Disclaimer: I'm not Cassandra Clare thus own none of the characters.

LATE NOTE: 'In case it isn't clear, sentences like those, stand for inner thoughts' (with just one whatever this thing is called on each end xD -' ') I'm sorry for not clarifying it earlier! Hope there hadn't been any confusion.

Also, if a sentence is like that: "It's just quoting someone else probably."

WARNING(?): Just a little, mention of suicide, but nothing much in general. (just making sure, in case it needed to be said. I don't know if I should change the rating for that, if so, after you read, please let me know!)

Alec rang the doorbell and held his breath anticipating the Warlock's shouts but all he heard was a mildly curious "Hello?" "I would like to talk to the High Warlock please." he heard Magnus chuckle and the door opened. He felt like a dagger twisting in his heart, he sounded so carefree, so happy 'All I did was make him unhappy…' he thought bitterly, hating himself, as he climbed the stairs with effort, his breath catching, still feeling fatigued. Upon reaching the loft he cast away his dark thoughts and stopped on the threshold. "Hello…" he said in a hushed, hesitant tone, looking down. "Such a polite Nephilim… You must be one of a kind." Alec raised his head surprised and saw Magnus staring, taking him in. He blushed under the scrutinizing look. The Warlock run his eyes over him looking amazed and when their eyes met his cat eyes widened and he froze. Alec felt his heart break all over again, realising Magnus had really forgotten about him.

"Hellooo beautiful." The older man added finally, giving him a genuine heart-warming smile that only caused his heart to break once more. "What can I do for you?" It was too much. It hurt… "I… I…" he staggered and leaned against the door to steady himself, placing a hand over his eyes. "I'm really sorry…" he said finally. He felt, rather than saw the Warlock come beside him. "Are you okay?" He asked worriedly "I will probably be…" he lied. "Eventually…" "Did someone hurt you?" "No. I did this to myself… Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa." A sob he could no longer suppress escaped his lips "I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have come here…" "But you came… There must have been a reason… Tell me darling and I'll help you if I can. It pains me to see someone so beautiful, so hurt. What happened?" He looked up at him despair in his eyes and decided to say what he wanted even if it was too late. "C'mon." Magnus reached taking his arm and gently led him to the couch making him sit down, summoning a coffee for him.

Alec's hands holding the cup started trembling as he looked at it and realised the coffee was black, just the way he usually had it. "Thank you… how… did you know?" he dared ask. The Warlock looked confused "How? Ah… I don't know… It just popped in my mind… Maybe I'm psychic" he wiggled his eyebrows and laughed. "Never mind that. Talk to me…" The boy looked up at him, blue eyes shining with unshed tears staring in cat ones, and fighting for control spoke. "There is someone I love… More than anything. More than my own petty life… and I did something unforgivable to him… but I… It was a misunderstanding… I never meant to hurt him… I would never betray him…I'd rather die…" his voice broke and he looked away, breathing deeply to maintain control "Why don't you tell him then?" "I tried… but he wouldn't listen… he… he hates me now… But… Even if he didn't… It's too late…" another sob escaped him and he couldn't hold back his tears anymore.

He hid his face in his hands, "I'm so sorry…" he breathed through sobs and got up "I'm really sorry… for bothering you… I have to…" he turned his back on Magnus and took a step towards the door when the Warlock reached out and caught his hand. "I could make you forget. I could stop the pain… you only have to ask." He offered in a hushed voice, for the second time. Alec gasped "NO! No, no, no, no, no…" He said panicking, jerking away from the Warlock. "I deserve the pain… And I'd rather die than forget about him…" "And was that your plan now? To die?! Forgotten and alone?" Magnus whispered, dropping his façade. Alec gasped and before he could say anything, the Warlock pulled him into a hug. "How." He choked, in a pained voice, "could you think for a moment, that I would be okay with forgetting you?"

But Alec wasn't listening anymore. The moment Magnus hugged him, all the restrains he kept up those times he saw him collapsed and he became a crying mess, clutching the Warlock like a lifeline, wanting the moment to last forever, enjoying it like a doomed man the last rays of sunshine, because he knew he couldn't live without him anymore. Magnus would eventually send him away again, and then, he intended to finish everything, rather than live through this Hell.

When he calmed down a little, he found himself curled in the Warlock's arms in the couch. Magnus was petting his hair gently, and for the first time since the breakup, he felt peaceful. He knew he shouldn't stay there. Magnus had made it clear he didn't want him anymore, but he couldn't find it in himself to move. "I'm sorry… I…" "Hush… I heard that enough to last a lifetime." Magnus cut him off kissing his hair. "Stupid Nephilim… What did you hope to achieve?" "I wanted to rid you of my presence… I didn't want to be a burden to anyone anymore…" The Warlock hugged him tighter, almost to the point of pain, but he welcomed it "You were never a burden! What would you do if I had really forgotten you? Did you just intend to end your life like that?" "My life is already over…" he whispered breathing in Magnus' scent, preparing for the inevitable "I shouldn't have bothered you… I'm sorry… I guess you want me to go…" he really didn't want to make Magnus hate him more by imposing on him, but he couldn't move… He waited for the Warlock to send him away… Just a few more seconds…

"You really…" the boy tensed, waiting for him to say something cruel and order him to disappear "…should stop deciding things for other people…" "I… what?" "I'm sure they wouldn't mind…I guess you want me to go…" Magnus repeated patiently before exploding. "Of Course I would 'mind'! What do you think you are?" Alec made a choking sound and looked at him pained "We both know what I am… what I have always been… For my family, a disappointment…" "That's not true…" Magnus whispered, but Alec just smiled sadly and went on like he hadn't heard him. "For you…" he paused, his voice thick with tears, "…just a footnote… In the long story of your life… How could I… be anything else?" Magnus was astounded. "You… You Stupid Nephilim!" he seethed and Alec hid his face from him again, cowering against his chest. "Do you really believe that a 'footnote' could do this to me? Have you heard anything I ever said to you? I. don't. do. charity." "But…" "Oh shut up. Do I have to spell it out for you? I love you. Nothing you did could reverse that. Even though I said it doesn't change anything, it does. I can't live without you… By this point it's quite clear, that this makes two of us. So…" he paused, his light tone evaporating "please." Alec looked at him, eyes wide. "Forgive me…" Magnus pleaded the tears he kept back for so long, finally falling from his eyes. "I hurt you so bad my Angel…" he buried his face in Alec's hair breathing his scent in. "Let's try again…" "You… Do you mean that? You forgave me?" "Of course…" "Magnus… I don't deserve your forgiveness… Even if I didn't mean to, I betrayed your trust…" "Nothing matters now… I need you… Please come back to me…" Alec just hugged him tighter crying too. "I love you… so much… I'm sorry… So sorry…" "I love you too my Angel… Everything is going to be okay… I'm never letting you go again…"

The end! I hope you liked it, I'm really not good with endings, really hope I didn't ruin the whole story! Please let me know what you thought, be it good or bad! =]