A/N: Hello everyone!

Sword: Hi, hi! We got a new story! And it's one I'm really excited to do!

We had this idea a while ago, but didn't get around to writing it. However, CandiCindy is having a contest that we thought would be perfect for this. Basically, this will be the first in a series of short stories compiled into a main story, all featured around the Sonic characters and their children.

Sword: I've been thinking up all kinds of names!

Pen: I'm sure they're stupid.

Sword: *gasps and cries* Y-You're so mean!

Pen, apologize. Everyone else, Tails, Cream, and all related characters belong to Sega. The story, Sword, and Pen belong to me. Please do not use without permission. Thank you and enjoy.

Labors of Love- Part 1

"Tails!" Cream howled, drawing out his name high over the rushing wind. Tails turned in the pilot's seat, looking at the poor, peach rabbit. She held her rotund stomach and laid down in the seat, panting and groaning. She kicked the sides of the plane and squeezed her eyes shut, crying louder.

"Hang on, hon!" he yelled, flipping switches on the control panel before him. He squeezed a little more speed out of the Tornado. The blue aircraft sliced through the clouds and raced above bustling Station Square. He pulled the yoke to the left, aiming for the tall hospital on the coastline. "We're almost there!"

"Tails!" She reached for his hand and he took it. She squeezed with a surprising strength.

"Remember your breathing," he said. He inhaled and kept an eye on the gauges. "In." He exhaled. "Out. In. Out."

She tightened her vice grip, crushing his knuckles. "I know how to do it," she said, growling. Then she relapsed into more painful cries.

He couldn't believe that less than half an hour ago, they had been curled on the sofa at home, with his ear pressed to her belly and feeling the strong kicks within. He had buried his muzzle into her orange dress and kissed it. "I hope you come soon, sweetheart," he said. No sooner had he said that, the contractions started. He figured Cream partially blamed that on him.

Sonic had told him Amy was the same way during labor and that it was stressful, yet that was all perfectly normal. However, the pink hedgehog had also swung her hammer if anyone but the obstetrician and Sonic approached her while she squeezed out her son.

Tails hadn't been prepared. Despite only entering his twenties, he already felt like he had sprouted gray fur around his temples during the flight. Cream whimpered and sat forward, heaving into his ear. Her long, tan-tipped ears draped over his shoulder.

"We're getting close," he said. He pecked her cheek and she hugged him.

"Did you call everyone?" she asked.

He smacked his forehead and shirked under her. "Not yet." He had had enough time to throw on a good pair of pants and grab the shoulder bag of supplies. "I'll call now. Don't worry. They'll be at the hospital. I promise."

He dialed Sonic and Amy first. As he waited, an explosion boomed below them. They looked over the side of the plane and saw a large hole in the front of the Station Square Bank. Rubble and blocks lay scattered on the steps. A group of people, armed with guns and wearing black masks, descended the steps, shouting and firing their guns into the air and inside the bank. They dragged a couple of screaming people to two vehicles, a jet black car and a faded blue van. They threw the people and duffel bags of money in the seats before climbing in themselves. Then they took off in opposite directions.

Tails looked at Cream and she nodded. "Let's hurry," she said.

"Right." He angled the plane so as not to dive too steep. He kept an eye on the blue van and where it went and followed the faster black car. He held the phone to his ear, steering with one hand. Please answer, Sonic.

Sonic pushed away his plate and patted his stomach. He tried and failed to suppress a quick burp and Amy threw him an annoyed look. "Sorry. In some places, that's a compliment though," he said.

"At least pretend to have table manners," Amy said. "Or any at all. For his sake." She pointed a fork at the violet toddler struggling in his wooden high chair. His face was drenched in mashed peas and carrots and he flicked some more onto his red shirt and diaper. He pushed his spoon and sippy cup onto the floor and Sonic picked them up.

"I do," he said, swallowing the next belch.

"So when you taught him to spin last week, you also told him not to dash into people?"

The blue hedgehog shrugged. "It takes time to learn how to control it. I'm just teaching him some early self-defense."

"Self-defense. To a one-year-old."

"Danger can strike at any time," he said in a bold fashion.

She smirked and pushed out from the table. She stood, a little unsteady, and Sonic helped her. "Well, maybe I can save the next one from your influence." She rubbed the small bulge under her red dress.

"Doubt it," he said, slipping behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist. He pecked her jawline and leaned into her neck. "Running is in our blood. Isn't that right," he looked up and their son had wormed his way out of his seat, "Florian?"

Florian clapped his hands and fell onto his plate. "Run! Run!"

Florian suddenly kicked and crawled very fast, flinging food at his parents. They shielded themselves as the peas and carrots covered them. "Florian! No!" they yelled. He climbed down from his high chair and dashed away on hands and knees. Sonic chased him as the phone rang.

Amy blocked off the kitchen, stairs, and hallways with plastic baby gates, trapping Florian in the living room. "Run! Run!" he kept shouting.

"No, Florian! No run!" Amy said.

"No, no, no, no!" he repeated, giggling. He crawled around the sofa, mashing food into the purple carpet.

"Stay!" Sonic said. He hopped over the sofa, but Florian crawled behind the television. "No! Florian!" Sonic scrambled around the furniture. "Don't touch anything! You'll get shocked!"

The phone continued to ring. "Do you got him?" she asked.

Sonic dove, catching Florian by his little foot. He pulled him into his chest and the toddler babbled and blew spit bubbles. "Got him."

"I'll get the phone."

Florian tried to squirm from Sonic, but he held him tight. "Oh, no you don't. You're not getting away again." He lifted Florian's shirt, exposing his pudgy belly. "Or getting away from these!" Sonic pressed his lips to the belly and blew a raspberry. Florian erupted into shrieks and laughter and he blew another one.

Amy tapped his shoulder and traded him the phone for Florian. "Hello?"

"Sonic!" Tails sounded worried and panicked. "Cream! It's time!" Sonic stood and looked at Amy. He put the phone on speaker and she listened in. "There's also a robbery. Two cars. We're going after one heading to the docks. The other is a blue van going for the bridge. Can you get that one and meet us at the hospital afterwards? Cream!" For several moments, they only heard an engine and what sounded like faint gunfire.

"Tai-wols!" Florian said. "Tai-wols!"

Amy shushed him. "Tails?" No answer. Sonic's heart hammered in his chest. If something had happened, the plane would've crashed, right? They would've heard it.

As if on cue, Tails' voice came back. "Look out!" Bullets pounded on metal and people screamed in the background. The engine whined and puttered, drowned by more gunfire. Seconds later, the engine wound down and there was a spectacular smash of metal crunching metal and skidding shells against asphalt. Another wallop of heavy bodies into a wall of some kind and all that they heard was crumbling bricks bouncing and rolling across the wreckage.

"Tails?" Amy asked. Someone groaned and she snatched the phone from Sonic. "Tails!"

"Right here."

"What was that?"

"They shot at some people," he said. "Had to block them with my wing. They got the engine. Oh, no." There was rustling and he urged Cream to move. "They're still conscious. Out of the seat! Hurry!" Cream moaned. "We're going to need some help here! We're at 4th and Main."

"I'm on my way!" Sonic said, then to Amy, "I'll get them to the hospital."

"I'll call Rouge and Blaze," Amy said. "Let them know what's going on." He nodded and took off.

Rouge sat on the faded green sofa, bouncing one leg on the other. On the opposite end, Knuckles held his chin in his glove, fuming and turning ever more red by the minute. In between, a young girl, no older than nine, sat between them, completely bored and almost lying flat on her back. A clock ticked softly, its golden pendulum swinging side to side, tick-tocking and counting Rouge's rising blood pressure. She hated this stuffy room and the uncomfortable position they had been forced in, with the therapist staring at them with sympathy as if they were incompetent fools who needed all the help they could get. She laid all the blame squarely on Knuckles' shoulders. Even now, she directed her accusing thoughts on him, which he sent straight back with a disgusted glance or a heavy sigh.

The kindly therapist in a cushioned chair faced all three and steepled his fingertips together. "Rouge," he said in a gentle tone, "would you like to start today?" She tore her eyes from the framed degrees and licenses on the wall and bookshelf of family assistance guides below that, and frowned at him. "Very well." He turned to the young girl, who curled a locket of her white fur around her finger. "Ruby?" She looked up. "How about you? How are you today?"

She shrugged. "Fine."

"Did you have fun with your mom last week?"

"I guess."

"Did you do anything fun?"

Out of the very corner of his eye, Knuckles watched her. Rouge almost stepped in, but Ruby blurted out, "We went to a museum." She waited, tense and ready to stop her if need be.

"Did you enjoy it? See lots of things?"

"Yeah," she said. "Saw some paintings and sculptures. We went twice."

The therapist smiled at Rouge and she returned it. "A lot to see, I bet. Have to do it in two trips."

"We went at night the second time," Ruby said. "Mom wanted to see—"

Rouge slapped a hand over her mouth, "—an exhibit," she finished.

Knuckles rolled his eyes and muttered, "Figures."

"Knuckles?" the therapist asked. "Did you want to comment?"

Rouge glared at him as if daring to speak. The red echidna took the challenge and jabbed a glove at her. "Yeah, I would. What in the world are you thinking, bringing her to one of your 'jobs'?"

"Is there a problem with that?" the therapist asked. "Many parents bring their children to work. It can be healthy for the child—"

"There's nothing healthy about what she does," he said. The therapist raised an eyebrow and Rouge's cheeks burned. She would kill Knuckles after this. Drop Ruby off with Shadow, find some secluded spot, and go to town on Knuckles.

"Like you're any better," she said. "She told me all about the week before, how you had her guarding your stupid emerald with you the whole time!"

He huffed. "We did more than that. Besides, it's a sacred and honorable task. One passed down through many generations."

"Many generations of braindead echidnas, just like you!"

Knuckles bared his teeth and Rouge tightened her fists. "I'd expect that from someone who would sell their own mother for a jewel!"

"Please, you two," the therapist said, raising his hands. "Let's keep this calm and civil." Rouge stared down Knuckles for a good length before easing back into the sofa. She focused on her gloved hand and pretended to scratch dirt from her palm.

"Why didn't you leave her at home?" he said. "It's not like it would've taken long."

"You think I'm going to leave her by herself?" Rouge said.

"Mom," Ruby cut in, "I can stay by myself. Dad lets me stay in his hut by myself."

"But he can see you there, sweetie," Rouge said, cupping her face. "And there's no one else on the island." She embraced Ruby and stroked her head. "The city has a lot of dangerous people and I wouldn't want any of them to hurt you. All sorts of low-lives prowl around out there."

"And in here," Knuckles said, low to himself, but Rouge heard it.

"Yeah," Rouge said. "Too bad you have to be here."

Ignoring the slight, Knuckles said. "You could've called me."

"On what? There's no technology for a hundred miles on your rock."

"You could've come to me," he said. "I would've watched her."

"Right," she said sarcastically. "Because you're always there and available for her. Unless your precious emerald needs you more."

This time, he stood and Rouge joined him. The mounting anger over the past few minutes, nay, the whole month, had been building to this and she was ready to let loose. "At least I'm not bringing our daughter to do something illegal!"

"At least I'm spending time with her like a parent!" Rouge said. "Doing things she wants to do!"

"Stop it!" Ruby yelled, punching the sofa cushions.

They ignored her and Rouge continued. "All you care about is your emerald and duty!"

"Look who's talking!" Knuckles shot back. "The jewel-obsessed thief accusing me of being obsessed with jewels!"

Ruby shouted louder for them to stop and the therapist stepped in, too. "Please, could we calm down?"

"Stay out of this!" they said and he shrank into his chair. Knuckles turned to Rouge and asked, "Do you really think that's all I care about?"

"When you fawn over it day after day, yes," she said. "What else can I think?"

"I fawn over its safety for you two," he said. That ended the constant shouting. Rouge blinked and everyone hung on Knuckles' next words. "If Eggman took the Master Emerald, his first target would be the city. I don't want anything to happen to you two." Rouge's body ceased functioning and she watched him rub his daughter's temple. "You two mean the world to me and I want to keep you safe."

There was no lie in his eyes. There never was, as he was horrible at it. He was a stubborn, hard-headed, rash fool, but an honest one. The therapist cleared his throat and leaned forward, speaking to Knuckles. "That's admirable, although there is such a thing as balancing your work and family lives. They need you there with them, your presence and support. I'm sure they enjoy the company, too."

Ruby nodded and Knuckles tussled the top of her head. "Yeah, I know. I haven't done a great job." When he raised his gaze to Rouge, she already saw the heartfelt apology in his violet irises. It dropped to the pit of his lungs and his chest heaved a heavy sigh, pushing the apology out with it. "I'm—"

She grabbed his elbow and pulled him into a kiss, cutting him off. That was all she needed. She ran a hand through his dreadlocks, pressing his lips hard against hers. He stumbled into her, bumping into the sofa and a coffee table. Ruby scooted away and the couple straightened. Knuckles cradled her back and tilted his head, angling his tongue to glide along hers.

The room faded into the atmosphere and Rouge leaned backwards in his arms, further, further until they rolled onto the ground with her on top. She straddled his waist and pressed her body to him. A groan escaped from him and into her mouth. He gently tickled the base of her spine up to her shoulders with his hands, touching the exact spots that sent pleasurable shivers throughout her body.

Somewhere behind them, Ruby gagged and begged them to stop. "Ugh! I had a nightmare like this!"

The therapist, unsure if he should touch either, kept reaching forward and pulling his hand away. "Please, could you control yourselves? We're still in a session."

Eventually, Rouge's phone ended the passionate flurry on the carpet. She ignored the first call, but when she received one immediately after, she broke the kiss. Knuckles caught his breath, his dazed eyes rolling around like ping-pong balls. Ruby scolded them overhead and Knuckles pulled her down into the pile, giving her cheek a sloppy kiss.

"Ewww!" She pulled against his strong grip and wiped her cheek. "Dad, that's disgusting!" When he refused to let go, she licked the side of his head and he laughed.

"Hello?" Rouge answered the phone.

"Hey, it's me," Amy said on the other line. "Cream went into labor. However, we've got a problem." She quickly explained the situation with the bank robbery and the crash. "Sonic had to help Tails and Cream, but there's another one escaping. A blue van going to the city bridge."

Rouge stood and tapped Knuckles. "We have to leave," she said. He picked up Ruby and opened a window in the room. "We'll take care of it and meet up at the hospital afterwards, Amy," she said to the phone and ended the call.

"Thanks for the help, doc," Knuckles said. "This was a productive session."

"Uh, anytime," he said, bewildered as Knuckles leaped out the window, gliding through the air.

Rouge followed him. "C'mon, honey," she said to Ruby. The smaller bat waved to the doctor and spread her red, leathery wings. She jumped out after her parents, flapping hard to match their speed and tucking her limbs tight to her body.

The therapist straightened his coffee table and rubbed his eyes. "I need to screen my clients more thoroughly."

A/N: Originally meant for this to be one part, but it went longer than I expected, so we're splitting it into two.

Sword: And the sequel is up now! Go, check it out!

And please let us know what you think of the story. Thank you for reading.