought I'd never see you again after you left. I missed you so much, I would curl up with all the stuff you gave me and cry myself to sleep at night. Now you're probably in a relationship with the love of your life and here I am sleeping in your arms even though I just dumped my boyfriend. A-An-An" Ichigo couldn't get anything else out. He got up and ran, forgetting about his sketch pad and pencils, running passed his umbrella. Chad called out to him as he ran outside into the rain but he didn't want to listen to anything so he kept running, his shorter legs not getting him very far on the slippery ground.

Chad was running after him, he could hear his heavy footfalls right behind him. He felt a hand grip his wrist before he was spun around and puled into a strong chest, while arms slipped around his waist. Lips, warm and full, pressed against his and he melted, his arms going up and around Chad's broad shoulders as he kissed back slowly. He moaned when those warm lips parted and a tongue darted out and pressed against the seam of his lips, stroking slowly.

His lips parted and his tongue came out, lapping against Chad's eagerly as Chad's explored his mouth from the roof of his mouth to the skin of his cheeks. Ichigo could feel Chad's hands gripping him tightly as the kiss got more heated. Chad's teeth sunk into Ichigo's bottom lip and tugged harshly, sucking it into his own mouth. Ichigo mewled and raised up on his toes to get closer to the feeling the taller man had forced into him. Hands gripped his ass and lifted him up, his legs immediately wrapping around the narrow waist of Chad's tightly as he nipped and sucked and the elder man's lips excitedly. Chad pulled back, but not before giving a hard, lingering kiss.

"I'm not, in a relationship. I've only ever loved you, Ichigo." He whispered to the smaller male in his arms, their head close so they could hear over the rain pounding down on their bodies. Ichgio's hand's slid up to Chad's face and stayed there, his forehead pressed together with the other male's. He was crying again, but this time out of joy. He'd found him again and it looked like he still wanted him. After their long friendship, Ichigo's pining, Chad's leaving and everything else he'd finally gotten him and hopefully for good. One never truly forgets his first love.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this little one shot! I acutally went out with a mexican guy once and his voice alone was so hot to me, he had the cuttest accent. Something cute and fluffy that I've been writing for a while now. I dunno if I am going to go anywhere with this beyond a two-shot but who knows. Ideas come and go! XoXo
