AN: Hey guys! So I'm just going to tell you now: this is going to be a short chapter, and I'm sorry for that. This is just kind of how it turned out but I personally like it so I really hope that you guys like it too. I got this idea from watching the episode "Face Off", and I really loved what I saw in that episode so I decided to write kind of a different plot to it. Basically it's the exact same stuff as the episode, except instead of Bree being stuck as Perry, the cybermask doesn't get stuck and Bree is herself. So this is basically what I thought might happen if that was actually how the episode had gone. Anyways, I really hope you guys like it, and thanks so much for reading! :D

Disclaimer: I do not own Lab Rats.

Chase's PoV:

"That's Jake! How do I look?"

I looked up at my big sister from my spot on the couch, taking notice of how beautiful she looked. It made me happy to see Bree so happy, but it also worried me that she looked so good; I'm a teenage boy, I know how they think, and I knew that Jake would take one look at Bree and not be able to keep his hands off of her. I felt a small pit of worry and protectiveness swell up in my chest as I thought about Jake having the opportunity to take advantage of my sister. Don't get me wrong, Bree was a smart girl with good taste; I trusted her, I just didn't trust Jake. Suddenly I understood Mr. Davenport and Adam being so worried when she went out in a crop top or tight fitting jeans, or when she went on a date.

Bree had never needed me to be protective of her, that was always Mr. Davenport and Adam's job. My job was to be the supportive younger brother who calmed her down and told her she looked great and covered for her when she got home past curfew. But I hadn't seen Mr. Davenport all day and I didn't know where my older brother was at that very moment, so I knew that I had to step up.

Forcing a smile, I said, "You look great Bree."

She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear nervously as she replied, "Really? You think so?"

"I know so."

"And you think Jake will like it?"

Getting up from my place on the couch, I walked over to my sister and put both hands on her shoulders, saying, "Do you like it?"

Bree gave me a soft smile as she answered, "I love it."

I returned her smile. "Then that's all that matters."

Bree gave me a quick hug before telling me to let Jake in as she went to get her purse. I did so, although I wasn't happy about it in the least, and felt my frown grow even deeper as Jake walked in.

"Hey, you're Chase right?" Jake asked politely, holding out his hand. I didn't accept, causing Jake to rub the back of his neck awkwardly.

"What are your intentions with my sister?" I asked, a steely look holding firm in my eyes.


"You heard me."

"Um, aren't you younger than Bree? Isn't Adam supposed to be the one interrogating me, and Bree interrogates your-"

"Age doesn't matter Jake. Bree is my big sister and I really love her, and if you dare to hurt her in any way, if you pressure her or make her uncomfortable, I will hunt you down and make you wish that you hadn't. Do you understand me?"

Jake held his hands up defensively. "Woah, dude, I'm not gonna-"

"Do you understand me?"

Jake let out a small sigh before replying with, "Yes, Chase, I do."


There was a small pause in the room before Jake spoke again. "You know, Bree is really lucky to have a brother like you."

I gave a small smile. "I'm lucky to have a big sister like her."

Jake smiled back, and I couldn't help but think about how, as good as his intentions were, he would never know. He would never know that we were so protective of Bree because we had seen her get hurt by so many different guys before him, or because she had risked her life countless times to save our's. He would never know that we had seen every single side of Bree, both good and bad, and we somehow managed to love all of them because she did the same thing for us. He would never know that Bree was the one to hold me when I was five and got scared at night, or how she always supported me but still told me when I was wrong. Jake would never truly understand just how much I loved my big sister, and honestly I don't think Bree would ever understand that either. Maybe I didn't even understand it, but I sure as hell knew it was there.

"Sorry about that Jake, it took longer to find my purse than I thought it would," Bree said as she came back into the room. My eyes narrowed as I saw Jake's widen at the sight of her.

"Wow, Bree, you look amazing," he breathed. What a dork.

I internally groaned and rolled my eyes as Bree blushed before thanking him and telling him that he looked amazing too (honestly, I thought he looked like a total dweeb).

Bree gave me one last hug before she and Jake headed to the door. "Remember," I said, "Her curfew is midnight."

Bree playfully rolled her eyes at me, but Jake just gave me a small smile, and in a split second it was like Jake and I had a silent conversation that Bree would never know about.

"Take care of her."

"Don't worry Chase. I will."

AN: So, how was it? I really hope you guys liked it considering the fact that I sat down and wrote it in about twenty minutes or so. I'm so glad I watched this episode tonight, I noticed a lot of Chase's protectiveness (or at least that's what I took it as) when he was impersonating Bree and I absolutely loved it! Also, I'm going to try and update as soon as possible, and if you gave me an idea or even multiple ideas, don't worry, they will be used! Alright, well thanks for reading, reviewing, favoriting, and following, if you do! :D Later! :P