
"Actually let's start off with the history. Shall we?" Void said as the limo sped across the downtown towards the central city. It seemed to Percy that all the roads went towards the centre of the city. Phelix and Roxana groaned while Void was having none of it.

"Xeropolis was actually just a trading island with Lormidia a few 100 years with it ware as fishes, molluscs, and weird seafood. It was also the birthplace of your mother. But during a war, the same that started with the rebellion that killed your mother 387 years ago" Void said looking at Phelix and Roxana and continued "destroyed the town completely. Then a series of earthquakes and tsunamis rendered it uninhabitable. It became a ghost island and it was soon forgotten."

"Then I wanted to look for some memories of your mother and visited this hapless piece of land and thought, "Why don't we build a city in her memory?". So I got some refugees and an army of robots which I call as the Iron Legion to build the city. There were some people who wished to escape the turmoil in Ardania and had arrived to see a newly built Xeropolis. But now the city you see is cut off from the rest of Ardania by a force field that is powered by the Reactor core in Central City. The city is powered by harmonic crystals that can store electricity and release it with 100% efficiency."

Adrien started trembling." Man, I feel like I'm electrocuted" he said. Void picked a multi-meter from his pocket.

"See these readings? The electricity is everywhere and it's free. It's a much more sophisticated way of supplying electricity by electromagnetic waves, built upon what the human inventor Nikolas Tesla tried to do. It's quite weak but at each home there's an amplifier. Adrien here happens to be quite sensitive to the waves" he said while Adrien just huffed and curled up even more.

"Alright the history class got to be done later, 'cause our destination's here." Void said as the limo crawled to a stop.

They got off the door to see a huge towering building with corridors even longer the primordial's rest house. "Hey Void, you told me to remind you about teaching me how to open a portal. Now might be a good time." Percy said staring at the long aisles.

Chapter 35

"Aaaaah!" Percy yelled as he fell from the sky. He started to see some buildings through the clouds.

"Damn, how do I turn on these boots?" Percy thought as he fumbled with the teeny buttons on the sole to configure the boots. "Come on, I need to start flying before I become a primordial pancake!"

Suddenly the boots started to hiss and it brought him to a stop so fast that he almost had a whiplash. "Oh sweet. Now how do I open a portal again?"

Percy noticed that some of the buildings were familiar. He was able to recognize the Flatiron Building and even the Empire State Building. Heck, he was even able to see the UN Headquarters. But, something was weird, the atmosphere was dull and the sky looked blood red. Also the place looked a bit deserted. Hell! There was a plane crashed into the streets but it looked as if it happened years ago. He was able to see a couple of ships capsized in the coast. But, all in all, NY was silent.

"Okay that's super weird. Let's go see if people or even the Olympians are around." He said and hovered down to the Madison Square Park.

The Park was desolate and not even animals and birds could be heard.

"Man what happened while I was gone?" Percy said out loud as he climbed over the overgrown trees to get the 5th Ave exit.

The streets were empty. No moving cars, no people, nothing. He walked down and saw the old looking building with the UPS store board with it and saw that the whole place was ransacked. He saw a couple of cars and turned around to look. He noticed something moving across the streets He started many 'somethings' moving around, closing on him.

They were people! He called out to the nearest one to ask what happened, and she turned.

"Hey lady, you know anything about what is happening here?"

Soon Percy was able to see some noticeable details, she was hurt. She limped towards him and Percy noticed her face. Bloody and bent jaws. Bleeding face and all. Straight outta The Walking Dead™.

"Uh lady, are you cosplaying as a zombie? Man I really hope so." Percy started inching backwards and moving down the 5th Avenue towards the Empire State Building.

He was able to hear more shuffling and groans of hunger from nearby buildings.

Soon he was running and dodging the zombies on the way and headed down the streets. He entered the Empire State Building and looked for the guy who usually guards the entrance of Olympus. No one was there. Percy used his stinger to wedge out a gap between the godly elevator doors and incessantly tapped the floor 600. Thankfully no zombies were fast enough to catch up to him and the elevator shuddered scarily and jolted upwards.

No Apollo's cacophony thankfully on the way up.

As below, Olympus was desolate. Broken busts of the gods and broken pavements with dried human blood on the walls.

"Shit! What happened here?" Percy swore and picked up a piece of Poseidon's bust.

"Wait, is this even my world?" Percy ran over to the edge and looked down to see a small horde hustling into the building.

"Ok I need to open a portal right now" Percy concentrated and felt a portal opening right below on the road just a few feet away from the horde.

"What? Why did the portal open down there?" Percy heard some sounds from the Olympian hallway and looked around to godly zombies.

"Oh, it's the Muses! Right I have to get out of here." Percy jumped of Olympus with a grand run up and hurtled towards the portal on the ground.

"I think I can get in without becoming a pancake." Percy thought.

"Here goes nothing!" Percy yelled and braced for impact. He did have an impact on his legs. He saw a zombie holding onto his right leg and was astounded by the flashing rainbow around him.

He landed back where he started with the Gang and Void beside him as he blasted off the zombie into the closing portal.

"What was that?" Phelix asked, eye wide open.

"Zombie World, Isn't Void?" Percy asked.

"Great, you figured it out." Void smiled.

"So that's not my world?" Percy asked.

"Definitely not, I was just there a few days ago. It an alternate dimension where some virus spread and people turned into zombies yadda yadda yadda." Void said. "Moving on, you weren't able to open the portal wherever you wish right?"

"Yeah, like it opened some 2000ft below me." Percy said. "Man that's totally off the mark man" Fil said, snickering. "So coming back to the alternate dimensions part, are there multiple Percy's like me?"

"Yes, in a couple of dimensions. Not all of them." Void answered.

"Dude, can't we talk about this while we are eating?" Phelix said. "Why not? Let go" Void said but by the time he said that, the rest of them had left the training room.

"Let's go shall we" Void asked Percy.

"Ok then. But I want some answers. All this dimension stuff is confusing." Percy said.

"Sure, hell nephew you do ask a lot of questions." Void said and put his hand over Percy's shoulder and walked to the dining hall.

"Leo!" Calypso hugged him with the force of an ex-titan. The latino santa's elf pulled out and looked at Chiron standing near.

"So you say Annabeth can be found?" Chiron asked.

"Why not? Also, you did you see the ichor stuff? She wasn't around to get immortality from the gods, right?" Leo asked Chiron.

"Not really."

"así que ¿cómo se adquiere la sangre divina?" Leo muttered. "Calypso can you translate that?" Jason asked

"For the readers of course. "So how did she acquire godly blood?"" That question really stumped all of them.

Leo could see the Egyptians walking over. "Hallo Avenger! Killed any HYDRA agents today?" Leo asked Carter.

"Horus is fuming over the last time and yeah he doesn't understand any pop culture references that you shoot at us" the older Kane replied while the smaller one, the bubblegum girl with purple highlights snickered.

"Oh welcome oh great Bubblegum girl, Sadie Kane" Sadie slipped into the role of a queen looking down on the peasant, Leo.

"Why is it only me who teased by you Leo?" Carter asked exasperatedly.

"That's because you are the only one suited to be teased by the Bad Boy Supreme" Sadie replied cheekily.

"Oh don't forget Frank and Malcom too" Leo chimed in as he walked to the newly erected Dining Pavilion.

"Chiron why don't we talk about this in the Big House after we fill Leo's breadbasket" Piper said.

"Go on children, feast. But remember to come to the Big House by 2 PM" Chiron said.

Hello guys! Lot of things happened while I gone uh? Infinity War, DP 2, Black Panther, woah!. Then Riordan flattened us with Jason's death and all.

Any way I guess I am back for a while as I am having a break before joining college.

Into the Disclaimers:

If you have any questions, comments or constructive criticism, please review. Lord Rick Riordan, the Protogenoi of PJATO world, Kane Chronicles world and the soon Magnus Chase World owns the PJATO characters.

I own the OCs.

Until Next time,

Guru signin' off.
