Chapter 6

October 2027

Santana groaned when she heard the phone ringing early one Thursday morning. She blindly reached for her phone on her nightstand and peaked at it with one eye to see who was calling. It was Brittany. She looked at the time as she swiped her finger over the screen to answer and she noticed that it was six-thirty.

"Hello?" Santana said into the phone, her voice heavy with sleep.

"Hey honey, I'm sorry to wake you."

"It's fine. Is everything okay?"

She was not expecting to hear from Brittany until later. She had left over an hour ago for work and when she kissed Santana goodbye, she told her she would call her after she arrived in Chicago.

"Yeah, everything is fine, but we're not going to Chicago. I don't know what happened, but Henry, Mr. Motta's assistant just called and said that trip has been postponed and he needs to go to New York instead. We're going to be there until Sunday."

"Oh?" Santana said a little disappointed.

Originally, Brittany was only supposed to be in Chicago for the night and they had been planning to go out on a date when she got home, but with Brittany now having to work over the weekend, it meant that Santana would be home by herself for both of her days off.

"I know we had plans for tomorrow, but would you like to come to New York with me instead?" Brittany asked.

In Santana's sleepy state, she wasn't sure if she had heard her correctly. "What? Come to New York?"

"I was surprised too, but Henry told us if we wanted to bring someone along for the weekend we could because it would just be him and Mr. Motta on the plane, so there's plenty of extra room."

"I'd love to, but I have to work on Saturday and Sunday." Santana said. Now she was disappointed for another reason. In the almost two years that they had been together, Brittany had never asked her to go on a work trip with her.

"I know, but I thought that we could buy you a one-way ticket home on Saturday morning. It's a short flight and you can be home in time for work."

"Can we afford that?" Santana asked.

Normally, she wouldn't be that worried about it, but a last minute ticket was going to be expensive. They were getting married in a little over two months, so pretty much all of their money that wasn't going to bills was going towards something wedding or honeymoon related. Their budget only had a little room for discretionary spending until after they came home from the honeymoon.

"I think we can, it just means that we'll have a little less money to spend in Tahiti, but I think it's worth it. It isn't often that Mr. Motta offers to let us bring someone with us, and I know how much you love New York. We haven't been there together, so I thought it would be a fun little trip."

"Yeah, it would be fun." Santana said sitting up and turning on her bedside lamp. She would love to spend a few days in New York with Brittany. Now she was getting excited about an impromptu trip to New York. "Have you looked at ticket prices yet?"

"No, I haven't had time. As soon as I got off the phone with Henry, I told Puck and Kurt, and then I called you."

"Okay, hold on, let me look." Santana said and did a quick search for flights from New York to Cleveland on her phone. When the prices came up though, she groaned because it was more expensive than she thought. "Ugh, the cheapest one-way ticket that gets me home in time for work is six hundred dollars! That's way more than I thought it would be."

Brittany sighed because that was more than she thought it would be too. "Honey, it's okay. We'll make it work."

"That's a lot of money Brittany." Santana said. Sure, they had great paying jobs and they lived comfortably, but even for them, six hundred dollars was a lot of money.

"I know, but I really want you to come. I'll put it on my credit card."

"If it was just the airfare, I'd be okay with it, but what about all the money we're going to spend while we're there? New York isn't cheap. I bet for everything, we're looking at spending a thousand dollars, minimum."

"Okay, yes, we're going to spend some money on top of the ticket, but the hotel is paid for, and I get per diem for food, so as long as we don't eat at a bunch of expensive restaurants, we can make that money work for both of us. All we'll have to pay for is transportation back to the airport for you and anything we do while we're there. This is as cheap as a trip in a five star hotel in Manhattan is ever going to cost us."

Santana sighed because she could see Brittany's point, but she was still concerned about putting a thousand dollars, or more, on their credit cards that they weren't expecting to spend. Every time they turned around they had something for the wedding to pay for, and they still had two payments left for their ten-day honeymoon to Tahiti in an overwater bungalow.

"I don't know Britt." Santana said rubbing her forehead as she racked her brain trying to make it work without spending too much money. She wanted to enjoy their honeymoon and do whatever they wanted without caring about where the money was coming from.

"We can keep it simple. The most expensive thing I was thinking about doing was going to see a show or two, because I know you have a secret love for musical theater, but we can skip that if you're that worried about spending too much money."

Santana groaned because she would want to see a show while they were there. She wasn't as crazy as Rachel or Kurt when it came to Broadway, and she wouldn't admit it to a lot of people, but she loved going to the theater.

"Come on San, let's splurge a little. We've been so busy with work and planning the wedding that we could use a little break away from everything to just relax and have fun." When Santana didn't say anything after a few seconds she said, "Pleeeease! You can't see it, but I'm giving you the saddest puppy dog pout ever."

Santana couldn't help but to chuckle at Brittany. She could just imagine what that pout would look like, and it was working on her. "Okay, hold on." She said getting on the internet on her phone again to check the schedule at work.

She looked at Saturday and Sunday and she noticed that they had decent staffing for the weekend. She thought about calling the supervisor on duty to see if she could get spot leave, but she was kind of afraid that they wouldn't give it to her, so she was considering doing something that she hardly ever did…call out sick. If she did, the staffing numbers still looked good that it wouldn't hurt the people working the shift, and they wouldn't have to call in overtime to cover for her.

"Are you sure Mr. Motta is going to want to be back by Sunday?"

"I mean, it could change, there's always that chance, but as of right now the plan is to be home on Sunday." Brittany said and she was curious as to why Santana was worried about that. They just spent the last few minutes talking about buying her a ticket home on Saturday morning.

"Okay, let's do it, but instead of paying six hundred dollars on a ticket, I'll just call out sick for the weekend and fly back with you. That way we can do whatever we want without having to worry about money. It'll let us be more flexible."

That surprised Brittany. Santana hardly ever called out sick, and it was even rarer for her to use sick leave when she wasn't sick. "Are you sure you wanna do that?"

"Yeah, I mean the staffing numbers look good, and you're right, we need a break. We've been burning the candle at both ends for a while. I have plenty of sick leave, so I'm justifying it as mental health days. Everyone needs them every now and then. Just don't post any pictures while were there and we should be okay."

"Yes!" Brittany cheered and Santana could just picture her doing a little fist pump. "I'm so excited!"

"Me too babe." Santana said with a little chuckle. "I can't wait. I mean, I can't give up a chance for a flight in a Citation Ten that my fiancée is flying. That's like a life goal or something."

"Awesome. Okay, go get packed and showered. Since we're not going to Chicago, Mr. Motta backed up the departure time until nine o'clock, so you have a little time, but I'm sure you're going to need every second of it."

Santana flipped the blanket back and slid her legs over the edge of the bed. She was already making mental lists of things to pack, and things that she needed to do before she left. "What do you wanna do about Tubbs? Mike and Tina?"

"Yeah. One of them will probably be able to come get him after work. If not, I'll call someone else, but I doubt it will be a problem."

"Okay, cool."

"Great, now get off the phone and get ready!" Brittany ordered playfully.

"Geez, I'm going!" Santana said with a laugh. "Love you."

"I love you too." Brittany said, but before Santana could hang up, she had a thought. "Hey, wait!"


"Can you pack a few things for me?"

"Did you forget something?" Santana asked as she stood up from the bed and went into their closet.

That wasn't like Brittany. She always had her bag packed the night before she went to work and she always had everything she needed. Usually she had things that she probably wouldn't need as well, but she liked to have them just in case, because from time to time Mr. Motta would change the plans and she would have to be away from home longer than she thought.

"No, but since I wasn't planning for you to come along, I didn't pack any dressy clothes."

"Oh, yeah. I'll bring a couple of outfits for you."

"Thanks honey!" Brittany said. "I've gotta run. I have a bunch of things left to do before we leave."

"Alright. See you soon!"

"See ya!"


When Santana showed up to the airport, the security gate was already expecting her. She was surprised that Finn wasn't working, but she was also grateful for it because it meant one less person who had loose ties to people she knew at work would know about her playing hooky.

After a quick check of her ID, she was given directions as to where to park. She found a spot a few cars over from where Brittany was parked. As she got out of her car, she saw Brittany walking out of the hangar towards her and she felt tug in her lower abdomen. Even after nearly two years, Santana still loved seeing Brittany in her uniform.

"Hey pretty girl." Brittany said and wrapped her up in a hug.

Santana chuckled and wrapped her arms around Brittany. "You're pretty yourself. I love this uniform."

Brittany giggled because she was well aware that Santana found her uniform sexy. "I'm so excited for you to fly with me."

"Me too."

They had flown together a few times for fun, but this would be the first time that Santana actually flew with Brittany when she was working.

"So you're the only lucky one that gets an almost free trip to New York."


"Yep. Puck isn't dating anyone and he doesn't trust any of his friends to be around his job or boss, and Kurt asked Blaine, but he has too much going this week to take off, so it's just you."

That actually made Santana a little nervous. "So does that mean that I have to be around Mr. Motta by myself?" She had never met him before. He was a billionaire with a lot of power and influence, and as much as she didn't want to admit it, that was a little intimidating to her.

Brittany chuckled because she had felt the same way when she met him for the first time. "Henry and Kurt will be with you too, but he isn't as scary his position may seem. He's a no-nonsense guy, but he's also pretty cool. I think you'll like him. Plus, once we're in cruise, you can come up to the cockpit for a little while. We usually keep the cockpit door closed when we're flying, mostly as a privacy courtesy, but I think Mr. Motta will be okay with it being open this time."

"I'd love that." Santana said.

She loved seeing things from the perspective of the other side of the radio. There was a program in place that she as an air traffic controller could fly in the cockpit jump seat of most of the domestic airlines to observe things from the pilot's side, but there was a lot of rules and hoops to jump through to do it; so she had only taken advantage of that program a few times over her ten year career.

"Great. Let's go stow your bag. We're pretty much ready to go; we're just waiting on Mr. Motta."

Santana looked at her watch and saw that it was almost nine o'clock. "Is he running late?"

"I doubt it." Brittany said opening Santana's trunk. "He usually shows up right before departure. That way he doesn't have to wait on anything."

"I guess I'd probably do that too." Santana said finding the logic.

"Damn honey." Brittany said with a little chuckle as she looked at Santana's large bag. "Do you have a big enough suitcase? We're only going to be there for three and half days."

"Hey, I don't know what we were going to be doing, so I just packed a variety of things." Santana said defending herself. "Plus I have clothes and shoes in there for you too, so it's not all my stuff."

Brittany just chuckled again as she grabbed Santana's bag and pulled it out of the car before she closed the trunk. "I hope you at least packed that little black dress that I love so much." She said with it suggestive smirk.

It was a formfitting black dress that came to Santana's mid-thigh and had a diamond cut out in the back that started at her shoulder blades and went to her lower back.

"Maybe, maybe not." Santana said vaguely with a shrug. "You made fun of my bag, so I'm not sure I wanna let you see anything that may or may not be in it."

"I think I could change your mind about that." Brittany said still smirking and hooked her finger into Santana's belt loop as she pulled her a little closer to her.

"You might." Santana whispered and placed a soft kiss to Brittany's lips. "If you're a good girl."

Brittany let out a long sigh and stepped out of Santana's personal space. As much as she was able to turn Santana into a puddle, Santana had the ability to do the same thing to her, and it could be very distracting. "Okay, we gotta stop talking like this. I still have to fly and I do not need to be thinking about that while I can't do anything about it."

Santana chuckled. "Good point. Let's get there safely; then you can wander into whatever sexual fantasy you want."

Brittany groaned and pulled up the handle on Santana's bag. "Babe, seriously. You're not helping." She whined.

Santana giggled again and took Brittany's hand, lacing their fingers. "This is going to be a fun weekend."

"Mm-hmm." Brittany said as they stared walking towards the plane that had already been pulled out of the hangar. "Just remember that I have to be able to fly us home."

"Don't worry; I'll only wear you out a little bit." Santana teased.

Brittany groaned again. "Honey you keep talking, and after I'm done with you, you may have to call out sick on Monday too because you aren't going to be capable of going to work."

Santana felt a tug in her lower abdomen again. "Yep, this going to be a great weekend." She thought.

When they got to the plane, Brittany stowed Santana's bag in the cargo hold and then they went into the hangar to chat with Kurt, Puck, and some of the mechanics. They only had to wait a few minutes before Mr. Motta arrived.

"Are you ready?" Brittany asked and they walked out of the hanger and stood next to the plane.

"Yeah." Santana said, but she was still nervous to meet him.

Mr. Motta continued to sit in the car as he was talking on his cell phone, but Puck, Kurt, and Henry were quick to get the bags out of the car and put them on the plane. Once Mr. Motta finished his phone call a few minutes later, he stepped out of the car. Santana thought he looked serious until he saw Brittany and his face softened.

"Are we all ready to go, Brittany?" He asked walking toward them.

"Yes, Sir. Everything is set up." She said and shook Mr. Motta's hand when he came up to her.

"Great." He said and then looked at Santana. "And you must be Santana. I'm Jim Motta." He said with a warm smile and held out his hand to her.

Santana was surprised that he recognized her, but she didn't know that Brittany had shown him pictures. "Y-yes." Santana said nervously and cleared her throat as she shook his hand. "It's nice to meet you." She sounded more confident that time.

"It's nice to finally meet you as well." He said. "Brittany talks about you all the time."

"Likewise." Santana said. "Thank you so much for allowing me to come with you guys this weekend."

"Oh it's no problem." He said waving his hand. "There's plenty of room. I'm glad that I get to meet you before the wedding."

Brittany had extended the invitation to the wedding to him, his wife, and daughter, but Santana thought that was more of a polite, obligatory invitation to her busy billionaire boss that she didn't think would care about their wedding. They had sent out the invitations a week ago and they hadn't received many replies, but she was expecting a decline from Mr. Motta.

Mr. Motta chuckled when he saw Santana's reaction. "You seem surprised."

Santana felt her cheeks flush. "I guess I just thought you would be too busy to be able come." She said hoping that she didn't insult him. She glanced at Brittany to see if she was upset by her comment, but she just smiled at her.

"I'm always busy, but Brittany is one of my favorite employees. I trust her with my life and my family's life. That's something that a lot of people don't have. Even my top execs don't have that kind of trust, so as long as I'm welcome, I have plenty of time to celebrate your wedding."

"Of course you're welcome." Santana said with a smile. "We're happy that you can make it." Now she was rethinking the seating chart and who she trusted to share a table with the Mottas.

"Excellent." He said and leaned in a little. "Don't tell anyone, but I'm a sucker for weddings. I love them; and I have a feeling that after my wife and daughter, you two will be the most beautiful brides I've ever seen."

Brittany was right; Santana liked Mr. Motta. He was friendly and effortlessly smooth without it being creepy. "Thank you. That's really nice of you to say."

"You're welcome." He said and looked between Brittany and Santana. "So shall we board? I'm sure you two are ready to get to New York to start your weekend."

"Yes." Brittany said with a little chuckle and she glanced up. She could see that Puck was in the cockpit and she assumed that he was getting their clearance and taxi instructions from air traffic control. "We should be ready to go in just a few minutes."

They climbed the stairs to the aircraft and Kurt met Mr. Motta at the door with his usual drink before he closed the cabin door.

"Where should I sit?" Santana asked.

She could see that Henry had already set up Mr. Motta's stuff in the middle of the aircraft. She didn't want to be in the way if he was going to be working, so she was eyeing a seat in the front, close to the cockpit.

"You can sit wherever you like." Mr. Motta said with a smile as he went back to his usual seat. "Brittany has told me that you are an air traffic controller, which is something that I admittedly don't know much about, and I'd love to get a better idea of what you do, so if you don't mind sharing a drink with me, we can chat for a bit."

"Sure." Santana said. She was not expecting him to invite her to sit with him and talk. She thought he would be too busy, but she was not surprised that he was curious about her job.

It seemed as if every time she met new people and told them what she did, they always had questions. Most people had a basic idea of what an air traffic controller was, but no one ever quite understood or even knew about her job as an en route controller. The idea that she worked in a radar room and her airspace was nowhere close to where she was physically never crossed their minds. They just assumed that she worked at a tower at an airport, or more humorously they thought she was "the guys at the airport with the orange wands" that directed the aircraft back and forth from the gate. Not a lot of people knew what an air traffic center was. She had explained the intricacies of her job so many times that it was almost second nature.

"Great. Just tell Kurt what you'd like to drink. I have a phone call to make and then I'm free to talk." Mr. Motta said.

"Okay." Santana nodded and she followed Kurt the short distance to the galley. She saw Brittany with her back to her, standing in the doorway of the cockpit talking to Puck.

"You lucky bitch." Kurt whispered playfully. "I've worked here for over four years, and not once have I had the opportunity to just kick back and enjoy a flight on a private jet. I'm always working the flight!"

"I guess I'm just special." Santana said with a cocky smirk even though she never thought she would get a chance to be a passenger on a private jet either. That luxury only seemed attainable by rich people.

"What do you want to drink?" Kurt asked. "I make a mean mimosa or bloody Mary."

"Actually, can I just have a coffee? Brittany woke me up to tell me about the trip and I didn't have a lot of time to get ready, so I haven't had any."

"Sure. Cream and sugar?"

"Yep. Only one sugar though." She said and then Brittany turned around to talk to her.

"Are you going to be okay?" Brittany asked quietly.

Santana nodded. "Yeah. You were right, he seems cool."

"See, I told you not to worry." Brittany said with a smile and leaned in placing a quick kiss to Santana's lips. "Okay, I have to go. Once we get in the air, I'll let you know when it's okay to come up."

"Alright." Santana said and since Brittany kissed her, she thought it would be okay to kiss her again as long as it was quick and not too showy, so she leaned in and pecked Brittany's lips again. "Love you."

"Love you too." Brittany said and then she turned to go into the cockpit.

Brittany climbed into the left seat and Santana watched her and Puck run though a checklist. A short time later, she heard one of the engines start.

"Here you go; one hot cup of coffee." Kurt said and handed Santana her drink.

Santana took a sip and she hummed because it was perfect. "Thanks."

"You're welcome." Kurt said with a wink. "Now go have a seat. If you need anything, just let me know."

"Okay." Santana said and she went to sit in the seat across the aisle from Mr. Motta.

For almost an hour, Santana talked to Mr. Motta and Henry before Kurt came back to let her know that Brittany said it was okay to come up to the cockpit. She excused herself and she walked to the front of the plane. She assumed that she would have to stand because there was no jump seat in the Citation Ten like there was in the cockpit of most airliners, but as she approached the door, she saw Puck getting out of his seat.

"I'm just going to stretch my legs for a moment and raid the galley." He said.

"You can have a seat." Brittany said motioning for Santana to sit in Puck's seat.

Santana climbed into the seat and looked around at the impressive flight deck. She had seen it before when Brittany brought her to see where she worked when they first started dating, but everything was turned off then. "This plane is a little more advanced than Kevin's Cessna 172." She said with a chuckle.

Brittany laughed as well. "Yeah, just a little bit. How are you enjoying the flight so far?"

"Oh you know; it's amazing. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to fly commercial again."

Brittany giggled. "It is nice."

"So where are we?" Santana asked.

"We're almost to your airspace."

"Oh, cool. I wonder who's working." Santana said.

"We'll find out in couple of minutes." Brittany said as she put the radios in the speaker since Santana was not wearing a headset.

When Santana heard the controller that was on frequency issue a clearance, she recognized his voice. "That's O.S.; Shane Tinsley. He works in the area across from mine. He's hilarious, and huge. He should have been a professional football player, but after an injury in college, he couldn't play anymore."

One of the interesting things about Santana's job was that she was able to recognize a lot of her coworkers by just their voice. When she would call another sector, or they called her, a lot of the time she couldn't physically see whom she was talking to. The interphone showed the sector number that called, which meant that it could be anyone from that area that was working the sector, but they were required to give their operating initials before they ended the call, so it didn't take long for her to begin to recognize their voices and associate them to the operating initials.

"I would say you could get on the radio and say hi to him, but since you're calling out sick, it would probably be best if you didn't tell anyone you work with that you're not in town, just in case they say something and the wrong person finds out." Brittany said.

"Yeah, good idea." Santana chuckled. "So show me around. Tell me what all these flashy and shiny things do." She said curiously.

Brittany gave Santana a tour of the cockpit, pointing out different things and explaining what they did. When Shane gave Brittany a frequency change to Santana's sector, Santana listened, and again, she recognized the voice.

"It's Lauren." Santana said with a smirk after Brittany checked in. "She doesn't sound busy, let's mess with her."

Brittany chuckled. She knew of Santana's love/hate relationship with Lauren. "You're kinda mean."

"Hey, you work with her, and then you'll understand."

"Alright. What do you wanna do?"

"The next time she gives a ride report, wait a few seconds and ask her for one."

"Why, she already gave one?" Brittany asked.

"I know. She hates it when she has to repeat it. Actually, we all hate it, because it happens all the time. It's like you pilots tune us out sometimes, but she really gets annoyed with that."

"Okay." Brittany said while they listened to the transmissions. They didn't have to wait long for Lauren to check in a Delta aircraft and give them a ride report. They waited about fifteen seconds and then Santana nodded. "Center, how are the rides?" Brittany asked, but she intentionally didn't include the aircraft's call sign. She didn't want to give herself away.

"Mostly smooth, but flight level 3-5-0 and above have intermittent light chop." Lauren said shortly.

Santana chuckled. "Now, wait a few more seconds and then ask her about the rides at 3-7-0."

"She's going to recognize my voice."

"Deepen your voice a little."

"Okay." Brittany said with a shrug. "Cleveland, how are the rides at flight level 3-7-0?" She asked masking her voice and Santana was a little surprised by how masculine she could sound.

"The same as they were ten seconds ago, flight level 3-5-0 and above have intermittent light chop." Lauren said and her annoyance was evident.

Santana giggled. She was tickled with herself and her harmless prank that she was so proud of getting away with. Had Lauren been busy, she wouldn't have done it, but since she wasn't and it didn't cause an unsafe situation, she was going to seize the opportunity to annoy Lauren. "Okay. One more time, then we can leave her alone. We don't want to push it too far."

"Alright." Brittany said with a chuckle. She loved Santana's snarky side.

She had to wait a few moments because Lauren was giving control instructions for spacing, but when another aircraft checked in and asked for a ride report, Brittany counted eight seconds, then masked her voice again and asked for a ride report.

Lauren sighed over the radio and Santana smirked because she knew they were getting under her skin. "Okay guys, seriously, listen up. Flight level 3-5-0 and above have intermittent light chop. Everything else is mostly smooth."

"She's sounds really mad now." Brittany said and she couldn't help but to giggle as well.

"She's fine." Santana said with a wave of her hand.

"What are you two ladies laughing at?" Puck asked coming into the doorway and popped a pretzel in his month.

"Nothing." Brittany said. "Santana was just telling me about one of her coworkers."

"Is she hot?"

"What makes you think it's a girl?" Santana said.

"Nothing, but if it's a girl, I wanna know if she's hot." Puck said with a shrug.

"I'm not attracted to her, but I'm sure someone is." Santana said.

"Is that her?" Puck asked when he heard Lauren descend an American aircraft.


"She sounds pissed."

Brittany bit her lip and Santana giggled. "She always sounds mad and moody."

"I like moody." He said with a smirk.

"Trust me; she would break you in half." Santana said. "She's a former wrestler, almost as tall as you, and probably fifty pounds heavier."

"I like a woman that can take care of herself." Puck said. "We can be badasses together."

Brittany rolled her eyes. "Is there any woman you don't like?"

"I don't discriminate; I like and appreciate all women, especially ones that want a ride on the Pucksaurus." Puck said and ate another pretzel.

Santana scrunched her face. "Gross."

"Whatever." He said with his mouth still full. "If you were into men, I bet I could get you to go out with me."

"Thank god I'm not." Santana said and Brittany winked at her.

Santana traded places with Puck and she stayed for a little while longer to observe. She loved seeing Brittany in her element. When they were about twenty minutes from the airport, she went back to her seat so Brittany and Puck could work without any distraction. When they touched down on the runway, Santana smiled proudly because she knew it was Brittany's leg to fly, and the landing was as smooth as silk.


"Holy shit, this is nice." Santana said as they walked into their hotel room. It was just a standard room with a king size bed, but it was nicely decorated, and from the window there was an amazing view of the city.

Brittany chuckled. "What did you expect? Mr. Motta owns the hotel."

Santana rolled her eyes. "I know that, but I guess I wasn't expecting the room to be this nice." It was the first time that she had ever stayed at a five star hotel.

Brittany set down her bags and wrapped Santana in her arms. "Mmm, well it's ours for the next three days." She said and leaned down, kissing Santana.

Santana returned the kiss, deepening it as Brittany backed her up to the bed. When the back of her legs hit the mattress, Brittany broke the kiss and turned them, pulling on Santana and they both flopped onto the bed facing each other.

"What do you wanna do first?" Brittany asked propping her head up with her hand as she pushed a strand of Santana's hair away from her face.

Santana hummed, propping her head up as well. "Lunch?"

"I know a deli a few blocks from here that has great food. I can't get enough of their latkes and matzah ball soup."

Santana chuckled. "I guess you aren't worried about carbs and fitting into your wedding dress."

"Not this weekend. There's too much good food in New York."

"That's true."

"Besides, you don't need to worry about carbs. I'll give you a work out later." Brittany said with a smirk.

"Well, when you put it like that, how can I turn it down?" Santana said returning the smirk.

Brittany searched Santana's face for a few moments before she cupped her cheek and kissed her softly. "I'm sorry that you had to call out sick, but I'm glad you came with me. It makes having to work over the weekend a million times better."

"Me too." Santana said.

She wasn't worried about calling out of work. They really needed a few days together to just get away and recharge. It wouldn't be long before the traffic increased for the holidays, and the less stressed they were going into the holiday season and the wedding; the better it would be for them personally and professionally.

Brittany kissed Santana one more time and then she sat up. "Give me a few minutes to change out of this uniform and then we can go."

"Okay." Santana said and playfully smacked Brittany on the ass as she stood up.

Brittany squealed from the unexpected, but welcomed contact, and she flashed Santana an impish smile and wink over her shoulder.

Fifteen minutes later, they were walking hand in hand down the street towards Brittany's favorite New York deli.

"You know, when I was sixteen I thought I was going to run away to New York as soon as I graduated high school and practically live like I was in a 'Friends' episode, but you know with more money." Santana said with a chuckle. "It's funny how things turn out."

Brittany chuckled as well. "Yeah, it is. I never thought I would end up in Cleveland of all places. It's so different from Southern California. If you had told me when I was sixteen that I would be living somewhere where it snowed, I wouldn't have believed you. Although, I think I'm finally starting to get used to it."

"That's only because you have me to cuddle into to keep you warm." Santana teased.

"Yes." Brittany said because it was true. After three years of living in Cleveland, she was getting better with dealing with the cold, but she still had the habit of using Santana as a human blanket.

"I'm glad I didn't move to New York and I'm glad you decided to move to a place with snow, even if you hate the cold. Everything might have been different and we may never have met. Our life together is amazing and I wouldn't trade that for anything in the world."

"I wouldn't either." Brittany said leaning over to place a quick peck to Santana's cheek.

"So what do you wanna do tonight?" Santana asked.

"Let's go dancing. It's been forever since we've gone to a club."

"Sure." Santana said. She always loved to dance with Brittany. "Do you know of a good place?" She hadn't been to New York in a few years and she couldn't remember the names of the clubs and bars that she had been to before.

"Mm-hmm. There's a fun club in Midtown that I used to go to all the time with Puck and Kurt, but ever since you and I got together, I haven't been there."

"That was almost two years ago. Do you think it's still open?"

"It is. Puck was there when we had that New York overnight at the end of September."

"Let me guess, that's one of his hookup spots?"

Brittany chuckled. "Yeah. It's one of the hottest clubs in New York, so there's no shortage of single people, but I saw couples there too."

"Did you ever hookup with anyone there?" Santana asked, not because she was jealous, she knew that was before they got together, but curiosity got the better of her.

Brittany let go of Santana's hand and wrapped her arm around her hip, pulling her against her as they walked. "I danced with a lot of people there, and I even kissed a few, but I never went home with any of them." She said and kissed Santana on her temple. "I couldn't because I was infatuated with the air traffic controller with the sexiest voice ever that I talked to on my way here. I couldn't get her out of my head and I was too busy pining over her that I had no interest in hooking up."

Santana smiled. She love hearing stories about Brittany's massive crush on her.

"But who knows, maybe if I'm lucky, there will be a girl that I dance with tonight that I like enough to charm into coming back to my hotel room with me." Brittany said with a playful tone and kissed Santana on her temple again

Santana couldn't help but to chuckle. "Yeah, maybe you'll get lucky."


Around eleven o'clock that night, Brittany and Santana arrived at the club and when they stepped out of the cab, Santana noticed that there was a long line to get in. "It's busier than I thought it would be for a Thursday night." She said. She was not looking forward to standing in line in stilettos heels.

"Good thing it's Ladies Night." Brittany said motioning for Santana to follow her to the front of the line.

The bouncers looked them up and down, approving of their appearance, before checking their IDs and letting them in right away without charging a cover. The club was loud, lively, and busy when they stepped in, but Brittany knew her way around, so she took Santana by the hand and led her to the coatroom to check their coats and clutches before they went over to one of the bars. It took a few minutes to work their way to the front, but once they had their drinks, they found a place to sit where they talked for a while and enjoyed a few mixed drinks and shots before Brittany couldn't wait anymore and pulled Santana to the dance floor.

"I've been waiting all day to dance with you." Brittany said in Santana's ear as she brought Santana flush against her and ran her hands down her sides to rest low on her hips.

"Mmm, me too." Santana said moving her body in time with Brittany's and wrapping her arms around Brittany's neck. She loved any reason to be that close to Brittany.

"And I love that you're wearing this dress." Brittany said nipping Santana's ear and she trailed one of her fingers up the length of Santana's spine through the diamond cut out in the back of the dress. "Have I told you how much I love this dress?"

Santana felt tingles spread over her from Brittany's hands moving over her body and she wasn't sure if it was the alcohol or Brittany that was making her feel lightheaded. "I think you have once or twice, but you can tell me again."

"I love it, and I love you in it." Brittany husked in her ear and nipped it again.

When an hour and a half of sensual touches and kisses expertly disguised as dancing had passed, Santana needed to take a break, or else her ovaries might explode right there, so she suggested getting another drink to calm things down a little bit. Brittany nodded in agreement; feeling worked up as well, so she took Santana by the hand and led her to the bar. After a few long minutes of waiting their turn, Brittany ordered another round of drinks and they searched the room until they found a place to sit down.

"You know tonight reminds me a lot of the night we met." Santana said leaning closer to Brittany so she could hear her over the music, and she rested a hand on Brittany's thigh as she twirled her finger in a circle near the hemline of her dress. "I was so taken with you. I couldn't believe my luck." She said reminiscing about that fateful night.

Brittany smiled, remembering the night as well and she cupped Santana cheek before she kissed her softly on the lips. "I couldn't believe my luck either. Even with the mask on, I could tell you were the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen. You still are; none of the women in here even come close."

Santana felt her cheeks heat up from the sincere compliment. "Thanks." She said shyly. "But don't you think you might be a little biased?"

"Nope." Brittany said with a cheeky smile. "I know you're the prettiest woman here. The fact that I'm going to marry you in seventy days is irrelevant."

Santana's cheeks burned a little hotter. She wanted to tell Brittany that she felt the same way about her, but before she could, Brittany kissed her again.

"I can't wait to marry you Santana Lopez."

"I can't wait to marry you too, Britt." Santana said and she wasn't sure how things suddenly took an emotional turn, but she wasn't going to question it. "I can't wait to be your wife."

Brittany hummed, moving her hands to Santana's hips to pull her closer. "My wife. I love the sound of that." She said and kissed Santana again.

Santana was so caught up in the moment that she immediately wrapped her hands around the back of Brittany's neck, deepening the kiss before moving her hands into her hair. Brittany moaned, kissing her harder and pulling on her so she was as close to her as she could get without pulling her out of her chair and into her lap.

When they finally parted from the heated embrace, they held each other's gaze for a few moments before Santana had to break eye contact, breathing out a frustrated, "Fuck" and downed her full margarita. It still amazed her how easily Brittany could get to her and make her body go absolutely crazy for her. "If you don't get me out of here and take me back to our room, I'm literally going to find a dark corner in this place and put your hand under my dress and in my thong so you can fuck me senseless against the wall-"

Brittany whimpered at the thought of that and gripped Santana's hip tighter.

"-and I really, really would rather not risk getting arrested tonight." Santana finished.

"Fuck." Brittany breathed out in frustration as well and she knocked back her drink. All day they had been teasing each other, and they finally reached their boiling points. She wanted to run out of the club that instant and find the first cab back to their hotel, but before they could, they needed to close their tab at the bar and get their things from the coatroom. "You go get our stuff, and I'll get my credit card. I'll meet you there."

Santana stood up and without wasting a second she made her way to the coatroom and Brittany went to the bar, impatiently pushing her way past annoyed people to the front. She did not have time to wait.

She paid the bill and practically ran towards the coatroom, where she thankfully found Santana waiting for her with their stuff in her arms.

"Let's go." Brittany said taking her things before taking Santana by the hand and leading her outside to hail a cab.

It was almost two o'clock in the morning, which meant that an open cab was easy to find. It took almost fifteen minutes to get back to their hotel, and it was one of the most excruciating fifteen minutes of their lives as they pinched their thighs closed to ease the aching in between their legs.

When they finally got in the empty elevator, they were tempted to make out, but since Mr. Motta owned the hotel and he was Brittany's boss, they both had the forethought to keep their hands to themselves, because they did not want to deal with whatever kind of awkward situation that might bring if he ever saw the security tapes.

Brittany pulled the key out of her clutch when they got to their floor, and when they arrived to their room, she slipped the card into the reader. They stepped into the room and the door hadn't even closed all the way before their things were dropped to the floor and their lips were on each other's in a scorching kiss as their hands were grasping at whatever body parts they could find in the dark.

They kicked off their heels and Brittany backed Santana into the nearest wall, taking both of her hands and holding them above her head with one hand and hiking her dress up with the other. She loved being soft and sensual with Santana as they laid in bed making love, but sometimes she liked it more raw, and the image that Santana had put into her head in the club had not left her. It made the aching in between her legs grow, and unless Santana said otherwise, she was going to take her up against the wall.

Santana made no sound of objection. The only sounds that could be heard in the room was of their wet and somewhat sloppy kissing, and the occasional moan as their bodies pressed into each other's.

When Santana's dress was up far enough, Brittany broke the kiss and pulled Santana's thong down her thighs as far as she could reach without bending down or letting go of her hands and then she cupped her center, coating her fingers in her wetness.

"I'm going to fuck you so hard." Brittany husked her breath ghosting over Santana's neck, causing her to quiver.

Santana moaned in desperation and spread her legs wider. "Fuck me…fuck me now!" She whimpered. She couldn't wait anymore.

Brittany felt her arousal pool even more in-between her legs and she immediately pushed three fingers inside, causing Santana to moan loudly and lean forward into her. Brittany gave her just a second to adjust to the sudden girth of her fingers before she started to move her fingers back and forth, slowly at first, but with the sounds of ecstasy coming from Santana, it stoked the already burning desire in her, and she couldn't hold back any longer. She moved her hand faster and faster until she was pushing into her as fast as she could.

Santana buried her face into Brittany's neck as her moans and the sounds of Brittany's hand slapping into her filled the room. When Santana's legs started to weaken after a few minutes, Brittany pressed into her a little more to hold her up.

"Kiss me." Brittany said turning her head toward Santana and when Santana lifted her head, she kissed her heatedly.

Santana held on for as long as she could, but when she neared her peak she started to shake, and within seconds, she was tumbling over the edge. She broke the kiss, crying out as her orgasm hit her hard, and she buried her face in Brittany's neck again as she continued to move her hand back and forth until she fell limp against her.

They stood there for a few moments before Brittany pulled her fingers out, causing Santana to whimper. She let go of Santana's hands and wrapped both arms around her holding her up as she came down from her high.

Santana clung to Brittany until her shaking had subsided and she could stand without support. Her thong had fallen down her legs to her feet, so she kicked it away and grabbed Brittany by the hips and quickly turned her around.

Brittany had not been expecting the sudden move from Santana and she yelped in surprise as her back hit the wall. Santana pulled up on Brittany's dress and then pulled her thong all the way down her long legs. "Your turn." She said cupping Brittany's center. "Mmm, I think you're ready for me." She hummed as she ran her fingers through her slick folds.

Brittany shook as Santana palmed her covered breast and pushed against her, pressing her into the wall even more. "Are you ready for me?" Santana whispered seductively, her lips ghosting over Brittany's.

"Yes." Brittany breathed out desperately. "I need you inside me now."

Santana closed the distance between their lips, kissing her hard, and pushing two fingers inside. A moment later, she added a third finger and Brittany moaned loudly, gripping onto Santana's hip and shoulder as she pushed in and out of her.

Brittany knew she wasn't going to last long. Santana had been teasing her all day and then after taking her against the wall, she was so pent up that she could barely keep herself contained. She writhed and whimpered as Santana's fingers pounded into her, and when Santana felt Brittany's inner walls tighten around her fingers a few minutes later, she kneeled down, gripping the back of her thigh with her free hand and taking her clit into her mouth, sucking hard.

"Ah, fuck!" Brittany cried out, grabbing Santana's hair with one hand and the edge of the wall with the other as she came undone.

Santana continued to suck and flick the sensitive nub with her tongue and pump her hand until Brittany's knees bent and she slid down the wall a little. She didn't want her to fall because she was sure her legs were feeling weak, as hers had, so she pulled her fingers out and then stood up, wrapping her hands around her waist, and pressing into Brittany, supporting her between herself and the wall.

Brittany wrapped her arms around Santana tightly and buried her face in her hair. The only thing that could be heard in the dark room was the sounds of Brittany's heavy breathing, and the occasional kiss that Santana placed on Brittany's neck and shoulders.

"My legs gave out." Brittany mumbled after a few minutes and Santana couldn't help but to giggle.

"I know baby, so did mine." She said and kissing her shoulder. "Do you think you can stand yet?"

"Yeah." Brittany said and stiffened her legs as she pushed up, standing on her own, but she held on to Santana. "I'm still light headed."

Santana smiled, amused and little proud that they had pushed each other to the brink and that they both needed longer than normal to recover. She leaned forward and kissed her softly on the lips. "I love you."

"I love you too."

"You wanna take a bath?"

"Yes." Brittany whispered. She wasn't sure if a shower would be a safe idea with her head still spinning. She needed to sit down, but she wanted to wash the club off her before they went to bed.

"Okay, wait right here." Santana said letting go of Brittany.

The room was dark and she knew that their stuff was all over the floor so she stepped carefully as she blindly made her way to the bathroom and flipped on the light. She winced and blinked as her eyes were assaulted by the sudden light and she went over to the bathtub to start the water. When she went back into the room, she pulled Brittany away from the wall and slowly undressed her before undressing herself.

Santana helped Brittany into the bathtub first, and then she stepped in, sitting behind her. Usually they sat the other way around, but on occasion, they switched it up. Santana wrapped her arms around Brittany as she leaned against her and she placed a soft kiss to her shoulder.

They relaxed in the bath for about twenty minutes before they washed their bodies, and after getting out of the tub, they washed their faces and brushed their teeth. When they went to bed, they didn't even bother putting on their pajamas.

"I'm so tired." Brittany yawned as Santana nuzzled her cheek into her chest. She had been up for almost twenty-four hours and now that things had started to calm down, sleep was creeping up on her.

"Me too." Santana said. She wasn't far behind Brittany.

"Today was fun. I'm so happy you're here. This is like the best work trip ever."

Santana giggled. "I'm glad I'm here too."

They were quiet for a few minutes and Santana had thought that Brittany had fallen asleep, but then she kissed her on the top of her head. "G'night future wifey." She mumbled in her super cute sleepy-voice and Santana's heart flipped in her chest.

Before that moment, she actually didn't like the word 'wifey'. She thought it was silly and it annoyed her when she heard other people say it, but hearing Brittany calling her, her 'wifey', made all the difference.

"Night, future wifey." She said with a smile and kissed Brittany's collarbone. As she drifted off to sleep, she thought of how amazing it would be to go to bed seventy days from now in another hotel, not as Santana Lopez, but as Santana Lopez-Pierce.


A/N: Yay! Finally a new chapter. I hope you all liked it, and as always, I love hearing from you guys and seeing your thoughts on the story, so if you get a moment, please send them my way.

To naynay1963, thank you so much for beta-ing and being so supportive!

Disclaimer: I don't own 'Glee' or any copyrighted material or products that are mentioned in this story.