Hey everyone! I decided that after reading so many stories on here that I wanted to try one out myself! I have quite a few stories just sitting around on my computer, but finally decided to upload one to see what you all think! Hopefully it won't disappoint!

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Fairy Tail! No matter how much I wish I did.

Cht. 1

Honey brown eyes opened to greet a new day once sunlight filtered through pink curtains. Yawning, the girl sat up and stretched her arms above her head till a few cracks could be heard from her joints and she sighed happily while slipping from her bed. Moving around to start her morning routine, this blonde haired girl collected her outfit she was going to wear for the day and quickly took a bath to freshen up. After she brushed her teeth and decided to keep all her hair down instead of putting it in a side ponytail like usual.

Looking in the mirror, she smiled at her appearance. She had slowly changed her fashion over the past few months. Instead of short skirts and crop tops, she preferred white ripped skinny jeans, a moss green tank top, and a brown leather jacket that reached just below her ribs, and lastly, brown ankle boots that had a little bit of a heel to them. In truth, any tank top color would work for her, but she liked how all the colors came together with this outfit. Also, even though she covered up more skin, she felt like she looked like a more mature kind of sexy. Not as many perverts called out to her when she looked this way and it was a lot easier fighting while not having to worry about her skirt flipping up.

Walking out of her bathroom she ate a quick breakfast of eggs and bacon, and then put the finishing touch to her outfit. Latching on a belt she added her whip and a ring full of keys, smiling fondly at each key. Brushing a finger over one key she found out that it was around 9:30 in the morning. Satisfied that she was going to be at the guild at her usual time she walked out of her apartment and onto the road.

She hoped up on the edge to the canal that was beside her home and brushed her hand over another key, thinking one name within her mind. Out of nowhere a small poof of glitter erupted and there stood a snowman looking animal with an orange cone shaped nose and black beady eyes.

"Pun puuunn!"

Lucy giggled at her spirit, "what do you say Plue? Ready for our routine walk to the guild today?"

Plue jumped up while throwing a small paw in the air, "Pun!" he turned around, held his arms to the side for balance, and started an odd wiggle walk down the edge of the canal.

Lucy laughed again at how adorable her spirit was. After having him for so long, she still wasn't immune to his little charms. She turned when she heard her name called out, being told to be careful, and spotted the men who floated down the canal each morning. "Thanks guys! I hope you have a good day!" She heard a distant call of 'you too' since they were already downstream quite a bit.

She continued walking towards her guild, humming and saying hello to people who greeted her with a large smile on her face. She seemed to always be a morning person now, not having anyone wake her up in the morning seemed horrible at first, but she grew used to it and had come to enjoy her quiet mornings. Letting her mind wander, Lucy thought to how she was supposed to go on a mission with the team Shadow Gear today.

Her thoughts turned to why she was going with her best friend's team instead of her team.

It had been six months since the Grand Magic Games. Six months where her team slowly started drifting away from her and turning towards Lisanna. At first, they had asked permission to go on a mission alone with Lisanna to watch over her progress at starting missions again. Lucy didn't mind, not at all. She understood how her friends felt, if her mother came back to life then she would surely like to spend some time with her, this was no different since Lisanna practically 'came back from the dead'.

Then the missions started growing more frequent, Lucy was being left out more, and it seemed like Lisanna was taking her place on the team. They stopped asking Lucy to go on any missions with them, and stopped asking permission to go on ones with Lisanna. At first, this truly bothered Lucy. It was her team, right? She had many nights where she would break down and cry, and one of her spirits, mainly Loke, would open their gate to offer a shoulder to cry on.

Eventually she wasn't acknowledged by her team anymore. Her best friend Levy had noticed Lucy slipping into a depressed state and decided to invite her along on a mission, during the time, her team found out why Lucy was so down and none of them knew how to take the information. Natsu? Erza? Gray? The three people who had been through many ordeals with Lucy and had always fought so hard for the sake of their nakama would so easily forget one member? Eventually they stopped trying to figure out the reason as to why it was happening and made the decision to invite their blonde friend along with them every few missions. They treated her like she was officially part of their team, discussing different missions when it came to choose one. Since she rivaled Levy on being a bookworm, she always helped to decipher riddles or ancient language with Jet and Droy added her name into their 'Go Levy' chant for encouragement.

This started a domino effect with all the other teams. They started noticing how their celestial mage was never going on missions with her team, but with Shadow Gear. Many were confused and went to find out the meaning behind this. Everyone started asking her to go on missions with them and one by one, the guild found out that her team was practically giving her the silent treatment without a reason. Everyone disapproved what Team Natsu was doing to Lucy. Everyone thought of her as the light of the guild, a girl who could find a reason to smile even in the darkest moments. Thus, she went on many adventures with her guild mates, and became closer to anyone and everyone that she used to not talk to as much as others. Even if Lucy hadn't grown up in the guild like many others she still felt like she truly belonged in this town, surrounded by her large family of mages.

Lucy smiled at the memories she made with all the members of the guild.

She was surprised when one day Gajeel had come up to her and invited her along on a mission with him and Pantherlily. Of course she agreed and boy did she have a blast! She couldn't remember how much she laughed on that mission. Inside of the guild, Gajeel was stoic and would scowl at everyone who would come to his table other than Levy and his exceed, but outside of it he relaxed and messed around with his exceed a lot. Lily would change to his battle form, tackle Gajeel, and have a wrestling match right in the middle of the forest or road. They bickered constantly, but you could tell they meant nothing of what they said to each other. All together Lucy had an amazing time with the two and eventually got really close to them, she saw Gajeel as somewhat of an older brother she never had and they often got into name calling matches, only ending when she tackled him, or at least tried too. That man almost never budged, much to Lucy's frustration and Gajeel's amusement.

Another team that surprised her, almost to the point that she thought she was dreaming that day, was the Raijinshuu and Laxus. And they definitely had the weirdest way, out of everyone in the guild, of asking her to go on a mission. They seemed to be passing by her casually when she was sitting at the bar one day to go on a mission when suddenly Bickslow threw her over his shoulder and ran out of the guild laughing maniacally with his dolls circling her head laughing along. She had greeted this team everyday so she wasn't all too worried about being kidnapped away from the guild, but she had still struggled to at least be allowed to walk. Bickslow had finally let her down once he reached the train station where the rest of his team met up with him and they all grinned at her telling her she was going on a mission with them.

Now they all saw her as their little sister and protected her fiercely on missions. Laxus knew that if she got hurt, his grandfather would be on him in less than a second, so he always made sure Lucy was okay. They would go on missions ever now and again now and each time they would work on training Lucy, whether it be physical like hand to hand combat, or magically, trying to increase her powers to be able to call out more spirits at once. Evergreen takes her shopping all the time, saying that it was only right to go shopping with a true fairy. Bickslow now liked to randomly show up at her apartment to demand her make food for him, but she suspected it had to do a lot with the fact that she preferred him having his mask off when around her, it made him feel more welcomed since she wasn't afraid of his eyes. Freed enjoyed discussing books and different types of magic with her and having a battle of wits almost every day. And Laxus acted as her personal bodyguard and big brother. She loved the Raijinshuu more than ever and always enjoys her time with them and their teams' antics.

She went with many other teams too, eventually Juvia stopped calling her love rival after hearing how Gray treated Lucy and now thought of her as more of a sister figure and best friend. She and Wendy often took smaller missions together and Lucy thought of her as an adorable little sister now. One team Lucy was very happy about accepting her was Mira and Elfman's team. They had noticed themselves how Team Natsu treated her, Mira would see Lucy's eyes red and puffy each morning after Lucy would cry herself to sleep and always gave her a free strawberry smoothie. She truly turned into a mother figure for her while Elfman turned into an overly muscular bigger brother that said 'manly' one too many times. But she loved them nonetheless. They were both very disappointed in how Lisanna didn't seem to care about how she was taking Lucy's spot in her team and even tried talking to her about it, but it would never go anywhere, though Lucy would always tell them that it was okay and that she could be patient with her team.

Slowly Lucy fought her way out of her depressed mood and remembered that she had a whole guild that loved her. She may have thought of her team as her best friends once, but things can always change she realized. Now she smiled brightly again, much to everyone's relief, and greeted each new day with a positive attitude. Almost every morning she would go up to Master Makarov's office to talk to him for a little before going on a mission with a team or just hanging around. He gave her special permission to go on jobs with all the other teams and sometimes couldn't contain his disappointment with Team Natsu. He wanted to interfere but Lucy always talked him out of it saying she wanted to see how things would turn out naturally. She had gotten to calling him Gramps like Laxus did, but saw him as a father figure she never really got the chance to have.

As of right now, she was patiently waiting to see if her team would finally start bringing her on missions again or if something else was bound to happen. Lucy's strength and magic had grown quite a bit, now being able to call her spirits out with her mind and could hold four out for a while before growing tired, along with some new spells she could cast. She could hold her own in a fist fight if she lost her keys and had mastered using her whip. She still had a long way to go, but was happy with her progress.

"Punn Punn Punnnnnnn"

Lucy was brought out of her thoughts and memories by her little spirit doing a dance in front of her to get her attention. Looking up she realized they were in front of the guild already.

"Sorry little buddy, I was lost in my thoughts, I hope you can forgive me." Lucy explained and crouched down in front of Plue with her arms wide for a hug.

"Pun!" With a shaky nod he ran forward and crashed into her chest and hugged her fiercely.

"LUCYYYYYYYY" Her moment with her spirit ended when the guild doors opened and a blue blur slammed into her chest, knocking her back.

Laughing, Lucy hugged the new member to her hug fest. "Hey Happy, how are you doing today?" She smiled down to the blue exceed and he smiled back up at her. Happy was the only one from the team that still talked to her. He didn't understand why they were ignoring her either and were only going on missions with Lisanna. Whenever he tried to ask Natsu if they could go to Lucy's home, he would always say that he had other things to do. But Lucy was happy that Happy still liked her enough to hang out with her still, he even cut down a lot of the jokes and insults he threw at her.

"I'm good Lucy! Can you buy me a fish!?" He opened his eyes wide and Lucy saw that tears started to form, giving him the watery eyed puppy dog look.

"Stupid cat, you should know that you don't have to try that look on me now." She laughed when he stopped and looked at her sheepishly. "I don't worry about rent much now and don't mind buying you a few fish for breakfast. Plue you can go back to the spirit world if you want."

"Pun Pun!" Plue saluted to both Happy and Lucy before leaving with a show of sparkles.

Standing up, Lucy dropped Happy on her shoulder and opened the doors to the guild, "Ohayo Minna!" She smiled brightly at all the greeting she got in respond other than the table that Team Natsu occupied, but that didn't bother her like it used to. Happy shook his head at them, but Lucy continued right past them to the bar.

"Good morning Mira!"

The barmaid turned around and smiled sweetly at the celestial mage, "Morning Lucy, the usual?"

"Yes please, and add ten fish with that!" Lucy heard Happy gasp and giggled.

"Lucy! I love you!" Happy jumped to the counter and started drooling at the thought of getting ten fish instead of only one while the two girls giggled at him.

Quickly thinking, Lucy leaned over the bar before Mira could leave and whispered in her ear. Mira's eyes widened for a second before a twinkle formed in them, she nodded to Lucy and left to get her order. Happy the entire time was too deep in his fantasy about fish to notice.

Coming back, Mira handed Happy his plate of fish and Lucy her strawberry smoothie along with something wrapped in a towel. The celestial mage sipped on her smoothie while watching Happy devour his food. She smiled fondly down at the blue cat. They were best friends now, he was often found at Lucy's apartment with her and eating all the fish he could want. He even went so far to sleep over many nights and would curl into Lucy's stomach while purring. Natsu didn't seem to notice that his original partner that usually never left his side was gone most of the time now. Sure, he still fed him, but they didn't go on as many adventures together. Lucy was the one to open her arms when Happy got sad about it, and ever since then Happy was almost stuck to Lucy like glue.

Noticing that Happy was about finished with his fish she put the mystery item in front of him, "Happy why don't you go give this to Carla as a present?" Mira looked up from where she was scrubbing the counter and smiled with the same twinkle in her eye as earlier.

"Huh? What is it Lucy?" He unwrapped the towel to reveal a large fish. "Salmon?!" His eyes went wide and he stared at Lucy in shock and happiness. Apparently Carla had let it slip to Wendy that salmon was her favorite fish and Happy found out, but was never able to get one to offer it to her.

Lucy laughed at his expression, "silly cat, don't let her know I got it, this is my present to you to give her, now don't give up trying to win her, she's just being a stubborn, hard to get cat, like every girl is!" She pet his head a few times eliciting a purr from him before he took off, yelling a thank you to Lucy.

Turning around, Lucy went back to her smoothie happier than ever, she loved helping out Happy when he tried winning over the white cats affections.

"So Lucy, do you have any plans for today? Going on a job with someone or do you possibly have a date with a mystery man?" The take-over mage came back and started whipping a beer mug while Lucy internally groaned.

"Actually, no mystery man, but I am supposed to be-"

"Hey Luce!"

Lucy and the entire guild froze. The midmorning brawl paused and looked over, forgetting the battle they were just in. Gajeel turned to look from his dark corner of the guild, while Laxus and the Raijinshuu watched from the second story balcony. Master Makarov paused from drinking his beer on top of a table, Mira stopped scrubbing the bar, and Happy snapped his head up from where he was offering Carla the fish. Levy pulled her head from the book she was reading, and everyone else turned with wide eyes to look at the bar. Natsu stood there with the rest of Team Natsu and Lisanna behind him.

Lucy got over her shock quickly enough and stood up while returning a smile to Natsu's face splitting one, "Hey Natsu! Hey guys! What's up?" Maybe they were finally going to invite her on a mission again?

"How about you quit the team and let Lisanna join in your place!" After that one sentence left the pink hairs mouth an unnatural silence filled the entire guild, almost as if everyone stopped breathing and was waiting for Lucy's reaction.

Lucy stood there shocked. She knew this was a possibility ever since they stopped bringing her along on jobs, but to say it so bluntly? And to practically tell her to quit herself and let Lisanna replace her? She knew Natsu wasn't the best at words but this just took it to an all new level.

"It would be best Lucy; you could go solo to become stronger since we usually go on hard missions that include a lot of fighting. You could also learn how not to stand behind your spirits as much when you fight." Erza stated.

I have gone on solo missions, and I've come to enjoy fighting dark guilds with people like Gajeel and the Raijinshuu. And I have always tried my best to fight alongside my spirits, even during the time I went on missions with Team Natsu.

"You wouldn't have to complain about rent anymore either, you could earn it yourself and not have to split it with us." Gray said while slowly peeling his shirt off.

I never have to worry about rent anymore, but I've never minded splitting the reward with teammates before.

"Well, what do you say Luce! You could train with your weak spirits to get stronger and ever since Lisanna came back we've wanted her on the team, you understand right?" Natsu slung an arm around Lucy's shoulder and everyone started glaring at the oblivious team. Lucy saw that Lisanna was just smirking behind Natsu, the rest just nodded in agreement.

"NATSU!?" Happy screamed, not able to comprehend his partner talking to Lucy like that.

Lucy decided Natsu looked entirely too happy. With a quick elbow to the gut, Natsu stood hunched over clutching his stomach and Lucy took the chance to do her signal move, "LUCY KICK!" Natsu was sent flying across the guild and crashed, cracking the wall from the impact.

The guild stayed silent when Lisanna screamed and went to check up on him while Erza and Gray stood with their mouths hanging open.

Seeming to snap out of her surprise, Erza turned to glare at Lucy, "that was uncalled for Lu-" she cut off her sentence when she looked at the celestial mage. Lucy had her head lowered with her bangs overshadowing her eyes. There, everyone shivered at the glare Lucy was giving the two, her aura was more murderous than what Mira or Erza had ever displayed.

Gray took a step back while Erza stood in place and tried to glare back. With a quick swipe of her fingers, Lucy brushed here hand over her keys and growled out one word between clenched teeth, "Lupus."

Suddenly a large dark silver wolf appeared beside Lucy with his hackles raised and a fierce snarl on his face, pitch black fangs dripping with poison, and his blacker than black eyes focused solely on Team Natsu. Lucy only reached his shoulder, and he offered an intimidating presence to all who wasn't on his good side. Right now, that happened to be the unfortunate team before him.

"You all are truly stupid. I should have quit after the first month of you all ignoring me so I could move on. It has been six months now. SIX MONTHS! I thought of you all as my best friends, the ones I would always be able to rely on," she said as Natsu slowly sat up, staring at her with wide eyes while Lisanna glared at Lucy, "I'm much stronger than any of you know now and I have never relied on my spirits, they are my friends and I will always fight beside them. I would have been fine until you decided to insult MY FRIENDS! Call me weak if you want, I can always grow stronger. Say you want to replace me, fine! I can find a more trustworthy team than you. But you never, NEVER, insult my spirits! Lupus! Knock them out for me, I don't know if I could hold myself back."

Lupus looked at her from the corner of his eye as if to say 'and you think I can hold back?' He was one of Lucy's newer spirits she received on a mission about two months ago, but they soon grew to be very close and sometimes Lucy would ride on his back to get to places faster. He was like a playful little puppy when he was happy, but make him mad and he turned into a growling beast that could make the weak-hearted faint by just looking at him. He knew Lucy was mad because the people insulted him and her other spirits, but he was furious that they insulted her.

But none the less he let out a deafening growl and lunged towards the paralyzed mages.

And no one made a move to stop him.

Lupus lifted a heavy paw and swiped at Erza with razor sharp claws, cutting through her armor like butter and quickly knocked her to the ground, the impact making her lose conscious. Next his eyes focused on Gray who stood there shaking, Lupus let out another growl, his snarl becoming fiercer, and head butted Gray into the wall next to where Natsu and Lisanna were. Following right behind the fallen mage he ran up and rammed his head against the ice mages causing Grays head to crack against the wall and make him down for the count.

As soon as he turned his head and looked at Lisanna, Natsu jumped in front of her, but the damage was done and the youngest Strauss sibling fainted. Lunging forward, the wolf latched onto Natsu's torso, burning him from his poisonous saliva, and threw him up, making him to crash into the ceiling before falling back down to ground unconscious.

With that done, Lupus trotted back to Lucy, happy that he was the one to punish the fools. Lucy stroked his snout before taking a deep breath and letting it out again. Her posture slowly straightened and she lifted her head. Sighing she thanked her spirit and let him go back while calling out her phoenix spirit.

In a burst of golden fire, the phoenix appeared with flames surrounding it.

Lucy sat back down on her bar stool and put her head in her hands. "Hey Nix, please heal my previous teammates. After that you are allowed to go back to the Spirit Realm." Even behind her hands she saw the golden light that glowed brightly after her words signaling Nix's transforming.

"What do you mean heal them, Lucy?! You should leave them just like that!"

Another sigh slipped from Lucy's mouth and she lifted her head to look at her friend. There standing was a tall man that looked the same age as her with flaming red spiked hair and piercing golden eyes. He stood there with his arms crossed over his bare chest. He never wore shirts but had on red ripped pants with black combat boots. And right now he was glaring at Lucy.

The guild stayed silent, not sure of what to make of the events that just took place. "I know what you and probably all of my other spirits are thinking right now Nix. I know none of you want me to heal them, but Lupus' poison could be quite potent. Even if they deserved to be punished for what they did to me they are still nakama and I will not leave comrades hurt. I may not be on the team anymore or be their friend, but I will still heal them if I need to. Right now I am the one who ordered Lupus to attack them and even if he did it without too much damage, I still also have the responsibility of healing them. Please do this for me, it does not mean I will forgive them for what they just did or said, but I will not be seen as the bad person here and leave them in pain."

Every mage in the guild watched on in awe, they knew Lucy was kind hearted, and all agreed that Team Natsu deserved what they got coming to them, but for her to heal them was something else. They all believed Lucy to be almost too kind, but were happy that it didn't seem like Lucy was broken from what her old team said to her.

"Tch. Whatever, but if they ever think about talking to you like that again make sure you call me out first to beat them up." After he finished he walked over to the fallen mages and surrounded his hands in a golden glow to heal their injuries. Another golden light flashed but had nothing to do with Nix.

"LUCYYYYYYY! Why didn't you call me out to beat them up?! They deserve an extra punch to the stomach!"

"Loke I didn't call you out because I knew from that fact alone that you wouldn't have held back. I don't want them dead." Loke only looked away and muttered something under his breath that sounded suspiciously like 'they deserve to be'. "Fine, fine," Lucy giggled, "if there's a next time you can come out with Nix to do the job."

"WHAT! No it will only be me!" The phoenix spirit came stomping back while glaring at a smug Loke.

"You must follow what our dear princess says."

"Don't you start that, she just feels bad for you since she would prefer me to beat them up over you!"

"I'm her loyal lion, I owe her my life and will always be first to Lucy, you were just here because you were told to heal the traitors."

Soon both spirits were butting heads and insulting each other while Lucy and the rest of the guild sweat dropped at their actions. Before another brawl could start because of her spirits she forced their gates closed and rolled her eyes. She had some weird spirits she admitted in her mind.

"Lucy, are you alright?" Lucy looked up to see Master and the rest of her guild giving her worried looks.

A giggle slipped from her mouth, "Gramps you should know you don't have to worry about me, I always thought this could happen and now I can finally move on without wondering what Team Natsu is up to. I'm actually great now that this has finally happened." A genuine smile appeared on her face as she looked around the guild at her family, showing them all that she was truly alright.

A collective sigh of relief came from every mage causing Lucy to giggle. Team Natsu lay forgotten and unconscious on the floor as the rest of the guild slowly went back to its rowdy self.

Happy flew over and landed in front of Lucy with tears in his eyes. "Oh Happy, what's wrong!?"

"I quit Team Natsu."

"What? But what about Natsu?" Lucy asked, shocked.

"I don't care about him anymore. He hasn't been paying attention to me like he used to. It seems like he only tolerates me and I don't want to be on a team that you aren't on! I want to be your exceed now! Please Lucy, please let me be on the same team as you!" A sob was chocked out from Happy as he ran and buried his head into Lucy's chest.

Carefully wrapping her arms around the crying cat Lucy let out a long breath, "I understand you silly cat, I don't have a team, but you can stay with me, how does that sound, we'll be partners on missions."

Happy whipped his head back and stared at her with large eyes, "You mean it?" At Lucy's smile and nod, he jumped into the air and pumped his fist. "Yeah! I have to go tell Carla this, see ya Lucy!" With that he sprouted his wings and flew away smiling.

Master Makarov watched the interaction with kind eyes and made his way to Lucy after Happy left so he could talk to her over the noise and jumped up onto the bar next to her. "Lucy I hope you don't have a job planned today because I received a letter saying that some people are coming to meet you today. Also I wanted to tell you that I will be suspending Team Natsu from going on any missions for a while due to their actions. I do not approve of my brats treating each other like they did to you and need to learn."

"I understand, it is your decision anyways on what you want to do to them and I can say that that will probably save the guild a lot of money since they won't be able to destroy anything for a bit. And eh? Who are they Gramps? I was supposed to go on a mission with Levy and her team."

"I'm sorry to hear that, but it would be best for you to stay here for the day and wait for them. They did not tell me who they were but they said it was important to meet with them. Ah and I did hear Happy saying that he doesn't want to be on the team anymore so he will not be suspended." Master looked like he did actually know who the people were, but Lucy decided not to try and pry it out of him.

"Okay, I guess I can pass on this mission anyways, I don't truly need the money, and it was just going to be for fun. Thank you for telling me Gramps, I'll go tell Levy that I'll be staying here." She nodded her head to Mira and got up to walk to her best friend who was sitting at Gajeel's table.

Feeling eyes on her Lucy looked up to see Laxus staring at her intently with hardened eyes. She could see that he was holding himself back from beating up her ex-team but she only smiled and shook her head at him. He huffed, but nodded back indicating that he wouldn't do anything. Yet.

He was like a protective big brother to her and she loved it. Everyone thought him to be gruff and mean, but Lucy got spoiled by him. As surprising as it was, he even let Lucy wear his prized coat when she was cold. He never did that for anyone else. It made Lucy almost smug about the fact that she had the man dote on her and nobody else, but tried not to brag since she was truly grateful about everything he did for her.

Lucy turned and kept walking to the corner of the guild. Upon making it she greeted her friends and sat next to Lily.

"Hey Lu-chan, ready for our mission today?" Levy smiled at her blonde friend, proud that she kept her head held high.

"About that Levy," Lucy sighed, "Gramps said that some people are coming today to meet with me and said I have to stay around the guild for them, I'm really sorry!"

Laughing, Levy shook her head, "don't worry about it Lu-chan, I understand. I actually wanted to hang around the guild today, I found some really great books that I want to read." She gestured to a stack of books lying innocently beside her despite the sheer size of them.

"Great! That makes me feel better!" Smiling she was about to ask about the books when Gajeel cut her off.

"Who are the people coming, Bunny Girl?"

"Wouldn't you like to know Rusty?" Lucy smirked as one of Gajeel's eyebrows started to twitch, he hated her nickname for him. Before he could respond she continued, "I would tell you guys if I knew, but Gramps said that they didn't say who they were, but I think he was holding some information back. Or at least that's what it looked like to me."

"I don't like the sound of that, you heard that Laxus?" Gajeel said in his normal voice while looking up at the second floor. Lucy turned just in time to see Laxus nod his head with his eyes closed and start listening to his sound pod with his usual scowl deepening on his face. "I'll be staying around here to look for them, they better watch themselves." Again Laxus nodded his head without opening his eyes in agreement.

"Mou, you two are so overprotective of me. It could just be some magazine reporters." Lucy pouted and crossed her arms.

"Nice try Bunny Girl, but you ain't getting off the hook that easy. Master would have said if they were reporters." He mimicked Lucy by crossing his arms, showing that he was serious.

"I agree with him Lucy, it seems kinda weird that some people are coming to see you with their identities kept hidden."

Pantherlily made a sound of agreement around the mouthful of kiwi's in his mouth.

"Well no matter, I trust Gramps with this so I won't worry and will just spend the day here."

As Lucy continued talking to her friends, she, nor anyone else, noticed the two hooded figures peering into the guild from one of the windows.

Tell me what you all think! I'm new to story writing and would love any and all reviews. I can take the flames, so bring them on if you have them. I would also love constructive criticism, so if you have anything to say or correct, let me know. Also! I don't know what all I want to do with the plot of this story so if you have any ideas lay 'em on me! Thank you all for reading!