Me, Farid and Dustfinger were going on one of our many walks. It was pretty nice out. I brought my bike so Farid just had to ride it and whenever that happens, I get to ride on Dustfinger's back!

"So. . ." I laid my head down in the middle of his back, not knowing what to say.

"So. . . What?"

"I don't know. . . I was hoping you would know. . . So, do you?"

Dustfinger bounced me a little to get me on his back better.

"Um. . . What are you scared of?" He ask me out of the blue. I gasped and started blushing.

"Lexi? Why is your face as red as a Tomato, again?" I jumped a mile because Farid came up behind us without me even knowing it. The first fear of mine that popped into my mind is very embarrassing.

"Did you pass out or are you zoned?"

"Oh! Zoned. . . Are you sure you wanna know it?" I ask while blushing even more. Dustfinger stopped walking and tried to turn his head to look at me.

"Well, I am now. . . What is it?"

"Come on, Lexi! I want to know, too."

I slid down off of Dustfinger's back and just stood there, starring at the road under my feet.

"Well. . . I, uh. . . I, um. . . I am scared of booda. . ." I whispered.

"Huh? Couldn't hear you. What is it?"

"I am scared of stupid Rabbits! Okay? Happy I told you?" I said while still blushing like crazy, and still getting redder and redder.

It was silent for a few seconds before Dustfinger and Farid bust out laughing. I glared at them. I felt like punching them both in the face.

"Hey! Stop it! It's not funny! I do have a reason, you know! It's not like it's for no reason at all!" I yelled at them. Dustfinger looked at me.

"Why are you scared of rabbits? Are you scared that they'll cuddle you to death?"

Dustfinger ask. Farid finally stopped laughing but he was wiping tears away from his eyes.

"It's because a couple of years ago, me and my mom were sitting at the end of Mawmaws driveway. We always do that because for some odd reason, bugs don't bite us when we're sitting out there. Well, it was dark and it was just the two of us. When all of a sudden, I saw something running towards me. I screamed and started crying. My mom couldn't get an answer out of me whenever she asked me what was wrong. Finally, I shut up enough to tell her that I saw something running at me. She turned to look at what it was, but when she did, she started to die of laughter. Hopping down the road was a stupid little bunny-rabbit." I told them. What really made me mad was that I could tell that they were trying to hold back they're laughter.

Farid came over and hugged me as tight as he could.

"Don't worry, Lexi! I will protect you from all the mean little bunny's!" Farid told me. Even though it made me mad, I leaned my head on his shoulder. But I glared up at Dustfinger because I was just mad at him.

"Thank you, Farid."