Author's Note: Hello everyone. This is just a quick little fic that I started working on. I think this will be 2 or 3 parts. I'm not really sure yet. Some things have changed and some have remained the same. You'll see when you read.

Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoy. Reviews are hugs! :)

Iris was missing her best friend. Missing him terribly. She had been missing him for almost a year. He got struck by lightning and was in a coma for 9 months. Those were the hardest 9 months of her life. She really thought she'd lose her best friend. When he woke up from the coma, she realized even more so just how important he is to her. So she felt like they needed to get back to spending the kind of time they used to spend together. Just the two of them. She decided on a sleepover like old times.

Iris was a sleepover kind of girl. The only thing is her sleepovers always seemed to consist of just her and Barry. It didn't seem weird to her that her best friend was a boy. A boy who just happened to live with her. Although Iris was outgoing, bubbly, and just fun to be around, she didn't have many female friends. Her life just seemed to revolve around her dad, Joe and her bestest friend, Barry. Well, Bear as she called him. She sometimes called him Bartholomew just to make him mad. He would then call her Flower.

Though Iris didn't exactly hate it when he called her Flower, he didn't exactly like being called Bartholomew. It reminded him too much of his childhood when he would get picked on about his name. Though he knew that Iris wasn't being malicious or hurtful when she called him that, he still didn't particularly care for his given name. He was also glad that his nickname was Barry instead of Bart. He got his fair share of being called "Bart Simpson" while he and Iris were going to elementary and middle school.

The sudden urge to have a sleepover with her best friend seemed to hit Iris out of nowhere. She and Barry hadn't had a sleepover in years and she really wanted to do that with him. She reverted back to thinking about the time they spent apart when she thought he would either die or remain in a coma forever. She again thought about the hardest thing she ever lived through. Those 9 months seemed like an eternity. Those were the worst 9 months of her life. She really thought she'd lose her Bear. Her life would not seem right without him in it.

Sure they were now grown, and Barry had since moved out of the house. But Iris wanted to have a sleepover with her best friend. It seemed fitting. They could stay up all night talking like they sometimes did. Maybe even a pillow fight. They wouldn't have to sneak liquor from the cabinet downstairs. They could do what they wanted.

So, Iris felt the need to spring her sleepover idea on Barry. She decided to mention it to him when he stopped past Jitters. He always came past Jitters even if he didn't get coffee. Barry would take any excuse to see Iris. He was her best bud and she his. Her best bud that got struck by lightning and almost died. He actually did die. She saw it with her own eyes. She shook that image from her mind just as Barry was walking in.

"Hey! I was just thinking about you." Iris says as she puts the almost full pot of coffee back.

"Hey. You were?" Barry asks and hopes he doesn't sound as hopeful as he feels. He would love to tell her how he feels about her but is afraid it will ruin everything.

Iris turns and smiles. That huge, beautiful smile that sometimes makes Barry forget to breathe. "Yeah. I was just thinking about you, and me. And how we should have a sleepover. You know, like we used to?" Iris says happily.

"A sleepover? Iris, we're 25." Barry says though he'd be happy to have a sleepover with Iris. He'd be happy to have more, but a sleepover with his best friend and love of his life will do.

Iris' huge smile never leaves her face. "So? We're 25 now, so what? You're never too old to have a sleepover with your best friend. And we can actually drink out in the open and not have to sneak it from Joe." She says and grins a little mischeviously.

Barry smiled and raised an eyebrow at her antics. "Are you suggesting we have a drunken sleepover, Iris?" He asks and then smiles. He's totally up for having a sleepover with her. The fact that he couldn't get drunk was irrelevant. He knew Iris wouldn't get drunk either. She would have a few drinks and then call it quits.

Iris smiled at him again. "Not necessarily a drunken sleepover, but we can do a little drinking. I can make Grandma Esther's famous egg nog. Light on the bourbon." She says and then winks. "It is almost Christmas time. We're just celebrating a little early this year."

Barry lightly chuckles. "Ok, I'm game. Sleepover it is. I have no plans. When do you want to do this?" He casually asks while trying to mask his excitement.

Iris smiled her killer smile again. Barry felt his heart flutter. "Great. Tonight. It is Friday night. You know our sleepovers start on Friday nights."

"Yeah, I know. But I lived at the house then. We never had to make plans for a sleepover back then." Barry says.

"You're right, but now we do. You know you're always welcome at the house. I don't know why you moved out anyway." Iris states.

Barry just shrugged. "I figured Joe had taken me in long enough. That's all."

"Well, you're kind of stuck with us Barry. You're an honorary West." Iris says and laughs.

"Barry West? That doesn't even have a nice ring to it." He says and smiles. He tried not to get uncomfortable about thinking that Iris thought of him as her brother. He didn't have brotherly thoughts about her. He did look at Joe as a father figure, however. That didn't seem weird to him because in the back of his hopeful and dreamy mind, Joe would become his father in law.

Iris thinks about it for a moment. "Yes it does." She teases.

"How about Iris Allen? Try that on for size since you just tried to change my last name." Barry throws out just to see what she says.

"I could never go by Iris Allen. I couldn't get rid of West that easily. My Dad would probably demand that I hyphenate my name when I get married. Iris West Allen maybe." Iris says and smiles. "But why would I need to change my last name to Allen?" She wonders.

Barry becomes slightly flustered. He tries to hide his awkwardness and embarrassment by shrugging again. "I don't know. Maybe you'll marry a man with the last name Allen."

Iris again thinks for a moment. "It's possible. How weird would that be if we ended up with the same last name?" She lightly jokes and smiles.

Barry felt his heart flutter again. "Yeah. Weird." He says and masked his sorrow with a smile.

Later on that day, Barry ran into Joe at the station. Well, not exactly ran into him. Joe came up to his crime lab. He decided to fill him in on his and Iris' plans to have a sleepover. He hoped that Joe wouldn't read too much into it considering he knows how Barry feels about Iris. Then he figured that Joe wouldn't think that at all. He knew and trusted Barry still even after knowing his feelings for his daughter. The mere fact that Barry thought he was hiding how he felt about Iris was purely comical to Joe. Barry really made himself an easy target.

"Hey, Barry. How are things going with the evidence you collected this morning?" Joe asks.

Barry looked up from his microscope. "It's going." He says and then gets up from the table. "Oh, by the way, I'm staying at your house tonight."

"What's wrong with your place?" Joe asks in concern.

"Nothing. It's just that Iris and I are having a sleepover tonight." Barry says and painfully tries to hide his excitement from Joe, but it's no use.

"A sleepover? You two are adults now. Or is this an adult sleepover? I would hate to have to go Floyd Mayweather on you." Joe jokes.

Barry being Barry becomes flustered. "What? An adult sleepover? No way, Joe. Why would Iris and I have an adult sleepover? This was Iris' idea. I'm just going along with it." He rambles and hopes that calms the waters.

Joe laughed heartily. "It was Iris' idea and you're just going along with it, huh?" He says as he eyes Barry with much skepticism.

Still flustered, Barry just looks at Joe and the look he's giving him. "What?" He asks as he feigns ignorance and hopes that Joe will just leave him be.

Joe laughs again. "She has you so wide open, you can barely see straight."

"I can see just fine. I have super powers, remember?" Barry asks to change the subject once and for all.

"You have super speed, not super eyesight." Joe teases.

"Duly noted." Barry says. "Are you done teasing me yet?" He wonders.

"No, not yet. Did you decide that tonight is the night you're going to tell her?" Joe questions as he leans on the table behind him and folds his arms.

"I thought you didn't want me to tell her." Barry says as he folds his arms to match Joe's stance.

"I don't want you to tell her you're The Flash. I'm talking about you telling her that you love her and want to make her last name Allen."

Barry again becomes flustered. Even more so than before. He scoffed and shook his head. He then laughed at the irony because of his earlier conversation with Iris. "What?" He asks to buy himself some time.

Joe looks at Barry like he's grown three heads. "What? What's so funny about what I said? You do want to make her last name Allen." Joe states surely.

Barry laughed more. "It's just funny because Iris and I talked about that earlier." He replies.

"You talked about what earlier? You already told her? I'm dying to hear what she said to that."

"No, I didn't tell her. We were just kidding around and she told me I was an honorary West. Then I told her that Barry West doesn't have a nice ring to it, but she disagreed. I jokingly asked her how would she like it if I called her Iris Allen." Barry states almost nervously.

Joe laughed yet again. "You just had to ask her how she would feel about her last name being Allen, huh? I guess I should start saving up for the wedding."

Barry scoffed again. More like cringed. "There will be no wedding. She asked me why would she change her last name to Allen. She then said she thought it would be weird if we had the same name. It's not happening, Joe." He says a little sadly.

Joe didn't laugh this time. "Barry, when the universe wants to make something happen, whether it be giving a boy lightning speed or putting two people together, it has a way of figuring it out." He says to ease Barry's pain. He moves from the table and goes to give Barry a hug. "I'll see you at home later." Joe says and goes to leave Barry's crime lab.

After finishing up in his lab, Barry sped home and got what he needed for his sleepover with Iris. He also stopped and got her some brownies on the way. He smiled to himself just thinking of the many, many brownies he has seen her consume over the years. He arrived at the house in lightning speed. Iris was in the kitchen when he came in. "I'm here." Barry called as he dropped his duffel bag on the floor near the front door.

Iris came from the kitchen to greet him. She saw the bag in his hand. "You didn't have to bring anything."

"I know that, but I wanted to. Here." He says as he hands the bag to her.

Iris peeked in the bag and saw her favorite brownies and her face lit up. "You brought me brownies. Thanks, Bear."

Barry smiled at her. "I had to. Your brownie obsession isn't going anywhere." He jokes.

"No, it isn't." She jokes. "Well, I was thinking we'd move the furniture around and sleep down here. We can sip Grandma Esther's egg nog in front of the fire-place. I'll help you as soon as I come from taking these to the kitchen." Iris says as she holds up her container of brownies and goes to the kitchen. Barry watched her walk away and felt a little pang in his chest. His love for Iris was starting to consume him. If he wasn't such a coward, he would get it off his chest. His fear of rejection and losing her is starting to get the best of him. He just goes to sit on the couch and tries to put his disastrous love life out of his mind.

Barry then hopped up and got started on moving the furniture and had most of it out of the way before Iris came back. She came out with two mugs of eggnog for her and Barry. She looked startled to see that he had done so much in the short time she was back in the kitchen. She looked around and then looked at Barry. "Dude. What the hell? How did you do this while I was gone?" Iris wonders as she looks around.

"Dude? What? I just moved the couch and the tables. It's no big deal. Maybe I'm just eager to start our sleepover." He says and hunches his shoulders.

"Well, you're right. You'll have to get the blankets and the sleeping bags from the closet. Did you remember to bring your jammies?" Iris asks in childlike wonderment as she smiles and hands him his mug of eggnog.

"Thanks. Of course I brought my jammies. I brought the ones with the feet in them." Barry jokes as he takes a sip before placing his mug down on the table and walks over to the closet.

Iris just laughs as she watches Barry get the things from the closet. She smiled just thinking of the fun she was sure to have with her best friend. "So, what are we going to do tonight?" She asks in excitement. "Netflix? Scary stories? Roasting marshmallows? Cards? A pillow fight? Take your pick."

Barry had the fleeting thought that they wouldn't do any of that. He imagined kissing Iris after confessing his love to her. Then revealing that he's The Flash and swearing her to secrecy. He knew that wasn't going to happen, but he still imagined that it would. It would make all his dreams come true. Well, his mother would still be alive and his father wouldn't be in jail, but that's his main wish. "I say we do all 5. We have the entire night. We can stay up talking all night like old times." Barry says as he throws the sleeping bags and blankets to the center of the floor.

"You're on, Mr. Allen." Iris says. "Just as soon as we change into our sleepover gear. I'll be right back." She places her mug on the table and heads up the stairs. Iris stops on the step and looks back at Barry. "You are so going down when we have that pillow fight."

Barry grinned. "I seriously doubt that, Flower." He says.

"Are you sure about that, Bartholomew?" Iris asks as she grins as well and raises her eyebrow at him.

"Really? You just had to call me Bartholomew, didn't you?" Barry asks.

"Yes. I know you hate being called Bartholomew. You called me Flower." Iris says and laughs.

"Flower is nowhere near as bad as Bartholomew. Flowers are pretty, they smell nice, and they make people happy..." Barry rambles on and then pauses when he realizes he has probably said too much.

Iris raised her eyebrow at him again. She felt a little flutter in her chest from Barry's last statement. She didn't know what that was about. "Are you saying I'm pretty, I smell nice, and make people happy?" Iris asks playfully. It seemed like the air changed between her and Barry.

"Of course not. You're ugly, you smell and you make me sick." Barry jokes. He in no way, shape, or form thought that about Iris.

"Oh, really?" Iris asks as she starts to walk down the stairs towards him.

"Yes, really." Barry says as he playfully holds his nose.

Iris grabbed one of the pillows from the couch and swung it at Barry, hitting him. "Take it back." Iris jokes.

"Never." Barry laughs and Iris hits him again with the pillow.

Iris started to swing the pillow and hit him harder with it. "I. Said. Take. It. Back!" She yells and hits him harder. Barry just playfully laughed and got a pillow of his own.

"I'm never taking it back." Barry states as he lightly swings his pillow at Iris. They really got into the groove of having their pillow fight. They were having fun and laughing like they did when they were kids.

Iris completely wore herself out from the pillow fight. Barry, however was fine. He did have super powers afterall. He wasn't even giving it a real fight like he would have before he was struck by lightning and became The Flash. Iris stopped hitting Barry for a moment. She was desperately trying to catch her breath while laughing at the same time. "Ok, Bear. I need a breather. It seems like it's getting harder to beat you at this." Iris says. She dropped her pillow to the floor and just stood there.

Barry laughed at her antics. "Take all the time you need. It won't help you beat me at all. Just so you know."

Iris let out one final breath after getting her bearings. "You're right. Maybe I'm getting too old to beat you. You're not the same scrawny little guy any more." Iris says and smiles widely at him.

"Have you ever stopped to think that all those times you beat me were because I let you beat me?" Barry wonders.

"Nope. So you're seriously trying to say that you let me win when my Dad was teaching you to fight? If my memory serves me correctly, you ended up on the ground." Iris teases in a playful manner.

"I only ended up on the ground because I can't hit a girl." Barry says to his defense.

"I know you can't hit a girl, but that's not it. I'm a master with those gloves on. Even without them. Ask The Flash. I totally knocked out Tony with a sonic punch." Iris boasts and smiles at Barry again.

He got a little warm on the inside at her mentioning his alter ego. He didn't have to ask The Flash anything, because he's him and saw it with his own eyes. He smiled thinking of the punch she gave to Tony. She is totally right. She's a master with or without the gloves. "Nah, I don't think that happened. I know you said you almost broke your hand, but I don't believe it."

Iris smiled and raised her eyebrow at him yet again. "Oh, really?" She asks before she startles Barry by giving him some surprise blows to his abdomen. Iris didn't hit him hard, but she hit him hard enough to knock him on his ass. She noticed that his shirt flew up when he landed on the floor and she noticed something she had never seen before.

Barry had abs.

What the hell? Iris thought. "Um, when did that happen?" She asks in total surprise.

Barry feigns ignorance. He got up from the floor. "What?" He asks quizzically.

Iris looked at him with a skeptic look plastered on her face. She reached forward and lifted his shirt. "That." She says as she points to his abdomen.

Barry decided to jokingly tell her the truth. "Oh, that. I had them after I woke up from the coma." He says and smiles.

"So, being in a coma gave you abs?" Iris asks though it sounds completely ridiculous.

"No, being struck by lightning did." Barry jokes again.

Iris looks at him weirdly. "Lightning gave you abs?" She wonders incredulously.

"Yeah, it's pretty cool isn't it?" He asks and smiles.

"Lightning gave you abs?" Iris questions again. She's seriously trying to wrap her mind around something so ridiculous.

She's also trying to wrap her mind around suddenly thinking that Barry was now hot to her. He had always been cute, adorable, and good-looking to her, but never hot like she was thinking that he now is.

Why am I thinking that Barry is hot? What changed? Is it because he has abs? Has Barry always been hot and I'm just now noticing? Iris questions herself.

She felt that flutter again.

Iris looked Barry up and down. Barry was wondering what had gotten into Iris. He knows her seeing that he has abs now threw her for a loop, but she seems totally out of it.

"Lightning made Barry hot." Iris says out loud, though she didn't mean to. She quickly caught herself and looked at the expression on Barry's face.