A/N: So, if you follow my Tumblr then you'll be aware that I have a new obsession and a new OTP since I finally watched this movie last week. Long story short: this pairing wouldn't leave me alone and this is inspired partially by the songs quoted at the beginning of each chapter, partially by the song "The Best Thing I Never Knew I Needed" from The Princess and the Frog and (finally) my theory that Aurora wouldn't have had such an impact if Diaval hadn't already started to soften Maleficent's heart. Happy to discuss this (or the movie, or them) further, but I hope you like this! Oh, and it's set after Stefan dies/before Aurora is crowned :)

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Dedication: for excusemeb who checked it over and suggested the title :)

Something More

My heart was broken, my heart was broken
Sorrow, Sorrow, Sorrow, Sorrow
My heart was broken, my heart was broken

You saw it, you claimed it
You touched it, You saved it

While I'm worth my room on this earth
I will be with you
-"Sunshine on Leith," The Proclaimers

Maleficent contemplated the dead body of Stefan in silence.

She had expected to feel…something at his death, but instead found herself curiously indifferent.

Stefan the boy she'd known had died a long time ago and, as she continued to stand by the corpse of Stefan the man, she realised she'd stopped mourning his loss long ago.


Aurora's voice broke her from her thoughts and she turned to greet her with an affectionate smile. If that smile faltered at seeing only her self-proclaimed goddaughter she took care to hide it.

"I'm so glad you're safe," Aurora gushed, flinging herself heedlessly into the fairy's arms.

"And I you," Maleficent replied, returning the embrace with more restraint, but equal warmth.

After a moment they broke apart and Maleficent scanned their surroundings. "Where's Diaval?" she asked turning back to the young princess with a small frown, unable to pretend – even to herself – that she wasn't concerned his safety.

It was Aurora's turn to frown as her face clouded with confusion and a hint of concern, "Isn't he with you?"

"No," Maleficent replied shortly, leading the way purposefully back to the hall.

She easily outstripped Aurora and her sharp eyes scanned the damaged hall as she entered. A relieved smile tugged at her lips as she caught sight of Diaval, still in dragon form and carefully removing the last of his iron chains.

"Into a man," she commanded with a flick of her wrist.

His surprise at the change quickly melted into a wry grin as he caught sight of her striding towards him. "Mistress," he greeted her with a bow of his head and a hint of affection in his tone that had long since changed it into almost a term of endearment rather than a title.

He took a couple of steps towards her and Maleficent quickened her pace as she noticed for the first time that he was gingerly cradling one of his arms and had a distinct limp.

Not to mention the blood.

She caught him as he stumbled, "I told you that this wasn't your fight," she scolded, her harsh tone belied by her gentle manner as she helped him over to a piece of fallen masonry.

"I'm sorry about the mess," he quipped with a small wince as she eased him onto the floor.

Maleficent pursed her lips, "That's not what I meant."

"I know," he replied, leaning gratefully against the stone and closing his eyes, "I just didn't think you'd appreciate the reminder that you need me," he added with a smirk.

"I'll always need you," Maleficent muttered absently as she knelt beside him to assess the extent of his injuries.

His eyes snapped open, "What?"

She glared at him, "You heard me."

The teasing grin was back and Maleficent turned her attention back to healing his wounds to stop herself from returning it.

"I'm not sure," he said finally, watching her. "I could be dying Mistress," he continued with an overly dramatic sigh, "couldn't you say it? Just once?"

Maleficent bit back the retort that he was not dying – besides, they both knew she'd never allow it if he was – and regarded him out of the corner of her eye as she continued to heal him.

"Unless, with your wings returned, you have no further need of me," he added, all traces of his teasing gone.

Maleficent's face hardened, more than a little stung by his comment and the sudden, awful thought that he might wish to leave her.

"Mistress?" he prompted after a moment, attempting to catch her eye as she focused on the last of his wounds.

"Of course you are free to leave, if that is your wish," she replied tightly, avoiding his gaze as she finished her task.

"Only if that is what you wish," he replied and she looked up, puzzled, to meet his serious gaze. "You still haven't said it, Mistress," he reminded her after a long moment, suddenly ceasing to be so serious and grinning at her.

A smile tugged at the corner of her mouth, "I need you, Diaval," she said seriously, sitting back on her heels and meeting his gaze steadily. He quirked an eyebrow and she rolled her eyes but dutifully continued: "And I can't do without you."

Diaval pretended the think about it for a moment, "Then I guess I should stay where I'm needed," he replied, grinning up at her as she got to her feet.

"Vain bird," Maleficent grumbled, fighting off a smile as she held out a hand to help him to stand.

Her heart fluttered as he stood up in a single motion and smiled down at her, still holding her hand. "Arrogant fairy," he countered with a newfound boldness and she could almost have sworn that he winked at her.

She blinked in surprise and he turned away, dropping her hand, as Aurora came seemingly out of nowhere to tackle him with a hug almost as fierce as the one she'd given Maleficent.

Maleficent watched the pair in silence and reflected that, whilst Aurora had brought light back into her life, her heart had truly started to mend the day she turned a raven into a man.