
Summary: Getting out of your father's wing is never easy. As much as you run, as much as you rebel, your father always finds you, always brings you back and always protects you if you need so. Join a dragon to the title and you have the job complicated ten times. Not to mention the Arkenstone, Dwarrows, Men, Wizard...

Spoilers: The Hobbit books, The Hobbit trilogy movies

Disclaimer: I do not own The Hobbit nor any of the characters from the books or movies, they belong to J. R. R. Tolkien and Peter Jackson(for Tauriel's case). I do not own Sherlock Holmes nor any of the characters from the books or movies or series, they belong to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. I also do not make any money from the writing of this story.

Beta: none

Pairings in this chapter: Bungo Baggins/Belladonna Took

Warnings in this chapter: Alternate Universe - Cannon Divergence

Nr words in this chapter: 789






The fire drake of the north, that's what they used to call it. There had been the time where It, the Great Dragon, used to torment the small people of the shire. That had been over 150 years ago now, but a promise was a promise and although no one was happy with the idea of sending a poor Hobbitlass to her certain death, they also didn't want the dragon to return and attack them and burn their plots. As promised the ninth child and eldest daughter would've be the sacrifice.

She was barely in her teens, she had been only a toddler when she'd been told of her poor fate, but it was time for her to leave the Shire and find the place in the south that The Outsiders called The Lonely Mountain.

It saddened everyone, principally the poor young Bungo Baggins. Barely on his twenties and already deeply in love with the poor chosen Belladonna Took. It was doomed to fail from the start but they'd still been allowed to be friends.

The fierce Belladonna Took was ready to leave the Shire behind and with it all of it's gardens, Hobbits, family and friends. She knew the time would've come and she'd known that she wouldn't have a choice on the matter. So on her 14th the Thrain of the Shire guided the Hobbitlass all the way to Bree where The Outsiders had guaranteed to take her to the village of Lake Town, wherever that was. It was sad to see her go. That night there was no drinking in inns of the Shire. No happiness for several nights that followed. It was so out of character for Hobbits to act like this as a whole that even the Men of Bree noticed it. They didn't understand why though. They who sold their daughters to the highest bidder before they even made 18. They who didn't marry out of love. They who fought each other, who steal from each other, who let each other starve to death, who calls the respectable Hobbits something as insulting as Halflings!


Belladonna looked at the huge mountain before them.

"Is that...?" she whispered barely a sound.

"Aye, lassie. The Lonely Mountain. Dreadful place. Do yeah see as no plant grow around it fa' miles? It's da dragon stench, I tell yeah."

Bella didn't let the Man lack of manners and inability to say a line without a mispronunciation to stop her or even discourage her. She was a Took after all. The ninth child and eldest daughter of Gerontius Took. She had a job to do. That's why she was here.

They arrived Lake Town and Bella used all of her last money to buy food, new clothes (she hadn't brought much in the journey), several children clothes and a ride to the Lonely Mountain. She half wanted to stay one night with the Men and have a good meal, a hot bath and a good night sleep before moving into the mountain, but she knew that most likely the dragon would've smell the Men 'stench' on her and better let him smell the stench of the journey as well. Bella waited as the men deposited all her purchases on the floor at the doors of the kingdom of Dale.

"Aye certain yea wanna be left here, lassie?" the Man whispered as if afraid they might be overhead.

Sadly, they most likely had already been heard miles ago. She nodded and let them leave. She waited until they got into the boats and started returning, before going to the gate and knocked on the huge stone door with as much strength as she could've. It took some time before finally she heard movement.

"My name is Belladonna Took, a Hobbit of the Shire. I'm the ninth child and the eldest daughter." she proclaimed loud enough for it to be overheard on the other side of the door. "A century and half ago you claimed me in trade for piece."

The door finally started to move until a small open big enough to let her in was opened. Bella picked her bags and pushed them inside, returning for the other four packs of bags she'd brought. When she was finally inside, the door started to close. Bella turned to see her host, the huge red dragon was looking right back.

"Welcome, ninth child and first daughter. I've been waiting for you. Hope you find the nest agreeable."

Bella looked around to the crushed dead corpses of Dwarrows.

"It is... acceptable."

At this the dragon threw his head back and laughed.


A/N: my laptop broke, but my muse not... So here it is the prologue of a Thilbo I typed on mobile, written on paper
