Does Your Head Hurt?

Hinata x Kageyama

He didn't exactly say it but the challenge in his eyes was unmistakable. My lungs were already burning and there was a weird cramp in my right foot but I'd rather die than let this stinking jerk beat me. Our feet thudded loud in my ears but they couldn't drown out the raging beat of my heart.

I discarded my bike about three blocks back, Kageyama completely flipped the one time I used it to beat him to the corner. So now I just lean it against a tree and we walk back together after our race. It's something that started after our practice match with the Neighborhood Volleyball Association. Since then our scores have been edging past each other's back and forth. And currently I am one ahead of him. I need to start creating a gap.

The sudden taste of metal and the extreme pain of my head brought me back to reality. Stars popped in my eyes and a warm feeling started dripping down my lips. I fell onto my back , eyes watering and breath wheezing. Then everything went black, but before I went out I heard a voice shout, "HINATA, YOU DUMBASS."


I was lost in my own thoughts until I heard a disgusting metallic bang just behind me. My sneakers scraped horribly against the sidewalk as I tried to halt my momentum. I knew what that freaking idiot had done before I even turned around.

The last remaining rays of sunlight fell into my eyes as I looked back at Hinata's limp form lying awkwardly on the sidewalk.

"Hinata, you dumbass." I didn't even realize the words came from my mouth until they hit my ears again. I ran up to his unconscious body a string of profanity escaping my lips. What was he even thinking? His eyes were closed but blood was dripping steadily from his nose. The spot on his forehead were I assume he made first contact with the pole was already an angry red that only seemed to be getting darker.

I lifted Hinata into a sitting position trying to keep the blood from going down his throat. I rested his dead weight against the very light pole he smashed his head into and started patting his cheek trying to wake him up.


Before my eyes even opened I was aware of a searing pain in my forehead and nose. As I opened my eyes I also became aware that I was propped uncomfortably against something hard and there was a very frightening and angry looking face hovering above mine.

I opened my mouth to greet the angry face but my voice was cut by a stream of random questions from kageyama. "What's your name? What's my name? Do you know today's date? What did you have for lunch today?" Kageyama's hand squeezed my shoulder with each question.

"Oi," I wheezed but Kageyama didn't hear me. "OI," I repeated louder, still he didn't stop. "YO KAGEYAMA SHUT IT!" I shouted a shot of pain erupting between my eyes. Kageyama's voice finally stopped and I continued. "I've never heard you talk this much before. Would you stop?"

"That's beca-"

"I'm fine. Why are you asking all these stupid questions?"

"Idiot, that's because you ran into a light pole at full speed, of course I'm concerned. What if you've got a concussion and can't spike? We've got a practice match against Nekoma coming up."

"I'm fine. Now let me go so I can get up. I still have to go back and get my bike." I had no idea why Kageyama was acting so weird. He usually was only angry when I hurt myself.

I struggled to pull myself up and away from Kageyama's arms but his hands only tightened around my shoulders. If my head wasn't pounding so much I might have noticed the biting of his nails through my practice shirt. Kageyama only hesitated for a moment before letting go. I cocked an eyebrow then cringed at the shock wave it sent through my forehead.

I slowly stood up leaning my weight against the light pole behind me but the moment my butt was parallel with the ground the world started spinning. A knot of nausea squeezed my stomach and my pulse started racing through my ears. I must have teetered because there were suddenly hands on my shoulders again. Kageyama pushed me back into a sitting position. I pouted a little but the frustrated concern on Kageyama's face wiped the look off my face and I held up a reassuring hand to him.

"Come on, I'm fine. How many times have I been hit in the head with a volleyball or run into a wall. What makes a pole any different? Now let me up so I can get my bike."

I tried to laugh it off and stand but Kageyama pushed my shoulder down again, hard. "No, you're not fine and this is completely different. Metal poles are significantly harder than a freaking volleyball. Idiot."

"Fine, but what about my bike?"

There is a pause before Kageyama responds. "This isn't a good idea." I laugh and he sends a scowl at me then continues. "You stay here. I'll go get your bike. I think I should call Suga too. Unless you think you need to go to the hospital.

"NO!" I shout before my head starts pounding, stars popping in my eyes again. I slowly turn my head right to left, placing the heel of my hand to my temple. "Not the hospital, I don't want to worry mom. Just let me go home, I'll be fine by tomorrow."

"You don't get to decide if you go to the hospital or not, stupid. I'm going to run and get your bike. Try not to fall asleep." Kageyama turned and started to run the way we had come. I watched him go, a twinge in my stomach, and I prayed I wouldn't get sick again.


As I hurriedly ran the three blocks Hinata and I had just travel I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and clumsily searched for Suga's number. He answered on the third ring.

"Hello, Kageyama? You never call me. What's up?"

"Where are you now?" I didn't bother with a greeting. "I need your help."

"Oh my gosh, Kageyama what happened? I'm at the convenience store down the street from the school." The obvious concern in Sugawara's voice made me pick up speed. I could just barely see Hinata's bike about half a block away.

"Umm…" I paused breathless. "Well Hinata was being a complete idiot."

"Of course"

"And he ran into a light pole which would have been fine but…" I finally reached the bike, mounted it, turned and started hurriedly pedaling towards Hinata.

"But…?!" I could almost picture Suga's face paling.

"But this time he was unconscious. We are about two and a half blocks west from the convenience store. Can you come check on him?" The trip back took only a minute or two and I could already see Hinata underneath the street lamp. He was leaning against the pole staring up at the bugs flying around the light.

I just barely caught Sugawara's assurance to hurry over before the line went dead. I shoved the phone back into my pocket as I squealed the bike to a stop next to Hinata. He seemed to flinch slightly at the high pitch but he still looked up at me and smiled before pointing at the moths above him.

"That big ugly grey moth up there reminds me of you. He's stubborn. He won't stop slamming into the light. He's ugly too." I just barely heard that last part and I had to resist the urge to grab the top of Hinata's stupid orange head and squeeze.

Choosing instead to kick his foot I pointed at a small cricket lying on its back legs curled in. "That one reminds me of you, stupid and dead." Hinata scoffed but before he could retort I told him that Suga was on his way. It was only about two minutes later that Suga and Daichi came running around the street corner.

"Hinata! Are you okay?!" Suga shouted still two houses away. Hinata raised two thumbs in the air and put on a pleasant smile. His hands weren't shaking and acute wave of relief slipped through me as Suga and Daichi finally reached us.

"Couch Ukai is coming as well." Daichi stated coming up to me. "He had to close up the shop first."

Hinata began protesting but waved him off, "okay, thank you."

"You guys didn't have to come running. I'm fine. Stupid Kageyama won't listen to me." Hinata continued his protests but we ignored it as Suga knelt down and started asking Hinata the same questions I did earlier.

Daichi looked down at Hinata and Suga before looking to me again, a smirk on his lips. "I have a few guesses as to how this happened but why don't you tell me so that Suga can buy me a pork bun." Daichi chuckled.

I explained everything to Daichi as we watched Suga shine his phone light in Hinata's eyes. Suga snapped his fingers by Hinata's ear. He didn't flinch away from the sound but his nose wrinkled a little. (Cute) Wait, what? I realized I had stopped talking and then turned back to a slightly confused looking Daichi. "Um… he was out for about two minutes. I propped him up and tried to stop his nose from bleeding. I wasn't sure if he should go to the hospital of not that's why I called Suga."

"No, it's a good thing you called." Daichi placed his hand on my shoulder and I felt myself relax. I tried to force myself to calm down some more as Daichi continued, "Hopefully its nothing too serious and he'll be able to play in the match against Nekoma."

Suga stood up, pushing Hinata's shoulder down as he tried to stand too. Suga opened his mouth to say something but he was interrupted by the sputtering of an old rusty car pulling up along the edge of the street. Before the engine could even die Coach Ukai was jumping from the cab. "How bad is it? We've got a game against Nekoma in two days and there is no way we can manage with only half of our odd-ball duo. There's no way I'm losing to that greasy old man again."

I opened my mouth to explain the situation again but Suga beat me to it. "He doesn't seem to have a concussion. But he did black out for…What did you say Kageyama? About two minutes?" I nodded. "It also doesn't look like he broke his nose but he's going to have some serious bruising all over his face." Suga finished with a slightly satisfied look on his own face. I was surprised at Suga's confidence in his examination before I remembered that after high school he was planning to study medicine.

Couch Ukai nodded, "Do you think he should go to the hospital?"

"NOO! I don't need to go to the hospital." Hinata jumped up before anyone could stop him. He only staggered for half a second before grabbing onto Suga's arm. "Please Suga, I hate hospitals. Don't make me go, I feel fine."

Hinata's paling color contradicted his words but Suga patted his hands and nodded before settling him down against the street lamp again. He looked up at Couch Ukai before giving his opinion. "I don't think he needs to go the hospital but I also don't think he should be left alone for a while. Since Hinata's family is in Kyoto he's going to have to stay with someone."

Before I knew what was happening I was raising my hand. "I'll take care of Hinata. He can stay over and I'll watch him."

Everyone was looking at me. Daichi and Coach Ukai looked slightly surprised but Suga looked as if he expected the offer. "If he passes out again do not hesitate to call an ambulance. If he started to puck or act any more strangely than he already does," Hinata scoffed "do not hesitate to call the paramedics. You should probably keep him awake for about two hours, just to be safe."

"Are you sure it'll be fine Suga?" Coach Ukai asked resting his hands on his hips. Suga nodded and smiled, "I'm sure Kageyama can take care of him."


When Kageyama offered to take care of me, my jaw dropped. But then I almost started laughing when I saw the surprised looks on Daichi, Couch Ukai and even Kageyama's face. Suga however didn't seem surprised at all.

They started talking about what Kageyama should watch for and I stopped listening (though I didn't miss the jab Suga made). I didn't have to go to the hospital so I wasn't worried. Hospitals give me the creeps. But also Kageyama Just invited me over to sleepover at his house. That never happens.

I was brought back to the conversation by Suga's hand pulling me slowly into a standing position. This time my head didn't start spinning. Suga explained what was going to happen. Coach Ukai was going to drive Daichi, Suga and me to Kageyama's house. Kageyama was going to ride my bike and meet us there.

Suga gently helped me into the back seat of Couch Ukai's car as couch and Daichi climb into the front. Kageyama was already on the bike pedaling towards his house.

The car ride took just a couple minutes. Kageyama skidded the bike to a halt as Suga helped me get out of the car. I didn't stagger or sway as we made our way into Kageyama's house, whether that was due to my own will or Suga's hand on my arm, I'm not sure. In the entry way Kageyama bent down and removed my shoes before removing his own and lining them up neatly.

It felt weird having Suga and Kageyama baby me this way. I said as much. Suga kind of chuckled as he pushed me after kageyama into the living room. I didn't miss how Kageyama's shoulders seemed to tense.

It was only as I sat on the couch with Kageyama getting me some water that I realized Daichi and Coach Ukai hadn't followed us inside. Suga must have guessed my train of thought. "Coach probably isn't allowed in a student's house especially not when there aren't any parents home." I nodded slowly I think I understood, I feel my cheeks redden a little.

Kageyama came back into the room, handed me a glass before turning again and heading down the hall. My eyes followed him, confused, but I decided not to ask. It wasn't until I took a drink of the ice water that I realized my mouth tasted like blood. I gagged a little causing Suga to look at me concerned. I shook my head and pushed on my teeth with my tongue making sure none of them were loose. They ached a little when I pushed at them but they didn't move. I breathed a small sigh before taking another drink. I swished the water in my mouth to clear out the taste. The blood must have been from my nose which definitely still hurt.

When I looked up at Suga to ask him were Kageyama went he seemed to be watching me an amused grin hiding behind his hand. I made to complain when Kageyama suddenly appeared in the doorway holding a small wet towel. He handed it to me before turning to Suga. "I can handle him from here. No sleeping for two hours. No puking, no passing out and no being expressly weird."

"Are you sure Kageyama? I know I said you could handle him but if you don't want to I could probably bring him home with me." I huffed as they talked about me as if I wasn't there. The towel was starting to cool in my hands. Why did Kageyama give this to me? And why is he babying me so much? I was lost in thought until kageyama nudged my shoulder alerting me that Suga was about to leave. I waved goodbye from my seat on the couch as he and Kageyama walked to the door.

The door clicked shut, after I faintly heard Kageyama assure Suga talking a pork bun Daichi owed him. He looked determine and slightly annoyed. Did I do something? He baffles my expectations when he kneels down in front of me and holding out his hand. I looked at him puzzled. He's lost his mind. Then he asked for the towel now cold in my hand.

"You've got dried blood on your face, stupid." I am surprised at how gentle Kageyama is as he wipes my face.

"Sorry" I'm not sure what I'm apologizing for but I felt like it was something I needed to say.

Kageyama looked at me as he scrubbed my face. "What for?" I suddenly felt very childish underneath Kageyama's hands, the same hands that toss to me every day. I had to fight back tears, which didn't make any sense. I looked up into Kageyama's eyes. He looked so worried and tired and only slightly annoyed. Still his eyes looked beautiful, a shining blue against his dark eyelashes.

I realized I hadn't answered his question and choked out, "For making you worry", my voice was embarrassingly gruff. "And for making you take care of me."

"I wasn't particularly worried… I just didn't want you to be out for the Nekoma match." Kageyama stood and walked out of the room towards the bathroom again. I sat quietly for a moment then jumped when he came back. "And it's not a problem for me to take care of you, or whatever."

I looked at Kageyama quietly as a faint blush crept onto his cheeks. "Still thank you" the blush deepened and he asked if I wanted more water before he went ahead and took my glass, walking into the kitchen.

I called after him from my seat on the couch. "You know it's really weird having you baby me like this, Kageyama." There was only a faint grunt in response. I was hoping for something different. Kageyama had been acting so weird since I hit my head. He hadn't yelled, scowled or insulted me directly, his strange behavior was messing with my head more than the metal pole had.

As Kageyama came back I surveyed the room around me. I had been here once before but kageyama pulled me into his room so quick I couldn't appreciate the room or even call out a greeting. Now I notice that it looked like it fell right out of a magazine. It looked barely lived in at all.

I looked at Kageyama sitting on the other end of the couch. "Isn't anyone home?"

"Idiot, I already said no one was home. Mom only comes home on the weekends. And you know I don't have any sibling," Something dark about his tone kept me from asking about his father.

"Oh…" a sudden grumbling reminded me that it was past eight and I hadn't eaten anything yet. Kageyama realized this the same time I did

"I've got a bunch of pork curry I can warm up if you want."

"Ohohoho I like mine super spicy. Like all 'whaaah' in your mouth. Yes, please." I started jumping up and down in my seat. I love curry and I'm fairly certain its Kageyama's favorite too. "Ooo can I help?" I said, bouncing from my seat and running towards the kitchen.

When Kageyama entered after me whatever darkness had crept onto his face was gone. In its place was a look of pure annoyance. Oops.

"Just shut up. Suga said you need to rest. So sit down and be quiet. There's no way I would trust you cooking in my kitchen." Kageyama pushed me into one of the kitchen chairs and started preparing dinner.


As I warmed up the curry we talked about the upcoming Nekoma match. Hinata was excited to be able to see Kenma again. While we talked Hinata reminded me three times to make his curry "whaaah" spicy. By the second time I was already annoyed and I had added as much spice as I could personally handle. That third whiny reminder, however, had my hand slipping over his bowl making the contents much hotter than I would dare to try.

I only felt guilty for half a second as I placed the bowl in front of Hinata, taking a seat across from him. Hinata was bouncing in his seat, the growing welt on his head seemingly forgotten. I quickly got up and pulled out a bag of frozen peas, instructing Hinata to hold them to his face.

I had to hold myself back from smacking him in the back of the head as he began shoveling curry before he even said thanks. I decided against possibly agitating his already bruised head and instead dubbed him a complete idiot. Instead of throwing a jab back at me he just smiled up at me, spoon hanging from his mouth.

"That's more like it, Kageyama. You've barely called me any names. I was beginning to think you were the one who'd hit their head." Hinata's nose Crinkled as he grinned at me. My stomach flipped. Uh oh.

"I didn't want Suga to yell at me for insulting an injured person. But since you insist you're are fine there is nothing holding me back now."

"Sure." Hinata giggled tapping his spoon in the center of his empty plate. Wasn't he fazed by the curry at all?! "I think you were just so worried about me."

Hinata's laugh did unexpected things to my stomach and I found myself talking before I realized it. "So-so what if I was worried. You're really important…to the team… I mean…" I slowly trailed off realizing what I was saying. Hinata's spoon stopped tapping and his eyes widened. I quickly jumped up grabbed his bowl, hid my reddening face. "Do you want some more?"

The shocked look on Hinata's face was quickly replaced with a beaming smile. "YES!" He began bouncing in his seat. "And make it super spicy again. That last bowl was... was BWAAH! Mom never makes it that spicy but I really like it that way she says tha-"

At this point I stop listening. He seems thoroughly distracted. Hinata's babbling doesn't stop until I place the plate in front of him again. Then the room is filled with the sound of Hinata's spoon knocking on his plate and my heart slowly went back to a normal speed. Hinata continued eating noisily as I sat back down and finished my own food.

When the clicking spoons finally quieted Hinata leaned back in his chair sighing. "Kageyama, why do you think we can't beat Nekoma?" There was a serious tone in Hinata's voice that I wasn't expecting.

"I would guess it would be their ability to keep the ball in play. Karasuno still isn't very good at receives but I think this game it going to be a lot closer. That is if our decoy doesn't have to sit out."

"Suga said it wasn't that bad. They can't stop me from playing. Kageyama you can't let them." Hinata seemed close to tears just thinking about being benched. I laughed before I could stop myself.

"I'm just kidding, I'm sure you'll be fine. Suga said he will text after Captain and Couch talk. I'm sure you'll be allowed to play." Hinata only seems slightly assured.

"I don't like not being able to play" I had no idea what to say. I could completely understand what he meant. I knew what being stuck on the side of the court felt like. The bag of frozen peas sat forgotten on the table.

"Put the peas on your head." Hinata placed the bag over his head leaning back in the chair so that he didn't have to hold it. We fell into silence. It was about three minutes later when Hinata jumped from his seat roughly throwing his dished into the sink. I got up and nudged Hinata out of the way. Tossed him a towel and began scrubbing the dishes.

After we finished the dishes I checked my phone. There was one message from Suga.

-Couch and Daichi have decided that Hinata can't practice tomorrow but he should be able to play at least a little bit during the practice match.-

Hinata's not going to like this.


When the dishes were finished we went to Kageyama's room to attempt our homework. Needless to say that didn't last long. After only about fifteen minutes I had managed to spill my glass of water all over all our books and Kageyama had reminded me about the frozen peas three times. My head still hurt a little but it wasn't anything unmanageable. The worst part was that I could not breathe through my nose; I could even see my face swelling. I was going to look ridiculous tomorrow.

After I asked Kageyama for the third time whether or not he had any dessert he let out a frustrated growl and pushed his books across the table unceremoniously. I quickly placed the peas on my head again before he could yell at me to do it. I waited. He was definitely going to yell at me. I watched as he laid his head down on the table with a solid thud. I tensed. He sighed. Oh gosh, this time I'm actually going to die. They're going to find my body three months from now, cut up in the middle to the forest, my left leg missing. I realized Kageyama was mumbling something into the table. I asked him to repeat and I tentatively leaned forward, watching carefully so that he didn't suddenly sit up and attack me.

"If you want some chocolates I think there are some in the cupboard next to the refrigerator." Kageyama sounded annoyed but not nearly as hostile as I was expecting, plus he was offering me chocolates. Yes Pease! I hopped up and quickly exited the room. Kageyama was being really weird.

In the kitchen the chocolates were exactly where Kageyama said they were. However, what he failed to mention was the type of chocolates they were. They appeared to be love chocolates. One package still had the love confession taped to the top. I felt kind of odd taking the chocolates but decided that since Kageyama was offering I couldn't refuse. I took five boxes back upstairs.

Kageyama was still lying on the table; he didn't seem to have moved at all. I dropped the boxes onto the table by Kageyama's head, flinching when one bounced off his head. I apologized and Kageyama grunted in response. He still hadn't sat up. I tried nudging his arm, trying to get his attention. He didn't respond.

I laid my head down facing Kageyama. "I said I'm sorry." Kageyama just rolled his eyes. "I brought you some chocolate." Again his eyes rolled. "Are you tired? Am I being annoying?" I pushed my best pouty face closer to his so that they were just a few inches apart. Suddenly his eyes widened and he sat up, clearing his throat.

"I don't like chocolates, stupid. That's why there's so many of them in the cupboard." Kageyama avoided my eyes which reminded me of the question I wanted to ask him.

"Kageyama, why do you have so many boxes of love chocolates in the first place?" Kageyama's face flushed, the color was something I'd barely seen.

"W-well I find them in my locker or desk sometimes and I-I felt bad if I throw them away." Kageyama stammered over his sentence. And I was surprised at how considerate he was being. Weird. But most of all I was seriously upset that he had been getting confessions from girls.

"What?! You're getting chocolates from girls. Why don't I get any? It's because you're tall isn't it? Gosh, tall people get everything." Kageyama didn't respond but his blush deepened. I sighed. What was wrong with this guy? He's been acting so weird since we came into his room. "Fine, well I'm going to eat all the chocolates."

Kageyama looked skeptically at the five boxes pilled in the center of the table. "Suga said you'll have to go to the hospital if you throw up." The blush started to run off of Kageyama's cheeks. I grunted and ripped open the top box of chocolates. His little threats weren't going to stop me.

After I ate about half the first box, though, my stomach wasn't feeling up for the remaining boxes. Kageyama must have known this because he let out a snort watching me slowly shove another chocolate into my mouth.

"Stop it you idiot. I'm not joking, I will call an ambulance if you throw up." Kageyama pulled the boxes away from me and I didn't fight it. I was getting too tired to argue anymore.

"Kageyama, do you have a futon? I'm getting so tired." I yawned, emphasizing my point. I played with the thawed out bag of peas squishing the little balls until they popped inside the bag.

"I'm not sure, I'll go check" Kageyama pulled the peas from under my hand. "Why don't you go take a shower while I look." Kageyama stood up and pulled me from the floor and pushed me towards the bathroom.

"What about pajamas? I don't have any." Kageyama assured me he would leave some clothes by the door and pushed me into the bathroom.

Once he was gone I turned towards the large mirror above the sink. My face looked terrible but kind of cool at the same time. There was a strip of purple down the center of my face that fanned out underneath my eyes, but especially under my right eye which was actually a little puffy. I looked at my nose. How was it not broken?

I took my bath, cleaning off the dirt and trying to scrub my face but I didn't get very far there. I found the clothes Kageyama promised me, sitting outside the bathroom door. They were just a simple t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. The shirt fell over one of my shoulders and the pants had to be rolled up three times before they would stay on my hips. But they smelled nice, like Kageyama. I blushed at the thought then quickly exited the bathroom.

Kageyama was lying on his bed, a sports magazine suspended above his head. There was no futon. When Kageyama heard me enter he sat up and tossed the magazine on a pile in the corner.

"I couldn't find a futon. You can just sleep in my bed." Kageyama seemed to have completely recovered from earlier. Whatever that was. "I'll go shower. Try not to fall asleep before I get back." After Kageyama left I climbed into his bed my eye lids already heavy. It wasn't long until I was asleep.

I woke up to Kageyama shaking my shoulder. He looked down on me, hair dripping. "I told you not to fall asleep, dumbass." I blinked up at his angry face. I was too tired for this. I rolled over towards the wall, ignoring Kageyama's annoyed grunt. I was asleep again within seconds but not before I felt the side of the bed dip and the blankets being pulled up.