Hello, to everyone who does read my fanfic for Jupiter Ascending. Recently, someone posted a review and asked if I was still going to be writing this story. The answer was going to be no; because I lost a lot of muse for the idea and I didn't like some of the parts that I typed...like the backstory around Razer and Lady Seraphi and Balem.
But now, after reading through the chapters, the answer is going to be yes. I am currently going through the process of rewriting my chapters, so that it's something that I can work with again. No the story will not be deleted or adopted, like my other one. I'm sorry for the really long wait for those who are interested. The re-written version of the prologue + chapter 1 will be posted very soon!
Thanks for reading, sorry to disappoint because it wasn't a chapter.
- Luftie!