"Queen you need to get out of there now."



"Damn it Queen, you need to answer me now and get the hell out of there" Chief Lance shouts through his radio.

"Come on Oliver man" John Diggle stood outside of the burning building, he had just cleared the first and second floor, Lieutenant Queen, and one of his best friends had been behind him. It was not until Diggle had gotten outside that he realised that Queen was not behind him.

"Queen still up there?" Roy Harper asked, he had just finished up escorting an injured civilian into the ambulance and heard the commotion.

"Yeah," Diggle replies in a low voice, his tone filled with concern for his friend. Roy looked up at the burning building, he was only a recruit, had just graduated from the fire academy about a month ago. Roy's father had been a firefighter and since he had died Roy had vowed to become a firefighter. Suddenly Roy was pulled out of his thoughts when the building exploded, and a flying firefighter jumped out of the third storey window with what looked like a child on his back. Roy realised it was Oliver, only he was crazy enough to jump out of a window and manage to grab hold of the aerial ladder.

Diggle quickly put his helmet back on, and he and another one of the guys quickly started climbing the ladder to help Oliver down. As Oliver's feet touched the ground, he quickly took hold of the child and ran him towards the ambulance.

"What's the damage" Laurel Lance flew open the ambulance door and took a look at the child in Oliver's hands.

"A couple of first degree burns, smoke inhalation," Oliver tells her as he puts the dark haired boy down on the stretcher. Laurel immediately went to work placing the oxygen mark on the little boy who could not be any older than nine years old.

"McKenna hit it" Laurel yells as McKenna goes round, jumps into the ambulance and proceeds to drive towards the hospital.

"Queen" Chief Lance yells, his hands on his hips as Oliver walks towards him prepared to get an ear ache. "I told you several times to pull back, the ceiling was not stable, and you disobeyed a direct order Lieutenant" Lance shouts.

"I understand that Chief but I heard someone call out and it was a good thing I heard otherwise that boy would be dead right now" Oliver points out.

"Hey you alright man?" Tommy Merlyn asks him as Oliver storms off towards the truck packing the apparatus away.

"Yes, how is the man you pulled?" Oliver's tone softens as he packs away the hammer.

"Third- degree burns, don't know if he is going to make it, truck 31 is heading to the hospital to check on him" Tommy explains. "Will Squad come?" Tommy asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, I want to check on the little boy, see you there" Oliver nods his head as he walks off in search of his Squad teammates.

Squad and Truck drive towards the hospital Oliver sat in the driver's seat and looked out of the window. It had been another close call for him today, but he didn't care, the moment he heard that little boy calling out for help, his body filled with adrenaline. And he fought his way through the blazes to find him. When Oliver is in firefighter mode nothing else matters not even his life, when he is in that mode all he thinks about is taking out that fire. He thinks about saving that person and making sure all of his fellow firefighters made it out alive.

When they reached the hospital, truck and squad took a seat in the waiting area and waited for some news on the injured persons. "You heading to Verdant after work?" Floyd Lawton, a firefighter on truck, asked Tommy, his Lieutenant.

"Yes, after today I need a strong one, here comes Laurel and the doctor," Tommy said out loud, sitting up everyone else turned around and waited for the news.

"Both father and son are ok, and they will be making full recoveries," the doctor told them.

Everyone smiled and cheered, grateful that it was another good day for them. Laurel zipped up her jumper and then swayed her hips towards Tommy throwing her arms around his neck. "You were very hot today" she teases.

"Of course I was in a fire baby" he lifts his eyebrows.

"Get a room please," Sara Lance, Laurel's sister said rolling her eyes. As the only female firefighter on the truck and in the whole of Starling she was a fearless woman.

"Hey, did you guys hear the news, it has just come out now," Laurel said in a serious voice that caught everyone's attentions.

"What's the news?" Diggle asked as Laurel took Tommy by the hand, and the group got together sitting in the waiting area hurdled together.

"Well, the Department has made a few changes, it's not just Starling its nation-wide with Starling and a few other cities trying it out first" Laurel begins to explain. "Every ambo now needs a general surgeon, so that there is a trained professional on the scene; this should minimize the death rate" Laurel huffs out a long breath.

"So, what does that mean that you aren't on ambo anymore?" Sara asks the question that was looming on everyone's mind.

"Daddy knows and I guess being the Chief's daughter … McKenna is being moved so we can get a general" Laurel breaks the news. Everyone sighs and there are shocked faces on everyone's faces; McKenna had been with the ambo 31 for almost two years, and she had grown up with Laurel.

"Does she know?" Floyd asks; he and McKenna had not had the chance to tell the rest of the group that they were seeing each other. Floyd closed his eyes; the idea of McKenna working at another fire station was tearing him into pieces.

"They told her the news this morning; we wanted to share it but then we got called" Laurel answers. Laurel knew why Floyds face had dropped, and McKenna had secretly told her that the two were seeing each other. Laurel knew it must be hard, never in a million years could she imagine working at another station away from Tommy, her sister, her father and all her friends.

Floyd excuses himself and walks down the hall with Oliver following him in pursuit. "Lawton" Oliver calls after him. Floyd breathes in and out his anger fuelling through his body; Floyd looked around making sure no one was present before he punched the wall.

"Sorry," he apologizes knowing that his reaction must be looking weird from everyone else's perspective.

"We are not idiots you know, we all know you and McKenna are involved" Oliver laughs folding his arms across his chest.

"Lieutenant, I'm sorry I never meant to tread on toes I know you and …"

Oliver waves his hand interrupting him, "McKenna, and I was a long time ago, go talk to her ok" Oliver slaps him on the arm. He watches as he makes his way to find McKenna. Going back to the group Oliver wonders who the new general surgeon will be.

As the shift had ended, Oliver got on his Harley and decided stop by his place before he headed to Verdant and met with everyone else. Verdant was his and Tommy's nightclub; it was a project they had worked on since they were kids but their ultimate goal was to be firefighters. Oliver's younger sister Thea had then decided to run it for them, although in the beginning he was a little apprehensive he was glad he had someone he could trust to run his nightclub.

On his drive Oliver spotted skid marks on the road, slowing down he followed the skid marks, coming to a stop he saw a car that had rolled down the hill and crashed into a tree. Oliver quickly got off his bike; he dialled 999 for the fire department, knowing that the car would probably need to be cut open to get the driver and others out. Oliver put his phone in his pocket and assessed the damage, the car had not titled over, and he knew that, that was a good sign.

Oliver walked towards the window where it had been cracked open, and he saw a blonde woman with a nasty gash on her forehead unconscious. He leaned in and checked for a pulse relieved to find it, Oliver's cold fingers quickly startled the blonde and she gasped.

"Hey, hey it's ok, you're ok" Oliver quickly says trying to reassure her.

"What happened," her shaky voice says in fear.

"Car accident, you've got a bump on the head …"

"Oh, it's not bad my vision is fine despite losing my glasses, damn it those are my only pair, stupid dog, actually not stupid I like dogs. I have a dog, but this dog just ran out of no-where…"

"Mam, I think you are in shock" Oliver stops her.

"Oh no, I'm not in shock, I lack a brain to mouth filter this is me on a good day, and Mam, please how old do I look" she says causing Oliver to chuckle.

"What's your name?"

"Felicity, Felicity Smoak."

"Hi, I'm Oliver Queen."

"You own Verdant I go there sometimes, not always because I'm not really a cluber, is cluber I word, it's not huh."

Oliver laughs out loud; he had never met somebody like her before, someone who made him laugh and make him feel lighter than he had done in a while.

"Felicity, the cavalry will be here soon," Oliver tells her.

Felicity pouts her lips, "You know how I said I don't feel dizzy, and nothing is blurry, oh it's blurry right now" Felicity's eyes begin to drupe.

"Hey Felicity, keep your eyes open ok" he places his hand on her cheek stroking it softly so she can keep her eyes open.

"What a weird smell, you smell like petrol" she mutters. Oliver stops his ministrations on her cheek and stands up, he goes round the other end and spots the engine leaking out petrol. Oliver is not worried at this moment as he knows the fire brigade is on their way. Standing up Oliver heads back to Felicity but is stopped in his tracks when he spots a small light coming from the hood of the car. Oliver runs over to investigate finding a small fire under the hood. Cursing under his breath he goes back to Felicity's side.

"Hey, Felicity."

"Hi, I thought you left. Usually guys leave after I talk but you're here" she giggles.

"Felicity, I'm going to get you out of here ok" Oliver fights to open the door, once it is open he unbuckles her. He makes sure he is carefully lifting her in his arms- weary of her neck and back.

Oliver slowly walks back to his Harley and gently places Felicity on it, so she is lying on her front, all the while he is weary of any back injuries. After a few minutes, he is relieved when he hears the sirens.

Once Felicity is put on the stretcher, Oliver watches the ambulance drive off. He gets onto his Harley with the intentions to follow the ambulance to check on her, but his phone rings. Oliver groans putting his phone away after talking to his sister telling him that there is an emergency at Verdant; the police had arrived after catching someone selling drugs in his club.

Oliver heads towards the club with all intentions to go straight to the hospital afterwards.

Two days Later …

Everyone is in their fire station in the living area eating and watching the telly. Laurel had been pacing back and forth for what seemed like hours to everyone else. Today they would be meeting the new E.M.T surgeon who would be replacing McKenna. Laurel was nervous because not only did it mean she would be getting someone new who should have to work with closely but the new E.M.T surgeon would be the lead E.M.T.. Laurel was frustrated, she had been an E.M.T for almost five years and had been lead E.M.T for almost three years, the idea of someone else being lead and giving her orders was making her agitated.

"Laurel enough," Tommy says, he was beginning to get a headache from watching his girlfriend walk back and forth for almost 30 minutes.

"Sorry, I'm just angry, stupid new rules, I miss McKenna" Laurel drops her shoulders and sits on the edge of the sofa.

"We all miss McKenna, yes it will be different with someone new, and we're all frustrated Laurel," her sister tells her. Sara has her feet up on the table playing cards with Roy.

"Everyone" Chief Lance grabs everyone's attention, "Let me introduce you to the new General Surgeon, who will be joining us on ambulance 31 Felicity Smoak."

Felicity counted to three and walked into the living area facing all of her new colleagues. Felicity's fingers automatically went to rub against each other nervously.

Oliver stood up from the couch and faced Felicity, the woman he had saved the other night. He had gone to check on her at the hospital after Verdant but was told that she had been discharged and gone home. Felicity saw Oliver and licked her lips, oh no, if she thought she was nervous, this just added another level of nervousness.

Inspired by Chicago Fire I am a huge fan, and this has been playing on my mind for some time, I felt inspired. I have not been feeling too well and my life has been very crazy, I have managed to write a couple of chapters for my stories, expect fresh new chapters for Different Lives and To Keep her safe out tomorrow. I have written chapters for some of my other stories, I am not going to lie I don't feel as inspired to carry them on but I am trying to at least having something down so I can complete it and move on to a few other ideas that have got my excited.

Let me know what you think of this, and whether to continue I really like it, I wanted something new- a fresh idea on being heroes apart from the obvious Army soldiers. Enjoy reading.