A/N: Sorry for the super short update! I didn't wanna leave you guys hanging for too long and I figured a little something is better than nothing at all. I'll try to write more once the semester is over!

Reviews and constructive criticism are always appreciated!

Robin was at a loss for words as he slid down next to Batman, watching as Jason took a small, shaky breath before becoming still. Robin quickly tore off a glove and placed two fingers over the boy's carotid artery, desperately searching for a pulse as he fought back tears. Was this it? What if his brother was gone forever? There was so much they had never gotten to do together. Robin sat dejectedly, waiting for something, anything, to indicate his brother was alive. However, as seconds passed with no pulse, it became increasingly clear that something wasn't right and Robin let his hand drop, bowing his head. Batman put a consoling hand on his shoulder, the only way he knew how to offer comfort. The Titans remained quiet, letting their leader have his moment of weakness.

"We did our best," Batman said quietly to the teen before looking at the Titans and nodding his thanks for their efforts to save Jason.

"Our best wasn't good enough," Robin whispered, voice quivering with unshed tears.

Cyborg, the big brother that he was, moved forward and knelt down next to Robin.

"Rob, there's nothing we could have done. We had no way of knowing something like this would happen," Cyborg said softly. Robin remained silent, staring forlornly at his brother's limp body.

"I know there's nothing I can say or do to make this better but I-," Cyborg suddenly stopped, turning to look at Jason. His robot half was picking up something. Just as Robin had before, he placed two metal fingers on the boy's carotid artery. The others looked up and watched him. Suddenly, Cyborg's human eye grew wide as the faintest pulse he had ever felt passed underneath his robotic fingers.

"He's alive," he said. Robin and Batman's heads snapped up.

"What?!" Robin asked, incredulous.

"He's alive! Barely, but he's alive," Cyborg stated. "He needs immediate medical attention."

Robin wasted no time, springing to his feet with cat-like agility. Batman followed suit at a slower speed, careful not to jostle Jason too much. The Bat and his former protégé exchanged a glance and nodded before Batman rushed off to the Batplane with Jason. Robin turned to the Titans, adrenaline pumping through his veins, and motioned for them all to return to the T-ship. Once inside and secure in their seats, Starfire piped up from her pod.

"Robin, where shall we be journeying to?" she asked as the Titans' leader punched coordinates into the console in his pod.

"The Batcave," he responded before the T-ship lurched forward towards its next destination.