Start of a Legend

The first chapter of another Pokemon story. I already wrote in "Unexpected Twist" that I had a new story ready for publishing so here it is because it's driving me crazy having it and not publish it.

This time, however, Ash may not have Aura Powers. Instead, he will have Psychic powers like mind-reading and telekinesis. That will help him to communicate with all of his Pokemon. Of course, it doesn't mean Ash won't capture a Lucario later on. Also this story will go into the other regions Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova and Kalos. The two Battle Frontiers after that, the one from Kanto and the one from Sinnoh.

The main pairing will be Ash and Sabrina. Because I have never tried to write Ash with Psychic powers and Sabrina was a hot and crazy chick. Other girls will join later on, so don't worry. Maybe Anabel too. Another Psychic lady can spice things up for sure.

Background information: Ash has already obtained the eight badges of Kanto and went to Grandpa canyon to dig out Fossils. And things change a lot from there on for him.

Not a lot of movies to use in this long story to come (At least movies 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, and 16 are non existent in this continuity so don't expect them to be mentioned or considered. Arceus does exist of course but he is not the weakling shown in the movie). The future movies like 18 and 19 haven't been out yet so I can't say if they will appear. Mega Evolution may appear but not for Ash to use.

All reviews are welcome so make sure you leave your own. Everyone is welcome to read my other Pokemon stories.

Nothing else to clarify, let's read!

Chapter 1: Blazing Actions

Explosions echoed from beneath the rocky surface of the soil. The place of the turmoil was the great Grandpa canyon located in the northern part of Kanto, which was one of the many regions of the world. The never-ending blasts were coming from underground caves inhabited by unique creatures called Pokemon. Unlike the average Pokemon, however, these ones were very rare to find. They were relics from ancient times, when Planet Earth had just started having life on its surface after its shaping by the three Legendary Pokemon creators Groudon, Kyogre and Rayquaza. That's why they were normally referred to as Fossil Pokemon because some had survived all those centuries until the modern age without a lot of changes.

A young Pokemon trainer called Ash Ketchum could accurately say he was screwed. His head throbbed and his body ached all over with some lacerations staining the clothes red. His once blue-and-white outfit was now ragged with a few cuts on the silk. His left cheek had an open cut with a small trickle of blood dripping. The grey-scaled dragon-like Pokemon called Aerodactyl in front of him was the responsible for that situation. The Fossil Pokemon had been forcefully awoken from his years of slumber. And he had taken his frustration out on anyone stupid enough to be around him. Ash wanted to curse himself for been that stupid person. This day was supposed to be a very special day for him. He had entered the digging competition so to find some rare Pokemon and add them to his Pokemon team. After obtaining his last Gym badge just a week ago, Ash had only wanted to train for the Indigo League coming up in a couple of months. And the fact he could pretty much die at any second because of one those same rare Pokemon he had wanted was not an enticing prospect.

Of course maybe those fools from Team Rocket had also something to do with Ash's current condition. Scratch that, they were the full responsible for this problem. Those dunderheads always trying to steal Pokemon from others. But the trainer couldn't exactly be concerned about them, when they were the idiots, who had blown the canyon up with dynamite. Hopefully Aerodactyl had had them for lunch before the Rock/Flying Pokemon had reached him.

Sprawled next to the trainer from Kanto lied all of Ash's Pokemon. The small Electric-type Mouse Pikachu, the Grass-type Bulbasaur, the Water-type turtle Squirtle, the Flying-type Bird Pidgeotto and the Water-type Crab Krabby. All of them had swirls in their eyes and their bodies were covered with black bruises. Despite putting up their most valiant efforts, Ash's team had been knocked around like rag dolls for most of the fight. The Fossil Pokemon from Kanto was just way too powerful for them to handle even while fighting at the same time.

The injured Pokemon trainer looked at his last red-and-white Pokeball he holded in his hand. His last option to escape this nightmarish place once and for all. Maybe it couldn't be enough but there was the chance that Aerodactyl had at least run out of breath fighting the others.

"Charmander, I'm counting on you!" The teenage trainer threw the Pokeball out, which bursted open. The small bipedal Fire-type salamander called Charmander appeared standing brave and bold with orange fire on his tail. But his body started trembling in fear looking at the bigger and meaner Fossil Pokemon.

"Charmander, please you have to fight!" Ash pleaded to his Fire starter from his region. He knew his Pokemon had great power. It was all about bringing it out. Whenever Charmander had set his mind into a fight, then the strength he had shown was simply unbelievable. Thanks to him Ash had obtained two of his eight Gym badges fighting against the Poison trainer Koga and the Grass leader Erika "We are all counting on you" The frightened Fire Pokemon looked at his trainer and then to his defeated comrades. He couldn't let them down. He set his amber eyes on Aerodactyl, who roared now with another prey for him.

"Use Flamethrower!" Ash ordered seeing his Fire Pokemon ready for action. His Fire Pokemon spew the orange-colored torrent of flames from the back of his throat at full power. Aerodactyl, however, barely stood there letting the flames hit him in the creamy chest. They only left a small burnt in his light-colored solar plexus. Both trainer and Pokemon stared in disbelief. The attack had done nothing.

The Fossil Pokemon screeched his high pitch roar and took off faster than anyone could see him coming. His taloned foot aimed towards Ash and slashed/pushed the young human towards a giant boulder hitting him right in the chest with great power. The attack tore Ash's black t-shirt with deep cuts in his skin and hit the stone face first. Charmander ran towards his trainer in concern. But the again incoming Aerodactyl stopped the Fire starter in his tracks. And now the Rock/Flying Pokemon had an orange aura cloaking his body. Charmander stood there paralyzed in fear and the Giga Impact sent him flying hard inside a wall. Rubble fell and many other Fossil Pokemon ran away from the area in fear.

However, one remained curiously looking at the human fighting.

Ash coughed and rested his back against the wall feeling his body even more depleted of stamina. The new cuts in his chest and his cheek would surely leave scars. But that wasn't his main concern for the time being. He only wanted to save his Pokemon from this prison. And that prehistoric Pokemon was again roaring out loud, screaming to everyone how superior he was to everyone. Like if beating injured Pokemon was something to be proud off. This was the moment, when Ash wished Brock and Misty still traveled with him. But been two Gym Leaders, their responsibilities took priority. Good thing Ash had learnt almost everything he could from them before they had departed back to their homes.

But not how to fight an ancient creature with his bare fists.

The high-pitched scream kept on until a new Flamethrower shut the Fossil up after impacting him in the back. The Fossil Pokemon from Kanto and Johto turned around in anger to see his attacker. That last blast packed quite a bigger punch than usual.

Charmander groggily stood up against his enemy from the debris, his eyes burning with incomparable anger. His friends... no, his Family had been injured. And now that overgrown bastard had hurt his trainer. The person, who had truly taken care of him after been abandoned under the rain by an idiot. He couldn't and wouldn't let it slide.

The Fire starter growled in wrath his orange body glowing with a red aura. His ability Blaze had kicked up and now had incremented his Fire Power by a great margin. The Fossil Pokemon seemed to have noticed this but was panting unable to stop his twerp of an enemy from powering up. Using Giga Impact meant he now had to take a breather before heading back into battle. Charmander took that opportunity to sprint as fast as a blur and jumped high to meet Aerodactyl in the face. He unleashed a fiery punch right in the grey long cheek, sending Aerodactyl to crash a rock pillar after been hit by the amplified and unlocked Fire Punch. Aerodactyl shook his head before his hole body bursted with the burning aftershock. The Fossil Pokemon screeched in pain by the burning flames.

The Fire starter saw it was payback time so he got ready and sprinted with his full might and speed. His red aura now turned into a more powerful blue-blazing and devastating attack. Charmander yelled at the top of his lungs and tackled his enemy with his newly-developed Fire attack. The tackle sent Aerodactyl screaming in agony and hitting the rocky wall hard. The entire place trembled and without anyone realizing a new hole in the ceiling appeared. Sunlight came through.

Despite Ash's tired condition, the young trainer couldn't help but be shocked to the core by the display. Charmander had certainly acquired some new and impressive moves.

"What was that?" Ash asked in utter shock, using his Pokedex to analyze that last move he didn't know. And apparently it was called Flare Blitz. It reminded Ash of that Volt Tackle technique his Pikachu had learnt a couple of days ago, when capturing Snorlax in a dried river.

The Fire starter panted looking at his beaten enemy at his feet. Charmander smiled feeling very happy to have saved his family. He then turned his sight to see Ash walking tiredly towards his Pokemon.

"Charmander, you did it!" Ash hugged his small Fire Pokemon, who chirped happily. The teenager couldn't stop his eyes from tearing in happiness. But then Ash' sight was blinded by a flash of white light exuding from Charmander's body. Ash couldn't believe it. He knew Charmander was strong but to break the barrier into evolution? The blinding light died down and now a slightly taller and red-scaled Pokemon stood hugging Ash "Or better, Charmeleon" The new Pokemon pumped his arms in victory feeling new power running through his body.

The Fire Pokemon then turned around and used his clawed hand to point at the defeated Aerodactyl. He was trying to say something to his trainer.

"What do you mean?" Ash asked to his evolved Fire Pokemon, who pointed at the knocked out Fossil. Then it suddenly clicked him. Ash didn't speak Poke-language at all but he had a certain bond with his team so he could understand some basics "Wait, you are saying I should catch him?" The just-evolved Fire Pokemon nodded in confirmation. Ash couldn't exactly say if it was something bad. And maybe he and his Pokemon could teach that hotheaded Pokemon some proper manners. Grabbing one of his empty Pokeballs, Ash prepared for the capture.

"Pokeball, catch!" The small sphere was thrown and hit Aerodactyl in the face. The Pokemon was instantly sucked in and the Pokeball rumbled. Ash amazingly heard the pin noise of capture. That was weird. He had been expecting Aerodactyl to burst out even angrier than before.

Ash had just finished clipping his new addition, when something tucked at his ragged blue trousers from the rocky ground. It was a small lobster-like Pokemon with grey and black shell and two pincers for hands. He was looking at Ash with curious eyes.

"Wow an Anorith!" The young trainer from Pallet stated in shock. Anorith was a Fossil from Hoenn. To find one in Kanto was certainly something unique. Ash brought his Pokedex out scanning the Fossil. But there was no data available. Ash frowned to that. Maybe after getting free he could tell Professor Oak to update his Pokedex. Considering he only had the Pokemon list from one region when there were six in the entire world then something was wrong.

Meanwhile Anorith was talking to Charmeleon, who answered back in their Poke-language. Charmeleon again pointed at the Fossil Pokemon just like he had done with Aerodactyl. But in this case, it was because of other reasons.

"He wants to come with me?" Ash asked to his Fire Pokemon, who nodded. Ash lifted the small Lobster Pokemon, who nuzzled against the human's chest. Ash felt flattered that such a unique Pokemon wanted to come with him willingly. The young trainer brought a new empty Pokeball out and neatly captured the Fossil from another region. The ball didn't struggle at all. Ash then recalled all of his Pokemon except for Pikachu, who the trainer took in his arms.

"Let's get away from here" Ash said to Charmeleon, who nodded. Ash then looked around and his hopes died again. There was no real way out. He was too tired and he doubted Charmeleon could jump so high into the hole.

That was when Charmeleon growled and Ash turned his sight. The other Fossil Pokemon of Kanto Kabuto, Kabutops, Omanyte and Omastars had appeared obviously attracted by the fact there was no longer a fight. Instead of attacking, however, the Fossils were pointing towards a tunnel. Ash looked at his Fire starter, who nodded. The trainer and his Pokemon walked through it escorted by the relic Pokemon from the past. As they edged further inside Ash saw the end of the tunnel. After quickly making it out of the cavern through one of the many labyrinth-like tunnel thanks to the Fossil Pokemon the trainer and his evolved friend were bashed by the greatly-welcomed sunlight.

Ash panted. Doing any kind of exercise wasn't an easy task when your body ached at each movement you took. But the trainer could live with that for now. Ash turned his head to find out that the Fossils were gone back inside the dark cave. They obviously didn't want to be disturbed again.

Ash then saw that Officer Jenny and many of the other trainers, who had came to the canyon were surveying the area. The teenager took the time to leave undercover and into another direction. He didn't want to raise any questions about what had happened down there. Having the reporters on top of him wasn't something he wanted.

One thing for certain though, was that as soon as his Pokemon had healed Ash would start training his team at the best as he could. He wouldn't let anything like today happen again. Whether in the wilderness or in a fight. All of his friends would become stronger. That included himself.

Without the young Pokemon trainer noticing, a figure lurked in the canyon observing his progress. The small Pokemon put her hands in her mouth and released a cute giggle.

"I see that the rumors were true" The unique Pokemon stated cheerful. Her body floated silently towards the trainer following him around. He was much more interesting that other trainers she had met in her journey over the world. The human had certain attributes that only very few humans had.

She kept her distance waiting until the right moment to reveal herself.

Ash was in front of the video-call now in the near Pokemon Center to the digging canyon. All of his eight Pokemon were been healed by Nurse Joy so the trainer knew they were out of any danger. That also included himself. His own injures had been mostly healed up and bandaged except for some lasting bruises and his laceration scars in his left cheek and his chest and abdomen. He knew that his mother would kick his ass for been so reckless but Ash didn't see it that way if it meant saving Pokemon, no matter if they were his or wild. His blue clothes were torn so Ash was going to get new ones as soon as possible.

The young trainer rubbed his eyes after yawning. Despite how taxing the day had been for him, the teenager still had some calls to make before going for his proper night of rest. He punched the number of an old friend of his. Ash waited hoping someone would answer his call. And it did.

A man's face appeared on the screen. He was Anthony, a former wrestler and now tutor of Fighting-type Pokemon. Ash had met him during the Grand-Prix 1 in which Ash's Primeape had defeated his Hitmonchan. After that the expert in fights had offered Ash to train his Primeape. While Ash had agreed knowing how strong his Pokemon could become, he had still missed his playful monkey. Always running around and taking his cap away.

"Ash? It's been a while since we last met" The fighting trainer stated surprised to get a call. Specially so late in the night.

"I know. That's why I'm calling" Ash stated back to the Fighting expert "I wanted to know what happened to Primeape" The Fighting expert laughed.

"Aside from becoming one of the best Pokemon I've ever trained, nothing much" Anthony stated with amusement. Ash smiled. So he was right. Primeape had gotten stronger for sure. Anthony saw the look in the boy's face. Ash looked tired like having gone through a very serious defeat. Been a retired boxer, Anthony knew a lot about that. And Ash also had an open cut in his cheek. That never meant something good "And you want him back?" The teenager nodded in confirmation.

"I'll start a rigorous training soon and I plan for all of my Pokemon to be here and compete in the Indigo League" The Pokemon trainer explained. Anthony saw that there was a new spark in the boy's eyes. Something that said he was been very serious about doing this.

"I see your fighting spirit has finally appeared" Anthony stated happily like a sensei to a student. Primeape was already too powerful and there was pretty much nothing he could teach him. So now it was Ash's time to train him "I'll send Primeape right away"

"Thanks" Ash thanked his Fighting friend. Beneath the screen, a red-and-white Pokeball materialized. Ash grabbed his old Pokeball already anxious to meet his monkey/pig Fighting Pokemon. But he wanted all of his Pokemon to be there so he would wait until they were all healed by tomorrow. Now the young trainer punched another number. There were still other friends to reunite.

Seconds later, the wrinkled but kind-hearted face of Professor Samuel Oak appeared on the other side. The once Pokemon trainer and now scientist and poetry man looked at his new call of the day.

"Ash, my lad. It's good to hear from you again" The Pokemon expert from Kanto said to the young boy from Pallet.

"You almost don't" Ash replied a bit grimly. That last comment earn Ash a worried look from the professor "Let's just say I've been in some real trouble as of late" The Pokemon expert chuckled a bit. He then noticed the still-healing injury on Ash's cheek.

"I don't doubt that" The Professor replied. The young man was certainly a magnet for all kind of chaotic situations "But I don't think you are calling to tell me just that"

"You are right. I wanted to update my Pokedex" Ash stated "I met a rare Pokemon from Hoenn but Dexter didn't have any data about him"

"I see. It's no big deal. Just send it over and I will update it in a second" Samuel Oak answered back. Ash quickly placed his red gadget in the slot of the machine and was sent towards the lab.

"There you go. I have upgraded your Pokedex with all the known Pokemon from the six regions" Professor explained now as Ash placed his updated Dexter on his pocket "Is there something else I can do for you?" The trainer nodded knowing there was still something to do.

"I was wondering if you could send me Muk and Snorlax" Ash said to the professor of his town "I'm going to catch some wild Pokemon before training all of them for the Indigo League" While the news surprised the old man, the professor couldn't exactly deny Ash was been very serious about it.

"Certainly. It's no problem" The professor replied positively. He left and returned in a minute or two and sent one Pokeball at the time. The professor couldn't help but notice Ash was a bit different since their last call. His determination was contagious even from the other side of the call. His grandson could learn a few things from Ash, despite how many times he had said that Ash was an idiot of a trainer. The Professor then remembered "But Ash, what about your Tauros?" Ash sighed knowing about his heard of Pokemon.

"Yes, I know I didn't call for them. But I don't think I can keep the whole heard in the lab" The young Pokemon trainer explained "And I don't think that trading them would be good" If anything, the young trainer from Pallet would be happier if they were free in the wilderness.

"I understand you are not a fan of trading but some Pokemon need it so they can reach their final form" The Professor explained now. After all, other Pokemon had to evolve somehow. Ash's eyes widen with a new idea in his mind. There was still one of his Pokemon to retrieve.

"Professor, Haunter evolves into Gengar after trading, right?" The teenage trainer asked. He already knew the answer to that question but he only wanted to see if he was right.

"That's correct. It's good to see you have been catching up" The professor said approvingly to the trainer "But why the sudden question?" He saw Ash suddenly smirking like planning for something. That was new to him.

"I think I have a Gym to visit" Ash explained, remembering a particular cute Psychic trainer.

Notes from Chapter 1:

Maybe it's a shorter chapter than usual but I really don't have anything fanciful or out of the normal to explain here. Unless you find something. In that case, ask away.

I know Ash might be rushing things but to be honest I'm the one rushing things up. I really don't want to go through all the emotional side of Ash's epiphany.

A giggling Pokemon? Who can it be?

I know Ash should have died after been attacked by an Aerodactyl. But then again, which kind of Champion will he be if he dies?

Brock and Misty had left after winning the Gym Badge in Viridian City because they had to take care of their own gyms.

I know Charmander had already evolved by that time in the Anime but he will actually obey Ash's orders from now on. And we also get to have a stronger Charizard once he finally evolves.

Ash now has two Fossil Pokemon. After writing both Tyrunt and Amaura in "Champions of Sinnoh" I grew fond of all the Fossil Pokemon. Except Omanyte and Omastar. I don't like them at all.

Okay we have a foreshadow of a certain Ghost Pokemon Ash used to own, who will return in the next chapter. And not so subtle appearance of other Pig Fighting Pokemon.

Charmander was a bit like Chimchar. Frightened at first but then overcoming his fear to protect his friends and evolving by that.

Ash now has a face scar resembling Bardock's. He also has three scars in his chest from Aerodactyl's attack. That's a sign that every lady wants.

The Tauros' decision came because I think Ash did very little trading in Anime and I think he is not comfortable with it. But at the same time he does know that it can be important. Just like when he switched Buizel for Aipom. Also take a look at his Boldor. If Ash had had a Gigalith during the Unova League, he could have finished Cameron's Hydreigon in a draw and would have passed to the Semi-finals.

Snorlax is the one from Kanto and not the one from the Orange Islands. Ash catched him in the dried river. But it doesn't mean this Snorlax is weaker than the other.

The young trainer has started his path into power. Read next chapter to see how things develop for him!