"I can't believe that Henry has convinced me to come with you…" the woman muttered, sitting on the back of the large car they had rented, next to the blonde woman. Looking through the window of the car, Regina could already see the white sand beach and the bright blue sea— she had missed travelling, even if it wasn't in this world. She had never been outside Storybrooke, and the fact that they had decided to go to the coast made her feel butterflies on her stomach. This beach wasn't like the one in Storybrooke. This one seemed to be more pure, less closer to civilisation despite being next to the many hotels and bungalows placed there. Despite the Charmings had been the ones to choose the way of travelling once they had landed in the exotic country— arguing that road trips were really fun and that a large family car would be better than two smaller cars— Regina had been smart enough to make the reservations in a luxury resort. Still, she hadn't chosen a suite, or one of the majestuous apartments in the large building in the middle. No, she had chosen two luxurious bungalows hidden in the small jungle on the beach. She already could see the large resort, the swimming pools, the beach. It was an amazing sight, and the reactions of the other occupants of the car seconded her thoughts.

"Woah, mom, this is enormous!"

"Yeah, how did you even pay this, Regina?"

"I am not stupid enough to put a curse on the Enchanted Forest and not to grant myself a wealthy life after it."

"I could get used to this." Emma laughed, sitting in the outdoor chaise lounge chair and stretching, her arms moving behind her head as she let out a sigh. She liked this whole idea of the family going together on vacation, despite that her parents could not be the best companions she could have. At least Hook is not here, the blonde thought, not wanting her ex boyfriend to be around her for a while. Their last fight had been too much, he had said things she did not like. At least now she could get over him, and in one of the most beautiful places she had ever been to. Not that she had been able to travel for pleasure anyway. "Can we stay here forever?"

"I'm not that wealthy, Miss Swan." Regina laughed, taking the suitcases she had brought from the trunk of the car and walking towards the bungalow's door. Using the key the receptionist had given to her, she entered the house and smiled, seeing a nice living room with an open kitchen. A door seemed to give to the bathroom, and two more doors gave to the bedrooms. She did not really love the idea of sharing a room with Emma, but at least it would be more bearable than sharing it with any of the two idiots. And it was obviously better that Henry was in a room away from his mother. Entering the bedroom, the woman let out a gasp, the grip on the suitcases becoming nonexistent for a second— enough for the luggage to fall with a long thud that alerted the blonde.

"What's wrong, Regina?" Emma asked, oblivious to what the woman was looking at. Still, she gasped too once she saw that the supposed beds they had asked for were, in fact, a king-sized one. "Oh, crap." she muttered, walking into the room and checking that it wasn't two beds put together. "At least it's big…"

"Size does not matter to me, Miss Swan. I am not sleeping with you." the other snapped, taking the suitcases from the floor and walking towards the bed, leaving them on the side before turning to look at the blonde— who was not able to keep herself from laughing. Regina furrowed her brows, but soon she realized how it probably had sounded for Emma. "You're a child." she rolled her eyes and walked out of the bungalow, heading towards the main building of the resort.

"Regina, come on!" the woman yelled, following the former queen outside. The woman seemed to be infuriated, her uptight manners being obvious now. Regina, as the queen she had been in her original world, liked people to be serviceable, and to do things right. "Regina, there is no need to go complain." the savior told, following the other like a lost puppy. "Regina…"

"No, Miss Swan, I asked expressively for a room with two beds since you insisted it was useless to get a bungalow for myself, and now this. I am complaining, and I'm going to make them change the beds." the other hissed. Finally they arrived to the tall building they had seen before, passing through the revolving door and walking towards the reception. "Hello, I'm Regina Mills, staying in the bungalow 4B. We asked for a bungalow with two bedrooms, one with separate beds, but we've just found out we have a king-sized one."

"I'm sorry ma'am," the young man said, turning to check the reservations. "We had a group of three college students who did not want to share a bed, and since you and, uh… Miss Swan both are listed as tutors of your son we assumed that—"

"Oh my god." Regina rolled her eyes and slammed her hand on the glamorous wooden counter. "You are going to find us a nice new bungalow with three beds or a set of two beds to put in the bedroom on the one we already have, and you are going to do it now." she ordered. Her voice sounded scarily aggressive; making the savior shiver.

"Well there is a smaller bungalow in the other side of the resort, but it only has one bedroom..." the receptionist ended up muttering, real fear in his eyes. Regina could be too intimidating sometimes, the savior had learned that the first time she had seen her. Truth was, the woman was still scared of the queen sometimes— or turned on, sometimes she didn't know.

"Okay, I'll take it, Emma can stay in the one we already have with Henry if she wants."

"Regina, stop!" the other told, taking the woman's forearm. If she let the woman keep talking, she would end up throwing a fireball to the guy, she knew it. The brunette turned around and looked at Emma with the same piercing look she had directed at him, but the savior faced her as the many times she had done before. "Henry wants his family to spend vacations together, and if that includes us having to sleep in the same bed, we will. I know you're not enthused by the idea, and we can put a pillow barrier in the bed so you don't end up asking me to spoon you in the middle of the night," she couldn't help but smirk, rolling her eyes too, "But we have a son in common, and we are in this enormous paradise. Let's just enjoy that, okay?"

The woman pursed her lips and sighed, slowly freeing her arm from the woman's grip and crossing her arms on her chest. Emma kept looking at her with a questioning look, making her sigh again and look down. "Okay. But we're not spooning."

Back in the bungalow, the two women unpacked their suitcases in silence. "I'll go check on Henry." the blonde sighed. Regina nodded with a smile, turning to leave a towel and a swimsuit on a chair in the room. Looking through the window, she could see palm trees, and just by focusing a bit she could hear the sea just a few feet away. God, she wanted to go for a swim, it had been so long since she had been able to go to the beach without receiving any kind of hateful stares— people in Storybrooke did not exactly like her. With a smirk, she started undressing and took the swimsuit in her hands. "Regina, Henry says he wants to go for a sw—" the woman's words were interrupted by the fact that the woman was not wearing any clothes. Her body was perfectly toned, her slightly darker skin completely exposed. "Oh." she muttered, turning around and waiting for the woman to start yelling at her.

"Next time knock, Miss Swan. I'm almost done." the other told with a calm voice instead, sighing and putting on the suit. "You can turn now." she commented. Doing so, the savior finally saw the woman wearing the black swimsuit, with halter neck and a keyhole front detail. Reginna was simply stunning with it on, making Emma blush slightly. "Is there a problem, Emma?" the woman asked, furrowing her brows as she noticed the woman's red cheeks. "There is air conditioning installed in the bungalow, do you want me to turn it on? You seem feverish."

"No, don't worry." Emma shook her head and walking towards the bed, taking her travel bag and opening it. Taking a blue bikini from it, she shrugged. "It's kinda hot in here, but it's bearable. Are you going to the beach?" she asked as she took a towel too.

"Yes." Regina nodded, smiling. "Were you saying that Henry wants to go swimming?"

"Yeah." Emma took off her clothes and quickly changed into the bikini, not noticing how the brunette glanced at her as she did so. Sitting down on her side of the bed, Regina changed her shoes for stylish wedge sandals and put on a pareo around her hips. "We could go to the beach now, in the pamphlet of the resort it says that the swimming pool is better at night."

"That sounds good to me. Are you ready?" at the question Emma stood up and turned, smiling at Regina. Her bikini was more sporty, and she wore flip-flops. No wonder why they think we're together, we look like a stereotypical couple… she couldn't help but think, knowing that no matter what they were going to end up playing happy family.

"Yeah." the savior said, walking out to the living room and smiling at Henry. The boy had already taken all his stuff and was dressed. "Okay then, let's go. I'll go tell David and Mary Margaret, maybe they want to take Neal for his first swim at the beach." she smiled before walking out of the bungalow. Henry followed happily, and Regina smiled. This is what a family feels like.

To be continued!