AN: Finally, my long-awaited story is here! :) I'd like to thank everyone who submitted characters, and rest assured I will do an acknowledgements just for you wonderful people!

Some background on the story: This will be told from perspectives from all four clans, and past the first one I intend to do 3,ooo or so words per chapter.

*Constructive criticism is always appreciated*


Leader: Creekstar - a large, pale silver tabby tom with huge white paws and icy blue eyes

Deputy: Jayflight - a small, brown tabby and white tom with a plumy tail and smoky heather blue eyes

(APPRENTICE, Shadepaw)

Medicine Cat: Honeyspots - a plush white she-cat with honey-colored splotches on her back, dark amber eyes, and deformed ears.


WARRIORS: (Organized by seniority)

Lavendernose - a light brown tabby she-cat with dark blue eyes and a debilitating scar on her nose

Raventalon - a long-haired raven black tom with a fluffy, grey-tinged chest and sharp yellow-green eyes

Sharpclaw - a sleek calico she-cat with unusually long, very sharp claws and green eyes

Brackenleap - a long-legged brown tabby tom with golden eyes


Snowspirit - a very short, striking white she-cat flecked with gold with lively blue eyes

Mapleblaze - short black tom with cream paws and legs and a faded oak-brown tail

Echofall - a silver-spotted white she-cat with one gold eye and one blue eye

(APPRENTICE, Frozenpaw)

Sunshadow - a bright ginger she-cat with vivid green eyes

Frostfur - small, pure white she-cat with clear blue eyes

Reedshine - a large brown tabby tom with long claws and dark amber eyes

Silverspark - a pretty silver tabby and white she-cat with black-rimmed, olive-green eyes

Thornpool - a dark grey tom with a paler belly and paws and pale brown eyes

Cloudheart - a small, fluffy white tom with long whiskers and pale blue eyes

(APPRENTICE, Vixenpaw)


Fernpaw - light brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes

Vixenpaw - a dark ginger and white she-cat with a bushy tail and bright yellow eyes; heavily resembles a fox

Foxpaw - a longhair bright ginger tom with white forepaws and amber eyes

Shadepaw - a tall, pale gold she-cat with fur gradually becoming darker with dark blue eyes

Frozenpaw - an oak brown tom with a caramel stripe running down his back to his forehead; deep blue eyes


Finchflight - a spiky-furred, dark gray she-cat patched with lighter colors and bright amber eyes (mother to Robinkit; a spiky-furred, pale ginger tom with unusually long ears and deep blue eyes)

Pebblespalsh - a clean silver tabby she-cat with a white forepaw and green eyes (mother to Brackenleap's kits, Dustykit; a small, pale brown tabby tom, Alderkit; a darker tabby tom, and Sootkit; a pale grey tom with darker, smudgier stripes)


Bluenose - a massive blue-grey tom with deep green eyes


Leader: Sagestar - a very small, longhair cream she-cat with striking green eyes

Deputy: Dewleaf - a large, dark grey tabby tom with deep green eyes and a twisted back paw


Medicine Cat: Flamewatcher - a cream-and-pale ginger tabby tom with grey-blue eyes


Hailfur - a dark grey and white tom with very pale blue eyes

(APPRENTICE, Goosepaw)

Losttail - a dark grey-brown tom with dark grey-green eyes and a missing tail

Roseheart - a golden tabby she-cat with sky blue eyes

(APPRENTICE, Frostpaw)

Breezeclaw - a fawn-colored tom with pale tabby markings, two white paws, and amber eyes


Owlcry - large, flat-faced, pale brown tom with deep green eyes

Moonheart - a large white she-cat with a black mark on her chest and deep heather-colored eyes

(APPRENTICE, Jaggedpaw)

Cedarfoot - a solid dark grey she-cat with dark blue eyes

Fallenshadow - a dilute black and ginger tom with dull amber eyes

Sparrowflight - a large ginger tabby tom with yellow eyes

Whitepelt - a ragged, silver-tinged white tom with dull blue eyes

Brighttail - a dark grey tabby she-cat with a fluffy ginger tail and green eyes

Patchleaf - a white she-cat with dark brown and ginger tabby patches with green eyes

Stonespring - a pale grey tabby tom with a white tail-tip and blue eyes


Frostpaw - a black she-cat speckled with white; cold green eyes

Goosepaw - small, flat faced, dusty brown tom with vibrant blue eyes

Jaggedpaw - flat faced brown she-cat with bright, light blue eyes

Dustpaw - tall brown tabby longhair tom with amber eyes

Firepaw - tall ginger she-cat with cool green eyes


Birchleap - a pale brown-gray tabby she-cat with a spot of cream above her eye (mother to Tinykit; a tiny, fluffy white tom, and Pondkit; a pale cream-and-grey she-cat)


Swiftshade - a once-beautiful dappled tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes

Flowerfur - a coarse-furred white she-cat with stern hazel eyes


LEADER: Howlstar - a messy-furred, pale cream tom with spotted brown markings

DEPUTY: Tangleheart - a dark tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat with stripes on her face like lightning strikes

MEDICINE CAT: Adderfang - a large, very dark brown tabby tom with black stripes

(APPRENTICE, Cliffpaw)


Thistletail - a pale brown tabby tom with darker stripes on his face and tail

(APPRENTICE, Runningpaw)

Pebblenose - a calico she-cat with amber eyes

(APPRENTICE, Riverpaw)

Flametooth - long-legged ginger tom with yellow eyes

Marshwhisker - a large, bright ginger tom with leaf-green eyes

(APPRENTICE, Ripplepaw)

Crowtail - a dark gray tabby tom with a long, black tail and blue eyes

Mapleheart - long-furred tortoiseshell she-cat with deep blue eyes

Snaketongue - A brown-and-black tom with amber eyes and a split tongue

(APPRENTICE, Silverpaw)

Drizzlewhisker - small, pale grey and white tom with dark amber eyes and long teeth

Mudcloud - golden-brown tom with vivid green-blue eyes

Petaltooth - a white and ginger she-cat with vivid blue eyes


Runningpaw - a light brown-and-cream she-cat with blue eyes

Cliffpaw - a black-furred tom with a twisted tail and pale green eyes

Riverpaw - a dark grey tabby tom with a sandy-tinted belly and rounded ears

Ripplepaw - a dark grey tabby tom with a sandy-tinted belly and tabby spotted legs

Silverpaw - beautiful dark siilver tabby she-cat with dark blue eyes


Shrewbelly - a light brown tabby she-cat with a pale underbelly (mother to Dampkit; a dark brown tom with silky fur)

Mistwing - a dark gray - almost black - she-cat with pale blue eyes (expecting kits; father not disclosed)


Watereye - a battlescarred gray-blue she-cat with blind, milky blue eyes


LEADER: Silverstar - a light gray tom with a darker stripe going down his spine, a white muzzle and tail-tip

DEPUTY: Streamrunner - a dark silver she-cat with black tabby markings and green eyes


MEDICINE CAT: Duskwater - a fluffy, dark gray she-cat with white ears and tail


Rocktail - a brown-gray and white tom with pale blue eyes


Leafwhisker - dark brown tabby tom with black markings down his back and white hind paws

Ashtooth - smoke-colored she-cat with green flecked hazel eyes

Lionswipe - a pale golden tabby tom with icy blue eyes

(APPRENTICE, Eaglepaw)

Redfur - a dark ginger tom with long claws and bright amber eyes

Shadewillow - a large, smoky blue-black tom with warm green eyes

Nightheart - black she-cat with white spots on her shoulders and green eyes

Owlfur - a dark brown she-cat with a dusty gold underbelly and amber eyes

Maplesong - slender, dusty brown and white she-cat

Foxtail - a dark ginger/red tabby she-cat with feathery black ears and bright green eyes

Talonheart - gray tom with black tabby markings and amber eyes

Swiftclaw - a russet-colored tom with black tabby stripes and ears; amber eyes


Wolfpaw - a brown-gray tabby tom with bright, warm-colored eyes

Hawkpaw - dark brown tabby she-cat with a white belly and sharp yellow eyes

Eaglepaw - a golden-brown tabby and white tom with pale blue eyes


Fernpetal - a light brown tabby and white she-cat with green eyes (mother to Stormkit; dark grey tom with blue eyes and a ringed tail, and Brindlekit; dark grey tabby she-cat with bright green eyes)

Dawnheart - brown-gray tabby and white she-cat with orange eyes; expecting Talonheart's kits


Emberwhisker - a pale ginger tom with a face silvered with age and green eyes


Ebony - a pitch black tom with amber eyes; rouge

Ivory - a small, fluffy whte she-cat with silver paws and sky blue eyes; rouge

Juniper - light grey she-cat with darker tabby mottles and heather blue eyes; kittypet

Noh - a long haired white she-cat dappled with dark brown spots; very pale, almost white, blue eyes; loner